Not seeing expected results



  • I feel your frustration! Been working on this religiously for 6 mos. Started out loosing a little a week and as of late although I feel so much better and I am at the gym a minimum of 4 days a week doing cardio and weights, I have not lost pounds in weeks. I am 56 and know that my metabolism is wacky but it can be hard to continue with little or no results.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Last year i dieted the same and was losing about twice that weight per week pretty quicky (maybe too fast).

    And that might be part of the problem. Each time you yo-yo, it gets harder and harder. What "worked" last time really didn't work or you wouldn't have gained it back.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    I do have one and use it religiously, my wife thinks I'm a little nuts with how much I weigh and measure things. (along with tracking with the myfitnesspal app). :)

    Open your diary so others can see what you are eating. Maybe then comments will be more relevant to your situations?
  • shuggaloaf
    shuggaloaf Posts: 14
    Last year i dieted the same and was losing about twice that weight per week pretty quicky (maybe too fast).

    And that might be part of the problem. Each time you yo-yo, it gets harder and harder. What "worked" last time really didn't work or you wouldn't have gained it back.

    Well I'd like to blame that but in reality I stopped eating healthy and starting eating crap food again and way too much of it at that. I also had a bit of a soda addiction (which I've pretty much kicked) and was drinking waaaay too much everyday. Prob half the cals I should've been taking in daily were coming from soda on top of all the junk, processed foods and too big portions. This time I've decided that I'm not dieting but changing the way I eat from here out. Once I hit my target weight I'll adjust my cals and have an occasional cheat day. Now that I've learned a lot more about healthy food choices and how bad all the processed crap is I wont be going back.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Yesterday I had for breakfast I had eggs, bacon, toast & jam, cottage cheese.
    For lunch I had 2 cups minestrone, and 2 rolls
    Snack I had a peach
    Dinner I had a HUGE taco salad (filling to the point I struggled finishing it)
    I had 24 oz soda
    I had an eclair bar for dessert.

    This was a pretty indulgent day for me (with the dinner, soda and ice cream) and yet that was ony 1775 cals. Ratios we're 50/25/25

    Several of those items, bacon, cottage cheese, minestrone and soda probably have a lot of sodium. Was it sugar filled soda or diet soda? I can't lose drinking diet drinks, I've proved it to myself time and time again but I give into the siren song.

    And I too have lost a lot of weight doing an eating plan only to have it fail me the next time I needed it because I have not mastered the art and science of maintaince. Welcome to the yo-yoers world :smile:
    Are you tracking anything besides your protein, carbs, & fats? And according to my diary that eclair would blow away a lot of my cals for the day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    So I think that's an ignorant comment to make to just assume that someone is starving theirselves.

    To assume I am also not eating healthy most of the time is also ignorant.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Dude, I'm a 5'6", 50 year old female, and I lose weight on 1800 cals a day.

    For god's sake why does everybody want to freaking starve themselves???????

    Who's starving themselves?

    I eat a lot of fruits and veggies which are low calorie and fill me up. Besides that, even being a larger guy I've never really had a huge appetite. So if I make healthy food choices and I'm full at 1700 cals I'm not going to eat something just to have a higher daily cal intake. Your metabolism may be different than mine. There could be other factors.

    Here's a challenge for you. Eat 4 oz. of lettuce with a salad (which is freaking huge, ~4 cups) and tell me your not full. And that's only like 30 cals (not counting toppings). And NO that's not all I'm eating.

    Yesterday I had for breakfast I had eggs, bacon, toast & jam, cottage cheese.
    For lunch I had 2 cups minestrone, and 2 rolls
    Snack I had a peach
    Dinner I had a HUGE taco salad (filling to the point I struggled finishing it)
    I had 24 oz soda
    I had an eclair bar for dessert.

    This was a pretty indulgent day for me (with the dinner, soda and ice cream) and yet that was ony 1775 cals. Ratios we're 50/25/25

    So I think that's an ignorant comment to make to just assume that someone is starving theirselves.

    Just because you are full doesn't mean you are giving your body enough energy. I could just eat 1000 cals a day of salad with protein and be full but I'd still be starving my body.

    You totally missed the point of the original comment.

    BTW I'm 5'2 and lose on 1600 a day.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I feel your frustration! Been working on this religiously for 6 mos. Started out loosing a little a week and as of late although I feel so much better and I am at the gym a minimum of 4 days a week doing cardio and weights, I have not lost pounds in weeks. I am 56 and know that my metabolism is wacky but it can be hard to continue with little or no results.

    I am experiencing this same thing. I'm eating at exactly my macros, cardo 4/5 times per week, and the weight loss just stops. It is really frustrating when you are doing everything you should and don't see results.

    I sure don't have any advice, I'm just trying to hang on and not give up. I do understand the frustration, I'm there with you.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Last year i dieted the same and was losing about twice that weight per week pretty quicky (maybe too fast).

    And that might be part of the problem. Each time you yo-yo, it gets harder and harder. What "worked" last time really didn't work or you wouldn't have gained it back.

    Part of what she was trying to say is that last time you lost weight, not fat. There's a difference. You lost lean mass as well as fat because your body turned to muscle for fuel since you didn't give it enough calories. Now your metabolism is slower and your dramatic calorie cutting isn't going to work as good because you aren't burning as much as you used to.

    You are going to do one of two things this time:
    1. You keep slashing calories until your body burns up more weight (fat and muscle) then go back to eating junk and gain it quicker. You'll come back and try all that again. Yo-yo dieting.
    2. You'll realize that maybe some of us are onto something and you'll increase calories, start lifting and you'll actually lose mostly fat. You'll keep doing that and see changes. Sustained weight loss.