200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in. Hope everyone is having a great day! I've been on track with my calories today and I'm hoping to convince the hubby to let me mow the lawn so I can get my exercise in for the day. It was errand running in the morning and a playdate in the afternoon for my two kiddos, so I've not gotten it in yet.

    After I've been here a bit longer, I'll try and do more comments to other posts. I'm having a hard time just getting this response in as my kiddos are all over me. lol.

  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey girls just checkin in for the day, was having a think today and have come up with my mini goals for this challenge:

    1. eat less processed food
    2. exercise at least 3 times a week
    3. drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day.

    im looking for a new swimsuit at the mo and i really need to ban myself from some sites, seeing fair to many I like
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I won't lie... I tried to read all 4 pages but eventually had to give up, lol. But here I am!! *waves* I can't reply to everyone but congrats to Kerry and welcome to all the newcomers! It's great to have you all. :happy:

    It's insane to me that I lost 14 lbs during the last challenge leaving me at 18 lbs less than when I started MFP on April 3rd! Holy cow... My goals for this challege:

    1. *Continue* logging all calories and exercise (this hasn't been much of an issue for me)
    2. Do 3 days of strength training every week (I suck at getting myself into it the one extra day that I should be doing it without my personal trainer!)
    3. Get outside more, enjoy the amazing weather WHILE doing my cardio and reserve the gym's elliptical for crummy rainy days
    4. I'd love to start the Couch to 5K. I'm going to try to get a jogging stoller to make this goal realistic but if I can't afford one, then maybe it'll be a goal for another challenge.
    5. Grow a pair and make it to a Zumba class to at least give it a try. :tongue:

    Given this challenge ends right before my birthday on the 18th, I'm gonna shoot for dropping 15 lbs and landing right at 212. :smile:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I love how active this thread is today!

    Pretty much got nothing done at work today, which was sort of to be expected as a big chunk of the middle of the day was spent doing the 'Big Bike' for the Heart and Stroke Foundation for the Corporate Challenge. Our company ended up raising over $2000 among about 20 participants. Not too bad! If you aren't sure what that is, you can read about it here: http://www.bigbike.ca/site/c.qmL5JmO7KzE/b.3586889/k.C024/Home.htm

    Anyway, I logged it as being about 200 calories worth of cardio but I kind of suspect it was more than that. My legs are okay but my rear end is screaming at me.

    I've got the day off tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to. Chris and I are going to Calgary via the scenic route, east to the Rockies and then south down the Icefields Parkway to Banff and then back west to the city. On the way we're going to do a little bit of hiking and active stuff, including some stuff I wasn't fit enough to do when we did that route last summer. I'm hoping I do a little better! Then we're spending the weekend at a 4-star hotel in Calgary, and my mom is going to be in Calgary as well so we're going to meet up for a while. I haven't seen my mom since Christmas so I'm really looking forward to that.

    psycho: Those are some great goals, especially the one to eat less processed food. That's an area I really struggle with and is part of the reason why I'm trying to limit my sodium.

    Laura: Good job keeping on track! Sometimes this thread moves at a dizzying pace so don't worry about necessarily keeping up with everyone. Just dive in and chatter away :D.

    Victoria: Yay for new shoes! Sounds like you'll have a fun time breaking them in.

    Kerry: I really need to cut out more processed stuff myself, which is one of the reasons I'm trying to lower my sodium (the other being a family history of blood pressure problems, although I'm younger than those usually start). So far I've been hovering between 1300 and 2000 mg per day most days, although today I went over a fair bit. When I'm high, I retain so much water it's not funny, which is another reason I'm trying to cut back. I did get an FT7 and so far I really like it. I'll be putting it to the test while hiking tomorrow!

    Amy: I've been fiddling with my macronutrient breakdown too and I gotta agree, upping the protein like that is difficult! Especially since my husband is not a big meat eater.

    Annette: I think you've got a solid plan there with tracking good days vs bad days. I do want to echo what another poster said though and suggest that you also look at salvaging the 'bad' days whenever possible--so if you have a crappy lunch, try to get in some extra exercise and eat a super healthy supper. Something else to think about, anyway :).

    Kristina: Way to pick up and get back into the training. I am in awe of your ability to run long distances like that. You are awesome!

    Karen: Sounds like you had a backwards day! Only one day left this week, though, and then it's the weekend :D. I'm so glad you were able to get back to your own bed and I hope the cleanup outside goes smoothly so the smell goes away!

