200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok my check in for Friday …I did Turbo Fire 30 Stretch 10 (I should say I do stretch 10 first and that is just how it is lol) and then did CLX Burn 2 burned about 845 calories…I did well on the eating..had all plans to deep clean my bathroom but husband got off of work way early and which that is great (I am horrible right) but felt like he tossed a kinky in my plans as he works so hard and wanted to come home, relax with me and I am like it is only noon not time to just sit around lol but I did and then we ended up falling asleep at like 7pm that is just too much for me we are only 32 and acting like we are 80 haha
    I am getting mad at the scale it is not moving not a fraction of a lb its ok I am being positive but I am used to it moving I am still a chunky monkey should be coming off who knows maybe it’s being in my 30’s and I have messed up my metabolism lol
    I started a book last night one of the freebee Kindles one Diary of a Mad Fat woman it is pretty good for a freebie for anyone that does not like bad language do not read it …I will update more when I finish

    Kendal: Applause Applause for the weight loss (also can I have the recipe to the black bean quesadilla it sounds yummy lol)

    Kerry (and anyone else lol) I am only a couple hours away from Chicago any tips on fun and exciting things to do I will take them we only have about a year left here before we move and we don’t want to leave here going man we should done this or that lol…our one year Anniversary is coming up on July 2nd and I want to try to do a little something we are going home to Texas on the 5th but want to do something lol

    Karen (wow there are a lot of ladies with K names that’s kind of cool lol) Sorry about the mold and the bus driver no fun but go mr or mrs principal

    Amy I understand your pain I have been doing this for a year or so before MFP and lost 100lbs I went off the wagon just for a couple of months due to moving and getting hitched lol and doing everything right also and that scale is not being friendly ….I am with Kendall have you thought about a nutrionist etc. I have actually thought about it …gone to the doctor once about it and he said try south beach literally and I got charged 200 bucks because weight loss is not covered in my insurance ummm ok yeah last time I went to that doctor lol

    Welcome Sophjakesmom

    Nova-I hope your hair turns out great I know I couldn’t do it I am with you also a daily hair washer but mine is straight as a board literally it is so straight that in the 90’s I got a perm and it fell out of my hair luckily my mom is grr and got a refund lol

    Welcome Nini

    Lacey—ok I am sorry I snorted so hard about the neti-pot I remember the first time I did it and umm yeah I wish I would have recorded it I could have been a youtube sensation lol…I am not addicted and even my doctor recommends it trying to have to have sinus surgery…for the eyes I use drops they rock but they are prescription …I hope your lil one feels better soon…and so what you are doing Monday to get your tushy in gear

    Welcome Debbie—Congrats your wonderful weightloss already

    Welcome Choirgirl and also congrats on your loss

    Great goals Meg and welcome
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Thanks guys for all of your supportive and helpful comments. I have had my metabolism checked by 2 doctors in the past few years and I am "normal". My thyroid is normal, my estrogen and testosterone is normal, I'm not anemic, I don't have PCOS. I was Vitamin D deficient but I take a supplement now. I've had "nutritional counseling" at my former doctor's office but it pretty much ended up being the doctor's wife telling me I should exercise an hour a day and eat all organic stuff. I found that to be really LAME counseling. I guess I can check into what the health and wellness center here on base has for nutritional counseling but as I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition, I would imagine there probably isn't much new information they can tell me. I just appreciate you guys being here for me and reminding me that while I haven't lost as much weight as I want to lose, I HAVE dropped clothing sizes.

    Lacey: Have a great weekend and enjoy your audiobooks! It's really weird to use the Netipot but it's SOOO awesome when you are having sinus issues.

    Kendal: I think black beans are the bomb! I put them in burritos, quesadillas, on taco salad, and eat them with eggs. Love them!

    Nava: Two slices of pizza isn't bad at all.

    Karen: You are exactly right about the tape measure. It is kind to me when the scale is not. I love u.

    psycho: I've never seen a swimsuit like that, it's pretty cool!

    Kerry: Thanks for being such an awesome pal. I love that you get just about as mad at my scale as I do. Congrats on your weight loss this week.

    Kendal: Congrats on your monster weight loss this week!!! You RULE!! And you totally deserve it.

    Tae: What branch of the military is your hubby in? Mine is Air Force (we're currently stationed in Germany) and I am an Air Force veteran.

