200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Tae-Sorry to hear about your mom. Try to stay positive. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and she had uterine cancer as well. Her twin sister had uterine cancer and 3 of her 5 brother have had cancer.....all that to say, I totally understand the worry. I worry about my brother, myself and my daughter too. The good news is that it has been found and soon she will be on the road to fighting it off. Hugs to you and your family. I will keep you and your mother in my thoughts.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hey Chicas.. Hola:drinker: Hope you are all doing Fabulously today:)

    CONGRATULATIONS on the AMAZING LOSSES:flowerforyou: You all rock:) Huge round of applause for Laura & Kendal.

    Thanks all for your amazing support:flowerforyou: I could not do this without you:) This falling off & getting back on track thing:heart:.

    I am slowly catching up with my food & exercise and am starting to feel more human now! It is amazing how when you fall off the bandwagon.. it actually affects your body soo much & once you are used to being more aligned/balanced etc.. you feel wayyy out of sorts:)

    Just got in my second Bikram class today & feel sooo much better. I am definitely getting better with the postures & being able to go much deeper than I could before. Seems like my strength & flexibility have improved in a BIG way :flowerforyou: The teacher who was guiding us through the postures today... at the end of the class she gently placed these cold towelettes on our eyes & it just felt as if I was in a spa after a massage & transferred to heaven:love: She advised that I drink upwards of 20 cups of water (225 oz) a day on days I do Bikram!!!! I almost did a double take... Is anyone else drinking a lot of water. I usually am doing about 8-9 cups (64 oz) a day:noway:

    I am loving what Bikram is doing for my body(approx 3 times a week).. though am thinking of adding some Jazzercise & Zumba classes.. but have been a bit chicken about exercising almost everyday! My old self kicks in & tells me I am sore enough.. therefore can take a break in between. I know some of you exercise 5-6 times a week.. can you share with me your thoughts & strategies behind that decision & do I give certain muscle groups a break & use other ones the next day. Would appreciate some insight:flowerforyou:

    Kerry - I am soo very impressed by you:drinker: Hope you are feeling better today. What kind of yoga do you do???

    navajoon - I am soo excited for your size 12 pants!!!! That is truly awesome:) I think you brief Texas Roadhouse treat is something you can allow yourself once in a while... & then you plan to work out to as part of the package. Another thought is to do the steak.. and see if you want to skip the onion rings.. but hey.. a girls got to do what a girls got to do.. & I do not believe denial will work in the long run.

    Kendal - you always make me smile:bigsmile: Did you get any warrior clothes??? You are tooo cute:) And my HERO:) I am so excited by your warrior decision.. & your workout plan.. I wish I could do as much as you do!!!

    Amy -Yay to size 12 Jeans!!!! I am officially jealous of you:0 You know you need to try these Kabobs & try them withe addition of the 2 eggs to the mix.. they taste yummy & are a great protein snack:) I was rolling on the floor reading your sprinting with your kid & the dog!!!!:laugh: You are hilarious & I am glad I was FAR FAR away from your dog at this point:) You are INCREDIBLE & amazing & I wish I had the guts to do what you do with your workouts!!!! Hats Off to you babes:noway:

    Karen - so glad to hear about your Hubby's work options.. things always work out better than you originally thought. Hope you survived your trip with your kids in the car:) Also, I have mold issues in my apartment & am thinking of moving caz the low grade fever's I get are because of that! So you REALLY do not want a place to stay with your babies that have this issue.. slowly inhaling that air can cause major pulmonary issue & I would not wish them on anyone. So YA.. there is a BETTER HOUSE out there for you... onwards & upwards:heart: Good luck.

    Have you tried the liquid iron at whole foods by the company "Floradex".. it is a bit expensive but worth every penny as it is derived from plant extracts & is absorbed by the blood right away!!! I had an issue with low Iron a few years back & the Dr put me on it for a month.. Blood test taken 7 days apart showed a complete recovery & I along with a lot of my friends now swear by their products. You might want to check it out:)

    megruder - Great work in logging & figuring out your rhythm with weight loss. I believe we all need enough rest & some healing time for the body to finally let go of the weight!!! So, actually not surprised with your 4 lb drop!!!! YAY to you :drinker: Though it is hard to remember that when we have a 2 week stall.. so I get it.

    Victoria - Did not know you were such a nature lover:) I have a bird in my hanging plant who has given birth to two babies & see them growing bigger everyday & I always check on them, sing to them & they make me smile:)

    Tea - Hun - the last thing you need to worry about is commenting to our posts. HUGE HUGS to you. I am sooooo sorry that you are going through this. I know my Mom had a similar childhood where she had to be the MOM to her mother, since her mom was sick most of her childhood & my Mom has spent a life to make sure that does not happen to us.. & I am sooo lucky. I also do not know what I would do if there is even a chance that I would lose my Mother (which will eventually happen) she is my rock.. my friend & my heart. Just know that I will be praying for you & your Mom's health everyday. i know we are strangers & have not met.. but are we really.. somehow we were supposed to meet here.. so do not think of yourself alone. We are all there with you.. rooting for you & your Mom & praying & sending healing vibes your way. Whenever your heart gets heavy.. just come here & share.. we are here:) Also, seperate your stuff out of it.. it only increases your anxeity.. one thing at a time & try to make sure you keep plenty of healthy foods around you.. so even if you binge.. you are making healthier choices then you would otherwise. hugs to you & keep us posted. :heart:

    Welcome Jenn, so glad you decided to join in & be with us. You will be inspired & amazed at the spirits & heart of the women in this forum.. they are incredible people & I love them. enjoy the ride:)

    Phew:noway: Done catching up.. now you all go & have a GREAT rest of the WEEK.

    :heart: Suzie
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Tae - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Strangely, I was thinking about something similar this morning but more along the lines of "I have no idea what I'd do if my mom ever got seriously sick" and I can't even imagine how terrifying that must be. We are always here for you when you need us. *hugs*

    Well, I worked my BUTT off today, although mostly as atonement for my poor lunch choices at our staff meeting today, lol. Had 45 minutes of personal training, was on the elliptical for 45 minutes, then went for a brisk walk with the dog and baby when I got home for 20 minutes. Needless to say, my body is EXHAUSTED. BUT! *drumroll please* I'm at 224!! I'll re-weigh and post on weigh-in day but I had to share my excitement! And to think that I was 245 when I started on April 1st. That's 21 lbs in under 2 months! *happy dance* And had mid-personal training measurement stuff today and it was all body fat too (lost 1% of total body fat) so I'm pretty darn excited. Only 1% doesn't make me nearly as excited as the 21 lbs, but I'll take what I can get! :happy:
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Suzy- I am actually a teacher. I teach 8th grade Pre-Algebra

    Amy- Hubby works as a bail bondsman and started a new job with Polaris. We decided after a day of that and some of the things that he has learned, it wasn't going to work with Michael's philosophy of sales. It was sad but also not worth the stress. So he is giving his 2 weeks notice with the bail bonding company this week and then will take a few weeks to start looking for a job elsewhere. He started the process of filling out the application for a work-from-home company today.

    We just bought 10 acres about 30 miles from where we currently live and have started working out there on the weekends. Getting the work from home job and my summer off will help us really start working on the place and making sure that it is all perfect.

    The icing on the cake today was the fact I got two new puppies today! They are almost 8 1/2 weeks old and so stinkin' cute! They are Dachshund mixes and I've named them Sookie and Bill. I will post a pic if I figure it out.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had coupons for Lane Bryant and Torrid. I went to both today. Got 8 pairs of panties and a pair of pants. Lane Bryant has a 50% off their clearance section so I got size 14 pants for $10 as a sort of "goal" pair of pants (and with my coupon, I paid less than $6.50 for them! :noway: ) I got home and decided to see what my starting point is, thinking I probably wouldn't even be able to get them over my hips. Not only did they come over my hips, but I can button and zip them. And they look great on my a s s. However, I had a severely angry muffin top. lol I will work on that. But I was excited that they fit.

    Was able to complete Week 1 day 2 of c25k tonight. It's tough cause I'm running hills, but it's good practice. I think my nike+ sensor died though. :sad: It's not responding anymore.

    Didn't follow plans today for breakfast or lunch so I estimated and from what I recorded, I went over. Not too stressed about it. I didn't count the cals burned while shopping, so who knows what my totals really were for the day lol
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just watched my Canucks win game 2 of their series vs San Jose. Poor San Jose (not really). That was embarrassing... Vancouver won 7-3.

    I've been doing really well with eating and watching not only how many calories but also the types of food I'm eating and it's really paying off. I'd bloated up hugely by Monday from my Saturday weigh-in and it's all gone now plus some change. Totally stoked about that!

    I did some fiddling around with %body fat calculators yesterday and I'm kind of confused. I started at 250 with a goal of 140 because that's at the upper end of a healthy BMI range for my height. But when I calculated using the tape measure test (4 point, 5 point, and then 6 point) my body fat calculated to 30-32% with a lean body mass of 145-150 lbs! Obviously if that's true, 140 lbs is totally unrealistic. I've ordered calipers and I'm going to give that a go as well. I think I may need to reassess my goals, in any case. I think the body fat measurement must be at least somewhat close to reality, though, since I'm 217 lbs now and comfortably in a size 16.

    Tae: You and your family are definitely in my thoughts. I hope treatment etc goes smoothly for your mom and she recovers quickly.

    Kendal: That's pretty much how a size 14 is fitting on me right now. So awesome that you're nearly into them! Good luck with C25K!

    Jenn: I don't think I've said hi yet. So... hi! Hooray for puppies :D.

    Crystal: Way to go! That is amazing--all your hard work is obviously paying off in a BIG way!

    Suzie: I know what you mean about how it feels when you've been lax for a few days and you work your way back into it. Way to get back into it, and congrats on improving your flexibility! That is a TON of water... good luck with that! I'd be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes! (I normally drink 2.5-3 L of water per day... 2 L is 64oz, roughly... I think.)

    Victoria: Have fun at book club! What are you reading?

    psycho: Hi!

    Karen: That sucks that the house fell through but good luck with the next one you're looking at. I'm sure the perfect house is out there just waiting for you.

    Amy: Congrats on the size 12s! I'm jealous! ;)

    Jenn (the one who signed up today :D): Welcome!

    Lacey: Sounds like things are moving right along for you with P90X. I've heard that lifting heavier for fewer reps really works, too.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wednesday: 3202 calories burned/ 2217/ 985 calorie deficit

    I can't respond to everyone individually today as I had my eyes dilated and I can't see quite clearly without giving myself a major headache. Speaking of major headache...When I got done with my eye appointment, we had to go to a different military base to drop The Hubbs off at work. We jumped on the Autobahn and then immediately screeched to a halt. It took 2 hours to go the 5KM to the next exit. Apparently there was a huge chemical spill somewhere along the Autobahn we were on and they shut it down. It was a mess and a half. I must admit that I was pretty hostile the whole time as the sun was STREAMING in the windows and even through my sunglasses, it was killing my eyes.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Wed. I'm a bad girl and stopped cal counting 1/2 way though the day. I skipped dinner in favor of bookclub snacks. And I only burned 2413... Exercise was 30 min of low impact aerobics. We read/discussed Barry Eisler's "Rain Fall" boom last night. Next month no book - we are going out to eat. For july, we're reading "The Help"...

    Welcome Jen...

    I've been reading all the posts but don't have time to reply. Sorry gals - just know I love you and am thinking about you. TOM arrived this morning so I'm a bit cranky.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok this is a quick drive by as you all have made my eyes blurry from tears in a good way....you all have touched me more than you will ever know...it is very rare to find people that care well at least in my world without wanting or expecting something in some way...thank you so much and the stories of all the survivors especially to that lady (I know I am so bad at this) that grandmother kicked cancers tushy in her 70's and other family members that i have read above it makes me feel less alone I know that we all know some one but sometimes its good to hear about others personal experience and the survivors....you ladies rock and keep up all the good work on kicking our weight loss goals also :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I just spilled my coffee all over the floor. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I will have to fight to stay awake today. I could go in the breakroom and get some free coffee, but I'm taking this as a sign to forego the coffee cals today.

    I'm still up to 217.2 this morning. I look too cute to let it bother me though. I'm wearing a black cotton dress that my sister gave me. First time wearing it but I've gotten several compliments on it already. A couple ladies said that I must have a hot date tonight lol. Nope. Just wanted to wear a dress today.

    A girl I went to high school with did a Warrior Dash this weekend. I commented on her status that I might be doing the one in August and she told me to let her know cause she's definitely doing it. YAY for knowing someone there!

    This Warrior Dash has become a serious motivator for me.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Suzie-been taking iron for about 6 yrs & it does OK 3 weeks out of 4. It's that TOM that it just doesn't help it! I take it with a vitamin C supplement & make sure there's no coffee or tea within an hour, as that blocks absporption. Thanks for the advice though! Maybe when this bottle runs out, I'll look into liquid form & see how it works for me (I'm too cheap to switch in the middle of a bottle!)

    Kendal-YAY for company for your Warrior Dash! Boo for coffee spill! If you're like me, it's the creamer that's the calories, not the coffee itself! :o)

    Tae-don't worry about everybody's names at this point, it'll get there! And this group practically exploded this time around!

    Sarah-how do you figure body fat with a tape measure? I know mine's WAY too high...might have to look that up! :o)

    We had breakfast for supper at church. If I had fixed it at home, would have been liquid scrambled eggs & some light toast. No, at church it was country ham, biscuits & gravy, eggs, cheesy hasbrown casserole, and pastries! Yeah, I was BAD!! I went over my MFP calories...but was still at a deficit for the day overall, so that's good, right? :o) OK, time to get some work done! Tomorrow is Friday...and the weekend means a 4 hr round trip for soccer! Blah!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Karen- yes, my coffee calories are all from the creamer. For a long time, I counted 2 tablespoons and then one day I decided to measure. Yeah, I use more like 5 tablespoons. lol :blushing: Oh well, I count it daily and keep moving. I like my coffee. I need it.

  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hello to all you beautiful women! I miss having the time to get on here at least once a day and respond to all of you. Between having this cold and work being effing swamped, its been a little crazy. I have read everything, so I'm going to respond quick the things that I'm thinking about.

    Kendall, I am so pumped that you are going to do the warrior dash. It sounds amazing and super fun, and totally up your alley, what with how bada s s you are and all.

    Amy, Lacey, Karen - could you have done a better job of listing some of my all time favorite movies? Nope. David Bowie is fantastic! I heard from a guy at work that they are making a 5th Indiana Jones movie, which I'm super nervous about, because the 4th one was a joke. Seriously, Shia LeBouf swinging from the trees with monkeys? Aliens? WTF, man!

    Amy, there is no way on the computer to properly express how awesome it is that your skinny behind is wearing some size 12 pants. You totally deserve it and I'm unbelievably excited for you. ****reallyfreakingbighug***

    Tae, I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry to hear about your mom's cancer. That is so hard and so scary. And I'm sorry your husband hasn't been more supportive, but yeah - he's a dude. They tend to not freak out until it smacks them in the face. We are here for you! A couple years ago I started a team at work to walk in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk to raise money... everybody always asks me who I am walking for, since I haven't had a family member diagnosed with breast cancer yet, and I always tell them I'm walking for everyone, because it is one of those awful diseases that truly does touch everyone's life at some point in time. The walk isn't until October, and hopefully by then I'll be able to walk celebrating that your Mom is a survivor. Actually, I'll run it! Anyway... we are all here for you and feel free to talk out whatever you need to. *hugs*

    I went to get my hair cut last night, just thinking I was going to get it trimmed as I was trying to grow it out, and instead just chopped it off. It doesn't hit my shoulders anymore. Eeek! Its actually really fun - I can't believe how much I like my hair shorter with a skinnier face. Chris loves it too - he keeps telling me I look sassy.

    This morning was the first time I chose to sleep instead of get up and work out. This cold has been kicking my bootie, and all I wanted to do was sleep. So I did. Until 7. It was AMAZING. I'm totally going to rock some Kenpo tonight when I get home, because there's NO WAY I'm letting this cold ruin my P90X streak. Ain't happenin'.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Morning, ladies!

    Someone seriously needs to confiscate my scale from me every day till official weigh-in day (Friday). I get up, go to the bathroom (sorry, TMI), weigh myself. Get home from work, weigh myself. Get up, weigh myself. This morning I even weighed myself after eating cereal, just to see. UGHHHHHH, what an addiction.

    Cutest thing though: I was brushing my teeth and looked down, my dog was full on standing on the scale, looking up at me. Someone's learned a behavior...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    A few responses before I get to working:

    Amy, congrats on those jeans!

    Kendal, I am absolutely floored that you managed to get a pair of jeans that cheap at LB! And totally awesome that they fit! Loose shirts are the muffin top's companion... at least in my closet. haha

    Kerry, don't get me started on an Indiana Jones 4 rant. I could go all day.

    Karen, I love love love breakfast for dinner. I'm rather envious of your cheesy hashbrown casserole... that used to be a favorite of mine at cracker barrel. Along with their pancakes. How do they get them so crispy yet so fluffy? Ugh. I now appease myself with a hungry girl banana pancake recipe with sugarfree syrup. A great substitute.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    nova- those hungry girl banana pancakes with sugarfree syrup sound GOOOOOOD. I have one of those cookbooks, I wonder if that recipe is in there. The thing I don't like about the hg books though is that most of the recipes require lots of ingredients and they are hard to find.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kendal, It's in the under 200 calories one. You can find it online too. Hold please...


    Tadah! I just make three medium sized pancakes instead of five minis. I also don't include the cinnamon because I hate the stuff for some reason. They're pretty damn good. You're right though, this is the only hungry girl recipe I've made so far, and mostly because I had everything on hand instead of having to go out to get a bunch of random stuff.

    If I've got a lot of calories to spare, I'll do the banana pancakes with sugar free syrup, two fried eggs (made with non-stick spray of course) and two links of jennie-o breakfast sausage, and I think that's still only 420 cals.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Nava-see, the cheesy hashbrowns wouldn't have been so bad...if I'd have maybe made them at home...2% cheese, lowfat style! No, this was all full flavor, full fat stuff, and I didn't exercise, unless I can count having to go to Target b/c my hubby did NOT get diapers like I'd told him to the day before & I had TWO left for my baby girl! Not gonna work! I'm gonna have to check out these Hungry Girl recipes...sounds yummy! And my kids will eat just about anything, so it behooves me to find new stuff to try, and my kitchen always has weird ingredients in it...I LOVE to cook, and if I can't find it...I make it my mission to find out what substitutes!

    Kendall-I think my only saving grace w/coffee is that I at least go for fat free creamer...and I use about 5tbs too! LOL! But I manage to keep it to one cup! And not everyday! I'm a tea drinker, and I just like my taste, so I can live w/out it (says the girl who used to down 5-6 20 oz Mt Dew/Dr Pepper a day). I even drink caffeine free tea now! So I actually feel jittery if I do too much coffee!

    Kerry-we need to see pictures of the hair cut!! :o)

    Work is SO boring today! And the boss is cranky...and I have to be here for 6 1/2 more hours! But at least I don't have any where to go tonight! No practice, no ball games, nothing! No store trip! I can go home, fix dinner, take a walk/exercise, take a bath in my big tub, read my book! RELAX!! As soon as I make it through the day & hope that the headache I feel doesn't become a migraine, b/c my stupid FMLA paperwork that has to be resubmitted from the Dr's Office to cover me if I get one...isn't back yet!! They've had it for over a week!! Sorry to vent ladies...it's just a day! :-P
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Q for the iphone peeps on this thread: How do I take songs and audiobooks OFF my iphone?? On my ipad and ipod I just go into itunes, highlight and hit delete. It won't work on this phone. I have a ton of room on the thing but if I've listened to the books I want them gone...HELP!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeay, making time to respond to the past two days of responses...in order..so you may get responded to twice or three times!

    Jenn - welcome!!

    Amy - I was never really into Labrynth, in fact don't think I've seen it all the way through. I did like Dark Crystal though, so will have to put that on my netflix list. Its fun having a kid to watch these movies with. That is so crazy about the size 12's!! I can't wait to see what my body does with P90x..

    Tae - when something like that happens to me I also have to give myself some time to mope and adjust and absorb, and in the past year or so also have realized that it needs to be limited. Good job for recognizing that you have to pick yourself up.

    Suzie - I've never tried bikram though I've wanted to. I can totaly see needing to drink a TON of water doing that on a regular basis. In the P90X guide it says to drink like 8-12oz a couple hours before you start the days routine, then another 8 1/2 hour before, and minimum 8-12 during...plus all the extra water during the day. It could add up fast I think! Yeay for getting back on track!

    Crystal - woo hoo on the weight loss AND fat loss!!!

    Jenn - I bet your two pups are super cute!! Working on 10 acres will definitely be a great way to get moving and be active when you are off from school this summer.

    Kendal - yeay for good deals and size 14!!

    Sarah - let me know how the calipers work. I've wondered about ordering a pair myself for this P90x but have decided to wait. I HATED them in highschool...well mostly because the gym teacher/football coach was a ****ing douche and made us bigger girls feel bad when the time came to see how fat we were. I always skipped that class.

    Amy - OUCH. That sucks about being caught like that on the AB for that long. LAME.

    Kendal - yeay for feeling and lookin gooooood! If I was closer to you, I'd run the WD with you. Sadly we couldn't get any further apart in the US I think! Booo.

    Karen - Ohhhh that food sounds divine! You logged, you acknowledged and you will eat better today for it. Thats about as good as it gets really. I'm sorry to hear about the house, but will cross fingers and pray that this new one you are going to look it is perfect for you and your family.

    Kendal - I have that saying on a little tin tray that is a magnet in my office. Love it!

    Kerry - We just watched the latest Indiana Jones and were both like W.T.F. I forgot about the tarzanian swinging...that part would have been okay until they hit the crystal alien scene and I was like COME ON! LOL... I bet your hair looks super cute. Keep up with the P90x!!

    Nava - step. away. from. the. scale. !!!!

    Karen and Kendal - I too love my coffee creamer. I LOVE hazelnut fat free creamer..but the trade off is that the stuff is loaded with sugar. Grr.

    Ha! I'm finally caught up and feel better now lol.

    I've decided I am not going to weigh myself when I start the P90x program. I am going to measure myself, or have Jeff do it, and thats it. I will weigh myself in 30 days maybe, or wait till the end of summer...or not at all. Gonna go by fit of clothes, energy level and measurements.