200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Hosanna - AWESOME NSV!!! :D
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hosanna: What a fun weekend!! I think you must have had the best time!! Awesome NSV!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh what adventures I've had tonight. We went out to eat but stopped at the gas station to fill DH tires with air. 15 min wait to get car to the spot with air. We enjoy the dinner then car won't start - dead battery. We decide to walk home 1.25 miles - it's cold and I don't have a coat and slip shoes. I end up taking shoes off and jogging home in the rain in my socks. We drive back, jump the car and returned home safe. DH was so happy for my help he fixed the headlight that was out on my car. I guess it ended on a good note with some added exercise!!!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Shoot I hope I get this in in time. Today's weigh in is:
    Almost got all the vacay weight off but still a gain. Ppppppbbbllttt!
    Super busy so will catch up later. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    i worked it out hard in my step class tonight. felt good!!

    hosanna- congrats on the too big dress!

    jessi- glad to know the dad is doing ok. that's always scary.

    for all you runners, marathons or not- you get a big thumbs up from me. we had to run a few laps in my class tonight and i about died. you guys are too awesome!
  • hey all hows everyone, havnt been on here in ages, have had no internet for about a moth, but im back now :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Psychohope!!!

    WTG on the workout Megan!!!

    Hosanna - I *heart* your NSV!!! your weekend sounds like it was fantastic!!!

    Tasha - the rest of the weight should come off soon.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    90 minutes of Bikram Yoga tonight. Holey Mother of Muscles.
  • FINALLY some weight dropped and I'm under 190 for first time in about 5 -6 years. 179 here I come.

    For anyone wanting inspiration--go read some of the diaries posted. Helped this "short-timer" understand more about the journey and have some patience.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning gals!!! I'm in a much better mood today. I only missed 3 days of my modified P90X workout last week. I'm going to start week 4 of on the right track. Core Synergistics here I come... Enjoy your Tuesday!!!

    Amy - hope your day was fantastic and that all the viruses are gone!!! If you went feeling good enough to make and enjoy the cake, you have my permission to call rain check and reschedule your birthday for this weekend. I really think there is a law that says you get a do over if your sick :)
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Morning, gals!

    I have no choice but to buy my bras at LB. They are the only place that sells my size. I like SOME of their tops, but I'm so busty that I have issues with shirt length. I hate when a shirt is too short and theirs seem to be that way most of the time. Forget the pants, I can never get them to fit me right. Avenue's clothes are generally the same way, but I LOVE their shoes/boots. Victoria makes a good point, too. I think Old Navy clothes run way big.

    KiKi: You are probably right about the sodium being to blame. The pumpkin dip recipe is on the skinnytaste website I believe. It has pumpkin, cool whip, brown sugar, greek yogurt, vanilla, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. I've been dipping apples in it. Its totally delicious.

    Sarah: So proud of you! How incredible! Sorry you puked and froze, but dang woman, you did it! Awesome!

    Hosanna: What an amazing NSV!! Glad you had such a great weekend!

    I didn't have class last night, as it is fall break. What a nice day. I still left work early. Went to the gym. Decided that even though I was only able to run 12.5 minutes straight I would just move on to week 7 of c25k. The whole week is a 25 minute run. Well I was feeling really inspired as a few people I know (including some of y'all) just ran half marathons. I started running and was so incredible sore. I wanted to quit. I started my signature self-bartering technique on the treadmill. "You know you can do 12.5 minutes, so lets just get to 13 minutes and take a walk break. Well, the more I bartered the more p i s s e d off I got at myself. I noticed that I was getting closer to the mile mark so I said, okay just run a full mile. Then I thought, but you walked .30 as your warmup, so just get to 1.3 miles so you can say you actually ran a full mile. I surpassed my 13 minute goal, then met my 1.3 mile goal. I decided if I can just push a little harder I could get to 20 minutes and making it 20 out of the 25 minutes would be a great accomplishment. A little over 17 minutes and I started to wheeze and cough (I"m still fighting off the chest/throat thing). So, I made it 17. Next time, I will do 20 minutes straight. I'm so proud of myself. I wanted to quit so bad. But, even worse than that I want to run a 5k sometime soon. I can do this.

