200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm right there with you Amy. Been here a year and a half, tried changing cals up and down, exercise regularly. Still have only lost 40-45 pounds. My lowest weight was in December and I haven't been close ever since. Its frustrating but honey, you are not alone.

    Would it be worth it to go see a doctor or nutrionist for some extra/specific advice? Or maybe a personal trainer?
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Amy, I wish I knew what the hell is going on. I can't imagine how angry it has to make you. Heck, when I saw your status this morning I was pissed. I wish I knew something else to suggest but I know that you've pretty much tried everything. I guess maybe Kendal is right, maybe seeing a doctor/nutritionist/trainer would at least give you some professional outside advice on it.

    I guess all I really wanted to say is I'm sorry. It sucks. And more than anything it is NOT FAIR. You deserve to already be at your goal based on how hard you work and how well you eat. I know that doesn't help, but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and that I genuinely wish the best for you.

    We are all here for you... vent all you want. Just don't give up. If not just for you, for us. We'd all miss you way too freaking much if you weren't fighting this fight with us. :heart:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I'd love to join but just went under 200 today. (199.5) can I still play?
    If so, my starting weight is 199.5 and my goal for the summer is to hit 185 by Sept 1 (to be officially "overweight.")
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    urgh had a crap week food wise so if ive just stayed the same tomorrow ill be happy

    cant remeber who asked but this is the swmsuit im getting http://www.wiggle.co.uk/zoggs-ladies-torquay-legsuit/
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-dont' give up! And vent as needed! You're my hero for getting to where you are, so there has to be a way through it! :o) Maybe some outside advice from a nutritionist would be beneficial, or a Dr. You're doing SO well! I think you're building some major muscle with as hard as you work, and that the size is going down, just not the scale? My tape measure made me feel better this morning when I was up (not a lot, but up) from Monday, but down inches. It's my friend! Whatever we have to do in order to motivate you! :oD
    I'd love to join but just went under 200 today. (199.5) can I still play?
    If so, my starting weight is 199.5 and my goal for the summer is to hit 185 by Sept 1 (to be officially "overweight.")

    And of course you can join! You've BEEN over 200, thus you understand what we're going through! There are others on here that have made it to onederland! Congrats to you for that!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hello all! After being stuck in an all day seminar, I'm finally able to check in.

    I'll have to go back and read everything, but from what I saw... Sarah, I don't know if it worked yet! I can't wash my hair till tomorrow. As someone who washes their hair religiously every day to battle the fine-haired grease monster, this is a feat in and of itself. I've got high hopes and I'll update hair status post-Saturday shower. haha!

    Amy, I know it's SO frustrating. It could be something as simple as tweaking calories, or it could be something bigger. When I first started with MFP, it had me eating 1210 calories a day, and I wasn't losing ANYTHING. Then I upped the calories to 1460, and suddenly it started coming off. I'm sure it'll plateau and I'll drive myself bonkers again. So maybe that's something?

    On the other hand, I totally agree with the other ladies (funny how it's only ladies here, was that a requirement in the original thread?) about seeing a doctor. You may have some hormonal/thyroid/PCOS issue (I have all three, whee!) that are hindering your ability to lose weight the way a "normal" person would.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    PS... all they had to eat at the seminar was doughnuts, kolaches, and pizza. I'd eaten breakfast at home, but I caved and had two slices of pizza... *grumble* Yes, they were delicious, and yes, I feel bad about it. Oh well... can't do anything but move forward.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nova- pizza isn't TOOOOO horrible, as long as you don't over indulge. I remember when I would eat 4-5 slices for a meal. THAT was over indulging.

    No formal exercise today for me. Heading to the bff's house for a jewelry party. I did mow the yard in about 30 minutes though so that's better than sitting on my butt all night. Eating a black bean quesadilla before I go. YUM.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I didn't do too bad. The two slices I had were also less fatty than some of the others. One was Hawaiian, and one was spinach and chicken. So no fatty pepperoni or sausage, at least!

