200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hallie - the challenge ends the weekend of June 18th. Have a great time at prom!!! We'd like pics...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Thanks for the compliment on the profile pic. The Hubbs took it with his cheezy camera phone and I saw it and thought that it might be the first picture I was in that I actually liked. So I took it off his phone and made it my profile pic here and on FB. LOL. Good pics are few & far between for me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so I finally got my pictures from my photo shoot back. The outlook is grim. There are about 80 pics and from a first glance, I only like about 3 of them. The rest of them I look like a whale and/or my hair is frizzy....or I could be feeling this way cause TOM just showed up. I'll take another good look at them tonight.

    I'm also up 1lb from yesterday which sucks cause I know its because of TOM. I was good yesterday dammit! ugh. I was THISCLOSE to giving in to my fat girl desires and eating a bad breakfast this morning but quickly told myself, "self, that will only make the problem worse."

    I've convinced my coworkers to join me in a company challenge called "Spring into Summer" where you compete against other teams in weight loss, exercise minutes or steps taken (or all of the above). You don't win anything, but its just the motivation of being on a team with coworkers. Since it was my idea to start the group, I'm the team captain, so hopefully that will help me stay focused. It doesn't start till the 23rd and then it's an 8 week challenge, so that should keep me accountable for a while.

    anyways, I've been at work for over an hour and haven't done anything, I really need to get started
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Don't have a chance to respond to everyone, but I love it that the thread continues to be so lively!

    Back to logging foods this morning, which always helps me stay in line, because I have to measure/count. Made a yumy asparagus/sugar snap pea dish last night, which I have for leftovers today for lunch with a yogurt. I know this weekend won't be the best eating, as my parents will be in town, but I will log everything the best I can.

    Today shouldn't be a too bad of a day at work. The boss is still out traveling, so that usually means it's quieter. Tomorrow should be pretty busy, but I'm taking off part of Friday, because my parents fly in early afternoon, so my week is over sooner than later.

    I'll let you know how the run goes later today. It's going to be in the mid-70s, which is actually warmer than I like to run, so let's see how it goes. I'm looking forward to my half. I know I'm then going to work on INSANITY, but I need to think about another race to do after. I don't want to lose my mileage after I did with my last half... I don't think I'm ready to run a full, though that would be a goal of mine down the road. Perhaps if I can stay around the 7-8 mile range for my long runs, I can then do another half sooner than later. Victoria, when's your next race again? Perhaps I'll run Detroit again in the fall. We'll see!

    Nothing new on the dating front. My date from Monday did message me last night, so that was nice (he didn't drop me after meeting!), so I'm not sure where it'll go from here. But, again, I need to start being more proactive on that front and spread the Kristina love around a bit.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Wow, I don't think I have time here while at work to reply to everyone. Hopefully I'll be at home tonight (YAY!) and have my internet back & can respond at my leisure to everyone!

    Welcome to those I haven't already welcomed! LOL!

    Just wanted to say hello-nothing much exciting here except water to hubby's calves, so really may get to go home & sleep in my king size bed & not on a full size air mattress! Woo-hoo!! Fingers crossed & prayers for new home inspection tomorrow!! TTYL!

    *&^&*%^ "person" upstairs wants 211 reports pulled! By this afternoon! Like we have time for that! Have 50 done, supervisor is working on some, other co-worker has some, and another is at Dr appt. Plus we have our other work to do! :-P
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Good morning, gang!

    *rant* So, just yesterday I was saying to my boyfriend that I should have taken some "before" pics. The only picture of my whole body that I had is on my profile, and even that was after about 5 pounds lost.

    Welp, yesterday a friend uploaded a bunch of pictures from a camping trip about 2 weeks before I started the lifestyle change, and whooooooah, holy jeez I looked terrible! Don't you LOVE it when people tag you in photos that you can easily say are some of the worst pictures of your life? Not only am I giant, but I had no makeup on, hadn't washed my hair... good. jeez. ugh.

    At least I have some before pics now. *endrant*

    Kristina, doesn't hurt to give it another go. My advice though, if he still seems socially awkward... beware! I dated two socially awkward guys in a row (awkward for different reasons) and it's just so much trouble!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've thought A LOT about what goals I want to have this challenge in the past 24 hours. The challenge ends the last weekend I will be in Scottsdale on vacay. P90X should arrive hopefully some time next week. Ideally I should have a good full four weeks of doing the program before my trip.