    Welcome to all the new people!!! We love new blood around here. Jump on in and start posting!!

    Today was a tough morning. We were out the door by 7:40 am to go to The Kid's TWO (back-to-back) soccer games. It was tough for him to play 2 games back to back as he plays pretty hard. (He plays forward most of the time so he's all over the field) It's good exercise for me though as I wander back and forth on the side lines screaming at my kid (yes, I am THAT lady). We did our errands and now I've got Insanity to do but I'm in a much more positive head-space than i was yesterday. Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone!!! We watched Little Foekers last night - cute. Today - if it stops raining , I plan to mow the grass. I'm a wimp since I use the tractor to mow the 2 acres. I should push mow it for the exercise but it would take for ever. Planned exercise is a 6 mile run with a friend at 9 this morning. Check-in for Fri 2323 burned and 2554 consumed. Exercise was 25 min of low impact aerobics.

    Tae - great job on all the exercise. I hear you on the DH messing up your plans. I love it but hate it on days DH works from home. It just screws up my routine. Chicago is full of great things to do. Sears Tower, John Hancock building, the science museum, going to a ball game at Wrigley, the aquarium... I lived in the suburbs for 2 years but it was 18 years ago. My husband loves brewpubs and good beer so we always go to Goose Island Brewery and The Map Room to eat/drink.

    Kristina - have a great time with your parents and tell them I said "hi"...

    Meg - welcome!! You have great goals. I love closet shopping!!! The feeling of looking great in old clothes is awesome.

    sarah - great job on the biking charity ride. I miss my bike and really need to pull it out of winter storage. Have a blast in Calgary. I've never been there but it sounds beautiful.

    Crystal - I hear you on trying to keep up and read things. It's nice to have activity but harder to get to know everyone. Glad you found us... Good luck getting the jogging stroller. If I finished C25K, you can too.

    Welcome chiorgirl!! Jump in and start posting away. Technically the new 6 week challenge started last weekend - if you have a weight for that time, post it as the start of the challenge. People can join anytime.

    Welcome Debbie - if you are hungry, then eat. Try to aim for healthier foods with more protein. If you are burning more calories, you may need to eat more. Are you really hungry or is it stress eating? I tend to have a bottomless stomach when I'm bored or stressed. Airpopped popcorn is a low cal way to curb the need to munch.

    Lacey - LOL. You crack me up. I haven't tried a netti pot but hear good things about them. If you and Jeff both have allergies, do you think Gracie's pneumonia could have started from allergies? My mom got pnuemonia and that's when she learned she had allergies. She now takes meds in spring and fall and hasn't had problems since. I'm hopping on your Monday bus - we'll kick it into gear together!!!

    Suzie - I've missed you. Glad you'll be back with us soon!!

    Welcome sophjakesmom, Nini and paulasue!!! Congrats on getting to onederland...

    Nava - 2 slices is great. Remember this is a lifestyle change. I tell people that I'm not on a diet. I can eat anything but just need portion control. Now, I'm craving pizza. Thank goodness I live in an area that doesn't have pizza delivery!!! Hope your hair turned out great. I'd freak out at not washing mine everyday. There's never been a requirement for women only - I don't know why we don't have any men.

    Karen - my tape measure is my friend too. Good luck with the house. Mold is not something to mess with esp with all your kids.

    Kerry - have a wonderful weekend!!! Find a place to dance so you can burn some extra calories.

    Amy - you are truly inspirational!!! You are a workout machine, an awesome mom, and super cook. We all have bad days. Is PMS around? I tend to think bluer then. Look at how many inches you've lost and how much muscle you've gained. You are shrinking!!! Aren't you in size 14s? How many others near 200 are in size 14s... We love you and you can rant to us all you want. (((((((((((big hug))))))))))))

    Pyschohope - I love the suit. I've never seen one like it. I need to get out more but where I live, it's rarely warm enough for swimsuits.

    Kendal - what kind of jewelery party? Is it Lady Remington? I love their stuff. I liked that profile pic with the window. It didn't look like anything that could get you in trouble. You are an adult, living on your own. You can have pics taken and feel great about it.

    Annette - I hope your days goes well. 30 kids - EEEEKKKK!!!! at least with all the running around, you'll burn a few calories.

