200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    *Sigh* I can't keep up with y'all, it's crazy! Lol. I'll do my best to catch up but no promises,:laugh:

    Kendal - I *love * your pics, they are ADORABLE! I'd love to see the rest if you're willing to share. :) You should be so proud of yourself! Also, congrats on the weight loss! You showed that scale!! (And cracked me up with the girl at a Justin Bieber concert comment, lol!) So, I noticed your profile pic changed...then changed again...then changed back. Did you decide to unfriend your mom? Lol. :laugh:

    Lacey - I'm still here... barely! Lol. I love all the new faces but only being on once maybe twice a day, the mere thought of making an attempt to reply to anything is overwhelming! :tongue: I hope Gracie is still improving. And I thought an ear infection was bad! You'll have to let me know how P90X goes too. I've heard great things about it (although those things coming from my best friend who is SUPER TINY to begin with so...yea...lol).

    Victoria - I'm so jealous of your new shoes!! I was asking my personal trainer the other day about my shin splints since I started running and she said it was probably related to my crappy shoes. Too bad I'm a broke single mom so new shoes have no choice but to wait.

    Laura - Welcome and I totally know what you mean about the kiddos. My 8 month old is into EVERYTHING (in fact she's already almost the computer junkie her mommy is :tongue: ). Honestly, I've been trying to spend less time on the computer because it takes my attention away from her and because she doesn't need to learn these same behaviors, so I'm trying to change mine. In doing so though, it's darn near impossible to keep up around here! :laugh:

    Sarah - Thanks! If I'm able to get a jogging stroller (and possibly new shoes) I'll definitely be taking up the C25K. I really want to get more of my exercise outside! If I manage it this challenge (may have to wait 'til next, but we'll see) then I'll let you know how it goes!! :smile:

    Kerry - Thanks for the congrats! It's still hard to believe how much I've lost on my own... And in a healthy way! The healthy way, to be honest, is something totally unfamiliar to me but it's actually working! Lol.

    Karen - as much as I believe the Zumba DVDs work as well as the classes, I have a few DVD's at home that I "meant" to start and it just never happened... :tongue: I don't trust myself to keep myself going and accountable that's why classes would be so much better. The ONE attempt I made with 30 Day Shred, I gave up about halfway through 'cuz I was tired. Think I'd try to pull that with my personal trainer or in the middle of a class?? Heck no, lmao. Who knows, it might just do the trick to keep me going. We'll see I suppose!

    Amy - Given I'm mostly new to all of this, I wish I had suggestions on ways to jump start the weight loss again, but from the sounds of it you're still headed in the right direction, even if the numbers on the scale aren't changing! I remember my first meeting with my personal trainer, I told her that I don't care what the scale says - I just want to look good, feel good, and have my self-confidence back. If that means I have a toned, flat tummy at 190 so be it, I don't care (unlikely but trying to get my point across). Same goes for you! If you've dropped pants sizes, then you're on the right path.

    I second Amy's post and am so happy to have all the new faces, just give me a little time to get the names straight! I'm so horrible with that. Welcome again to all the newcomers!!!

    Sorry I suck to much and am so behind in replying to everyone, and to whomever I missed, I'll catch you the next time around, promise! Craziness on here lately!

