200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    My new heart rate monitor came today! Woohoo! I definitely noticed a difference in calories burned vs the HRM that came with my exercise video game thingy. Today's workout was fairly short so the difference was only ~40 calories, but I've seen with other people the difference can be way bigger for a longer, more intense workout. Plus, now I can do other workouts (without the video game) and get a fairly accurate idea of my calorie burn.

    Work today kind of sucked in that it was my monthly departmental conference call/meeting. We went long again this month, just over two hours, and of course the meeting is from 11:00-1:00. So my regular meal time got totally messed with. I had ate my snack at the start of the meeting (instead of right when I got to work) and then found myself eating the almonds I'd planned for this afternoon because by 12:00 I was insanely hungry. Then when the meeting ended I had my actual lunch but I'm thinking I was protein deficient 'cause I was starving again by 3:30. Bought some granola bars today so hopefully those will help tomorrow.

    Hailie: Those are some fantastic goals.

    kingfisher16: Welcome to the group! This particular group is fantastic.

    Amy: Those are some great goals. If you can pass the Air Force PT test you're in better shape than a huge percentage of the population.

    Victoria: I picked up some healthier types of granola bars today so we'll see if those help tomorrow. I was ready to eat my arm off at work by about 3:30 this afternoon thanks to my crappy eating schedule (see above),.

    Kendal: I'm glad you liked the pics better when you got another look at them. I think getting glamour shots when you hit a major milestone sounds like a fantastic goal! Now I'm thinking I'll have to get something like that done too. Maybe roll it into family pictures or something as we haven't taken any since my wedding, and I was almost 270 lbs then.

    Kristina: Hope you have a good weekend visiting with your parents! I enjoy when the boss is out of town because I get interrupted far less often.

    Karen: I hope the flooding goes down soon and you can go home! I can't imagine being flooded out for that long :(.

    navajoon: Way to find a silver lining about pictures you're not happy about. I also didn't remember to take pics right away but I remembered after about 5 lbs, and I've got far enough to go that the first 5 was not really noticeable.

    Lacey: Way to go on giving up the scale! Wish I had your willpower there. May you be blessed with a wonderful loss in 6 weeks :D.

    Amber: Loving those goals. You can do it!

    pyschohope: Congrats on finishing your last exam. That's always an awesome feeling.

    serendipity: Welcome to the group! Those are some great goals. Feel free to dive right in and join the conversation :).
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Day 3 of Insanity done! This just might kill me!
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    I'd love to join this group too! I'm quickly approaching the spot where I weight loss slows and I give up. Hoping with a support group to check in with I'll be able to push on through this time.

    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 232
    CW: 210.5
    GW: 170
    *Do some sort of "real" exercise each day instead of counting my housework/cleaning
    *Drink more water. I've not been buying diet soda for the house, but I'm still not drinking enough water each day.
    *Do more fun active activities with my kids...dancing, playing tag, etc.
    *Get more sleep
    *Add strength training
    (Will come back and add more detailed goals later, but wanted to make sure I joined the group)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wednesday: 2906 Calories burned/ 2206 calories eaten/ 700 calorie deficit. My scale is still showing me UP a pound this week, which is pissing me off. I know that I have some inflammation as part of the joys of fibromyalgia but the irrational part of my mind (that pretty much rules the rest of me) wants to see the scale go DOWN, dammit!

    mrslrichard: Welcome to the group! I've been at the point where my weight loss slows since about Christmas although I am fighting for more pounds lost come hell or high water. You'll find there are a lot of ladies in the predicament around here.

    Bwildered: Congrats for doing Insanity! It's TOUGH!!! I have a little over a week left and I'm glad to be almost through with it.

    sarah: I'm sorry that your meeting messed up your eating schedule. I always keep nuts in my car/ desk so that I have a protein & fiber filled snack just in case.

    serendipityrr: I love your last goal! It's important for us to keep that in mind!

    Kendal: I'm glad you like the pictures better on a second glance!

    psychohope: I'm sorry you banged your knuckles. Congrats on being done with school for a while.

    Karen: I'm glad you are finally able to go home! It's about freaking time!

    Well, I'm off to do my Insanity Max Recovery workout and maybe get a jog on the dreadmill in (it's raining here). Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    A continued welcome to all the new faces!!! All of your goals seem great.