    Laura - did you mow the grass? Thanks for putting your name in your post - with the group growing, it's hard to remember all the new names.

    Well I've now taken an hour to get this far. Sorry to anyone I may have missed. An extra big welcome to any and all new faces:flowerforyou: :drinker: I'm motivated to get my bike out and give it a looksee, fill the tirese, etc in the hour I have left before my run. Maybe I'll even take a short ride. Have a super weekend!!!
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    Hi :)
    I'd like to join :)
    My name is Lisa-Marie and I desperately need to lose weight. CW is 216 :noway: :blushing:
    I'm just not very good at it. :cry:

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Lisa-Marie!!! Most of us aren't very good at losing weight. That's how we got to be over 200 pounds... I really get the calories in vs calories out concept and it's the first things that's ever worked for me. These ladies are great for keeping me in check. My best advice, take it slow and easy aiming for a pound a week. Make small changes that you can stick with. When the change is easy, add another. In a year, you will be down 52 pounds and be more likely to keep it off. Changes could be - eating more fruits/veges, adding 30 min of exercise, cutting back on pop/coffee/alcohol, cooking a meal rather than processed food, sharing a meal at resteraunts, etc. Good luck.

    Well my plans for the day are shot.. It's raining. So no bike ride and no mowing. If my friend shows up, I'll run in the rain. If not, mr tready and I may have a date. Then again, I could put it off until tomorrow and do some P90X and Zumba...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I LOVE you!!! Yes I AM in 14's. My period shouldn't start for 2 weeks yet so I don't have that as an excuse for my bad mindset. I think I got all wrapped up in the number on the scale and managed to forget that I've lost over 24 inches off my body and went from an 18/20 to a 14. It's ok that I'm teetering right at 199/200 because I am strong and fast and I don't honestly look like I weigh 200 pounds. Thank you for reminding me. (That's why I LOVE this board!!!!!) I vote for Zumba for exercise cus it's FUN and you should have fun on Saturday!!!!

    Lisa-Marie: Welcome to the group. I can't say that any of us is "good" at losing weight! The human body is actually good at gaining weight. It doesn't like when you lose weight because it thinks you are starving it. You just gotta stick with it.

    I just pounded through my Insanity Max Interval workout and am a red-faced mess but I'm feeling so much stronger than I used to be. I can't believe that I'm getting ready to start the LAST week of Insanity!!!! Woo HOO!!!!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Soooo, the two slices of pizza weren't bad in hindsight. Went to a friend's, and while everyone else was drinking, I was munching on the doritos and cheetos sitting around. Whoopsie. First time I've really caved like that. But everyone deserves a cheat day once in a while.

    Back on it this morning with a lovely bowl of cheerios with soy milk and a naner. I have to go to a graduation party tonight, so that might be a bit of a challenge, but I doubt it'll be a huge one. These people are health nuts and liable to have lots of things I can eat without feeling bad. Blarg.

    Sitting around till I have to go get ready for that (wash my hair, yay!!!), and watching Supernatural all day. Gotta catch up! I is a nerd.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My friend showed up and offered to run 7. It's her longest run yet. We averaged 13:49 pace. It only rained on us for the last 2 miles. The rain actually felt pretty good, it cooled us off. Now, I just need to bump back up to a 3rd day of running. I'm planning to call my biking friend to see when we'll be starting our morning rides. Last summer we bike for an hour on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I was training for the 1/2 Tues, Thurs, and Sat. No wonder I was my lightest last fall... Face palm. I really slacked off this winter. Yep - time to kick it into high gear for the summer.

    Navo - Have fun and watch your portion sizes. If you limit bad stuff to a tablespoon and savor every bite, it's not so bad. I always try to do extra exercise on party days.

    Amy - that's what friends are for. Give Gabe a pat on the back - 2 back to back soccer games. Wow. And I can so see you being "THAT" mom..