    Lacey: Good luck with P90X. That's another program I'm thinking about doing one of these days. Keep us posted how it works out for you.

    nava: Hooray for getting your hair done :D. I've straightened my hair chemically once and it didn't last more than a few days so it's cool hearing about people it works for.

    Kendal: Your pictures are a-freaking-mazing. You are so adorable!

    tae: This group is awesome and I'm sure you'll feel like you fit right in in no time :). I lurked for a fair bit before I started posting regularly too, just to kind of get the feel of how we roll.

    Fake edit:

    Crystal: Those are some great goals! I'm thinking about C25K myself although probably will start it after my July vacation. Let me know how it goes for you :).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Accountability for today:
    1711 eaten / 288 exercise calories / 223 OVER. boo. hiss.

    But at least I still posted it. That pesto sauce on my pasta killed me-- but it's got olive oil--a good fat! haha. I just can't eat like that on a down exercise day.

    So, fair warning, with the parents coming into town tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to be hit and miss this weekend. I'm going to try and at least log on to input my foods, and I'll try and post my input/output calories here as well, but I'm going to focus mostly on logging, so try not to forget about me. I'm going to come back to like page 11 of the thread and be pulling my hair out.

    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning, and might take that weight as this week's weight-- just because I know this weekend will be a horrid eating weekend. Usually, I would take Mondays. I'll probably end up picking whichever one's better as my week's weight. hah.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    okay just call me flucking fumbling fingers because once again, I hit the wrong button and deleted half a post. Ga!

    All I will say now is...Kendal I emailed you but let me reiterate that i am in WOW of you right now and wish I had the balls to do something like that. Talk about owning your body and exuding confidence!! They rock girl!

    Kerry - yes! I will love for you to hound me about keeping with the program. I think I need it.

    Kristina - have fun with the 'rents this weekend. Glad you got the run done. Let me know about that training class with Emma. I will do that stuff next time. Regret not doing it with the two I have now.

    Annette - I agree with Kerry that maybe you might consider taking it decision at a time rather than day at a time. I know for me sometimes it comes down to hour by hour and if I do it day by day I could end up overeating simply because my breakfast was way over. You can do it girl!!! We won't let you not finish this challenge with us.

    Amy - I feel ya on the macronutrients. I always wonder whats the best mix up, but also have mine set to 40/30/30. THats funny about the cast lol.

    Victoria -what brands did you buy this time for shoes?

    Laura - take it day at a time here...just keep coming back, thats the most important part right?

    psychohope - it took me forever to find a bathing suit I liked for the summer. I've been wearing the same one for the last three years..I found one at Old Navy of all places which was a total relief because all the ones I really liked that held everything in and made the girls look good were like $75 plus and I did NOT want to spend that much money and just about did. Let us know what you find!

    Crystal - glad you found us again girl!!

    Sarah - I've always wanted to go to the Calgary Stampede. Have fun hiking and we will be waiting to hear how it all went this time around for you. Enjoy!

    Today ended up being a fairly good day. But I am tired even for having slept fairly well last night. Unfortunately I can hear Jeff sawing logs back there already so it might be a long night. Crossing fingers. LOL.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for all the positive comments - have decided to count yesterday as a good day - missing lunch was 'out of my control' and I didn't over eat as compensation - in fact I ate very little at all (not good) but I didn't do that - eat everything in sight thing which is usually associated with missed meals.
    Therefore 5/7 good days 2/7 bad. Can see the sabotage coming already - if I slip to less than 5/7 will feel like a failure and punish with food. Idea - change tact - challenge is six weeks - 42 days - ergo if keeping tally for whole challenge 5/42 good 2/42 bad so far - no scale on which to punish - Hurrah. You lot are fantastic - you are making me think and address by being in my head with your comments and thoughts and you are making me work it through - THANK YOU.

    Anyways - weighed today - 183 - AND am so excited about the day - I am off to rollerblade along the sea front, with two friends - who are cycling. The Hubby cringed when he heard (he hates it when I skate - feels I am an accident waiting to happen - don't know what he's on about really - just because I don't know how to stop.......................

    Victoria/Kristina: am totally in awe of your staying power - how do you get through that 'boredom' factor that hits after 20 minutes of so?

    Amy - you have lost so much - your body taking time out to re-adjust is a positive thing - the pizza and soda WILL NOT HELP - body will just get confused and not know whether to want good or bad foods.

    Lacey/Kerry - thanks for the comments - as above - you are all helping me re-adjust my thinking.

