Too Much Protein



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Can we please stop saying stupid crap like " [The thing your preferred guru doesn't like.] is the reason people in [insert country] are obese?" There are VASTLY more factors contributing to obesity than a type of food, or macro-nutrient. I would even go so far as to say that eating too much, alone isn't the factor. People are also often sedentary, have genetic factors, are on medications, are dealing with socio-economic issues, etc. All of which COMBINED play a role in the obesity epidemic. This over-generalized, reductionist, nonsense does nothing to contribute to any kind of reasonable solution. And it makes you sound dumb.


  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You're totally going to die of too many muscles if you eat too much protein!
  • VinnyI82
    VinnyI82 Posts: 19 Member
    If you are active, especially if you are lifting weights, most will tell you to aim for 1 g of Protein per 1 lb of body weight. Protein alone will not make you fat. Excess calories will make you fat.

    But if you're say 200 pounds Now and want to lose 20 pounds. You need to figure your req's for what you want to weight, not what you weight now.

    MFP doesn't properly scale protein needs for active people.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    So I've recently jumped back on the bandwagon with MFP and noticed that my Protein has been over EVERYDAY as much as 20g! I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday - 1 hard boiled egg and a greek yogurt, almost the same thing for lunch too - a grilled chicken salad. And after these 2 meals I'm almost at my dailey goal of 54g. My protein is mainly my question for the group is IS TOO MUCH PROTEIN BAD FOR ME? WHY IS IT BAD? WHAT DOES THE EXTRA PROTEIN DO FOR ME. Thanks group.

    I learned this is nutrition! Extra protein is the cause of weight gain in America, definitely BUT ONLY IF YOU AREN'T KEEPING ACTIVE! There is so much food that gives way too much protein and most people never knew it was bad, but they also weren't USING any of the protein they were consuming. Protein likes to store in your body in excess amounts and can be harmful to your body but if you are keeping active and using that extra protein then it will actually help your weight loss. So if you want to keep eating what you are eating, just go for a run or strength train and it will help you instead of harm you :)
    no. you are completely wrong. Protein itself does not get converted to fat. There has been alot of talk over this.
    Protein has about a 25-30% TEF just to become metabolized by the body.
    that means it is actually about 3 calories rather than 4.
    Even then excess protein has to be converted to glucose if it cannot be stored.
    that take up more calories. glucogensis
    glucose to be converted to fat takes additional calories.
    no human can take enough protein for this to be an issue.

    Foods with high protein usually contain a high satiety index. meaning they are more fulling calorie for calorie than the other food groups.

    You should understand basic physiology before you start talking about stuff like this because you are spreading false information

    This is accurate. And to add...Almost impossible on a caloric deficit since the body is burning more fuel (calories) than it has available. Think about it. Common sense tells us that if we are burning more calories than we have available we are not storing anything....hence why we lose BF% and weight. Otherwise it would be entirely possible to still gain weight on a deficit, which we know is mathematically impossible.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Unless you have liver disease, liver problems, whatever.. 20g over on protein is not going to hurt you. Protein doesn't make you fat, get that out of your head right now :explode: :laugh:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Unless you have existing kidney problems you can view protein as a minimum, not a limit. Most people have trouble getting enough.

    enough for what? most people eat more protein than they need (in the United States at least)

    I get 130-140 grams a day and it is HARD for me to get that much. I can't imagine most people unintentionally getting too much.
    I am losing weight and body fat and getting stronger with my protein at 130-140 grams.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Unless you have liver disease, liver problems, whatever.. 20g over on protein is not going to hurt you. Protein doesn't make you fat, get that out of your head right now :explode: :laugh:
    actually renal problems

    for most conditions they reccomend higher protein intake
  • CCNYE63
    CCNYE63 Posts: 64 Member
    So helpul. Thank you!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    So I've recently jumped back on the bandwagon with MFP and noticed that my Protein has been over EVERYDAY as much as 20g! I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday - 1 hard boiled egg and a greek yogurt, almost the same thing for lunch too - a grilled chicken salad. And after these 2 meals I'm almost at my dailey goal of 54g. My protein is mainly my question for the group is IS TOO MUCH PROTEIN BAD FOR ME? WHY IS IT BAD? WHAT DOES THE EXTRA PROTEIN DO FOR ME. Thanks group.

    I learned this is nutrition! Extra protein is the cause of weight gain in America, definitely BUT ONLY IF YOU AREN'T KEEPING ACTIVE! There is so much food that gives way too much protein and most people never knew it was bad, but they also weren't USING any of the protein they were consuming. Protein likes to store in your body in excess amounts and can be harmful to your body but if you are keeping active and using that extra protein then it will actually help your weight loss. So if you want to keep eating what you are eating, just go for a run or strength train and it will help you instead of harm you :)
    no. you are completely wrong. Protein itself does not get converted to fat. There has been alot of talk over this.
    Protein has about a 25-30% TEF just to become metabolized by the body.
    that means it is actually about 3 calories rather than 4.
    Even then excess protein has to be converted to glucose if it cannot be stored.
    that take up more calories. glucogensis
    glucose to be converted to fat takes additional calories.
    no human can take enough protein for this to be an issue.

