MFP problems/changing macros

I wanted to ask in the Forum before contacting MFP. I have a recent problem that I did not have before:
Everytime I change my macro goals MFP changes them back to default. I don't want to follow a low carb diet, but 50% is just to much and it annoys me somehow that MFP always changes my macros back.
Anybody had the same problem (and solved it somehow)?


  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Anytime you let MFP set your calories (after a weight drop or change in loss goal) it will reset your macros and you'll have to go back into the custom goal to change your percentages. If its happening at other times sent a message to support.
  • kathrinnbauer
    kathrinnbauer Posts: 74 Member
    Unfortunatly it happens all the time. I guess I should contact support ;)
  • This is happening to me as well. I see posts regarding this problem dating back for YEARS! Always some explanation is given that we did this or changed that and it is simply not the case. I do not log exercise or weigh ins, yet every day or so my macro ratios change back to default. Besides being blamed on us entering exercise or weight I've also seen the excuse that it happens when switching between PC and tablet/phone apps. The only time I log onto MFP on my PC is to sorrect this problem and change my custom goals. The rest of the time I use the mobile app. At first I'll change the goals, resync my mobile app and it shows what I change it to, then, a day or so later, it goes back to default. This is obviously a problem that has existed for some time but instead of fixing it MFP just gives us excuses. It's getting to be a pain to have to run to the PC to change this every day or so.
  • Still having the same issue in Feb of 2014.
  • kellystr8
    kellystr8 Posts: 22 Member
    Try clearing the caches on your computer internet privacy settings. I read that on another message board and it worked!