    Enjoy your weekends all. Have to run part of a fun day at chapel tomorrow (I have 30+ 6/7 year olds for the day) so may not be able to post, then monday am working and have cakes and things to make for a funeral. Tuesday is filled with taking my father to consultants and Wednesday, back at work. No wonder housework sits looking at me!

    Annette x
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok my Friday check in I did weigh but I am still at the same exact weight of 213.6 oh well at least it isn’t moving upwards and my muscles feel swollen so I am going with I am building muscle lol who knows but not going to let that get into my head…I completed day two of Turbo Fire/CLX it was an easy day felt like I didn’t do enough to be honest….when I first started trying to lose weight I used to walk a mile every night I am wondering if I should add that back in never sure of what is too much
    I am deep cleaning the house a room a day…I mean the kind of where on Wednesday I cleaned the bedroom emptied every drawer, washed to door, baseboards, windows etc…Yesterday was the closet my husband in Military so the closet is umm crazy with military crap but it is done…our kitchen is becoming the catch all place for everything that is going to good will when my husband came home he went how did we make that much trash in two days lol had to explain it was not trash he felt better....so today is our bathroom and trying to figure out what do you do with the shampoo, lotions, etc that you will never use before I would give it to my friends or family but I live in area where I don’t know anyone that I can give it to I don’t want to just trash it

    Yesterday’s food was great until my husband brought me an ice cream cone and my will power went out the window and I ate it every last yummy bit and I will not feel guilty about it at all or let it lead me down an evil cycle

    this is me jumping in the pool ladies lol

    Anvy…I am still stuck on the your husband has cut off his own cast for a day or two now wow I could see mine doing the same thing he had surgery actually almost a year ago today and wanted to go full throttle it took lots of drugs and crap books to be still and listen to the doctor…I just sent a sample of the Game of Throne book to my Kindle always looking for new books for well both of us I am currently reading the Rob Lowe book

    Sarah –So happy you got a hrm I love mine I just like going ok I burned x amount of calories lol there is a part of me that wants a body bugg just don’t want to drop those kind of dollars lol

    Bwildered-Way to go with Insanity that is great

    Yocum not sure where you are at and dealing with the water but happy you are back in your home and bed…if your house flooded make sure to check your walls and installation from experience our house flooded back in the mid 90’s my parents were renting and the owners didn’t check or cut out the flooded walls and umm black mold everywhere and the smell was horrible we were lucky we didn’t get sick

    Akasullengal: 8 miles is great better than me lol…my husband has been training for a marathon and yeah all I can say is that both yall are better than me lol Ill ride my bike or drive the car …I hope you have a great weekend with your parents

    Annette: I can understand the self-sabotage trust me…but you have to break the cycle…the only thing that has helped me so far is to not get so hung on up being good or bad…not sure if that makes sense but if I get omg I had a cookie so then I can have 20 cookies not I have to go normal people can eat just one…of if I had a bad day I have to talk to myself into not have a bad week because I can end up have a bad month etc.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Friday the 13th!!! Check-in for Thurs (I had to estimate dinner so it may be bettter than it looks) 2971 burned and 3227 consumed. Exercise was an hour at the park walking and jogging on trails plus 2 mile walk for dinner.

    Lacey - both pairs of shoes are Brooks. I've been running in Brooks for a year and like the fit and how the instep is built up for arch support (stops me from pronating). The trail shoes were awesome - forefoot is sturdier and big nobs on bottom for better traction...

    Annette - you asked how I keep going after 20 min. I assume you mean with running. The first 2 miles are the hardest, then your body releases endorphins and it's easy to keep going... It's what we call the runner's high!!! You just feel fantastic. I do many things to get through the first 2 miles... I listen to books on tape and make sure it's a great story - I only get to keep listening if I keep running. If I'm on the treadmill, I envision the view as if I'm running outside (at 1/2 mile, I'm making the turn at wildcat corner. Now I'm approaching the horses, etc)... Running really is a mental sport. If the beginning is really hard for me, I slow my pace down to 15 min mile, enjoy the view and wait for the endorphins... Running is my drug of choice - what else beats a natural high. I talked to many runners as I was doing C25K - week 5 had me freaked out with the 20 min run. Best advise to slow down and just get the time in. Once you know you can do it, then work on speed.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Tae - if you can afford a BodyBugg or BodyMediaFit, I highly recommend it. It surprises me how much I burn on non workout tasks. Cleaning flower beds (weeding, taking leaves off, etc) I ave 350 cals an hour. When my eating was under control (it's not right now), I found I was not eating enough at 1500 cals. My average daily burn is 2500. When training for the 1/2 marathon last month, my average burn was 2700. Before the Bugg, I always wondered why I lost more when I took a week off from ex. It must have been since my deficit of burned to consumed cals was closer. PS great way to jump in!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yes, the numers do tell the truth!!! Hangs head in shame and realizes eating more the an you consume does lead to weight gain. I'm reporting in up 2 pounds to weigh in at 190. I'm really going to push myself to burn more and eat less!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    drum roll please...............................I'm weighing in at 215.8!!! That's a 4 POUND LOSS from last week!!

