200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Its been nutty here the past couple of days.

    Victoria - glad you like you hair! I got mine done yesterday too....it only took her 2.5 hours this time..usually its over 3+..so for that I was thankful. I get bored sitting there.

    My knees hurt, my body feels swollen and my head wants to pop from sinus/tom pressure. I think I am going to start P90X tomorrow instead of Sunday. I'd like Friday nights to be my off day. Also, I noticed that my recovery week will be when I'm in AZ, that is convenient..looks like I don't need the weights, so I could probably bring the dvds with me and keep up the program.

    Thats all I got right now....
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kerry the hair is adorable! Love it! I worked in Animal Kingdom, which was awesome, b/c we closed at dark, which left time for a real life!! LOL! I was in Dinoland at Restaurantosaurus. The outfit was horrendous (whoever thought baby blue with magenta pink stripe would look good was on something!) but it was fun! Just a cashier, nothing fancy, but the atmosphere & my coworkers made it a blast! Wonder if your bench is the one my oldest walked into when he was little? As in looking back at me & I said Casey, stop...and wham! It was funny & sad all at once. He was about 12 mo old & I was trying so hard not to laugh b/c he was crying, but it was funny! I loved Cirque...beautiful show! Pleasure Island was a frequent stop...as in once a week, b/c we got in free! :o) And yes, I've been in the tunnels, once, b/c I worked an overtime shift there...ONCE...never again...blah! I was for a grad nite thing...lots of high school seniors and rudeness! Plus was 903 PM-530 AM, plus I'd worked my regular shifts before & after...I crashed HARD! But wow, what a paycheck that was! LOL! OK, I rambled just a bit there! Hee hee!

    Kendal-cute jeans & top...can't go wrong! Dress it up just a bit. A LOT of people will be over doing it with dresses & such, so you'll look classy! :o) Besides, it's a BAR! You don't want something you'd possibly get ruined b/c of other people being there in their drunkenness that aren't part of the reunion, or maybe that are! LOL!

    Lacey & Victoria-any pics of new hair? :o) Yes, I'm nosy like that! LOL!

    I can't say tub scrubbing bugs me that much either. Now folding clothes? Ick. You can do it! Or unloading the dishwasher! I don't know why. Just not my favorite chores! I can handle the rest...but those two just pile up! OK, better get some work done! :o)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Folding and putting away clothes are the two things I absolutely hate doing. I don't mind ilving out of a laundry basket. Jeff does the laundry and shoots daggers at me when I set the nicely folded clothes on my hope chest in our room..I'd rather scrub toilets.

    Kerry - LOVE the hair and the pic! Super cute!

    I will attempt a photo and upload to the site...not so good at it. Plus I'm sitting in my office with my light off because it hurts my eyes right now lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I HATE, HATE, HATE folding laundry. I would rather clean the cat box than fold laundry (and I don't do the cat box either as it's The Kid's chore and I don't even like the cat...he can crap outside for all I care). What did you have done to your hair for 2.5 hours? We want pics!!!

    Karen: I actually hand wash the dishes 99% of the time as I dislike putting dishes away once the dishwasher is done. Washing the dishes as they get dirty makes it manageable for me. I've seriously used my dishwasher twice in the past year. I'm a weirdo.

    Kendal: I'd go with jeans and a cute top. You don't want to look like you are trying to hard..and it IS a bar after all. Have fun!

    Nava: Congrats on the weight loss!!!

    Crystal: I Love me some good pizza. Every Friday is pizza Friday at our house. I make a half whole wheat crust and we grill it on the BBQ so they're done super-fast. My current favorite is pesto sauce with extra garlic and feta and mozzarella cheese. The Kid and The Hubbs have converted to my pizza from their regular red sauced creations!

    Kerry: Your hair is super-cute!!! Congrats on the weight-loss. Enjoy the parents. The Kinect is super-cool.

    Victoria: I got those coupons you sent me!! Thanks!!

    Katie: YAY for smaller pants!!!!!

    I am just one Insanity workout away from being done with Insanity!!! Saturday, I've got Max Cardio & Cardio Abs and then Sunday I take the fitness test to see how much I've improved. My body feels kind of banged up from this last 2 months of grueling workouts. I think I'm gonna take a week off before starting Insanity-Asylum. I don't want to lose my fitness level by taking too much time off, but I want to start the new program off feeling fresh. What should I do for my "recovery week" in between? I can't just NOT workout. It's really not an option with the fibromyalgia (gotta keep moving) but I kind of don't know how to function without a schedule telling me what workout to do. (I know, LAME.) You guys got any suggestions?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm in heaven right now. Enjoying my deck in shorts and a tank with this 70 degree weather. I bought $150 worth of flowers for the yard. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend... Planting!!! I love flowers. One of my clients owns a nursery - not good for my pocket book. I'll try to have someone get my pic this weekend.

