200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Nava, thanks, it did take a whole heck of a lot of gumption to get up this morning. Pretty sure tonight I'll be in bed by like 9 or something. And I can totally relate to the Banana Republic pant thing... the other day I pulled out all my old clothes and I was able to zip up a pair a BR jeans that are a size 12. Now mind you I'm still wearing 14s from there and even sometimes 16s... even though all the 16s are decidedly baggy on me. Why can't sizing just be standardized by people? Yeesh.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg. warriordash.com has a "build your own" section. You can choose all KINDS of "warrior woman" "future warrior" and "warrior in training" designs...and you can even add them to underwear!!! OMG. I MIGHT HAVE TO DO SOME SHOPPING.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Seriously, I'm SO going to have to make myself get on the computer at home, or I'm never going to keep up with this thread! Wow!

    Congrats to the weight loss gurus for the week, Laura & Kendal! Woo hoo!!

    Bethany-awesome grades!

    Sarah-glad the trip went well! Too bad for snow, but still a loss on vacation, so it works! :-)

    Jenn-natural sugars aren't so bad! My carrot stick send me over every day! And that can be 90% of my sugar!

    Kerry-awesome for moving while sick!

    That warrior run sounds like a blast! I'll seriously consider it, if I ever get to the point where my knees will let me run! LOL!

    Suzie-3 weeks of crazieness & still holding on is better than a gain! Now that things are settling, hopefully you'll have time to get back on track!

    Lacey-praying as well!

    Megruder-PMS days are SO allowed! Otherwise we wouldn't make it!!

    Victoria-you GOT your bike out, even if you didn't get up to what you used to do, that never works that way, you still got moving! WTG!!

    Tae-feel better!! WTG for cleaning! I need to do that, badly!!

    Kristina-awesome for 2nd date! Enjoy CO!!

    Nava-size 12...wow!!! Awesome! I just want out of plus sizes! :o) WTG girl!!

    OK, I have to go to lunch so others can go on time! TTYL!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have yet to venture into size 12 territory! Jealous! Though I am in size medium tee shirts now. Success!

    I'm off to the airport... hope everyone has a good Tuesday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For the P90x'ers - did you guys buy some sort of push up hand holders? I know my wrists get super sore easily and was wondering how those felt?
    I'm going to have to hit up Target this weekend and buy a chin up bar and resistance bands.

    I'm here...not so sick but have a cough that will probably last a while.

    Sorry some of you woke up sick this morning. Hopefully I didn't pass it along over the thread lol!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I have wimpy wrists and EVERY friggin' time I did pushups whilst doing P90X, I WISHED that The Hubbs didn't give our push-up hand holder things away. So YES- go get some.

    Kristina: Have a safe trip!

    Karen: Hiya!! :flowerforyou:

    Kendal: Dangit, now I have to do some shopping too!! I could do with some kind of "warrior" undies. LOL

    Kerry: I can't believe you did YOGAX while sick! I generally can't stand that workout when I'm feeling good, I can't imagine it will ill. You are amazing. Feel better. Those are some stylin' hats on that website!

    Nava: I can't wait to be in some 12's!! WTG!

    Tae: I agree with Kerry, training for the Army 10 miler will be hard if you are doing another hard-core program at the same time. But you have plenty of time to train for that run, you'll do great!

    Victoria: Me & the chubby puppy and The Kid have changed our running/walking schedule to include one day of hill runs. We do our first one tomorrow morning. We'll see how it goes, our "hill" is pretty steep. My goal is to outlast the dog, I'm pretty sure the kid will smoke me.