    *cartwheel* *twirl* *jump up and down* *squeal like a little girl at a Justin Bieber concert*


    I think the key to my success this week was having lunch and dinner already made (just unfreezing it and heating it) and changing up my exercise. I took Lexi on 3 walks this week on the roads behind my house. Those roads are a bunch of hills compared to the incredibly flat park that I usually take her to.

    I'm so bored with P90X but I think I will start mixing it in on my non-jogging days. Maybe I should look at the schedule for month 3 before I give up completely on it. I did great with it the first month and had fantastic results.....

    and thanks for all the kind words about my pictures ladies :bigsmile: I feel really narcissistic cause I keep looking back at them but I can't help it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    WTG Kendal!!!:drinker: I'm so proud of you!!! Twirls and squeals with you...
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    KENDALL YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am so insanely happy about your loss, you totally deserve it! Woot! :happy:

    Tae, I love deep cleaning my house. Its so cathartic to get in and get down to the nitty gritty and then know that you're house is completely dirt, dust, and clutter free. It is a total time consuming pain, but so worth it in the end. I'm glad you "dove in" on here... we're happy to have you! And don't feel bad about the ice cream cone. Its hot out, every now and then everyone needs an ice cream cone. :wink:

    Annette, I hope rollerblading went well - do you have a boardwark nearby? That's so fun!

    Lacey, how'd you sleep? Were you able to silence the snores from Jeff?

    Kristina, have so much fun with your parents this weekend! I am going to Chicago this weekend so I also will be pretty MIA from here, and I know I am going to miss SO much on this thread. Ick.

    Pscyho, I like your goal of trying to eat less processed foods. I think I might adapt that too. Bathing suit shopping is still something I completely dread doing. I usually just end up going to Target and finding one for $20 and calling it a day. I can't wait for the day that buying a bathing suit is fun.

    Sarah, I feel ya on the sore bum from the bike ride... I don't think my butt fully recovered from my Saturday bike ride until Thursday. Brutal. Your road trip/hike sounds amazing and so fun. I'm sure you'll have so much more energy and stamina than last time - can't wait to hear about it.

    Crystal, CONGRATS ON THE MASSIVE LOSS LAST CHALLENGE! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Well done! And we're glad you found us on the new thread!

    Victoria, I love Brooks. I got hooked on them a couple years ago when I first starting working at Home Depot and was on my feet on concrete all day. After a while my right foot literally stopped working - it was totaly cramped permanently and would not point or flex. I got a pair of Brooks, and bam! Problem solved. I'm glad you like the new shoes and pumped about your trail training. Now get those cals back in check woman! :wink:

    Did legs/back/ab ripper x this morning. I really love that one - its nice because its strength training but the leg moves really keep my heart rate up so I get a good burn too. Tonight we are cramming 6 people into a buddy's Ford Flex and driving to Chicago to hang with some friends for the weekend. I'm going to do my best to log foods, but I'm mostly worried about the drinks. I probably won't go to bed until like 4am tonight. And I got up at 5. And I'm actually excited about it. :laugh:

    So weigh in for today is 195.1, which I am pumped about because all week I have been somewhere in 197.

    Last night I was trying on some of my dresses in case we do a fancy dinner in Chicago on Saturday night, and at one point in time Chris looked at me and said "I can't believe how much different you look in that dress since the last time I saw you wear it. You look SO good." It made me feel amazing. AND he totally downloaded MFP to his phone yesterday! He's only looking to lose like 15 pounds - he's not a small guy but he has a massive frame, but I'm so excited that he's giving this a try! It really makes me feel like my good choices are wearing off on him, and that is awesome.

    I'll try to check in one more time before we head out for the weekend, but if I don't, have a great weekend girls! :heart:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OMG! I'll never get to reply to everybody! What awesome posts!

    First of all, WTG Kendall!! Woo hoo!!! :drinker: That's just awesome!!!