    The me front: Uh... I don't even know where to start? Lol. Things are going ok... I guess. Baby's better, I've been doing well getting out or to the gym, making my appointments with my personal trainer, etc. The downside is Tim (said ex mentioned in previous thread). So the complicated stuff... When he ended things the way he did a couple months ago, I was an idiot and continued sleeping with him, blah blah blah. I realize that it's different because I'm still in love with him, he's the father of my daughter, but I realize that it's still not right. Well, it'd been a while since *that* has happened and this last weekend he was over and although that didn't happen, we do still kiss (totally messed up, I know) and I happened to find out that his ex before me (whom he was cheating on me with the first few months of our relationship) and him got together last week and although they didn't sleep together, he kissed her and WANTED things to happen. She shut him down. UGH! So I totally bottled it up, trying to decide if I was even going to say anything but I was so freakin' angry. Eventually I did and we talked (kinda) and as I was leaving I told him to kiss me because I never wanted to kiss him again. He freaked out and then I explained to him that I don't want to kiss him until/if he decides that he wants ALL of me...not just the convenient or "fun" parts. I don't freakin' know. I'm ok but I'm a mental mess going back and forth about whether or not I made a mistake saying that. I can promise you that between him and me, I have ZERO balls in that relationship because I love him so much that I don't want to screw up any possibilities that could arise when he gets his *kitten* straight. After all he is the father of my daughter, and I love him, and it's messy, and ARGH. But I'm (kinda) realizing that even though I HATE that I said what I did to him, maybe it'll get my point across. And in turn give me the upper hand. After all, men want what they can't have and if I don't let him have it anymore, maybe he'll be a bit quicker to figure things out. And it's better for me anyways. I don't deserve that. Regardless of what I think or how things do turn out, it's a pushing motivator for me to keep going and losing weight. I want him to see me and be like "damn...wtf did I do letting her go??" I realize that's not the only factor relationships are based on, but having the additional self-esteem would DEFINITELY help in situations like this.

    AND I can tell you that I have ABSOLUTELY NO idea what I just typed above. I let my fingers run wild and got all of that out of my head. Felt really good to just throw that out there in word vomit form, but I suppose now I will stop, post, and read what on earth I just wrote with no edits.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal - I *love * your pics, they are ADORABLE! I'd love to see the rest if you're willing to share. :) You should be so proud of yourself! Also, congrats on the weight loss! You showed that scale!! (And cracked me up with the girl at a Justin Bieber concert comment, lol!) So, I noticed your profile pic changed...then changed again...then changed back. Did you decide to unfriend your mom? Lol. :laugh:
    No, I didn't unfriend my mom lol. If she sees it, then she sees it. But she hasn't signed on to mfp in 5 days.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    I guess I should start off with letting everyone know my name is Katie, not really clear by my username and forgot to mention that in my first post. I'm going to try to get names, so here goes.

    Welcome, Debbie!

    Tae - that books sounds good, I just sent myself a sample to my Kindle. It's not free anymore. I know it's only 99 cents, but I get tired of those adding up.

    Lisa-Marie - Welcome and don't worry we all have to learn how our unique bodies respond to different weight loss methods.

    Psychohope - Congrats on joining the gym! I would encourage you to try everything. I've tried almost all of the class offered, except water since I don't have a suit yet, and was quite surprised at what I ended enjoying.

    Laura (Hope I got the right name) - I can totally relate to the act of just letting words flow through the fingers to the computer and feel that it can be quite cathartic. As for your situation, I don't know that I have any advice other than everyone deserves to have someone that loves them and treats them like a queen/king. I know it is easier said that done, but take care of yourself and respect your right to be loved by someone that deserves you.

    As for my check-in, on Saturday I burned 3024 cal (I have a BodyMedia so that's for the full 24 hrs) and consumed 2113 for a 911 cal deficit. I did a 45min Spin class, 45 min Zumba, and did my weightlifting routine. I don't usually do 2 cardio classes in one day, but my partner and I were suppose to take my mom out for a belated mother's day dinner and were probably going to go to Texas Roadhouse (ah, that sounded SO good too). However, mom was having a bad headache from allergies, so I had trouble catching up on the calories. Wife and I went to Ruby Tuesday instead, so I had a decent deficit instead of a small overage!

    On a goal related note, I have an appt with a trainer on Monday to begin working with free weights and moving away from the machine weights. Since I put that goal in writing I've been thinking about my high school weightlifting days and thinking that I mind look into amateur competitive lifting competitions. I never competed in high school, it was just a special PE class that I took, but it was an idea I had thought about then. When I get done trolling here, I think I'm going to start doing some internet research.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Sunday morning everyone! Here's my check in for Saturday: I burned 2887/ I ate 2129/ 758 calorie deficit.