    Black bean quesadilla sounds delicious!
  • paulasue75
    paulasue75 Posts: 9
    i think you did great only having 2 slices!
  • paulasue75
    paulasue75 Posts: 9
    thanks for the support everyone! i'm so happy to join this group!:drinker:

    before mfp...217
    sw 212.0
    cw 199.2
    goal 140 ish!
  • Nini_Soto_
    Nini_Soto_ Posts: 27
    Hello! I would like to join this group if that is still possible. I started at the end of April. I want to be healthy and more energetic. I have lost weight, but have gained it all back. I can use all the support I can get.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just stopping in to wish everyone a fabulous day & weekend. My seminar is ending this weekend.. so will be able to get back to my normal life soon & be here more:drinker: Just know I am rooting for your successes, weight losses, minor & major triumphs & some minor pitfalls:flowerforyou: . I love you all soo much & appreciate you being so incredible:) I try every day for decent meals, though have not had great success last 3 days, although I have not binged much. Can't wait to get back to decent food choices & some exercising soon:) Love ya:)

    :heart: Suzie
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - Girl! What is you talking about!! Have you compared your pants size drops from year one to this year? You have been a freaking work. out. supastar. machine..I would be utterly shocked if you haven't slimmed down WAY more this year than the past year. You inspire every single one of us on this thread each day with your never giving upedness (like that?) and pushing throughedness. But you are definitely allowed to vent too! I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. And if it isn't, well nut punch the scale and eff the numbers and go for a run!

    Well its Friday. I ain't got *kitten* to do...I wish. LOL. I have to get up at 6am tomorrow, that in itself blows, and drive two hours north for my bff's babyshower. That will be fun, but I do not look forward to driving 5+ hours there and back and across the city twice in a days time. Thank GOD for audiobooks. I need to probably bring my phone charger..can't forget.
    Jeff and I tried the neti pot tonight for the first time...I peed my pants laughing so hard. It felt really WEIRD and I only got it right in one nostril, but my nasal passage does feel better. I will try it again tomorrow. Now if only there was something for the eyes like that. Mine feel so gross right now with all the blooming plants.
    I am freaking tired. We all are here. Jeff has a cold, Gracie is getting over the pneumonia and still has a cough which I bet won't go away for quite a while..but at least its the weekend right? Yeay for that!

    You ladies have a fantabulous weekend! I will be on here sporadically at best. Monday I gotta get my butt in gear again.
  • dctyler
    dctyler Posts: 30
    Hi All. My name is Debbie. I have a weight loss goal of 132 pounds. I have lost 46 so far, but am having a difficult time staying on track. I joined a gym 6 weeks ago, and now all I want to do is eat....eat....eat. I need to find a way to control my appitite, and some friendly support to keep me focused. I look forward to meeting all of you, and would appreciate your help.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    SW: 282
    CW: 236
    GL: 150
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    When does it start, or can I just jump in any time?
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    I would like to join this group, if possible. I have been a member of MFP for almost 2 months and I've lost 15lbs. My goal is to get all the way down to 140-145. I've already lost 15 lbs during the short time that I've been a member. My current weight is 224.3. I'm looking forward to much success with all of you.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Amy-Sorry to hear you are frustrated, but feel free to vent away. I would second checking with a doctor. My first thought was maybe to have your thyroid checked out....someone else mentioned that too. I know my mom really struggles with losing weight even when she is very good about eating healthy. If you have had that checked recently and all is good, it might just be that a combination building muscle and losing inches not weight. Just keep at it, you are healthier for all the exercise you been doing.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Debbie and Choirgirl!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Hello all! I'm relatively new to MFP and decided to join this challenge as I'm really needing some support to get past this plateau I've been at for the last couple weeks. Amy, I know 2 weeks isn't nearly as frustrating as what you are currently dealing with. I'm 31 and live in Central Illinois. I started at 278 lbs and have lost 29 pounds since January. So, my current weight is 249, let's go with this as my weigh-in as I've been there for the past 2 weeks. My goal weight is 170. I'm only 5'3" but think I have a larger frame and don't want to look too skinny. I figure once I get to 170 I'll re-evaluate and go from there.

    My goals for this challenge:
    - Lose 4 lbs. - I know it's small, but I'd just be happy getting unstuck.
    - Prepare at least a few (3) meals a week - Kind of getting tired of Lean Cuisine.
    - Maintain caloric intake on days off from work - I tend to eat just once or twice on my days off and usually eat <1200 cal.
    - Transition from machines to free weights - I used to do weightlifting in HS and kind of miss it.
    - Go through clothes in storage and see if they fit yet since the stuff in my closet is getting big and I don't want to buy new yet.