Welcome to the fun adventure that is keto! It is unclear, but unlikely, whether excess protein will kick you out of ketosis: If it does, it's quite temporary, and you will re-enter ketosis soon. How long and how far out of ketosis probably is…
If you are a beginner or novice strength trainer, you probably don't need to bulk to gain strength and even some muscle. People with higher body fat percentages can even gain strength and muscle on a cut. Strength "standards" are kind of goofy, but here's a way to estimate:…
Protein, and, to a lesser extent, fat, is very satiating, to the point that I have to occasionally force myself to eat more food to hit my macros and not starve myself, especially on days I do strength training. Don't want to have _too_ much of a deficit! Lean meats does it for me. I always try to eat with some fat.…
^ That -- ketosis does not necessarily mean weight/fat loss. Caloric deficit means weight loss (some fat, some muscle, depending on your protein level, activity, body fat percentage, sleep, hormones, etc..). You will lose weight in a deficit even with 100% carbs (but _much_ more of that will be muscle). Ketosis simply…
Welcome! Yeah, keto flu is no fun. But it passes and then it's a lot easier! Especially with more bacon!
aka s.hit yourself :) I have a few things with it in it (monster zero and the very infrequent quest bar), but generally, a lot of folks find it easier in the longer run to recondition yourself to have a lower tolerance for sweets, e.g. get higher-quality tea/coffee and avoid desserts, diet soda, sweeteners, and such.…
Another shoutout to r/ketogains. I do powerlifting 4 days a week, for 1-2 hours at a time (just amateur, but enjoy it). Also, yoga, at least once a week.
As others have mentioned, your caloric deficit is quite high. You should probably be targeting a sustainable 1-1.5 lbs loss per week, which is a 3500-5250 kcal/wk, meaning average of 500-750/day deficit. Your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is probably 2200-2400, depending on exercise or not. Here's a good…
It depends on your goals, but, TL;DR: fat loss is achieved in the kitchen, not the gym. If you are trying to maximize fat loss, I would simply eat the same calories regardless of activity level. This will increase your caloric deficit, meaning leaning out faster. If you are doing resistance training (e.g. lifting weights),…
Great article. Lots of food for thought... My thoughts: I do _not_ want to be an elite powerlifter. I do not personally think the risks/injuries/etc makes getting to that level worth it, for me. On a related note, I've been looking more at Gymnastic Bodies after hearing Couch Sommer on a recent episode of Robb Wolf's The…
I am doing 5/30/65 carbs/protein/fat, doing about 20g/140g/135g. I try to hit at least 100g protein a day, because I do powerlifting (novice) and do not want to lose muscle mass (in fact, if possible, put some on, even in a cut). I do not force myself to eat 140g fat a day, I eat for satiety, typically hitting 80-100g fat…
Agree with @frob23. Don't teach unless asked. Just show people. It's the same thing with powerlifting. Many folks, if you tell them you squat, will ask "isn't that bad for your knees?" as they sit in their chair, kyphotically curled over their computer, for 8+ hours per day. It's probably not worth the effort to "convert"…
Endurance work can benefit by having some more carbs, however, note that it will burn more _muscle_ than other forms of exercise -- specifically in the middle-intensity level (i.e. something you can sustain for 30-90 minutes, e.g. jogging, etc.) Very-low-intensity work (e.g. walking) is a great way to burn some extra fat,…
Grassfed steak. Rare. Salt and Pepper. Charcoal grilled. Kerrygold Butter melted on top as it rests.
Make sure you're getting 8, or more, hours of quality sleep... I find some MCT oil the morning after training (like in bulletproof coffee) helps my recovery and gives me a boost, but I try not to get too carried away at 100 calories per TBSP of MCT and butter, each. Doing light workout the next day helps a ton, too, if…
Lighter with higher reps (12-20) is specifically what bodybuilders do to promote hypertrophy, the growth of muscle. Your best bet is to lift heavy in the 3-5 reps per set range. Full-body stuff like squats, deadlifts, bench/press. Something like Starting Strength or Strong Lifts would be ideal. Start out much lighter than…
As others have mentioned: more fat. You mention about a 50/50 split between protein and fat. If this is _calories_, this is pretty high-protein as far as keto goes. If it's _grams_, that sounds alright to me. As a point of reference, I'm "fairly high protein" for keto (cause strength training) and I'm doing 5%/35%/60%…
I would not adjust my macros unless I'm not hitting my goals (e.g. lbs/week, performance goals, etc.). If your primary goal is to lose weight, and you are losing weight, and feeling good, then I wouldn't adjust the macros much. If you're feeling like increasing weight loss, you could increase your caloric deficit, e.g.…