    Katie: I'm sorry your mom wasn't feeling well but congrats on having a deficit for the day!

    Crystal: I am so sorry you are having such a hard time with your ex. I understand that you still love him and he is the father of your daughter but you have to teach him how you will allow him to treat you. Do you want him to value you in every way possible or do you wanna be a booty call? I KNOW you want him to love you the way you love him. You deserve that and you need to make him realize this. You deserve to be loved and valued. (((((HUGS)))))

    Victoria: Did you reach your 3000 burn for yesterday?

    psychohope: your mini-marathon sounds fun.

    Welcome Debbie!

    Kendal: I echo Victoria - I'm glad you changed your profile pic back. Your bull riding videos on FB were AWESOME!!! That looks tough - but fun.

    Nava: How'd the hair turn out?

    It's a lazy Sunday around here. I baked some nutty whole-wheat bread and I've got my Insanity workout to do and some class work for Anatomy & Physiology. Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm debating getting off the couch to exercise but Marty is sleeping on my lap. It's hard to believe it's only been 3 weeks since we got the kittens. Greyson is still pretty skittish and let us pet him but not pick him up. Check-in for Sat 3149 burned and 2753 consumed!!! I did do 3 sets of 10 min of low impact aerobics during the movie.

    Katie - the weight lifting sounds fun. It's like riding a bike and you'll get back into without any problems.

    Crystal - oh hun... My heart goes out to you. All of your hopes and dreams will not change him. The chances are high that if you get back toghether with him, he will cheat on you again. I think you deserve better. You deserve to be with someone that treasures you for being you and is faithful to you. Your daughter will be better off in the long run if you find a better man and are happy than to suffer through years of you being miserable and finally getting a divorce. If you chose to continue being with him, I'd take sex out of the equation and make him show you respect and how he's going to change. And that involved more kissing/sex/flirting/texting of other women. Several friends have recently gotten divorced due to cheating spouses - they all discovered the spouse did much more than they admitted to. My guess is it didn't stop with kissing the other lady.

    Amy - enjoy your lazy Sunday.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    PS Hallie - how was PROM???
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies!

    I'm still here. I don't know what happened this week, but I missed the first 6 pages of the new thread. I'm here now.

    I'm weighing in this week at 194. One more pound down. That's 19 so far. About 25 more to go.

    I'm really seeing the difference in my body. I have retired one pair of jeans. I couldn't keep them up anymore. And my other pair are super comfortable now. Love IT! I have found a new pair of capris at our consignment shop in town. Which is a great place to shop if you have one near you. I think I got them for 6 bucks. And hopefully they will be falling off by the end of the summer. But they were only 6 bucks.

    My mom is spending the weekend with us which is so nice. Usually, we go to her house and i want to eat the whole time there. So now I get the visit and the control of cooking at my house.

    I need to get ready for church. Have a great Sunday.

    Have I mentioned how thankful I am to have this thread. I don't write much when I'm on here but I love reading your thoughts and stories.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Welcome to all the new people...I will respond to everyone later today or tomorrow.

    I am SO tired. I got up at 5:30 yesterday morning and drank coffee and read (Game of Thrones again) on the couch while my hubs watched ESPN. I never get up that early, but it was just nice for us to sit next to each other in the morning while our girl slept in her room. We don't ever get to do that.

    Drove to Portland and saw both my prego girlfriends and went to the shower for Veronika. It was a nicely done shower and she got lots of goodies. I think she's set except for the bottles now.

    We got home at 9:15 last night, Gracie and I, and ate some taco bell and went to bed. I haven't logged cals in days but I should have been decent yesterday. I also completely forgot to wear my bmf..

    Monday is the day I get back to tracking and watching what I eat...I want my body and mind used to that again before I start P90x hopefully next Sunday.