    Check-in for yesterday 2444 burned and 2991 consumed. 30 min low impact aerobics for exercise. I can see I am slacking since this is the 3rd day of significantly higher consumption than burning:blushing: I am hereby kicking my own @ss and will do better today!!! At least I'm logging and know it's all my own fault... My stomach just seems like it's a bottomless pit. But, no excuses - I will be better today.

    Amy - I get your frustration with the scale. Men (*rolls eyes*) I can see why he took it off but still. Hope he gets it replaced today.

    sarah - YEAH for the HRM. I hope the granola works. String cheese, hard boiled eggs and Greek yogurt make good snacks.

    Kendal - Glad the pictures are looking better on the second view.

    Psycho - want to trade places? I miss school - no, what I really miss is summer break. This full time work things bites.

    Karen - how was it to sleep in your own bed? Good luck with the inspection today!!!

    Kristina - you guys are starting to suck me into "Game of Thrones"... I haven't purchased it yet but will soon. (*sighs*) So many great books and so little time. Have a great weekend with your parents.

    Lacey - DH got the fax machine to work. I'd love to use one of those programs but the evals and progress reports to the doctors have to have my signature before going out to be an official medical record. I was about ready to take a bat to the machine. It turns out it was crashing since the saved faxes memory was too full - I've never even saved a fax (*sighs*)... I only have to fax a few things a week. Is Gracie feeling any better? Hope you got some sleep...

    Hallie - your job sounds fun. Only a few more days until prom - have a GREAT time!!!

    I know I've missed some people but the board getting so big, it's getting harder to reply to everyone. Sorry if I missed you - know that I love reading all of your posts and think you are the best group of Super Pals around!!!

    This week has flown by. I can't believe the weekend starts tomorrow - I love Fridays!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I say bravo for logging your food even if you are over your calories because at least you can SEE what you're doing and adjust accordingly. You can do it! Maybe if you are feeling like a bottomless pit, you should up your exercise rather than cut your calories?? Walking around hungry sucks! Don't do it. Thanks for your concern for The Hubbs. He has yet another cast on his arm as of this morning. He swears that they put it on just as tight as the previous 2 casts and that his thumb is still numb. The doctor said it might take a day or so before the numbness goes away. So he is giving it through the weekend before he decides to go back to the hospital and have it removed (again). I'm glad your fax machine is fixed!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Wow, lots of new members! So awesome & I know I'll never keep up without taking notes on each person I want to comment on! LOL! So welcome to you & I saw some great goals! I will do my best to keep up!

    I slept in my bed! Hooray! Ahhh! And when we drove out this morning, the water was completely gone off of the road, so the kids can come home & start riding the bus again tomorrow! Yay! Now we just get to clean up all of the mud all over everything! Blech! The smell is horrendous! Thank goodness it's all OUTside! Thanks everybody for being so patient with me the past couple of weeks! You kept me sane!

    I've been sticking to calories this week, but exercise...not so much. But I rewarded myself for getting to go home with Coldstone Creamery last night! LOL! But I got a small size, and I'd been good all day, so I still managed to stay under calories! :-)

    Amy-sorry about the hubby's cast, again! I don't think numbness is something that just goes away. Sounds like they need to get someone else to wrap it. I take it there aren't many options on where he can go over there? And awesome on going for PT test! I was in AFJROTC in high school, and I could pass everything but the run & the arm hang! So I never quite passed it! And I was always 30sec away at my best. I'm just not a runner! LOL!

    Sarah-meetings can be a pain! I've got a drawer full of pistachios, almonds, & granola bars (I like Fiber One, a few more cals, but the extra fiber keeps me full longer), then I try to remember celery sticks & carrots every couple of days to put in the fridge. I'm lucky enough to have one in our dept that only 4 of us share! :0)

    Victoria-I'm with Amy, you still logged your food! So you're not off the wagon completely. Since you're kicking your own tail, we'll just sit here with the whips for now! :o) Glad the fax is working!!

    Kendal-glad the pics look better to you on 2nd review! Maybe we can see them soon? :-D

    Lacey-sorry Gracie is sick! Hope all is better soon!