    So, I'm curious to know what types of jeans you ladies love. I am in the market for my new pair of size 12's and I have always had a hard time finding jeans that fit properly as my hips are significantly wider than my waist (hourglass isn't really the shape jean-makers keep in mind when making jean cuts).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - when I went to macys last time I tried on a pair of DKNY jeans, I am curvy too and my hips and waist are always an issue. The DKNY ones fit like a (tight) glove. There was another brand that started with an R that were super stylish and CUTE but I don't see them on their site and I can't remmeber their name.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    OK. I have until the end of July to sign up for the NC Warrior Dash before the price goes up. I can train my a s s off for the next 2 months and if I think there's a potential for me to actually be able to complete it within an hour (AND I find other people to go with me), then I will sign up. :bigsmile:
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    I'll second DKNY and add Calvin Klein. I've not worn them recently as I couldn't fit into any of them, but at size 12, I loved how they fit.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kerry, exactly! The other pair of BR slacks I have are 14s, and I have a pair of BR jeans that are 14s that I can wear no problem. These 12s are tight, but wearable, and if I go in the store now, none of their 14s fit. I don't think... I haven't been in a while, but I don't think they do. Then again, I was 17 pounds heavier last time I went in there. I'm kinda shaped like a boy, it's really apparent when I'm smaller, but broad shoulders/back, no hips. No boobs for that matter. ha! So I've always gone down faster in pant sizes than shirt sizes.

    Amy, that's so funny, I always gripe that it seems like they make jeans for people with hips and a smaller waist! I like Gap's long and leans, but I have to get the short length because they're extra LONG (I'm 5'5"), but they're quite flattering. However, I'm trying to save a little money while losing weight, so I've recently gotten into the Old Navy Sweetheart bootcuts. Sweetheart is the classic rise, so no muffin-top issues over low-rise jeans, variety of washes, etc.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, I'm also somehow just noticing that your signature is a quote from Neil Gaiman. He's my FAVORITE author! Don't know how I missed that before.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Amy! :flowerforyou: I'm hopeless on jeans, my waist/hips/hiney are all the same size at the moment...too darn big! So I'm afraid I'm no help! LOL! Good luck on the hill! I did half of my walk last night sans kiddos, then on the 2nd loop picked 'em up & took the boys & they actually kept me going on that part where I'd probably slack off a bit! :o)

    Kendal-you can do it! I'll root for you!

    Lacey-I'm impressed with anybody that can DO a pushup! It's not my wrists, I'm just a wimp! LOL!

    Hubby did't pass his typing test for dispatcher position. :grumble: But Dep Chief told me to have him apply for a part-time call taker that could eventually move up that doesn't require stupid tests! :o) Yay! Here's hoping! B/C his current job stinks! But...Casey gets to go to Louisville to play his soccer game, so here's to a 2 hours drive with 3 kids in a car for soccer! Woo hoo! (Please let the 2yr old sleep!!) LOL!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: I hope your DH gets the part-time call taker job!

    Nava: I ADORE Neil Gaiman. He's awesomeness wrapped up in a dark candy shell.

    Laura: Thanks for the jeans input, I'll try them out!

    Kendal: You can TOTALLY do the warrior dash and be AWESOME!!!

    Lacey: I'll look into those jeans too! Thanks!!

    Well, I'm getting ready to sign off for the night. I gotta catch up on the last episode of Game of Thrones. Have a good one ya'll!
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Ok...it's official. I cannot have 100 calorie packs in my house. They actually make me eat worse. I just ate 3 100 calorie packs of pretzels. :grumble: Should have opted for the yummy strawberries that I bought today.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    My hubby can't have them either! Says he ends up eating 2 or 3 of them b/c they aren't enough! Waste of $$ and calories! Could have enjoyed a "real" snack! LOL!

    I am at work, and I have plenty of paperwork to enter (never ending) but it's at that time of day where time to go home is less than 2 hours away & I don't want to work anymore! LOL!

    On a sad note, we're just not going to risk the mold on the house....so back to square one on the house hunting! Blah! I was loving the location & looking forward to not having to worry about flooding anymore! *sigh* God does things for a reason...I may not get it, or like it, but there's a better house out there for me, or it's just not time yet, so I'll go with it. He may not be there when I want Him there, but He's always on time! :o) Guess I'd better get some typing in! *hugs*
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    2001 is quickly turning into a year of bravery for me. (my cousin called me brave on fb when I mentioned Warrior Dash, that's where the word got into my head)

    Boudoir pictures

    Rode a Bull

    Gonna do a Warrior Dash

    I am woman! HEAR ME ROAR!
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all just back form the bf's house so back to businness as usual on the food front, managed to leave my work trousers in his place tho so back to my not as comfy work trousers, trying to decide what to cook for lunch now tomorrow for work
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just stopping by to let you gals know I just posted a recipe.... high in protein & yum:) Hope you like it.