    Gracie is sounding and feeling much better. Jeff has a cold and I am thinking he might need to go to the doctor. As I was driving home last night I started to get swollen glands and ichy feeling. This morning my hip joints hurt and my ears are plugged and my throat is sore. And here I thought I'd got out of getting sick this time...damnit. I want chicken noodle soup. And we need groceries. UGh. Bleh. LOL. I think I will take a nice hot bath here in a bit. If I can keep Gracie out of it so I can relax I will be doing good. Otherwise I will have a date barbies and starwars in the tub later.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats Noelle on getting to buy some new pants. It is always a good feeling to get to retire a bigger pair! Have a great visit with your mom!

    For me a small NSV, while I'm not quite able to retire any of my current pants, I can tell a difference in they way they are fitting. I'm also able to fit into and zip up the smaller sizes I have....just need to lose some more in the middle to get rid of the muffin top. lol.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I'm kinda dreading it as, I unofficially weigh every day and haven't seen much, if any change on the scale.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Dammit, I had a huge response typed up, and then my dog put her head on whatever key makes firefox navigate back a page! Blarg.

    Amy, hair looks great! Post shower, all I had to do was blowdry my hair for five minutes, with my fingers, and it looked immaculate! Before the treatment, I would have had to put all sorts of goop in my hair, blowdry with a round brush for about 20 minutes, then attack with the flat iron, so this really cut down on styling time! I also went to a graduation party that housed a TON of people, so navigating through the masses, making idle chit chat... needless to say I was sweating like crazy. Normally, my hair would have been a hybrid of curly, straight, and frizzy, but it still looked amazing at the end of the night. Woke up this morning, still gorgeous. I hope this lasts a while! I might be addicted.

    Now that I've washed the keratin treatment out of my hair, it's back to the gym! As much as I hate working out, I have to say I didn't like when I couldn't.

    So for weighins, do we just post our weight here whenever between Friday and Monday?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Crystal- this thread started in October of 2009. In December of 2009 I found out my husband was cheating on me. He had been cheating on me for months, had several emotional affairs and slept with one of them (well, he never admitted to having physical relations with more than one). It tore me apart. I moved out but was willing to give counseling a chance. He had gone out and bought himself a little netbook (I took the laptop when I left) because he said he needed it to "pay his bills." I told him he'd lose all privacy on it and secretly put a keystroke logger program on it. Four days later (Christmas Eve actually) I went to check the keystroke logger. While he was telling me how I was so beautiful and he missed me and he loved me and he wanted me back, he would flip screens and tell his wh0re$ how much he loved them, all the sexual things he wanted to do with them.

    Bottom line- I deserve better. It HURT. But I left him. Because I DESERVE BETTER. He may say all the right words, but it sounds like there is a serious trust issue with your guy. Especially since he's a repeat offender. I know you love him and he's the father of your daughter, but you need to show your daughter how a "good" relationship is supposed to work. Not that the mom does everything she can to chase after the affections of the dad while the dad is half-in the relationship.

    If your guy knows you are only trying to manipulate him into staying for good, he still has the power. Every girl deserves to be "chased" in a relationship. Find the one who can't live without you. Being alone sucks, trust me, I know. But I'd rather be alone than be treated like *kitten*.

    We are here for you hun and you are NOT alone. If you go trolling through the boards, you will find HUNDREDS of other women here who have the exact same story as you.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    So very, very well said!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Crystal: Listen to Kendal. She said it WAY better than I ever could.

    Kendal: You are an amazing and strong woman. You deserve to be chased.

    Nava: I'm glad the hair looks FAB!!

    mrslrichard: A change in the fit of your pants is AWESOME!!

    Lacey: It sounds like a busy weekend for you. Get some sleep to head off your cold. You wanna be at 100% when you start P90X.

    Well, it's almost 7pm here and I can say that I officially survived the weekend!! Weekends are HORRIBLE for me. I always go over my calories and I tend to get lax with the exercise but I did GREAT this weekend. I won't even get pissed off if the scale is mean to me tomorrow. (Total effin' lie there, I'll TOTALLY get pissed off)
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Amy - Yes, I know I want him to love me the way that I love him. And I realize that by manipulating, pushing, etc. that he'll never TRULY love me the way that I want him to love me.