    Haillie-have fun at prom!!
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    So for yesterday I was on point for food ...I worked out burned 1000 calories...then I decided to clean for 2 hours and now lacking the motivation for today but I must get it done ....funny part about Turbo Fire for me anyway I might himm and haww about doing it but I always enjoy doing it and feel better afterwards....you ladies are amazing to keep up with everyone and post to them...I (this is not meant in a bad way as I can tell yall have a bond) that I am that wall flower just reading and learning slowly sticking my toes in the pool with yall :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I can't post all the pics here, if you want to see them, I'll message you the link and password.

    but here are a couple PG pics.


  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kendal, those are totally cute!

    Having a slack week with exercise. I tried out that Brazilian Keratin hair straightening treatment, so I'm not allowed to get my hair wet, sweaty, whatever, for the next three days. Let me just say as a daily hair washer, I'm already going bonkers. Also trying to figure out how I'm going to walk the dog when I get home from work without sweating since it's already in the 90s here... Maybe I can beg the bf to do it. But, to make up for lack of exercise, trying to stay just a bit under my calories (1460 a day), but not by much. Just in the 1300s.

    Karen, congrats on being able to sleep in your own bed! That's awesome; I'm happy for you!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: I've thought of having that hair treatment (I've been fighting with my curls for my entire life). Let us know how you like it. You didn't have any problems with breathing or anything when you had the treatment, did you? I've seen reports of the chemicals causing breathing problems in both clients and hair stylists.

    Kendal: Those pics are AWESOME!!! I especially like the first one (with you by a window). You look gorgeous!

    Tae: I did not start with this group until this past summer (I think) so I know that it can kind of seem like you're on the outside when you first start posting. But you'll soon see that we LOVE new people and we try hard to include everyone in the conversation. You won't be on the outside for long, I promise! Congrats on the calorie burn!

    Karen: Congrats for being back home. It sucks about the smell and the mud but it's really, really good that it's OUTSIDE rather than INSIDE.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, I'll let you know how it goes. As soon as she was done, my hair looked awesome, but of course it's going to look awesome directly after treatment. I have super fine hair, and I can already see that this made my hair look healthier, and lots of shine! My hair frizzes up by just -thinking- of going outside in the summer.

    No problems breathing; I did the formaldehyde-free formula. From what I understand, it's the harsher treatment with formaldehyde that impacts your breathing. My stylist said she even had to leave the training for the harsher treatment because her asthma acted up! But this one is fine. It has a bit of a chemically smell, but it's not wholly unpleasant.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm home today with G. Her face isn't so rosy and her chest sounds a bit better so she can go to school tomorrow I think. YEAY!
    P90X shipped yesterday so I should be able to start some time next weekend. I'm thinking Sunday. So today I'm going to clean out the office and get it ready so I can do it in there on the laptop. I guess I need a door frame and my living room Is huge and there isn't one. I also need to get a resistance band. For now I'm just going to use the 5 lbs weights. I remember doing 30 day shred and after a few eta they were making my arms shake.

    Kendal I want that link! Those two pics have a gorgeous etherial quality to it!

    Karen YEAY for going back home!

    Tae it can take a while to feel comfortable but you will get there!

    Crystal??? Where is you girl????????

    I can't see any more posts on this iPad. I will hop back on later and finish up.

    On a random note....my no must be completely off today becau all I can smell is over ripe bananas. There are two bananas in the hous but not at that point. My nose is so weird. Either hyper drive smelly sense or can't smell a damn thing lol!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Karen, Lacey and Amy- I sent you the link via mfp email. Let me know if you got it. If not, give me your "real world" email and I will send it to you that way.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendal's pics are AWESOME!! :o) Love 'em!!

    Nava-let me know how that works out for ya! My hair is fine & thinning (yeah, it stinks!) so anything I can do to help it...it'd be nice!

    Tae-you just dip your toes in at your own pace! :o)

    Lacey-yay for G headed for better!

    I swear my head is on backwards today! I have entered things wrong. Copied stuff upside down. And charged someone for a report that should have been free! I blame it on the smell at home or TOM, take your pick! LOL!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I want to see more pictures! You look FAB in the two you posted! Really cute!

    Geez this thread is moving fast!

    Just a quick check in, as my work day is pretty busy.