    Kendal - go with the jeans and cute top. Enjoy yourself.

    Karen - I laughed at your small town story. 250 people in my town.... 11000 in the county. And my business has liscense for 100,000 which covers 11 counties. Did I mention the closest Wallmart is an hour away? I love not having any neighbors.

    Amy - biking and jogging - alternate the days. Throw on P90X cardio DVD if it rains. Enjoy your "week off."

    I totally forget to weigh myself this morning. Might have to do with getting up early for my bike ride. Tommorrow I'm getting up early to run. Sighs. I should remember sometime this weekend.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just bought the purple keychain because I could, because its spring, because it makes my keychain pretty and because it makes me happy. So there. LOL. Its probably one of the most frivolous things I've bought in a very long time, but once in a while a girl needs a little frivolty. Who the hell knows how long it will hold up in my purse. Its not like I am going to take super good care of it or anythign..it IS just a key chain. However, it is funny how something so silly can make me so infinitely happy.
    Anyways. I pretty much LOVE everything on that site. Every. SIngle. Thing. I must have the new makeup bags but will wait.

    I uploaded a pic on my profile of my hair. My nose looks huge and it looks like I might start crying so I'm not going to post it as my pic lol. I have dark brown hair, and making it blonde takes that long of a time to process and cut and style...I had an inch of grow out that needed to be attended to. She foils my whole head and in between the foil another color, so its two toned. It rocks. She rocks. My hair rocks. I just wish sitting there in the chair rocked. Maybe if I could drink a gin martini dry on the rocks or something whilst getting my hair done it would rock more lol.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! It's going to take some time for me to catch up on all the forum goodness that I missed, but I wanted to check in. I'm still in Denver, but my meetings have wrapped up. It was a pretty low key trip. My boss was in meeting after meeting, but I didn't have to attend most of them. I only had a couple of meetings and one training, so it was almost like a vacation for me. The weather has been completely crappy here. Everyone keeps saying, "it's never like this." I must have brought the Michigan weather here. Luckily there has been some patches of blue skies today and I finally saw the mountains that surround the city. Sad it took three days in order to see them!

    So, obviously I've been out to eat a fair bit, but the eating hasn't been completely out of control. I haven't been logging though, which, you know, shame on me. I'm back on proper logging and posting when I return. I did get a couple of workouts in. I was worried about the altitude being a problem, but it's been okay. Yesterday, I ran a mile and a half on the treadmill (loathe the treadmill), then did another 30 min on the elliptical. After my meetings were finished today, my co-worker has a friend out here that works at a Lifetime Fitness, so we went there and worked out. It's a super foo foo place. Cafe, spa, pool, steam room, etc. Probably quite expensive to be a member. I ran a 5K on the treadmill and really had to push myself to do so, then went on this ellipticalish looking machine for 20 mine. It sort of instead of moving in a circle forward like a regular elliptical, you move your legs out to the side. I was really feeling it in my butt and hips, so hopefully I got a decent workout. I'm doing thai food tonight with my friend and I imagine there will be a decent amount of drinking this evening, so I'm glad I got a decent calorie burn in today. I get back late afternoon/early evening tomorrow, will pick up Emma from the doggy B&B, and then crash for the evening.

    I hope everyone's been doing well! I'll catch up on your posts, and will go back and make sure I catch everyone's weight for this week. Again, like last week, I'll do a Monday call out with those who haven't posted yet, and then will post this week's results either Monday evening or Tuesday.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- I'm so proud of you for getting exercise in while on a business trip/vacation. :flowerforyou:
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey folks, just checking in for the day, hope everyone is well, just made my lunch and breakfast for tomorrow for work, i find i eat better if i bring food with me+ its cheaper
    hope everyone has a nice weekedn
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Today is weigh-in day right? 222.5
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    sophjakesmom - Congrats on staying in ONEderland!

    Karen - I'm totally with you on NOT logging weight gains. However, after my last weight stall I'm considering starting so I can more closely track my body's pattern.

    Kerry - Very cute hair! This week I haven't been as diligent with my workouts, even though I've been working out at leas every other day. My workout last night should not have been as difficult as it was, but I got through it. Tomorrow is another day.

    Kendal - I'm sure you found something cute to wear and hope you had fun!

    Lacey - I really like that keychain, wish they had a red one. I also really like your hair! I've been walking around the house saying it's time to chop my hair off again, maybe I just need to do it.

    Kristina - Great job working out, sorry about the weather.