    Victoria - I get that I can't change him, no matter what I say, do, think... I've tried my hardest, even though deep down I've known that it would never work. He though, left me (twice now) so no matter how much I want of a relationship (sex or not) doesn't matter because I have no say. I am likely to believe that THIS time (with this girl) that it was just a kiss due to snooping through his phone, finding their conversation, and confronting her. The best part is that this chick pretended to be my friend for months before I found out that he was sleeping with her while we were together. And she had the balls to ask me if I thought he ever cheated on me when we broke up. Needless to say, this was the first conversation we had since I learned this and it was not so pretty. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes. There's a guy I was with once and I knew he had a gf but fooled around with him anyways. His gf has repeatedly been SO sweet, trying to be my friend, inviting me out and trying to talk to me, but the guilt is SO unbearable. I don't understand how some women have no conscience and can continue to pretend nothing happened and be all buddy-buddy like this wh0re did... But just because I tend to believe that it was just a kiss between them doesn't mean there couldn't have been more with other girls...

    Thank you all for all your kind words. This situation just SUCKS and I know I need to just get over it for the sake of being a good role model for my daughter. I've been making a lot of changes in my life to make sure that she doesn't grow up nearly as F'd up as I am (everything from re-training my eating habits so she learns what healthy eating is to not spending as much time on the computer so she doesn't think that the world revolves around the internet as I tend to). I know I can't change him, as badly as I wish I could. I think there are two equally difficult aspects of this situation. First being that I can't just cut him out of my life. That is how I've gotten over previous breakups because THE ONLY WAY that I can stop the vicious cycle I tend to put myself through is to cut off all contact. Him being her father, I can't just stop talking to him as much as I wish I could sometimes. Second is that this happened before. We broke up when I was 5 months pregnant and in December is when we started rekindling things, he realized there were still feelings there, blah blah blah whatever. So what's to lead me to not believe that it'll happen all over again with some time? I realize that it's not healthy for me or for Charlotte but...it's so hard to let go. Part of me doesn't want to. Part of me wants nothing to do with him. A small part of me knows I deserve better but most of the time I feel like even though I do know this, I won't FIND better... *sigh* Welcome to my mental hell. Rarr.

    Kendall - your post just spoke to me. There is a huge trust issue and I know others have gone through the same thing. Hearing how others got through it and how good it can be on the other side helps. And reminders that I'm doing the right thing when I do stand my ground even though a lot of the time I feel like I shouldn't or we'll never have a chance to make things work, makes all the difference in the world.
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm running on 87 minutes of sleep right now! :) Bahahahahahha.....PROM WAS AMAZING! When we were taking photos last night I was thinking of this group! I was thinking of this group because EVERYONE here helped me make it possible for my dress to be altered FOUR TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Camera died after one picture so I'll have to figure out how to post a picture on here later on. :)

    Before I forget, I'm skipping weigh in this weekend because TOM came on Wednesday but I haven't worked out much so I'm not going to step on the scale until post-Tom.

    Victoria: I love my job! It's so fun teaching little kids how to swim (and sometimes when I teach adults too!). It's very rewarding job for me instead of something in retail or the food industry. Prom was so much fun! Thanks for telling me the end date of the challenge--I just couldn't figure it out for the life of me!

    Amy: The post about your hubby's cast put a little smile on my face. When you had you venting post it I hope you know how amazing that is to lose all the weight! At least the second year you didn't lose only 5 lbs., (or some small number) every pound counts!

    Kendal: Your photos are so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read your post about the bar, beers, guy, and the bull. Hahahaha, I would love to see that video evidence! WTG on the weight loss!