    So I mentioned being sore. Yeah. On Sunday I agreed to do YogaX with hubs. He's been doing the whole program and complained about the yoga. We only did 30 minutes out of the hour and a half. He wanted my help because I used to dance and am fairly flexible, he is not. So we were trucking along and I'm stretching and it feels great. But, I absolutely hate working out at home. I'm trying to do these moves, crane my neck to see the TV, ugh, it was awful. My feet were slipping on the mat and I felt so confined. So, I threw in the towel. Well the next day, it felt like someone took a baseball bat to my ribcage. I actually had trouble functioning yesterday lol. The heck with that p90x noise. I'll stick to running. That *kitten* is BANANAS!

    After the gym, I went out to dinner with my grandma. She will only eat at one restaurant and the food sucks. I got seafood stuffed haddock. It was awful and I didn't eat much of it, but logged it all. Thankfully, they had buffalo chicken tenders as the hot item on the salad bar and I had two of those.

    Feeling good today, ready to get back on the treadmill and run!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    First, a very happy birthday to miss Amy!!

    Week #5 weigh in results!

    Just a reminder that this is the last week of the challenge. Start thinking of new names for our next 6-week challenge.

    Name, Starting Challenge Weight, Last Week's Weight, This week's Weight (difference)

    Victoria, 194.5, 192.75, 193 (+0.25)
    Kendal, 214.4, 215.6, 216 (+0.4)
    Lacey, 210, 209.8, 209 (-0.8)
    Amy, 188.4, 190, 190 (0)
    Kerry, 164, 159.8, 161 (+1.2)
    Hailie, 252.6, 250.4, 250.7 (+0.3)
    gonnadoitjenn, 305.8, 306, 304.8 (-1.2)
    Pam, 215.8, 214.6, 212.4 (-2.2)
    Sarah (wigglentwink), 185, 177.4, 171.1 (-6.3)
    silver02bullet, 206, 212, 211 (-1.0)
    Bobbie, 316.2, 304.6, 303.2 (-1.4)
    Hosanna, 220.7, 214.7, 213.2 (-1.5)
    ladyg0915, 275, 264, 263 (-1.0)
    Sarah (rainvc), 234.8, 232.4, 232.1 (-0.3)
    qofsheba, 193, 191, 190.5 (-0.5)
    jessikerlaine, 279.6, 264.2, 262.6 (-2.0)
    Annette, 181, 174, 174 (0)
    Apryl, 177, 173.6, 171.2 (-2.4)
    earthsember, 217, 215, 213.4 (-1.6)
    Crystal, 216, 216, 214 (-2.0)
    Tasha, 217, 214, 214.4 (+0.4)
    wowmama,, 220, 217.4, 212.7 (-4.7)

    This week's winner by a few pounds was Sarah (wigglentwink) with a massive 6.3 pound loss. Wowsas!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I didn't figure the collage thing out but I think I have the pictures figured out. These are old shots and some you may have seen before.

    My before shot at my highest while taking a vacation in Hawaii

    A weight close to where I am now... I'm 193 now and in the pic I'm 195. At least I have the same outfit on... I'm wearing size 14 at this weight... My fav pic is at my lowest when I weighed 182 but I won't post that again until I get back there...

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats to Sarah(wnt)!!!

    Thanks for keeping us on track Kristina:flowerforyou:

    Rain - I like short yoga sessions but the P90X yoga is a killer... I purposely only put it into my schedule once in 4 weeks...
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Wow, Victoria, you look fantastic!! I love that you're wearing the same thing so that it makes the difference even more pronounced. Running home in the rain in your socks is quite the adventure! :)

    Amy, happy happy birthday!! I hope you're feeling better today. You should know that you cross my mind regularly now (that's really not as creepy as it sounds) because I have been going crazy making all kinds of stuff from my Peas and Thank You cookbook. I can't say thank you enough for telling me about that! Tonight's Peas dinner is the baked penne with "sausage" and peppers. Yum!

    Sarah (Wnt), congrats on the big loss this week, and on finishing a half marathon! The way you walked us through the whole thing was really cool too...sorry that the recovery was tough, but you did it! Plus you got to eat lots of food afterwards. :wink: Bikram Yoga is something I think I will never, ever, in 10 million years do. I sweat so easily and I am just about the crankiest person on the planet when I'm hot, not to mention that I get headaches, feel faint, etc. when I get way too hot. So bikram yoga holds absolutely no appeal for me, but I'm always thoroughly impressed when other people do it!

    Hosanna, great NSV! Your hen party sounds like a blast.