    I started craving a meatball sub on my run and need to get some cals in me. I'm off to see how healthy I can make one. I'll try to Zumba tomorrow...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    First of all, the Black Bean Quesadilla recipe:

    1 lb. ground turkey
    two 15oz cans of black beans (drained and rinsed)
    one 11oz can of mexicorn (drained)
    one 10oz can of Rotel
    sixteen 8inch flour tortillas
    2tbsp of reduced fat sour cream (or to taste)
    1 tbsp cumin (or to taste)
    1 tbsp cayenne/red pepper (or to taste)
    reduced fat cheddar cheese (you can use 1/2 cup for the entire recipe, but my nutrition calculations use 1 slice of Deli Fresh Reduced Fat Sharp Cheddar cheese per quesadilla....it was what I had the first time I made it, now I just use regular mild cheddar cheese. What can I say? I'm a girl who likes her cheese)
    additional salsa (not included in the nutrition calculations)

    Cook meat in non-stick skillet. When turkey is half pink/half brown, add the cumin and cayenne pepper. This allows it to cook into the meat better. I sprinkled enough to lightly cover all the turkey. Stir in beans, mexicorn and Rotel and cook till heated through (about 5 minutes on medium high).

    Place a tortilla in a second skillet that is lightly coated in non-stick cooking spray and place a layer of the turkey mixture on half of it. Add the cheese (if using shredded cheese, do this before you but the meat on it). Fold tortilla over filling. Cook on medium heat, using spatula to check underside to make sure it doesn't burn. (This only takes about 2-3 minutes.) Flip over to cook other side of tortilla. It is done when the cheese it melted and the tortilla is toasted but not burned.

    Once tortilla is on plate, open it up and add the sour cream and additional salsa if desired. Unless you have a VERY LARGE FAMILY, this will make several meals for you. (btw, I can get 16 quesadillas out of this and 1 quesadilla fills me up)

    Nutritional Info:
    1 Serving = 1 Tortilla
    378 Calories
    14.5 Fat
    41 Carbs
    638 Sodium
    21g Protein
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - thanks!!! It sounds wonderful and I hope to try it soon.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- I forget the name of the jewelry, but it wasn't Lady Remington. Alls I knows is it was expensive crap, I didn't buy anything, the bff only holds these parties so she can get the free *kitten* and I'm tired of feeling obligated to go to these parties. ...and thanks for your opinion on the picture. :smile: You're right. Part of the problem was the photographer didn't want his mother-in-law (my aunt) finding out about his boudoir work. But, I saw on fb where he mentioned taking boudoir photo shoots so I'm guessing that's his way of letting his mother-in-law know about it. I don't know. Its a pretty picture of me and its not like its all that revealing. Plus mom hasn't signed on mfp in 5 days.

    However, at the end of the party, the bff was like "hey, we're going out to the bar after this, wanna go?" so I said YES. We danced our BUTTS off. Well, I did. The dj was playing some really crappy stuff when we got there but he has a request bucket so I went over there and put in at least 6-7 songs in. And he played all but one of them. The dance floor was PACKED. songs were: "pony" by ginuwine, Cupid Shuffle, Booty Call, Boot Scootin' Boogie (some dude asked me to write that one down lol), Copperhead Rd, ....I can't remember what else. I had a BLAST! and my thighs were KILLING ME. and I was SWEATING LIKE A PIG. It was glorious. I also hadn't eaten since about 6pm so the alcohol REAAAALLLLY hit me lol.

    So then my friends wanted to sit down for a while. There were 4 of us so 2 were sitting, and me and another girl were standing in front. And of course I'm still booty dancing for them and we're laughing and having a good time. Then the guy next to us started talking and though I couldn't hear everything he said, he gave us $4 and told us that even though his girlfriend was around here somewhere, he wanted to buy us all a drink (Miller Lights were $1).

    So the girls decided that since it was $5 to ride the bull instead of $2 like at the other bar we go to, they gave me $1 to go get a Miller Light (ew) and used the other $3 to make up the price difference so that I could ride the bull.

    I freaking rode the bull last night. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    the video evidence is on facebook
  • dctyler
    dctyler Posts: 30
    Hi, my name is Debbie. My highest weight was 282, my starting weight was 236, my current weight is 234.8, and my GOAL weight is 150. My motto is to be "FIT AND FABULOUS BY FIFTY". Yes... .I turn 50 this year. I look forward to this challenge and getting to know all of you. My exercise goals are as follows : Monday: Les Mils Body Pump 6o minutes, Tuesday: Pilate 60 minutes, Wednesday: Kick boxing 60 min, Thursday: Les Mils Body Pump 60 minutes, Friday : Metabolic Max/Core 60 minutes, Saturday :Leslie Sansone Walk Away the pounds 3 mile, Sunday : Leslie Sansone Walk Away the pounds 3 mile. I will be entering all my food into the diary. I find myself to be more accountable and motivated when I am involved in a challenge.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all, well having a crappy week food wise this week so have stayed the same weight wise, tho will weigh myself in the morning and average it out to see if its any different.

