

  • This is happening to me as well. I see posts regarding this problem dating back for YEARS! Always some explanation is given that we did this or changed that and it is simply not the case. I do not log exercise or weigh ins, yet every day or so my macro ratios change back to default. Besides being blamed on us entering…
  • Well I'd like to blame that but in reality I stopped eating healthy and starting eating crap food again and way too much of it at that. I also had a bit of a soda addiction (which I've pretty much kicked) and was drinking waaaay too much everyday. Prob half the cals I should've been taking in daily were coming from soda on…
  • Who's starving themselves? I eat a lot of fruits and veggies which are low calorie and fill me up. Besides that, even being a larger guy I've never really had a huge appetite. So if I make healthy food choices and I'm full at 1700 cals I'm not going to eat something just to have a higher daily cal intake. Your metabolism…
  • Is that 40 carb / 40 pro / 20 fat I'm assuming? I did plan on raising my calories when I start lifting. I was just hoping to cut some fat before I started. Just makes the exercising a bit easier to stick with, for me at least, if I've already dropped some weight. Guess I'll go ahead and get started now.
  • Where are you getting this? Myfitnesspal's own calculator shows I should be eating about 2600 cals per day to MAINTAIN weight. At 1900 cals per day it projects that I will lose about 1.5 lbs per week. Which is even in your acceptable limit. I do aim for 1900 now (down from 2000 as of yesterday). But I'm eating a lot more…
  • I do have one and use it religiously, my wife thinks I'm a little nuts with how much I weigh and measure things. (along with tracking with the myfitnesspal app). :)
  • I do plan on starting to increase working out (cardio as well as lifting) but I was hoping to cut about 15-20 lbs first by dieting and then begin working out. I know if I start now it would help accelerate things. I'm just unsure why I'm getting lesser results than I was before when I'm basically doing the same things I…
  • 1-2 lbs is acceptable but 2.5-3 is too high? That makes no sense. I'm 6 foot 5 inches at my height and weight an extra 0.5-1 lb a week is not a "high expectation" 1-2 lbs a week is an accepted guideline for sure but not everyone is the same height and weight. By your logic 2000 cals a day is the recommended American…
  • I'm not sure what you mean with "body height", I'm 6 foot 5 inches. If anything at my height and weight I'd expect a more than average weight loss. 5 lbs for me is like 2 for most :) I don't mind going with the slower loss I'm just wondering why the exact diet a year ago produced more weight loss. I do plan on starting to…
  • Thanks Cwolfman for your response. I wasn't on any low-carb or odd-ball diets. I just lowered my caloric intake and cut out all junk foods, sodas, etc. I guess I shouldn't have said "quick weight" what I meant was I lost about 35 pounds (I doubt that was all water) in about 2 months. Or about 5 lbs per week. I was eating…
  • By "bump" do you mean th blank post of mine? That was an accident. If you see it's the same day.
  • You know I was just thinking this guy must sit around waiting for someone to post something that isn't "right" in his views just so he can blast them. There's a difference between trying to make sure someone is receiving correct information and being the fitness equivalent to the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons. " I have no…
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