    I think I am going to set two goals.
    1. Commit 100% to P90X.
    2. Weigh in the first day of the program and again in 30 days.

    I definitely don't always make good food choices but on average I am eating right around 2200 cals per day over all. I think I am not going to worry too much about food. Yes, I will log it but no goals there. Weighing with P90x also seems to be problematic for people, so I will take photos at the beginning and again in 30 days and go by clothe size as to how the program is working for me. I might have Jeff take measurements too since I can't seem to do them right lol.

    Girls PLEASE crack the whip if you see me start to faulter. I too am a self sabotager and probably need an *kitten* kicking once every couple of weeks to keep me on track.

    There you have it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Have Jeff take your measurements, they WILL change.

    Nava: I have a policy of not posting pics of friends that I wouldn't want posted if it were me. If only everyone had that policy.

    Karen: It sounds like you've got a good bit of extra work today. I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Kristina: I know you are reading the Game of Thrones book (I totally broke down and downloaded it after I got done with the newest Sookie book). I have read a number of books that have been made into movies or TV shows but I've never seen so much TV show dialogue pulled directly from the book. It's kind of cool! Reading the book is also helping me understand how all of the characters in the TV show are related. How are you liking the book (I know you're much further into it than I am)?

    Kendal: Maybe you should pull the pictures out when you aren't on your period and you'll see that they aren't as bad as you thought they were on first glance. Congrats on starting the weight loss group at work, that should keep you motivated! Whatever you do - DON'T give up. We're here for you.

    I have had a headache for three days now and it shows NO signs of going away. I've been taking Excedrin, drinking a couple of cups of coffee, hydrating and it's only barely taking the edge off. Annoying.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    FML lol. I hit the wrong button and a HUGE post is gone. Gone. Again. Duh lol. Man I had responded to everyone and had like two people left too lol.

    Nava - there are a few pics on my fb page of me in a bridesmaids dress. Well the dress was too tight so I didn't wear a bra thinking it looked okay..it was an empire waist and I thought it held me in..NOT. My boobs like all saggy and its just not good. I can't figure out how to delete them.

    Karen - YEAY for sleeping in your own bed!!!

    Kristina - have a great run! Keep it up and you will be able to do a full marathon in no time. Yeay for the dude messaging you back. Even if you don't go out with him again, that has got to be a good feeling.

    Kendal - we are often our own harshest critics. Let us see the pics! I bet there are WAY more than a handful of good ones. Stay away from the ick food. Don't do it!!

    Victoria - we are all proud of you too!

    Amy - I like that you are trying to pass the AF fit test again. Way. Cool. Yes, I totally love cheese. I think I have probably 8 different kinds in my fridge right now. Wow. Thats a lot.

    Hailie - prom for most is a one time event that is the beginning of the end of the culmination of highschool. Let everything else go and enjoy the experience for what it is. Are you guys going to a nice dinner beforehand?? How fun! I remember my prom and my boyfriend had a mountain bike race the next day so we didn't stay out as late as I'd have liked and I still regret it. HAVE FUN GIRL!!

    Sarah - can you bring some snacks to stash in your desk at work? I've got a drawer just for that...popcorn, granola bars, almonds, dried fruit, etc. for the days that I don't pack enough or I don't want what I packed. I like your goals!!

    Kerry - I totally dig your pant size goal. That is what it really boils down to right? Being able to fit into the type of clothes you love? And the health part too lol.

    Suzie - can you bring some extra snacks with you?

    I think I got most people...! Yeay!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy we posted at the same time again LOL!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi every one. Ok so my goals as promised:

    1. Log food every day.
    2. Lose 5 pounds.
    3. Restart my c25k again
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Lacey, when I saw the pictures I said "these are the worst pics of me I've seen since so-and-so's wedding." Amazing how bridesmaid dresses can make us all look awful. Amy, I have a similar policy! I agree, everyone should!

    Amy and Kristina, I'm reading that series as well! On Feast for Crows at the moment. It's an excellent series. The third book, Storm of Swords, is by FAR the best of the series thus far. Amy, how was the latest Sookie book? Haven't purchased yet.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I totally dig the pants size goal. I've been waffling in the size 14/16 range for like 6 months now (i HATE that every shop's size means something different). I'd finally like to venture into 12 territory. I think it was pretty early on in high school since I was that size.