    Jessi, I'm sorry about Nerd's dad. :frown: Hopefully you guys will be able to move closer to his family soon.

    Kiki, Mexican food almost always has a ton of sodium, so I wouldn't worry too much about your gain. You should be down again soon. We can make onderland by Christmas for sure!

    Kerry, those cookies look soooooo good!!

    Nava, I used to shop almost exclusively at LB because I just didn't know any other good places to buy stuff in my size (as dumb as that sounds), except I'd shop sometimes at Torrid or a place called Cato. The pants don't work for me either though, unless I get the short size. Now that I moved to WV and my closest LB is an hour and 20 min away in Pittsburgh, I've found other options. I still can't seem to find another place to buy bras that I like as much as LB's bras though!

    Megan, I dated someone I worked with before (though we weren't as serious as you and your ex) and UGH, I know it's super hard to still have to see the person at work. When you break up with someone or they break up with you, they're really supposed to just drop off of the planet afterwards, you're not supposed to be forced to still see them! :grumble:

    As for me, you all convinced me to take the boxing class no matter what time it was, so I called yesterday afternoon to make sure I could still get in and see how long the class was. Unfortunately when I called the lady told me that they'd gotten their marketing material out too late so no one had signed up for the class! She said she's going to talk to the trainer about pushing it back a few weeks and trying to get more people to sign up for it. So we'll see...if they do have the class next month I'll plan on signing up.

    Even though the boxing class was cancelled, I got my butt up this morning and did Ripped in 30! Woohoo! Now if I can just keep it up...
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Victoria: Awesome before/after shots!

    Pam: That stinks that the class was cancelled. It sounded like a ton of fun. Hopefully they offer it again.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Morning, folks! Not much to add today yet...

    But Hosanna, awesome NSV! Love the pics!!!

    Victoria, love those pics too! You look great!

    Sarah, your half marathon story was inspiring and barftastic at the same time! So proud of you!

    I've decided I wanted to take Friday off as we'll be going to the Texas Renaissance Festival this weekend so it won't be a very relaxing day... fun, but not relaxing. Going to use my Zoo membership for the first time since purchasing and check out the new elephant habitat on Friday with Joe. Is it the weekend yet? I'm ready!
  • Rain - I buy my bras from Torrid.com - they sell massive sizes. :) I have the same shirt-length issue, too. Nice job on the treadmill! :)

    Nava & Pam - I also have a hard time with pants, but it's cold as *kitten* here all winter so they're a necessity. Even my "short" length jeans are too long for me, and I'm not REALLY that short....

    Nava - I'm pretty jealous of the Ren Fest you get to go to. We don't have them here, which blows.

    I'm about 99% sure the treadmill is moving in tonight instead of Friday. I'm way, way excited by this.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hello All. Sorry been absent for awhile - not such a good week but hey ho, life happens.

    Amy - hope you had a grand birthday and everyone in you house is feeling better. Some time back yuio asked if you could join the diary checking with Lacey and I. I think that would be a great idea - I continue to need to be accountable - and if there were three of us if one was having a bad time and awol there would still be someone else there.....we could start now of get organised for the start of the next challenge?

    Lacey: as above to Amy - what do you think?

    Sarah: way to go on completing your race - your descriptive prose is wonderful to paint the picutre - you make me sile - thank you

    Kerry: yeah for 13 miles and at such speed- you continue to be awaesome.

    Victoria: love your before and after pictures - such a difference.

    Kendal: love your halloween outfit and the boots look good!!!!! Oh and love the badge x

    Jenn: how are you doing without dessert?

    Kritina: thanks for maintaining chart - hope you come back to us with your own posting soon

    Off to make dinner - slow cooker for me as going to circuits, main meal for daughter - who is hungry now. Hubby away so I suppose that means I don't need to make three meals!!!!

    Fallen down abit on 100 day goal currently:: 20/24 - good food choices; 21/24 - reading and exercise and 18/24 productivity. Hope you don't mind me posting here but it is helping me keep a bit on track!!!

    Keep well all xx
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Nava: Sounds like a fun weekend. I love Zoo trips!!

    Jessi: Sadly, Torrid does not sell my size. I'm severely top-heavy. I wear a 42H. My bras are beginning to get loose, but I don't want to get resized just yet. Know you can see why I've never been much of a runner lol. Anywho, I long for the day where I can buy a bra anywhere. I hope I lose a great deal of my chest.

    Annette: Hello!!