    Kristina: You are one of my heroes! Running 8 miles is amazing! I can hardly do one! Please let me in on your secret to success! :)

    Kerry: Thank you! I did have fun! Did you like boarding school? I'm so happy I have amazing friends that didn't want to do the usual prom shenanigans. In our town it's all about drugs, sex, alcohol, drugs, sex, and did I mention alcohol? :) That's cool that you still got a form of prom though!

    Lacey: I agree with you that prom is the beginning of the end of high school. I just enjoyed the night for what it was and didn't worry about anything else! Yes, we went to a nice dinner before hand! Do you know what The Melting Pot is? It's amazing! The Melting Pot is where we had dinner! I'm so happy I stayed under calories this entire prom weekend! Saturday morning started at 6 a.m. and we didn't get home until Sunday (today) around 8:30 a.m. I'm ready for some much needed ZzzzZzzzZzzz's! A mountain bike race sounds like fun! You're going to Scottsdale for vacation? I love it down there! I want to live there, ASU, In-N-Out, and The Elephant Bar are all my favorite things down there!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Crystal, I know I'm just joining this group, but your situation is just tugging at me! I know it sucks tremendously badly, but something, even the littlest random something will change you for the better. Be it a new guy, some revelation about the old guy that gets you over the hump, something. Hang in there, and you've got tons of support from us. Be strong!

    It's a big world out there. I know what it's like to be scared that you won't find someone new, but believe me. There is MUCH better than him out in the world, and you'll find it. I know there's the added hurt of this coming from your daughter's dad, and I absolutely cannot know how that feels, nor do I claim to. But again, you're worth so much more than that guy is offering. You need time to work on you. As cliche as that sounds.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    I going to PASS on the weighin this week... as the two last weeks have been about poor choices, hardly any exercise & not enough sleep. My body is in shock & I do not want to shock my mind with weighing myself:sad: I am going to be back here tomorrow & hope to take the rest of the week in getting back on track.

    Sorry have not had the chance to read the posts.. but i am falling of the chair as my bed is calling me & my whole body hurts.

    Know that I am right there with you, believe in you & admire you. In spite of all the ups & down's in your lives... you all have great spirits & are sooo inspirational:flowerforyou: . Keep up the good work & I will be back to being human again tomorrow:drinker:

    :heart: Suzie
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Crystal: It IS possible to get to the other side of your ordeal. My younger brother and his "baby mamma" went through some serious *kitten* when they were together and ended up breaking up when their daughter was 18 months old. The split was horrible on all the people involved and the only way they got through it without killing each other was to ONLY focus on their daughter when they had to be together. They did not talk about themselves as a couple or their problems or what bad things one of them did to the other. They ONLY talked about their daughter and then they went home and did their own thing. That baby girl turns 12 this year and she loves BOTH of her parents even though she spent way more time with one than the other (in this situation it was my brother and my mom who raised her while the baby mamma was off doing her own thing most of the time). The thing I want you to get from this is that he can be a father to his daughter without being a pain in the @ss to you. It's totally possible.

    Suzie: Get some sleep and then make good food choices and then exercise. You feel so much better when you do!!

    Nava: You are such a sweetie, I'm glad you're here with us!

    Hailie: YAY for an amazing prom!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. It's the stuff like Prom, Graduation and Senior Skip Day that made Senior year fun. Enjoy EVERY minute of it!!

    Goodnight my lovelies! Have a great evening.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    turned into a very lazy weekend but at least I didn't pig out. Calories were basically in check. Didn't log but kept a mental count.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I would LOVE to join in on this as well!

    My name is Jennifer. My current weight is 321.8 as of yesterday morning. I am 30 years old, married to a great man and we just bought 10 acres out in the country of East Texas. I teach 8th grade Pre-Algebra and am so ready for school to be out in 14 days! LOL!

    My goals for this 6 week challenge:
    -Inch my way closer to getting under 300. (July 4th is my goal to get under 300!)
    -Gain more energy by MOVING more! (A lot of my workouts are from physical work- packing boxes, moving boxes, cleaning up the new place, etc.)
    -Meet new people who are out there on the same path I am!