    Check-in for Friday... 2624 cal burned / 1625 cal consumed / 999 cal deficit - Did strength training and burned 394 on stationary bike and treadmill for total of 60 min. Weigh-in is 244.4 today. I realized just a little bit ago that I've already hit my weight loss goal for this challenge, so I've added another goal of 240 lbs by my 32nd birthday, June 10th. I guess I'm confused about the weigh-in, is it Friday or just sometime between Friday and Monday?

    Edit: Why do I keep typing 444.4 lbs instead of 244.4 lbs today? GAAAAA

    2nd Edit: I wanted to ask the ladies here a question about lean body weight. I've figured my current lean body weight at approx 140 lbs. My understanding is that if I lose the weight in a healthy way and include strength training in my workouts that I SHOULDN'T lose lean body weight. Is this correct?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Friday 3059 burned and and 2777 consumed. Exercise 4.5 mile walk and an hour of biking. I'm gearing up for my long run. My friend should be here in half an hour. Weigh in for today remained at 190.

    Katie - yes, theoretically, if you lose weight slowly, in a healthy way and are eating enough, you should lose fat rather than lean body mass. Great job on meeting your goal already. Good luck on the next one. Weigh-in is anytime between Fri and Mon. I usually try to stick with Friday. Pick the day that works best for you.

    pyschohope - not only is packing your own lunch cheaper, it's much healthier since you can pick better food. In my past life fast food was a mainstay but now, I pack my lunches.

    Kendal - hope you had a great time. I know you wowed them!!! You really looked great.

    Kristina - missed you this week!!! Sounds like you had fun. The mountains are beautiful. Great job getting the runs in - I would rather run outside then on the dreadmill but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

    Lacey - sweet keychain!!! The new hair do is awesome. I still need to get my pic taken and posted. It took 90 min for high/low lights. My tush was sore with that. I cant imagine 2+ hours.

    Amy - glad you got the coupons.

    To everyone - I hate cleaning the house. That's why the cleaning lady comes 3 times a week. She works pretty cheaply and does everything. DH does laundry (he doesn't want her touching his skivies). I do cook and put the dishes in dishwasher... Thankfully we have good jobs and no kids so I can afford to have her come...

    Karen - working for Disney sounds like it would be fun.

    nava - great job on the weight loss.

    Kerry - great job on the weight loss and I like your hair too!!!

    Crystal - pizza - Yum.

    sophjakesmom - great job staying under 200 and I like your quote - fat crying is funny...

    Now I'm out of time - I need to finish getting ready for my run. I;ll catch up with everyone else later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The "reunion" was pretty pathetic. I got there at about 10 (an hour after it started) and there were about 8-10 people there. I sat with a guy I vaguely knew named Eric. He wasn't a big social guy back in high school either. I left about after no more than an hour and a half and when I was leaving, I told him to find me on facebook. He said he wasn't on facebook but he told me he didn't remember my last name anyway, so I told him. I woke up this morning with this message:

    "I took your advice and found you on here and wanted to say thank you again, I really enjoyed talking with you. I didn't get a chance to tell you but you looked extremely gorgeous tonight. It was good seeing you. Take care, maybe I will see you around sometime. "

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    He said "extremely gorgeous" :bigsmile:

    When I left, more people were showing up but I didn't know who they were. So even though it was a waste of time to go, maybe it wasn't such a waste of time lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Friday: 3153 calories burned (thank YOU Kinect video games!!!)/ 2227 calories consumed/ 926 calorie deficit. My calorie deficits are creeping up there again but I just don't know how to eat more than 2200 calories in a day without resorting to junk food.

    Kendal: Your reunion doesn't sound like a waste of time at all if you like the dude! He said that your are "extremely gorgeous", so he totally liked you!

    Victoria: I might consider selling The Kid for a cleaning lady....nah, I guess I'm stuck with him. I like the idea of alternating biking and running for my recovery week. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Katie: I agree with what Victoria said, if you lose weight slowly and strength train and keep your protein intake adequate, you shouldn't lose lean muscle as you lose weight.

    Kristina: We've missed you this week! You are super-awesomely cool for exercising while on your trip. That is NOT easy!

