200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Annette - absolutely please meet us in Paris! We will be there late afternoon on September 22nd and leave on Monday the 26th.

    Today was a whirlwind of a day...and I went to lunch and instead of ordering three rolls of sushi to split between us, we did four. That was WAY too much. I can't believe we used to eat five between us. Good Lord! I am so uncomfortable right now. Ugh.

    Still feeling yoga tonight. Yeay!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Katie: We do have an e-mail/written proof but they're being stupid. Plus, it doesn't help Minnesota is having a government shutdown possibly (AKA my past two years of FREE college won't count). (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) Hope venting did help and things work out for the best (for everyone including you).

    Amy: I'll be going to Valladolid, Spain for the majority of my stay. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! THAT'S SO GREAT YOU'RE NOT OBESE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: Bahahhaha, I love how I'm underage and I still put a drinker emotion--you enjoy the drink! :smile:

    Nava: AAHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so jealous about Oxford! I'm sure you explained but why are you over there?

    Kerry: You're my freakin' hero being a P90X grad! WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!

    Lacey: I want your job. Ha. What's your job that you're able to travel to amazing places?

    Kendal: Mr. Reunion is hott. (I've been meaning to say that for a while.) I sent you a request on facebook.

    Pam: Hi! Where is the best place you've ever traveled to?

    Everyone: YAY! The weigh-in chart from this past week was great!

    Jenn: I'm so happy my ticker is going up! Ahhhhh, I've been flirting with the 15 pound loss mark for a while and hope to break past it this challenge! No diploma =no high school credit.

    Victoria: Meeting up sounds like fun!

    Newbies: Welcome!

    GUESSSSSSSSSSSS WHO IS A LIFEGUARD!!!!!???????????? :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: bahahhaa, I'm so happy to have a life now! Sorry I've been MIA lately. :embarassed:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Annette-even the most dedicated of moms have to have SOMEthing for themselves! Finding that goal is the hard part, allowing yourself to work towards it, even if it means your family only gets 99% of you is rough, but in the long run, you're a better mom & wife...vent anytime, sorry I missed replying, it's been a busy kinda week for me, & can't get on (technically) at work anymore.

    Hailie-YYYAAAAYYYY lifeguard!!!! Woo hoo! Hope all works out in the school department. Esp when you've worked so hard!!

    Lacey-wish I had someone to give a hard time to at work. Our department is kinda in a "fishbowl" b/c all the records have to be secure, so there's just the 4 of us. Very quiet...too quiet.

    Victoria-I know you'll be glad when the yardwork is done, but we miss you!! And enjoy your dirt digging...we won't tell the DH!!

    Nothing else exciting...except the car died on the hubby again today....but at least he had time to do something while it wasn't running this time & figured out it still had the ORIGINAL battery in it. So we're all fixed up now!! How the dealership could check the car, but not notice the battery was that old...I'll never know. Idiots. And my boys have "run away" for 2 days. They are at this moment watching the 3rd Transformers movie with their uncle. I will hear about nothing else for a month! *sigh* Personally, I'm ready for HPVII part 2! :-) Comes out day before my mom's b-day & I'm taking her out while hubby watches the kiddos...and he's so mad, b/c he wants to see it! LOL! Told him to wait his turn! OK, rambling now. I have a cranky 2 yr old that I'm about to put to bed early...TTYL!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The shot itself wasn't that bad. Getting my tattoo hurt worse. But omg after I got home and the anesthetic wore off, I can hardly MOVE my foot without it hurting. I'm hobbling around the house wincing in so much pain. I asked if I could work from home tomorrow, and my manager said if I HAD to, it would be ok, but I don't have my notebook so I could do my daily follow ups. I could go tonight and get it, but it would be a huge waste of gas and time if it turns out my foot is fine in the morning. So. I will be hobbling around work tomorrow. What sucks worse is that we are supposed to dress up tomorrow (we are normally allowed to wear jeans and tennis shoes). But we have potential clients in the building. Its a huge company and my uncle is 2nd in ranking, only under the CEO. He's the absolutely head of the legal department and yeah, he's a freakin millionaire. My manager told me today before I left work that I could wear tennis shoes since I had foot problems, but I'll still have to dress nice.

    Wow....thats not what I intended to post about.

