Woodrow1234 Member


  • I put in my 600 sq foot (11 raised beds) garden this year and it's awesome! I have a full 8 x 16 bed devoted to lettuce and spinach. 12 heirloom tomato plants, onions, melons, peppers, carrots, and tons of herbs including stevia. I have three compost bins (nice rolling ones) right next to the bed and 6 hens (they make…
  • I love fresh juice (I have a Breville) as a part of a healthy diet, but I just haven't been able to get past throwing that massive amount of fiber out. I ended up getting a Vitamix and love it. I was going to have some baked chicken with salad and fruit for lunch today, but decided to toss the salad (a couple cups of…
  • Mine came back with 1310 and that's way too low for me. I found my maintenance calorie requirement (2400) over a few weeks last year, and then I dialed it back from there. If my goal is to drop 1 lb per week I know that I need to run at a 3500 calorie deficit for the week, so dropping 500 calories below my maintenance…
  • An easy cheat: I found a favorite salsa recipe (low sodium and no artificial stuff) and I keep it in the fridge. I can toss that in with quinoa, fish, or anything that would be bland by itself. It's not something that I do all the time, but it's a good fall-back and homemade salsa can be pretty good for you.
  • There's P90x exercise and there's P90x diet. My suggestion is to say yes to him being ready for the P90x diet as there's definitely an issue there. Include daily walking or biking as exercise, but put emphasis on the diet. He could lose 1/2 of his weight with just diet alone. When he can complete one of the supplemental…
  • I love them - so much so that I planted 4 plants in my garden this year. I already have a dozen on the vines. If you have any room to grow them, give it a try. They are actually pretty easy and do well even in so-so soil. When picked, they will last for months. To cook - I typically keep it whole and puncture the skin. 375…
  • I drink coffee a ton. I've always been cautious though as it can impact your digestion (so I hear though I've never had problems -- didn't want to have problems), so I used to add cream of some kind to help tame my cup of coffee. I don't need the calories though, and it's not the taste of the cream that I was looking…
  • Lots of manufacturers add things that are fillers and/or aid them in processing and you might be reacting to that. The stuff that you're buying probably is not the full stevia leaf, but rather an extract of one of the 'sweet' compounds in it. Suggestion if you like things sweet...I've been growing my own for a couple of…
  • Aside from the complete lack of help from the doctor on wellness issues, does anyone else find they have trust issues with the way medical records are going? My wife delivered twins and her ankles swelled in the last week of the pregnancy. Once the kids were born, the ankles returned to normal. A doctor on rounds wrote…
  • Well - I take it nobody's done this before, so I went ahead and registered for a couple of tests.
  • If you go the Vitamix route don't forget eBay and there's a refurbished section on the Vitamix site where they go for about 1/2 retail but still have the same warranty. Vitamix vs. Nutribullet - watched this when trying to decide for myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7SvHja7fmk
  • Here's what I do to clean (based on their recommendation): I just rinse my container, fill it half-way with hot water, toss in a couple drops of detergent, and that's it. There's a 'clean' setting on there, and the machine runs through its cycle and cleans it. Another cool thing about the vitamix is the auto settings…
  • Vitamix is actually officially a blender, but it's so good it just rips through just about anything you toss in there and makes some wonderful juices. Check youtube for some videos...that's what I did when I was looking. Don't forget the nutribullet too. Cheaper and I've heard good things.
  • 2400 seems to be a good maintenance level if you keep the exercise. I'd just drop a few non-essentials from the diet to reduce calories slightly (maybe 2100-2200 calories each day this next week) and monitor the weight. If that isn't cutting it, or you aren't as active that week, dial it back a bit more. No way would I…
  • What's the goal and goal date you have? I've been doing P90x for about a year and a half with some limited downtime. It sounds like something's off for sure. You generally lose a ton the first month especially with the diet change (reduced sodium levels in the diet often cause you to lose water, not hold it). Are you doing…
  • I actually have a Brevellier, but was still throwing too much good stuff away. I ended up getting a Vitamix (hear good things about nutribullet too) and I LOVE IT! It pulverizes everything so no grainy thick pulp, but man...it does great. There's no pulp waste, and I'd get the benefit of that fiber that I'd been throwing…
  • My main obstacle was arrogance - pretty simple at the end of the day. I'd been in great shape through my 20's, I ate well and exercised hard. I'd banked some good health credits. That good health enabled me to stretch myself pretty thin for a while, but through reduced activity, LONG hours at work, a growing family, and a…
  • True, though life happens and sometimes the metronome-like consistency you've established goes out the window. There will be moments in all of our lives when we lose focus on an exercise routine --- unless you're Tony :smile: . For me, both of my parents recently passed away followed closely by another (young) immediate…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! Great job!! My P90x story - Last spring: 216 lbs 245 cholesterol 165/95 BP High blood sugar, though not officially diabetic No medications, but I'm sure that would have changed shortly. Brother with Type II diabetes, both parents and all grandparents with diabets. Desk job Every joint hurt I…
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