    Foods with high protein usually contain a high satiety index. meaning they are more fulling calorie for calorie than the other food groups.

    You should understand basic physiology before you start talking about stuff like this because you are spreading false information

    This is accurate. And to add...Almost impossible on a caloric deficit since the body is burning more fuel (calories) than it has available. Think about it. Common sense tells us that if we are burning more calories than we have available we are not storing anything....hence why we lose BF% and weight. Otherwise it would be entirely possible to still gain weight on a deficit, which we know is mathematically impossible.
    the funny thing is if you really want to get into the science.

    the tef is about 20-30%. so lets say protein is actually 3 instead of 4.
    excess protein goes through glucogenesis(the creation of glucose from protein for those who dont know).
    glucogenesis takes about 33% of the energy to form.
    so protein is actually about 2 calories.

    I know lyle talked about this regarding protein and fat storage.
  • MichaelBrewer2634
    MichaelBrewer2634 Posts: 91 Member
    Why so serious about protein? I've never heard of anyone dying from it. Now sugar? That's a hellava drug.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Why so serious about protein? I've never heard of anyone dying from it. Now sugar? That's a hellava drug.

    please no
    none of these macronutrients are necessarily bad other than trans fat.

    everything has to be taken within moderation.

    there are no studies saying that any form of carbohydrate is a bad thing
    There is that fructose study that said it was bad.
    They also injected rats with the fructose that is equivalent to 450g of fructose to a human on a 3000 calorie diet.

    If you are in a prolonged hypercaloric state then these macronutrients will do damage depending on what is on heavy excess.
    The people who suffer from type 2 diabetes and CHD are people who are.
    1. consume excess calories
    2. high carb or high fat diet

    eventually the diabetes will affect CHD and renal function

    Sugar is not bad
    fat is not bad(except trans fat)
    FULLY hydrogenated fats are fine
    Protein is fine.

    this is excluding any underlying medical condition.

    people are too extreme and need to understand there is a middle ground
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Unless you have liver disease, liver problems, whatever.. 20g over on protein is not going to hurt you. Protein doesn't make you fat, get that out of your head right now :explode: :laugh:
    actually renal problems

    for most conditions they reccomend higher protein intake

    Thanks for the correction.......................................
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Why so serious about protein? I've never heard of anyone dying from it. Now sugar? That's a hellava drug.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Drugs are bad, mmmmk?
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Roughly 1g of protein per pound of lean mass is the general rule.

    With exercise today, I should have had about 160g of protein, but I had a bit of trouble reaching that. I got in 138g which is pretty good, without exercise I like to aim for between 120-130g but it varies depending on what is available to eat and how much I exercise. :) I would say you should definitely try to eat a bit more, but definitely not less protein.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    So I've recently jumped back on the bandwagon with MFP and noticed that my Protein has been over EVERYDAY as much as 20g! I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday - 1 hard boiled egg and a greek yogurt, almost the same thing for lunch too - a grilled chicken salad. And after these 2 meals I'm almost at my dailey goal of 54g. My protein is mainly my question for the group is IS TOO MUCH PROTEIN BAD FOR ME? WHY IS IT BAD? WHAT DOES THE EXTRA PROTEIN DO FOR ME. Thanks group.

    70g of protein is not too much.

    you could probably stand to go as high as 100 if you wanted to.

    is there such thing as too much protein? well... yeah... like if you were to eat 200, 300g when your recommendation is 54g, and were to do that consistently... then sure you could have some issues, but going "over" by 20g is less than nothing to worry about.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Protein is about like sex.

    More is almost always a good thing and you can't have too much of it unless you take it to absolutely silly proportions.
    There is a joke about satiety here, but I'm too tired to think of it.
  • MichaelBrewer2634
    MichaelBrewer2634 Posts: 91 Member
    Yeah... Because I said sugar is bad. I was making a joke. It's a hellova drug. Ever seen a group of 5 year olds at a birthday party on it? Extreme? Please? :)
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Yeah... Because I said sugar is bad. I was making a joke. It's a hellova drug. Ever seen a group of 5 year olds at a birthday party on it? Extreme? Please? :)

    there are too many people here that are saying the stupidest crap. Hard to tell the difference nom sayin between joke and srs
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    Protein is about like sex.

    More is almost always a good thing and you can't have too much of it unless you take it to absolutely silly proportions.

  • shuggaloaf
    shuggaloaf Posts: 14