    My next appointment is the 18th for a follow up. The podiatrist is going to give me custom orthotics cause I don't walk evenly on my feet (surprise!! :yawn: tell me something I didn't know). What's cool though is my podiatrist works for the Wake Forest sports teams and he takes care of all their feet! lol

    So I won't be able to train for the Warrior Dash at the end of August. There's one in Tennessee (7 hours away) on Sept. 17th and I don't know if there's time to train for that one either. OMG! There's one in Virginia on Oct 1 and its only 4 hours away!!! OMG!!! This makes me excited!! I might still be able to do a Warrior Dash this year!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My cousin's wedding is in a month. I wonder how much I can lose by then....I'd have to be super strict on my diet since I can't run/p90x. (when I say diet, I mean the food I eat, not a "diet" in the terms of a person trying to lose weight.....is it weird that I always feel the need to clarify that?)

    I think I'm going to take advantage of the alone time and go soak in a hot bubble bath till I get super pruny.
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all weighin in a day early since ive a mad weekend ahead of me 263lbs this week so thats down 3 lbs i think
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't written in a little while -- my bf's family is coming to visit this weekend, so we've been crazy busy trying to get the house ready. I think I mentioned, we just moved in here in March and we still had 2 rooms full of boxes that we had to contend with. Not so fun, but I am happy to say that we can now see the floor in those rooms. I've always wanted a library/craft room and now I have one! Woohoo! It's just a small room with a comfy chair, two bookcases filled with books, and a craft table, but I couldn't be more excited. Now we just have to do the final clean up....as of tomorrow there will be 5 adults and 3 kids running around the house, which is more people than have ever been in our house at once since we moved in...

    I've been adding some of you as friends on here, but I've been doing it in more than one sitting so now I can't remember who I've friend requested and who I haven't. Doh! If I haven't friend requested you and you want to add me, please do. I need all the help I can get! If you're on Facebook you can find me there too...facebook.com/treehugginpam.

    I'm sneaking a moment between my run/walk and more cleaning, so I apologize in advance if I miss someone...

    Karen, I'm sorry about your car. Good news that it was only the battery though! We just noticed today that it looks like the radiator on my bf's car is leaking...ugh. Luckily we use mine more than his. I can't wait for Harry Potter also!! The books are the best, and I really liked the last movie.

    Hailie, there are so many places I'd like to travel! As far as traveling to other countries, so far I've only been to Germany, The Netherlands, England, Antigua, and Canada. Next up will probably be Ireland or Scotland, but if I had the money there would be no end to my traveling. :) My favorite place so far is probably London...I just loved the architecture in that city.

    Amy, YAAAAAAYYYYY for not being obese!! :) I always hate it when I get on the Wii board and hear that snide little voice saying "That's obese." I can't wait for the day it says "That's overweight." ;) I'm crossing my fingers for you that your kitty comes home soon too.

    Annette, I know what you mean. I've been feeling discouraged because I haven't been seeing the scale move, and there's that little voice in my head that tries to tell me that it would be easier to give up. I also thought twice about joining this group, because, like you, I'm always unsure about sharing so much about myself. But reading your posts and the posts of others who feel like I do or have felt like I do makes things so much better. I know what it feels like to think about giving up, but hopefully we can all lean on each other when we feel that way and pull ourselves out of it. This is such a great group of people!

    Victoria, thanks for the words of encouragement! I'm feeling pretty good about 3 minutes of running...it's the most I've done in a looooooooong time. Next week's 4 minutes should be interesting!

    Lacey, sorry about the congestion. Good for you for rockin' the P90X! Mmmm, sushi...

    Kendal, that's awesome that Mr. Reunion can help you out with the tree. I'm sorry that you're in such pain after the shot...I hope your foot feels better soon. Hopefully you'll be running again in no time. That's great that there's a Warrior Dash in October not too far from you! People I know who have done that race have loved it. Enjoy your bubble bath. :)

    Katie, ugh, I hate drama. I've been in situations when you just want to shake some sense into people like that, but luckily I was able to just shake my head and not get too involved. But you have to deal with a bitter, jealous person taking out their unhappiness on you by trying to come between you and your partner, AND you have to work with them? That really stinks. I feel for you, and I hope they start keeping their drama to themselves.

    Sarah (thes), maybe your body is just gearing up for a big loss! Maintaining is better than gaining...I know your frustration though.

    Kerry, have fun at your uncle's cabin! Your pies sound fantastic!!

    Manda, are you on Goodreads? I love seeing what kinds of books other people are enjoying so that I can add more to my list.

    Welcome, Melissa, Megan, justme, and Kenya!

    Again, I apologize if I forgot someone. Hope you all have a great night!
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Hello, Ladies!!