    Amy and Nava- I'm enjoying "Game of Thrones" so far. The first episode of the show is what prompted me to start reading. I think I would hate having to wait for additional books to come out, so it's good to hear that the next book in the series is supposed to come out sooner than later. Amy, I agree-- the show is following the book really closely so far. It's a long one. I'm reading it on my kindle and don't get a chance to read a lot at a time, so even though I've been reading it for 2-3 weeks, I think I'm only about 60% through it. Really enjoying it though! I'm looking forward to reading the Sookie novel. Again, I'm seeing Charlaine speak on Sunday and will get the book then and have her sign it!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I have to admit, my ONE time being a bridesmaid, I was one of 2 matrons of honor, and she let us & the 3 bridesmaid pick our own style! We were told the colors, go to David's Bridal, & we knew what her dress looked like, so even though I wasn't a skinny minny in any way shape or form, I liked how I looked (I'll have to post on here, they're on my FB for those who I'm friends with, from last May, folder labeled Wedding Trip). BUT, I was wearing some serious hardware to keep it all in place too! LOL! I still have the dress though, so I guess I have a mini-goal to need to get it altered to wear it again! Right now, it fits! I also have pics of me from 2009 when Melodie is 3 wks old wearing same dress I wore this Easter. Difference! Not sure if good or bad, but there's a difference! OK, back to work. I'm SO ready to go home! Got extra stuff pulled now time to do regular work. And just not enough time to get it done!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I was happily reading my Kindle when I noticed that The Hubbs seemed to have gotten lost on his way back from the kitchen. I went downstairs to discover him sitting at the kitchen table with a pair of kitchen scissors hacking the cast off of his right arm (he happens to be right handed so the fact that he was doing this with his left hand indicated to me how badly he wanted out of that cast). He was successful in removing the offending cast. I DID offer assistance.

    Karen: I've never been a bridesmaid and I can't say that I've ever really wanted to be one. It's cool that you got to pick your own dress. I think more brides should do that so people don't end up looking horrible.

    Kristina: It's so cool that you get to see Charlaine Harris!!! Exciting!

    Nava: I just started the first Game of Thrones book but it totally sucked me in. I liked the new Sookie book. Sookie seems to be standing up for herself a bit more and there's more info on the fairy thing in this book. It wasn't the best in the series but I still read it in 2 days.

    Amber: I like your goals!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina, I'm totally jealous that you get to meet Charlaine Harris! thats so awesome!

    Amy- hope the hubbs feels better with the cast off but I also hope that doesn't mess up his arm in the long run

    Amber- I'm considering restarting c25k. I had such a hard time getting past week 3 last time :-/ (knee and ankle problems)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Karen: I've never been a bridesmaid and I can't say that I've ever really wanted to be one. It's cool that you got to pick your own dress. I think more brides should do that so people don't end up looking horrible.

    The best part is. I ended up with a black halter style dress that CAN be worn, over & over & over! And your hubby hacking at his cast, both hilarious & scary! Glad he didn't further injure himself, but at least he feels better, right? :o)

    Kristina-I'm jealous too!

    I've got a LOT of reading to catch up on! And apparently I need to add the Game of Throne books to my "to read" list!

    Hubby was able to drive through the water! Woo hoo! Now just need it completely gone so the bus can pick up/drop off boys again! Maybe one more day! :-)
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all, just poppin in for a mo, finished my last exam today so im frrrreeeee from now on for the summer, managed to bang the knuckles on the same hand as i took the skin off yesterday so my hand looks like ive been in a fight:mad:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok, on second glance, the pictures aren't as horrible as I thought they were. :smile: still wish I was skinnier but I think this is going to be the PERFECT reward for hitting a big goal....now I just have to figure out what that goal is.

    I'm thinking 170 cause then I will no longer be obese
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Here are my goals for this challenge.

    1. Log food and exercise every day.
    2. Make healthier and mindful choices of food and activity (most of the time).
    3. Lose 12 lbs.
    4. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
    5. Have a blast.
    6. If I fall, understand that tomorrow is a new day, so get up and get at it!!

    Way to go everyone!