    Check in from yesterday, because I'm doing this again!
    1691 eaten / 1360 exercise calories / 869 left over

    Ran the 8 miles. Went sort of okay. My problems are that I have not been training as consistently as I should, I hadn't run in a week and a half, this matched the longest distance I'd run this training round, and I was running with some speedy folks. Unlike last time though, my friend and my other friend's manfriend were good about staying with me, and asked me how I was doing several times. I was crapping out towards the end, and the guy is having knee problems, and if he stops and walks, it wonks up his knee, so I told them to go ahead with about 1.5 miles left. They were like "are you sure? really?" I really appreciated that, and didn't feel bad when they ran ahead, because it was my request, so all in all good. My legs are pretty tired today. Still contemplating how much to run for my long run this weekend.

    I don't know if I'll do any exercise today minus the two long dog walks. Emma has her first week of "basic manners" training tonight. We need to work on jumping on folks when she greets them. We'll see how it goes. Eating SHOULD be okay. It is cake day today though, which I'm more excited about than I probably should be.

    Hello to you all, even if I didn't respond. I did read everyone's post!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Just when I thought i was beginning to get on top of the thread - responding and remembering peoples names - it's gone mad again.

    Welcome to all the new people - will take a while for me to work out your names and who is saying what (an age thing I think - well, it's what I put it done to anyway!!!!!)

    Kendal: love, love, love the th=wo phots - think it must have been your tom when you first looked. If you happy would like to see the rest, they look amazing.

    Krisitna: gald you back running and this weekend - the most important thing is to have a fun time wioth your folks. Enjoy.

    Amy: yes please, would love to support re sabotage - I am currently trying to decided whether I need to work out why I do it or whether I could just find ways of addressing it.........do you know when you do it.

    Lacey: So sorry to hear about G. It gives you a clue re changed behaviour but wuold obviously be happier time if she was not poorly. Hope she better soon.

    Karen: Glad you back home - let's hope that's it for a while - must be time for some sun now.

    Haillie: enjoy your prom

    Victoria and everyone else: mind is now boggled and have forgotten who said what (sorry) but gald you all still here and we are working together to achive our common aim!!!

    Am now on 4/7 good days; 2/7 bad. Have mixed feelings re what today should count as already as totally missed lunch (which in reality is bad, but not the bad I was originally thinking!!!!) Decisions/decisions. Aside from that, loggin good/bad is really making me think so will continue for whole of this challenge, if all alright with that?

    Annette x
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Annette: I self-sabotage when my weight loss stalls. I think things like: "well, you aren't losing weight anyway so this Coke/cookie/pizza won't matter". The truth is, ONE thing won't matter but then it spirals down into half a pizza AND a coke AND then some more junk. So I am in a dangerous place right now as I haven't really been losing much. But I'm trying to stay positive. I think that if you can figure out why you do it, that would probably be helpful but figuring out how to deal with it is the key. I don't know WHY I do it, I just know that I do and I am trying to deal with it.

    Kristina: Good job on your MONSTER run! I can't imagine doing 8 miles!! I'm so glad your friends stayed with you and you were only on your own for the last mile and a half. That's WAY better than being left in the dust. Enjoy doggie training with Emma!!!

    Karen: I hope your day gets better!

    Kendal: Your pics are gorgeous and you are a fierce and courageous lady for having them done. AWESOME!!!

    Lacey: I'm glad Gracie is feeling better! I hope that means you'll be able to get some sleep (finally).

    I decided to change my macronutrient break-down from whatever MFP defaults to to a 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein break down. It's DAMNED hard to eat that much protein but I did it. (it was like 160 grams of protein or some crazy thing today) I'm hoping this will help bump the weight loss in the right direction.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    So I missed a day and you would think I missed a week. So happy to have all the fresh faces on here and excited to get more time to really get to know all of you. Today at work I am actually back in our HR office (HR person is also one of my best friends and I am her back up when she's not here), so its a bit easier for me to take some time and devote to you guys. So here I go, trying to catch up with everyone. If I miss you, I'm super sorry! I'm normally on here so much more!

    Annette, I think you should continue to strive for more good days than bad, but maybe you need to look at is as more of a more good "decisions" than bad. That way, if you slip up at lunch, you can't think "well now this day is a bad day, so it can stay bad." Just a thought. Keep at it though, you're doing great!