    I'm down 1.4 lbs this week making me at 244.4!

    I have some homework to do, and I'm gonna watch a movie. I worked off 2 more calories than I ate today, so I'm in for a nice big dinner and possibly 2 beers tonight....heaven forbid.

    Once again, feel free do DM me if you have any specific prayer requests, I don't really have time to go through and reply to everyone. I'll be praying for a smooth 4th for everyone (that celebrates the 4th that is), one that does not undo any of the progress we've been making.

    Never forget, tomorrow is a new day, and just because you've blown it in this minute, does not mean you are required to blow the next minute.

    God bless you all, and have a great night!!

    Love, love, love
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2664 calories burned/ 1897 calories consumed/ 767 deficit.

    Friday weigh in: 192.6 pounds!!!!! I lost 4.6 pounds this WEEK!!!!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Ashley: Great loss this week!!!

    Pam: Enjoy your "full house" for the weekend. Sometimes it's nice to have people visit. Enjoy.

    Hope: Congrats on your loss!

    Kendal: I've never had a cortisone shot and now I'd like to have one even less. I hope you are feeling better today. I also hope it helps you get back into running so you can do the Dash in October. But don't hurt yourself.

    Karen: I am so sorry for your repeated car issues. I hope the new battery can fix it.

    Hailie: Congrats on becoming a lifeguard!! I knew you could do it!

    Lacey: I miss sushi.

    Annette: This is the place to vent or be self indulgent or mad or happy or whatever else you're feeling. We won't get annoyed with you, we're here to support you. And please do come to Paris if you can, that would be awesome!

    Victoria: Enjoy digging in your dirt! It's great exercise and it's nice to be surrounded by lovely vegetation.

    Welcome to the new people!

    I guess I'm gonna have to wrastle that stupid lawn mower out and attack the grass before we leave on Monday. Gosh, I wish The Hubbs was back to do it. Have a great Friday, lovelies!!!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    221.5 for me today
    good luck everyone
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Amy - Rock Star weight loss!!! I hope your run means your foot is getting better. YAY for the new range of the BMI scale. :drinker: However for the short period of time I've known you and the pictures I've seen, I would never have categorized you as obese!

    Victoria - I'm constantly amazed at your calorie burns. Hope you get some time for yourself this month.

    Karen - I'm with you on being able to get into a "normal" bathing suit. The suit I recently bought was a 2-piece tankini/skirt, but still has WAY more extra material than I'm happy with. Sorry to hear about the car again. Hopefully the battery will fix it.

    Lacey - I'm sorry to hear about the ex, that just majorly sucks. Hahaha... I LOVE the comment about the sinus medication!

    Kenya - Way to go on the weight loss so far! Feel free to tell us a little about yourself and what some of your goals are for the rest of this challenge. Welcome!

    Victoria - The wife's friend wanted to move in with us at one point and it was one of the few times we were both happy we have a smaller house as we used that as an excuse. If we didn't work with them we could probably extract ourselves. Oh well. Thanks for the prayers. BTW if you like yard work and are looking for more, our back yard could really use some landscaping. We pay someone to do the mowing and trimming, but the "landscaping" the previous owner did needs help.

    Annette - I am just glad that anything I said was helpful. I know there have been so many times in my past, and currently, that others have been there for me and I just hope I can pay it forward. Also, you are not alone in feeling guilty about doing things for yourself. I'm currently working on that same thing. As for the goal of 21 lbs, I think it is an excellent goal! The rest, what ever that may be for you, will come when you are ready. Please do not feel self-indulgent in expressing yourself and how you are feeling. I've already done it at least once that I can remember, probably more. It's nice to not feel like the only one that just spills my guts and feelings. I'm probably being more than a little idealistic when I say this, but I think the world would be a better place if everyone let there feelings out occasionally. It makes us all a little more human.

    Hailie - Congrats on being a life guard! Venting did help, but I think we definitely need to find a different couple to hang out with, not that we hang out with all that often. I'm sorry to hear the diploma is still a problem. I hope you will be able to clear it up. It's a little sick and twisted, but I LOVE making complaint phone calls and asking to talk to managers/supervisors to get done whatever needs to get done. I love going off on the idiots... I'd be happy to provide my services if need be. :devil:

    Kendal - Sorry to hear the foot is still hurting but hopefully you'll still get to do a Warrior Dash! As for feeling the need to clarify "diet", I do the same thing, but then again I'm around a LOT of people who do fad diets, liquid diets, etc.... I want them to know that it is possible to lose weight without starving or denying yourself.

