Should a guy 500+ pounds be doing P90x?

Beachbody coach here no I'm not here to sell you anything. I had a guy approach me today and ask for my help he around 520 pounds and would like to start P90x I told him maybe it not the best choice because it not beginner program.

I suggest Revabs hip hop abs Focus T25 and 10 minute trainer .

The majority involve getting on the ground in some form. But my question is he really wants to do P90X and really don't know what to say because it not begginer.

Any help?


  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    One way I would think to answer his question and direct him to a program more suited to his current abilities is to say so in a kind manner.

    He probably doesn't have the upper body and core strength at minimum required to do the program... heck I am 145lbs and I still need to retrain my upper body and core strength to successfully complete the program. He should complete a minimum test in order to participate in the P90X program so that he can test his own abilities as well and see that he is not yet suited for the program, I would see this as another option.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    A suggestion that he check with his physician on what exercises would work, would be in order.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    similair issue with my overweight brother who wanted to try insanity.

    I desided discouraging him wasn't really constructive (he ended up doing nothing at all anyway).

    The only problem with doing p90x (assuming he keeps decent form and doesn't get injured) is that he'd get discouraged and give up all together.

    If he's dead set on doing p90x, i think the best advice you could give him is that he should have a definet backup plan in place if he desides its too much or otherwise falls off the wagon. such as one of the other programs you suggested.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    any one can do the program if they make modifications to the moves and use bands rather then do pull ups, or a chair or some kind of assist for pull ups.

    perhaps some would say thats not really p90x, but it still should be very effective.
  • DoNotBurnTheDay
    DoNotBurnTheDay Posts: 121 Member
    I knew that I wasn't ready for the P90X program when I started working out. Why don't you suggest the Power 90 or Power 90 Masters Series for him to start with to "learn" the movements and get moving? They were the beginner levels for P90X. Just my 2 cents....
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    At that weight I'd make him ask a doctor and offer a beginner program as well. From what I've heard, P90X is rough and not for people who aren't at least moderately physically fit already.
  • Woodrow1234
    Woodrow1234 Posts: 20 Member
    There's P90x exercise and there's P90x diet. My suggestion is to say yes to him being ready for the P90x diet as there's definitely an issue there. Include daily walking or biking as exercise, but put emphasis on the diet. He could lose 1/2 of his weight with just diet alone. When he can complete one of the supplemental workouts beginning to end, then he's ready for the full workout (with mods).

    My 2 cents..
  • esam5
    esam5 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not a coach, not a professional, and have my own weight issues. (that being said)
    I recommend that he evaluate the program first. Watch the videos all the way through to see what he is getting himself into (audit the program) If he is really committed for the right reasons, why shouldn't he???
    I am not one to judge who is and isn't capable.
    You never know who someone is deep in their heart.

    I'm auditing it now, doing alot of research, getting my head around the diet, have a buddy to do it with me for accountability. I am determined to do it the right way for the right reasons and with the help of My God and Savior, I will succeed ( I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!)
    good luck!!!!:smile: