200+ Summer Meltdown!

Hello all! It's time for a new 6-week challenge to begin with our group!

Some general info:
-This challenge lasts 6 weeks
-We weigh in Fridays-Monday mornings, please post to the thread
-I'll post everyone's weights by Tuesday and announce the week's biggest loser!
-Some of us have been together for over a year and a half!
-We always welcome new members. We just ask that you introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, goals, etc. And just right into the conversation
-Let us know what your goals are for this challenge. They don't have to be weight-related.

My next post will be the final chart for "Pushin' for Less Cushion" challenge. If you're a returning member, I'll use your final weight for that challenge as starting weight for this one.


  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    when does it start
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Our final weigh ins for our "Pushin' For Less Cushion" Challenge:

    Name/Starting Challenge Weight/ Last weeks' Weight / Final Weight (Week's Loss) (Challenge's Loss) (% Weight Lost)

    Kristina / 178.4 / PASS / 177.6 (-) (-0.8) (0.45%)
    Victoria / 191.75 / 187 / 188 (+1) (-3.75) (1.96%)
    Kendal / 216.2 / 220.8 / 218.8 (-2.0) (+2.6)
    Lacey / 208.4 / PASS / 208.6 (-) (+0.2)
    Amy / 203 / 200.4 / 199.2 (-1.2) (-3.8) (1.87%) <--- Welcome to ONEderland this challenge!
    Sarah / 229 / 219.8 / 218.2 (-1.6) (-10.8) (4.72%)
    Suzie / 183.4 / 179.2 / 177.8 (-1.4) (-5.6) (3.05%)
    Amber / 238 / 240 / 238 (-2.0) (0) (0%)
    Noelle / 201 / 196 / 195 (-1.0) (-6.0) (2.99%) <--- Welcome to ONEderland this challenge!
    Andrea / 252.2 / 259 / ???
    Kerry / 212.2 / 198.1 / 197.2 (-0.9) (-15) (7.07%) <--- Welcome to ONEderland this challenge!
    Hailie / 261 / 259 / 259 (0) (-2.0) (0.77%)
    Annette / 189 / 184 / 185 (+1) (-4.0) (2.12%)
    Karen / 239.6 / 231.2 / 229 (-2.2) (-10.6) (4.42%)
    Crystal / 243 / 230 / 229 (-1.0) (-14.0) (5.76%)

    I apologize if I missed anyone!

    This week's winner? Karen with 2.2 pounds lost!

    The challenge winner? We had three lose enough weight to get under 200 pounds! And had several people lose a lot of weight this challenge!

    The winner with the most weight AND percentage lost this challenge was Kerry with a whopping 15 pounds lost and 7.07% of her bodyweight lost. IMPRESSIVE! Let's give her all a hand!

    Note: if you did not participate in the last thread, please comment with your name and starting weight in your intro, so I know to add you to the new chart
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    when does it start

    it starts now! This is week one of the challenge. Our first weigh in will be between Friday and Monday this week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So an update on my end, as I didn't respond to the other challenge thread.

    I bit the bullet and stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that I really hadn't gained weight. I hadn't lost weight, but I was prepared to see a 180something back on the scale, and I was 177.6. Whew. I started off the last challenge strong and then fell off the wagon, so this is a chance to restart again.

    My goals for this challenge:
    -Log ALL my food again
    -Post my daily calorie intake/burns
    -Post in the thread at least once a day, even if it's just to say I'm lurking, unless I let people know beforehand I'll be out of town.
    -Weight goal: 171 (that's one pound a week). I'd REALLY like to get under 168 (finally under obese BMI, but that would be pushing it)
    -Exercise goals:
    -run my half marathon on 6/5
    -restart the INSANITY program the week after my half-marathon

    So update on the date front? I think it went okay. He's a nice guy. A bit socially awkward, but then again, it's hard because who knows how awkward I am.. and it's also the first date, so I give both of us slack. It was a mix of me thinking, "yeah, this isn't going to work" and "Hmm... perhaps there's something there." I sort of left it with thinking, I'd do a second date, but if that didn't happen, I'd be fine with it. I just felt good biting the bullet and getting my booty out there again. We basically left it as we'd talk on the phone again soon, but who knows. I'll keep you all in the loop. I need to be a bit more proactive on the dating front. I've basically only been letting people contact me, but I haven't been the assertive one at all. I need to start doing that.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I wanna join the Summer Meltdown! What do I need to do? Is there a group or something I need to join? I'm your pretty typical young professional. I work about 70 hours a week with one day off, so I'm trying to remember what it was like in college, working out EVERY day. I'm just trying to find the balance of work/gym/eat/cook. My goal would be to drop at least 15 pounds by the end (hopefully not absolute end) of summer, shed body fat and learn to stay in my calorie range! Since I made it a goal to lose weight, I'm down 7 pounds (before I started this site) so 15 more should do it!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    I am in this sounds like a good idea :)
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Hey there! I would love to join your challenge!

    -My CW is 175.2. Goal is to be around 145.
    -I've lost 28 pounds since January.
    -I have done almost all of Jillian Michaels workouts and I love her but I needed a change SO. . .
    -I started Insanity this week. And it is properly named. KILLER!
    -In 6 weeks:
    I would love STILL be doing Insanity (there will be a few weeks to go after that!),
    be under 170,
    have started Couch to 5K training,
    have signed up for a 5K
    AND be in a size 12!

    Can't wait to get started!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi! Would love to be part of this. It helps to have a group to keep motivated and accountable. Horrible word, but it helps to know I have to share progress!

    Currently 226.6, started this round of weightloss after getting up to 241. My heaviest was 267, shrunk to 193 with a crazy restricted diet, joined the corporate world and ballooned back up! Hoping to make a real change this time with counting calories. it's so important to know I can eat what I want and not get chided if I put an apple in my mouth (the sugar! gasp! *sarcasm*)

    At the end of six weeks, I'd love to be down to 215.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: WTG on the first date! It's awesome that you got out there out of your comfort zone. Thanks for posting the chart from the last challenge. I can't believe I only lost 3 pounds during the last challenge!

    Kerry: WTG with your kick @ss weight loss during the last challenge!!! I wanna be like you!!!!

    My goals for this challenge:
    *Lose 9 pounds - get down to 190 (I KNOW that's pushing it but I've had such a poor showing this past 6 weeks that I feel that my body HAS to start dropping weight again- it OWES me that much, dammit!!!)
    *Finish off the last 2 weeks of Insanity and start up Asylum
    *Track my food over the weekend and keep it reasonable

    Welcome to all the new challengers!! We love having some new blood around here!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Whoops, follow directions... My name is Nava!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome all the new participants!

    Nava- Welcome! Crazy restrictive diets work.. but only in the short-term. Take it slow, and it's more likely to stay off!

    bwildered- Welcome as well! Great job on all the weight loss so far. Very impressive! You've got quite some exercise goals! A few people in this group (including myself) have done c25k, and also some have done INSANITY, so if you have specific questions, ask away!

    texastae1010 & osucristina: Welcome! Can you tell us more about yourself? What's your goals for this challenge? What's your challenge starting weight?

    Amy: pssh. 3 pounds? Let's talk about my 0.8. *facepalm*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all the new faces!!! Congrats to all that lost on the last challenge. Is anyone a fax repair person on the side? Mine is possessed today - rebooting without sending the fax, rebooting with incoming calls, and then working at other times... Im ready to pull my hair out. I'm off to see my last client and hope to catch up with everyone and post goals later tonight.

    Exercise for the day is done with 30 min of low impact aerobics.

    Thanks Kristina for posting the chart and new thread. Glad you dipped your foot in the water and got that first date out of the way. I'm really going to be living vicariously through you and your adventures.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    My CW is 213.6. Goal is to be around 199.
    -To track all my food and not to let the weekends get away from me not sure why but those seem to be the times where everything gets tossed to the side probably because my husband is home and he is a snacker and fit not fair lol
    -I am doing Turbo Fire also adding in the Chalean Extreme as I the cardio but I need to pump some iron lol
    -In 6 weeks:
    I want to have lost about 15lbs maybe even more at my weight it might pour off quickly who knows
    I want to have completed 6 weeks of Turbo Fire and CLX and to have taken my 30-day pics and measurements and see a difference
    To only have one “cheat” meal or snack a week and not to let it take over an entire day or weekend or week lol
    To have finished reading “Shrink Yourself Break Free From Emotional Eating” I am not a big self-help book fan but I think this book is speaking to me as it hits nerves to read it and I have to set it down and process the information
    Oh and my name is Tae Hi all
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi to all the new people! Hope you ladies stick around. :flowerforyou:

    UGH for gaining this challenge. :embarassed: :frown:

    But holy cow Kerry and Crystal!! Yall are weight loss machines! And congrats to ALL the ladies who made it to ONEderland! (I'm actually VERY jealous right now. :grumble: )

    I'm going to make a goal and stick with it. 5 pounds lost by the end of this challenge. Thats HUGE for me as I've been stuck since December. I think its more of a mental thing for me than a physical thing. If I don't lose 5lb, then I need to see significant inches lost. (ie, 2-3" from my waist/hips/belly area at least)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wow I actually gained weight this last time. FM.
    Okay, I was going to wait, but I'm ordering P90X today. Bloody hell. I probably won't see a weight drop with the program, but I can't seem to get that right anyways. Even though I haven't lost any freaking weight since the beginning of the year, I did manage to lose a pant size..almost two. I am very close to 16's. So inches is good with me.

    OFFICIALLY ORDERED...here we go.

    I have to think about what I want to get done this challenge..really think about it.

    Victoria- you know how I'd fix that fax machine? Two words. Office. Space.
    Check out programs that allows you to scan and fax from your computer. They is the bomb.

    Thanks Kristina for keeping the charts up.

    Welcome new people!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Yay, I found the new thread!!

    Goals for this time around:
    -To get more regular with my exercise! I'm sporadic at best! Granted I have 5 more weeks of kids' doing sports & about 2 weeks til the house closes, but then remodeling & moving can count as exercise, right? :o)
    -Not splurge quite so often! I've been bad the past few weeks! Been eating out & not fixing food that will keep me healthier! (Yes, I know, special circumstances with flooding, but still!)
    -Do more toning exercises...I'm getting in the cardio, sporadic as it is, but I need to do something with the stuff left behind!

    OK, that's good. :o)

    Welcome to all newcomers! This thread & those on it are more than wonderful! They listen to me complain about real life, not just the weight loss stuff! :o)

    Kristina-you got through the hardest part! The FIRST one! Now the fun begins! No more stress over the 1st! Woo hoo! :-)

    Victoria-I agree with Lacey, computer programs are nice...less messy! No ink, paper, cartridges, etc. And harder to lose them, as they're stored on the PC! Plus you don't have to scan them if you need to save them! Space saver! :o)

    Lacey-I'm going to have to try P90X, esp if it's easier on the knees. I need the toning! I've got a friend at work that tells me P90 (no X) is still a good toning workout & I might find it cheaper, so I may go that route. Maybe we can compare notes! :-)

    Congrats Kerry!! Woo hoo on 15lbs!! And I'm with Kendal-congrats on the onederlanders, but still jealous! I've got such a long way til I get there!

    OK, back to work *yawn* It's one of those days where this stuff is just mind numbing!

    *YAY!!* Just talked to hubby!! Water down another 3 inches!! In my home by tomorrow night, Thursday night at the latest! Woo hoo!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    *YAY!!* Just talked to hubby!! Water down another 3 inches!! In my home by tomorrow night, Thursday night at the latest! Woo hoo!!!

    that's great Karen!!!
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    count me in for this challenge folks CW 259lbs, 1st GW is 248lbs after that we will see
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just posting quickly to subscribe to the new challenge. I'll update with goals etc when I get home from work. Congrats on the great losses everyone!