    Hope - Way to go on the 3 lbs!

    Pam - I hope you have fun this weekend with the in-laws. I'm feeling like a total slacker now. We will have been in our house for 2 years in August and we still haven't fully unpacked. As for the drama, I have a big problem keeping my mouth shut, but I'm trying VERY hard. I've warned the wife and all of our mutual friends that when I slip it won't be pretty.

    Ashley - Yay of the 1.4 lbs lost!

    Check-in for Thursday... 2612 burned / 2221 consumed / 391 deficit - Exercise: Strength training and 50 min Spin class.

    I could have had an excellent deficit today, but I did a total emotional eat at Panera this evening. I hate that the cookies are SO good, but all come in between 400-500 calories each. BOOOOOO!!!!! Tomorrow is a new day.

    I'm not quite sure what to think of this, but... The hospital I work at has about 800-900 employees and working here is pretty much like living in a small town... Everyone knows everyone and their business. Many of my co-workers throughout the hospital use the same gym as I do. When I was at dinner the other night, I found out that I'm evidently the topic of many a discussion. MANY people all over the hospital are talking about my workouts and how much time I'm spending at the gym. I'm working out harder and longer than the people that are talking about me and they are in awe of me. And here I've been feeling like a slug and that my workouts have been lacking and slacking the last couple months. Now I feel like I have a reputation I have to live up to. Maybe I can use that as motivation.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thurs check-in 2941 burned with no formal exercise just tilling and shoveling dirt. TGIF!!! I love 3 day weekends:)

    Katie - if you clean the house and iron, I'll do the yardwork!!! I hate cleaning the house hence the cleaning lady comes 3x/week.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Friday weigh-in: 217.2

    2.8 lbs down this week..for a total of 8.8 lbs since I started my step aerobics class 3xweek!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2664 calories burned/ 1897 calories consumed/ 767 deficit.

    Friday weigh in: 192.6 pounds!!!!! I lost 4.6 pounds this WEEK!!!!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    ----> Apparently, I don't know how to quote very well.....anyways, That's just ridiculous! CONGRATS!! Wish i had that kind of loss!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nice job Amy and Silver!!! What awesome losses!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Wow Amy! You are just rocking my face this week!

    My foot feels better this morning. At least I can walk so I am in the office. (Still walking on the ball of my foot instead of my heel though)

    I have forgotten to weigh myself the past 2 mornings. I don't foresee a good weigh in though because I've been giving in to a LOT of pre-tom cravings this week.

    Even though OT will be available next week, I plan to take a week off from it. With the holiday on Monday, there is no point in working all those extra hours for regular pay instead of overtime pay. Plus I'm taking 5 hours off on Wednesday for no reason. The majority of my PTO is taken for "no reason" and I like it like that.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    hey all!

    i'm down 1.4 lbs since last week!

    currently at 179.8. finally broke 180!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    missxlaur: Great loss this week! I like your new pic!

    Kendal: I am so glad your foot is feeling better. I think PTO is better when it's "just because" rather than for a doctor's appointment of whatever. Sometimes it's nice to take a break.

    Megan: I was thinking my loss this week was a practical joke pulled on me by the scale. Seriously, ask these lovely ladies, I've been consistently losing nothing but 0.2 pounds per week for well over 6 weeks. It was infuriating. Great loss this week for you too!!

    Victoria: My next door neighbors have a cleaning lady that comes once a week on Friday and every time I see them (it's a husband/wife duo that does the cleaning), I feel super-jealous. I hate cleaning. A. LOT.

    Katie: I wouldn't have categorized myself as obese for a while but that stupid Wii Fit balance board thing calls me obese every time I step on it (stupid harassment by video games!), so I was. WOW 400-500 calories for a cookie? I hope it was a big friggin' cookie. I think it's awesome that your coworkers have commented about your workouts. It'll keep you motivated to keep rocking those workouts! Great job!

    I did not sleep right last night and my neck has this horrible pain in it. No matter how I stretch it, it won't go away. Ah well. I'm cheating tonight for Pizza Friday - I'm using these wheat tortilla things rather than make my own pizza dough, like usual. It will save me some work and about 200 calories. Yay!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendall-hope the foot starts feeling better & yay for podiatrist that's GOOD!! PTO would be nice. There's not enough of us here to just randomly take a day off, it has to be carefully planned to make sure all is covered & that we're caught up on work. *sigh* But yay for still finding a close by Warrior Dash for this year! Woot! And I understand the "diet" thing too...I'm so having to constantly explain to people I'm just eating healthier, not on a diet. I still have my cookies, pizza, when I want....just not half the pizza anymore, or half the package of cookies! LOL!