    Tae, if it makes you feel any better, I have been here for a bit and I'm still overwhelmed and sometimes feel like a wallflower. Just dive in! We're all super duper nice, I promise. Over time, you'll find a way to connect with everyone. The thing that's so great about this is you can talk about whatever, and no matter what, somebody else in the group is going to react to it.

    Victoria, remember when you got your bootie back in gear after you realized you had gained back some weight, and then it started dropping off again and you were SO HAPPY about it? Yeah. You need to be there again! So I agree with Amy, if you're hungry, EAT. Just make sure you're burning to compensate. Or maybe look at what you're eating? Protein is the killer for me. Without it, I think I would feel like I was starving all the time. And water too.

    Kristina, I totally cracked up at you saying you need to spread the Kristina love around. You do! I totally get your lack of desire to rush into that - dating is kind of a pain. But that's awesome that your date dude messaged you again. Of course he did- you are fantastic! After reading all the chatting about the Game of Thrones books, I'm thinking I need to invest. We just watched last Sunday's episode last night - craziness!

    Bwildered, welcome! That's awesome that you are doing Insanity! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll see amazing results. A bunch of people on here have done C25K, so if you're thinking about it, you can bounce ideas off.

    Kendall, well hello gorgeous! The 2 pics you put up on here are freaking beautiful and you look beautiful in them! Yay you! And you can totally lose 5lbs by the end of this challenge!

    Karen, I don't think there are words to express how excited I am that you are finally in your own home again. You can zumba again! And no more sharing your mom's tiny fridge! YAY! Is the inspection today? For some reason I'm thinking the inspection was on Thursday.. if it is, I hope it goes well!

    Nava, I have also thought about getting one of those hair treatments. I have that stupid middle of the road hair that is just frizzy and awkward on its own. If I take the time it can look awesome curly or straight, but its definitely not low maintenance. I also agree that no one should ever post pics of someone else that they wouldn't post of themselves on facebook. So frustrating!

    Bells, welcome! see above for my comment about runners in the group and C25K. We're here for you!

    Cristina, welcome! I agree that it would be nice to not want to eat pizza and queso... and beer. lol

    Renee, welcome to you too!

    kingfisher, I completely relate to wanting to fit into your clothes in your closet. Today I am actually wearing a pair of capris that I haven't been able to wear since 2006, and I love them and it feels AMAZING.

    Lacey, I am so pumped that you are getting P90X. I am telling you in advance that I am going to totally harass you about staying at it. Seriously, you might hate me for it, but remember I'm doing it because I love you and I love P90X and I really want to see you accomplish it.

    Sarah, you have some pretty awesome/impressive goals. Let me know how getting your sodium at 1500 a day goes... I'd love to do that, but I still have quite a few "convenience" foods in my diet which of course adds sodium in. I'm trying. I find it the hardest on my big calorie burn days... Amy I know you relate to that! How's the HRM treating you? You got a Polar FT7 right? Fancy. I LOVE having one.

    Hailie, have a great time at prom this weekend sweetie! Can't wait to see pics! I actually went to a Lutheran boarding school and they didn't want us to get involoved in the usual prom shenanigans so they held it on Sunday night and called it Junior/Senior Banquet. It was still pretty much just prom, though.

    Amy, have you done the Air Force PT test yet? I bet you will do amazing! How long were in the Air Force for? I can't belive the hubbs cut his own cast off - hilarious.

    Phew! I got all that I had written down! And now my boss is coming back so I will get back on to you tell you about my day! :) Love you all!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Tae - asking questions is a great way to engage us. I used to be a wall flower - not sure if it's my increasing age or more self confidence with having lost weight. You mentioned yard work. I was surprised to burn about 300 cal/hour weeding and getting leaves out of my flower beds.

    I'm super excited today - both new pairs of shoes have arrived... New road running shoes and new trail running shoes. In about 20 min I get to test the trail shoes - I'm meeting mom at the park with her dog for 30 min of hill running. Then a short trail walk. And I'm wearing shorts and a tank!!! It's 80 here. The windows are open and spring is here. DH has talked me into going out to eat tonight - even with the run, I probably be over in cals again. Most of the bad leftover food (from mothers day) is gone so eating should get back on track.