    Joined the gym yesterday so hoping to for the first time after work on wednsday, it has a 25metre pool so even if i just swim 3/4 times a week for the first few weeks it will be a start. 3 weeks on monday till the mini marathon i signed up for:ohwell: really need to up the walking distance for the next few weeks to make sure i get around it
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Debbie!!!

    Psychohope - what kind of mini-marathon did you sign up for? Good luck at the gym and congrats for signing up.

    Kendal - glad you changed the pic back. You look beautiful in that shot!! I'm jealous of you riding the bull. It's ony bucket list but DH won't go to country bars so my chances are slim. I'll have to put my gay Pheonix buddy on the task of finding one for me... He'd go with me to oogle the cowboys!!! Cowboys are hot.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Forgot to add - d@mn DH!! He (nicely) went shopping in "the big city" for bulk paper products but also came home with frozen pizza with cookie dough in the box. WHY? WTF? Does he realize the cals in that stuff not to mention the sodium? I limited it to 2 pizza slices at 425 cal and 2 cookies 180 cals paired with acorn squash, baby carrots and celery. Not the end of the world but we still have 1/2 a pizza and 8 cookies left over!!! DH did kinda freak when I mentioned cal. He said "really in each cookie and that little bit of pizza?" I noticed he stopped at 2 cookies and 2 slices of pizza too... At least with the run, I have the cals to spare today!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    But D@MN the cookies tasted sooo good!!!
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Victoria-I did actually get the lawn mowed. Our yard is very hilly and I used a push mower. It took me a good 75 minutes to get done. It was a great workout! I've actually not had to mow the lawn in nearly 4 years as we've just gotten back to the US from living in Australia for 3 years. I might just have to volunteer to mow the lawn more often.

    This weekend has been a challenge for my eating. We had friends over last night for dinner, drinks and board games [yes, a wild and crazy life I lead ;-) ]. Today we went to a BBQ and birthday party. I managed to pass on the cake and only had one bite of a cookie, but still will need to get a good workout in so that I can eat a decent dinner tonight.

    The weather is really rainy here today so I may have to do something on the kinect.

    As a little funny note, we have all of our movies on a computer based system that plays through our tv. I was scanning though the movies to find Tinkerbell for my 2 1/2 year old and the cover art for 30 Day Shred popped up. My daughter got so excited and exclaimed, "my exercise video, my exercise video!" She watched me do the shred once and then she wanted to try it herself. I sure wish I could get as excited about it as she does. lol.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    Welcome Debbie!!!

    Psychohope - what kind of mini-marathon did you sign up for? Good luck at the gym and congrats for signing up.

    Kendal - glad you changed the pic back. You look beautiful in that shot!! I'm jealous of you riding the bull. It's ony bucket list but DH won't go to country bars so my chances are slim. I'll have to put my gay Pheonix buddy on the task of finding one for me... He'd go with me to oogle the cowboys!!! Cowboys are hot.

    its a w womens mini marathon its a 10k walk around dublin city
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Laura - I loved your 30 day shred story. I like Jillian but really hate 30-day shred. When I started 20 months ago I was too out of shape to do it - it really bothered my knees. I can do it now but hate jumping jacks - I actually get the same burn doing 30 min of Leslie Sansone walking videos and will gladly give the extra 10 min to save on my joints. At 40, high impact is very hard on me. (*sighs*) thanks for the laugh. You should try Zumba or Dancing to the Oldies - then I bet she would dance away with you as you do it...

    Psychohope - the mini-marathon sounds like fun. Someday, I'll get to Ireland. I really want to try fresh draft Guinness.

    I think I have way to much time to be on here during the weekends. I'm going downstairs to watch a movie and then off to bed. I might do some low impact aerobics during the movie. I want to reach a 3000 cal burn for the day to offset some of my bad eating this week.
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    Psychohope - the mini-marathon sounds like fun. Someday, I'll get to Ireland. I really want to try fresh draft Guinness.

    rather you than me, cant stand guinness lol