    Lacey: That keychain is totally cute. I think it's awesome that something so small can make you so happy. It get all googly over bright purple things (doesn't much matter what they are as long as they are purple). It's the simple things in life and all that. :)

    Well, we spent the morning at The Kid's soccer game and it was awesome. The team really played well together, listened to the coaches and they won! Gabe scored 2 goals and then blocked a bunch of shots when he was goalie in the second half so it was a good day for the kid until we went grocery shopping. Gabe asked if he could have a fruit punch drink that comes in a glass bottle (you see where this is going, right?). We said sure and he was putting it in the cart when it smashed on the floor at his feet. It sounded like a bomb going off and it sent glass shrapnel everywhere. Once I got all the soda cleaned off Gabe's legs, I saw that the glass had cut the tops of his feet and his shins on both legs as it exploded and flew everywhere. I was never so happy to be a "paranoid mom" as I was today because I was able to whip out my neosporin and 5 bandaids and clean him up so he didn't look like the walking wounded. He kind of freaks out at the sight of his own blood so he was a bit spastic until I got all his wounds covered by band aids. He's ok now, though. We've been playing with a couple new Kinect games we bought. Super-cool! Have a good one ladies!
  • phallman
    phallman Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Pam. I need to join a group and you guys seem to have a wonderful one! This is the first time I have ever posted so I don't know what I need to do to join.

    I have found that I will exercise with someone (other than my husband) holding me accountable. I have a couple friends who go to the gym with me and it seems to get me there even when they can't go. I just eat too much. It sounds so simple. I eat too much sugar and carbs. :frown:

    I am addicted to the scale too. I get on the scale every time I am in the bathroom. It can make me crazy but I believe that over all it keeps me from falling too far off the wagon.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    We are watching the new power rangers samurai show. Ugh. oh good lord.

    I went to bed at 9:30 last night and got up at 9:30 this morning. I feel much better. It also occurred to me that the symptom I've been having the past few days....nauseous in the afternoon, headache all day, general crap feeling, could be TSS. So I'm not using tampons today. Ew. Hopefully that helps. If not, well I have an appt next wednesday with my ob. Tmi sorry.

    I'm gonna drink one more cup of coffee and then clean the office out so I can do the fit test and day one of p90x. I'm excited!!!

    Amy it's supere super hard to eat 2400 for me without some junk food too....I have some salted almonds, which I wash off lol, And I saw someone here post they dip them in pb....well it's worth a shot. That's crazy about the glass and blood...Gracie is the same way with her own blood. Minor freak out session.

    Vicotria enjoy your run. If I could afford a housekeeper I'd have one in a second.

    Kristina YEAY for getting in some work outs on your trip.

    Pam welcome! Stay away from the scale!

    Kendal so was the guy cute???

    Katie keep up what you are doing, it's working!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Pam!!! I to find I do better when I exercise with a friend. 6 days a week, I exercise for 30 min with mom. In nice weather, I bike 3 mornings a week with a friend. Now, I've got a Saturday running partner.

    Speaking of my run. Geesh. After 6 miles, I petered out. It was hot and I just couldn't keep it together so we walked the last mile home. Not sure if it was TOM, the sun and heat or what. I felt like a turtle - our pace was slow. 15 min each of the first 2 miles. Then we sped up to 13:30 pace. For the next 3. Moms dog joined us in the 5th mile and between poop breaks and a short swim to cool off, I lost track of our pace. It could gave been the stop and go with the dog. Enough - I'm brining it next weekend. We are planning to start an hour earlier which my help the heat. I'm off to order new cushions for my patio chairs and to plant / water flowers.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I got my last Insanity workout done!!!! YAY!!!!!! Now for a bit of recovery and then ASYLUM!!!! The Hubbs was so nice today! I had to do my Insanity workout (which got put off by quite a few hours due to soccer and errands) and I needed to make empanada dough & filling for dinner tonight. The Hubbs took my recipe, asked a couple of questions regarding how-to and location of certain ingredients and then proceeded to get it all made (by himself). I just had to roll out the dough, fill 'em and bake 'em after I got done with Insanity. The Hubbs is NOT a guy who likes to cook "real food". He adores baking cookies and rolling his own truffles and stuff but he HATES responsible meal preparation so I was sooooo happy that he did it for me (and did a damned fine job too!).

    Victoria: I'm sorry the heat made you feel sluggish. I hate when i feel that way. I think going for your run a bit earlier in the day during the hotter months will help you out a lot!

    Lacey: Ew - Power Rangers are lame. Do you remember Voltron? They were WAY better than Power Rangers. Enjoy P90X!!!!

    Hiya Pam! Welcome to the group. Kristina (akasullengal) is our keeper of all things weight-related. She'll just need to know your starting weight and then we weigh in any time between Friday and Monday and post that info here for her. We keep a running chat going on this message board about all kinds of stuff (weight related and non-weight related) so just start posting and we're happy to get to know you!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yes he's cute :bigsmile: and we've switched from facebook email to texting. He has since called me "eye candy" and when I told him I'd be going on a cooking binge to cook and freeze stuff for the next month, he asked if I needed help cooking :bigsmile: *insert squealing like a preteen girl at a Justin Beiber concert* lol
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Weigh-In is 256.6