Too Much Protein



  • shuggaloaf
    shuggaloaf Posts: 14
    I would like to think that the correct amount of protein is dependent on the person's lifestyle and activity. I think, for a sedentary person, maybe too much protein could prove detrimental, but for someone who is active and strength training, I would imagine it is beneficial. I ate less protein, more carbs when I was less active, and now I find myself craving more protein now I strength train and workout most days. I get between 80 and 120 g per day.

    it isnt.
    i would like to know how its detrimental.

    what information do you have to present such a statement?

    It is no wonder so many here do not freely express their thoughts here if people like you feel a need to turn it into a fully backed up dissertation, complete with references. I feel no obligation to give you any information, I shall give my thoughts and views and suggestions freely as I wish, and you can think what you like. Seriously, get a life. Not everyone here is totally obsessed about being 'right'. If you do your own research, you will find plenty of studies out there suggesting that too much protein is detrimental to health, the same as you could equally find research suggesting it is not. Thus, it is pointless arguing about such things over the net.

    You know I was just thinking this guy must sit around waiting for someone to post something that isn't "right" in his views just so he can blast them.
    There's a difference between trying to make sure someone is receiving correct information and being the fitness equivalent to the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons.

    " I have no time to converse with you, I must be first to register my disgust on the internet regarding the new comment posted about nutrition."
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I would like to think that the correct amount of protein is dependent on the person's lifestyle and activity. I think, for a sedentary person, maybe too much protein could prove detrimental, but for someone who is active and strength training, I would imagine it is beneficial. I ate less protein, more carbs when I was less active, and now I find myself craving more protein now I strength train and workout most days. I get between 80 and 120 g per day.

    it isnt.
    i would like to know how its detrimental.

    what information do you have to present such a statement?

    It is no wonder so many here do not freely express their thoughts here if people like you feel a need to turn it into a fully backed up dissertation, complete with references. I feel no obligation to give you any information, I shall give my thoughts and views and suggestions freely as I wish, and you can think what you like. Seriously, get a life. Not everyone here is totally obsessed about being 'right'. If you do your own research, you will find plenty of studies out there suggesting that too much protein is detrimental to health, the same as you could equally find research suggesting it is not. Thus, it is pointless arguing about such things over the net.

    You know I was just thinking this guy must sit around waiting for someone to post something that isn't "right" in his views just so he can blast them.
    There's a difference between trying to make sure someone is receiving correct information and being the fitness equivalent to the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons.

    " I have no time to converse with you, I must be first to register my disgust on the internet regarding the new comment posted about nutrition."

    did this really need a bump?
  • shuggaloaf
    shuggaloaf Posts: 14
    By "bump" do you mean th blank post of mine? That was an accident. If you see it's the same day.