    Amy-ick for lawn mowing & neck hurting! Yay for trip to see the Hubbs on Monday!! :o) And I'm still excited for the no longer obese! That's just awesome! And the weight loss..woo hoo! You're rockin it! Guess your body needed the break? :o)

    Pam-yay for craft room! I would love one, but we have 3 bedrooms & 3 kids..yeah, doesn't work so well. I'm lucky that I have a craft "tote" in the corner of my living room, much less time to work on it! Enjoy the company!! I added you here, I'll find you on FB once I get home (no FB allowed at work, site is blocked).

    Katie-I love Panera's cookies! Mmmm...but I've gotten to where I get one, & give at least half of it to the 2yr old, so that helps, some. Or I make sure I'm gonna be working out enough to cover it. Helps if I've had one of my salad meals...they end up being pretty low in calories, but keep me full.

    Missxlaur-nice loss! Pic is nice too! :o)

    Hope-yay for loss! Have a good weekend, even if it is a bit crazy!!

    AND...I have a dilemma...I won't be back at work til Tues to use the scale. It's pre TOM, and the scale this morning showed me at 219.6...there's NO WAY I've gained 6 lbs since Monday. Impossible. I've been under my calories & I have exercised, but not too much to create a ton of muscle, so I know that has to be water, but I don't want a weigh in of +6.2 for the week. *sigh* Esp when I know it'll be down, b/c I get to swim tomorrow, after decorating for VBS, and I'll be gardening at Grandma's on Sunday, plus this is day 1 of my 500 cal/day burn challenge...so seriously!! Unless my grandma has a scale...she might...just thought of that. Maybe I'll be OK & can weigh on Sunday. Hey, if I have to, I'll go the mall & use the one in Sears bathroom! ROFL! So "dedicated" aren't I? I'm sending my scale back tomorrow...free shipping! They're awesome! I'll get my new one within 2 weeks! OK, better get some work done...it's FRIDAY!! No work for 3 days!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Morning. I realized this morning that I haven't worn my BMF in TWO plus days this week. DUH. And last night I was so tired from the previous nights work out and the mental work out at work with month end that I cooked burgers, drank beer, ate a blizzard and went to bed. I would have been right at 1900 cals before the blizzard. And apparently the blizzard was 1000 cals??? So my cal total for the day yesterday was 2954. My scale puts me up 4 lbs this morning. Today I will do shoulders/triceps and ab ripper. Get back on track. Yeya!

    I am thankful for not having any real plans this weekend but chilling out. Cleaning the house and getting groceries. There arent any anticipated food blow outs over the weekend.

    Hope - yeay on the weight loss!!

    Pam - that is cool about a craft room. Any room that I could just put all my 'me" stuff in would be cool!

    Amy - Paris, sushi. lol. Ick on the lawn mower. I find that duct tape can fix many things. Could it fix the wheel somehow? Try the chicken wing neck stretch!

    Katie - that is cool that peope are talking about your being in the gym as an inspiration...and way good motivation too! I think it doesn't matter where you work, people always talk about people they work with.

    Megan - congrats on the loss!

    Kendal - I've known people to get those shots and they seem to work. Don't blame you on the OT this next week.

    Lauren - yeay on loss!!

    Karen - you are probably just lugging around extra water weight. I'd wait and weigh in once you get back to work so its on the same scale!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey-I needed that encouragement, thanks! And yes, blizzards are horrible for calories! I've managed those by at least getting mini's or snack sizes at McD's...but that's still 3-500! Oreo has the least! LOL! Yes, I know this, so sad! My "friend" at home has been the Skinny Cow individual cups...no measuring, but when it's gone, I'm done! And the kids know those are mommy's ice cream! LOL!

    My legs feel like jello! I guess this means I should use the elliptical more often!? And I'm sure the others on my challenge will laugh at me, but I counted my half hour of filing in the back. I don't feel the least bit guilty, b/c I actually dance around while I do it, and I only get time maybe once or twice a week to do it, so it's not a regular part of my day! :-) Livestrong.com had that as an activity. I made an account just to access some of the articles & get a calorie count on activites MFP doesn't have! LOL!
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