    Victoria-you'll get there! At least you realized what happened, so you'll get back on track! You've done so much, so this is just a baby step back!

    Tae-thanks, but thankfully, the water didn't get IN the house. Lucky for us, we're renting right now, & the landlord has the trailer set up high enough that the water still had several feet to go before it would have gotten in. And since NOBODY will do renter's ins on a trailer, he's going to use his homeowners & his "relatives" that live in the trailer are going to hopefully get some of the food replaced we lost, which thankfully wasn't too much! And so glad to see you jumping in!! Love it!

    Kerry & Kristina-have good weekends! We'll miss you! Hopefully my internet at home gets fixed today so that I won't be MIA also!

    Annette-way to keep it positive! You've got more good than bad, so that's always awesome! :o)

    Laura-can totally understand the kid climbing! It's why I try to post at work during the week so much! LOL! It's quieter here!

    Psycho-great challenge goals! Good luck on the swimsuit hunt!

    Crystal- You can do it! Zumba is fun! Even if you decide you don't like the class pace, the DVD's are just so much fun! And have you tried local consignment shops for the stroller? We've got several around here that specialize in kids/mom stuff, so there's a selection!

    Sarah-looks like you had fun, raised some $ for a good cause & got a good workout all in one! Cool! Enjoy the day off!!

    Lacey-do you have to have silence to sleep? I have a fan going & wind machine that kinda drowns out my hubby's sawmill at night. Isn't perfect, but it helps! Hope you get some sleep girl! That makes a difference in your health, not just the moodiness!

    OK, if I missed you, SO sorry!! Just so busy on this thread! I love it!

    Well, the bus driver had told me to call her cell phone when we got back home. Left her a voicemail last night. Apparently she's had a sub all week, so my hubby calls me as I get to sitter's w/Melodie & says, bus isn't here yet. I have to go BACK home (out of way) to take the boys to school! Thankfully, the principal says it won't count against their (perfect) attendance for the year.

    AND, the house may have a mold issue. At the least, there's moisture in all of the carpeting right now & no roof leak, so not sure where it's coming from! Grrr. So, if I don't get it checked out quickly to figure it out & get the carpeting out of there (which needs replaced regardless) there WILL be mold. It's hot & humid here right now, perfect for it to grow! So not sure what's gonna happen with the house. I'll let you know more as I figure it out. B/C I'm not buying a house with mold in it...good deal or not!

    OK, and time to get some work done! Being late as it was didn't help & we have one girl who took the day off to go fishing, so we're also shorthanded! TTYL!

    Oh, almost forgot, my "motivational" weigh in for myself this morning. 229.8 Up 0.8 lbs since Monday. I've not exercised much this week & though under calories, had some icky foods for me, so I'll take it! Plus, I've not gotten to use my own scale til this morning, so for all I know, it's just a difference scale thing! LOL! We'll see if I can get back on it for Monday's "official" weigh in! :0)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Karen- boo for mold! that can cause some serious health issues, so hopefully you can get it worked out. My parents had an issue when they moved into their new house in December and had to have a restoration company come out with industrial size fans and dehumidifiers to get moisture out of the concrete. It took about a week. (It is a brand new house and a disgruntled construction worker "forgot" to open up the sewer line so after their first night in the place, the lines backed up and the entire downstairs was flooded with sewage. Obviously mom and dad didn't have to pay a dime to get anything fixed, but we know it was expensive.) Its also completely different if the moisture has been in the carpet/flooring so long that it soaks up into the baseboards and walls too. Just use caution. :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    *waves* Hey Lacey! :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    AGH! I totally forgot that my mom is on this site and she doesn't know about my photo shoot! I had to change my profile picture back.

    or I could unfriend her....

    but that would be mean
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Warning: I am about to *kitten* and moan - please don't read if you want to stay happy & positive

    I have been going at this whole weight-loss-thing for a couple of years now. (Only about a year with MFP and a year on my own before that) In TWO years, I have lost 41 pounds. The first year, I lost 20 pounds just by eating slightly healthier and moving around a couple of times a week. THEN I got serious...and lost another 20 pounds in the last year. I have been KILLING myself for the past year (C25K, Insanity, P90X and then Insanity again) and managed to lose the same amount of weight as I did the first year doing not much at all. What. The. Hell??? I am so sick of doing "everything right" only to lose nothing or half a pound and then gain the damned thing back the next week. I've lowered calories, I've upped calories, I've worked harder and I've gotten no appreciable weight loss in MONTHS. I am so frustrated that I can barely even breathe.

    I'm done now, go about your business.