

  • sounds good count me in
  • hey all, hope everyone is having a good weekend, work was insane today. didnt have a great day food wise today, the chipper just called to me, ah well back on the wagon in the morning
  • hey ladies, hows everyone, was planning to get to the gym this morning but woke up with an awful migrane, so bed it was, feelin a hell of alot better now thankfully. Well since i was last on here, ive lost 3 of the 7 pounds i put back on and im properly in the healthy eating frame of mind now :). found a fab little app for…
  • hey all hows everyone, havnt been on here in ages, have had no internet for about a moth, but im back now :)
  • hey all, havnt been around much the last few days, managed to loose 2 pounds this week so its all good, trying to get in the habit of cooking every night and making enough so i can bring some to work the next day for lunch
  • ouchie, hope your not too sore
  • well hello girlies how is everyone, im back from my break from here and raring to go, went to a zumba class tonight with my aunt and really enjoyed it, tho the cold shower afterwards was just as fantastic.:laugh: just popping in now will be tracking food again from tomorrow talk to ya all soon :flowerforyou:
  • hey all weighin in a day early since ive a mad weekend ahead of me 263lbs this week so thats down 3 lbs i think
  • check in for this week 266lbs:embarassed: :grumble: have tomorrow and tuesday off then off from thursday night till the following sat, going to the gym or maybe for a swim tomorrow, its so hot and humid here today that all i can do if lounge around the house work was boiling not brezze and the warm weather brought out the…
  • hey girlies, found you again:smile: been eating all around me the last 2 days so ive an idea saturdays weigh in is gonna be bad:embarassed: Goals for the next 6 weeks 1. exercise 3 times a week for at least 30mins 2. Drink at least 1.5litres of water a day 3. cut down on fizzy drinks 4. eat less processed food 5. eat…
  • hey all, really not in a losing weight frame of mind at the mo, so taking the weekend to give myself a kick up the backside and start a fresh on monday, hope you all have a great weekend
  • hey girlies, hows everyone, had quite a lazy day today, just went food shopping and went with my mum to a local craft shop type thing, have also managed to volunteer myself to do the cooking for my aunts birthday tea:ohwell:
  • ah i have days were i cant be bothered to leave the house too, especially if the weather is rubbish, only thing motivating me at the mo is im doing a 10k walk for charity in the next 2 weeks and dont want to embarrass myself
  • ill kick your *kitten* if you kick mine, tho i have to admit really didnt want to o for my walk today but once i got going i felt fab afterwards, i have crappy days too on the food front, part of the problem is, i live at home and mums way of dealing with stress is chocolate, really really hard to resist when its…
  • just back from my walk, decided not to go for a swim, rememberd the pool dosent have lanes at the weekends so would be battling against the kids for space
  • hey girlies, hope you all having a good weekend, eh im taking a pass on this weeks weigh in:embarassed: , but back on the band wagon tomorrow, im debating walking to the gym to have a swim, will probably die of exhaustion but hey ho itll be me out of the house lol
  • hey folks, just checking in for the day, hope everyone is well, just made my lunch and breakfast for tomorrow for work, i find i eat better if i bring food with me+ its cheaper hope everyone has a nice weekedn
  • hey girls, had an ok few days food wise, going for a nice long swim and a walk tomorrow so hopefully that will help the weightloss for this week
  • hey girlies, hop everyone is having a good day, got no exercise in today but hoping to get a walk in tomorrow before work, if i stay the same again this week i will be happy
  • hey all just back form the bf's house so back to businness as usual on the food front, managed to leave my work trousers in his place tho so back to my not as comfy work trousers, trying to decide what to cook for lunch now tomorrow for work
  • hey all, hope everyone had a good weekend, am over in the bf's at the mo so havent made the greatest food choices today but hey ho, going to go for a long walk tomorrow before i got home
  • rather you than me, cant stand guinness lol
  • its a w womens mini marathon its a 10k walk around dublin city
  • hey all, well having a crappy week food wise this week so have stayed the same weight wise, tho will weigh myself in the morning and average it out to see if its any different. Joined the gym yesterday so hoping to for the first time after work on wednsday, it has a 25metre pool so even if i just swim 3/4 times a week for…
  • urgh had a crap week food wise so if ive just stayed the same tomorrow ill be happy cant remeber who asked but this is the swmsuit im getting
  • hey girls just checkin in for the day, was having a think today and have come up with my mini goals for this challenge: 1. eat less processed food 2. exercise at least 3 times a week 3. drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. im looking for a new swimsuit at the mo and i really need to ban myself from some sites, seeing…
  • hey all, just poppin in for a mo, finished my last exam today so im frrrreeeee from now on for the summer, managed to bang the knuckles on the same hand as i took the skin off yesterday so my hand looks like ive been in a fight:mad:
  • count me in for this challenge folks CW 259lbs, 1st GW is 248lbs after that we will see
  • Nadine(psychohope)...................SW 262lbs/GW 252lbs/CW 258lbs/Progress-3lbs irella (Mvelez79).........................SW 197.40 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 190.2 lbs / PROGRESS 7.2lbs Anne (monkeymomof3)..............SW 139.8 lbs / GW 130 lbs / CW 139.4 / PROGRESS -.4 lbs Stacey(Stacey765)........................SW 162 lbs…
  • just making tomorrows dinner for work, find it much easier to eat well if i make the food ahead
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