    Lean Turkey Kabobs with chopped spinach, lentil sprouts & onions - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/suzieqdiva
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    In a much better mood today, so...

    Congrats to Laura and everyone else who lost this past week!

    Amy - thanks for the advice, see below for my update. As for jeans, several jean makers are now making fits based on shape. I know Lane Bryant calls their's Right Fit, granted they just do plus size, but you might be able to find other designers to the same. Typically they have three "shapes" - straight, moderately curvy, and curvy. I didn't like when they made the switch, but then the jeans fit me before this change.

    Tae - I totally sympathize with the sinus thing. Last weekend I was bordering on a migraine from the sinus pressure/pain. I hope you feel better soon.

    Kerry - Yippee! on the yoga victory AND going through with the workout. Get better soon!

    Nava - Congrats on the size 12, it may be an old size 12, but probably a truer 12.

    Karen - Sorry about the house, it's probably for the best as much as it sucks. Maybe you'll find something ever better.

    Kendal - I dub you Kendal the Brave, Slayer of Fat!

    Here's my Tuesday update... 2068 cal burned / 985 cal consumed / 1083 cal deficit - No, that is not a typo and no, I did not intend to consume that few calories. I didn't get much sleep yesterday (I work nights), so I overslept today and spent most of the day in bed, sleeping through my pre-workout snack, workout and dinner. I'm not overly concerned though as I had an overage yesterday and given we are going to Texas Roadhouse tomorrow for belated mother's day, will probably have an overage tomorrow. Now, for the good news...

    After my vent last night I got on the BodyMedia website and looked at my log history, particularly the periods of time that I've had a consistent weight loss for 10-14 days at a time. My intake and calorie burn was no different during those periods and the last 2 weeks. I also looked at my weight loss trend over the past several months, evidently this is nothing new and I've have a number of periods of 2 weeks where I don't lose anything then have a big drop in weight overnight followed by a steady decrease over the next 10-14 days. This has happened throughout Feb, Mar and Apr. So, it gave me confidence that I'm doing SOMETHING right, it just sucks for those 2 weeks. Then I woke up this evening, did my daily weigh-in and to my surprise I went from 249 to 245.6 in 1 day! I'm really glad that I've been diligent about logging everything and glad that my 2 week stall is over!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Tuesday: 2776 calories burned/ 2254 calories consumed/ 522 calorie deficit

    megruder: I'm glad that looking back through your data has shown you your weight loss trends. That's valuable information that will keep you on plan during those 2 week "down" periods.

    suzie: I Love kabobs!

    psychohope: Bummer about the not-too-comfortable pants.

    Kendal: I like what megruder (I'm sorry, I don't know your real name) dubbed you: Kendal the Brave, Slayer of Fat. Awesome!

    Karen: It's probably best to stay away from a house with mold issues. I know you want a house but I think you are right that that one wasn't it. Keep the faith, you'll find it!

    Laura: I stay away from 100 calorie packs like they are the devil. It's hard to be satisfied with just one and they are full of chemicals and crap that my body doesn't need. I generally go for fruit or cheese if I need a snack.

    Today was our first day of hill sprints. I've run hill sprints in the past with The Kid but since the puppy is chubby, I figured she would benefit from sprinting up a hill a few times too. I wish someone was there to videotape us because we looked pretty ridiculous, I'm sure. I kept Sofie on the leash for the first one so she'd get an idea of what we were doing. BAD IDEA. She thought that since we were running like that, it'd be fun to try and play tug-of-war with the leash while we're sprinting up the hill. It took a good 5 minutes to get her to let the leash go (when a 105 pound dog doesn't want to let go of something, you really can't MAKE her). So I took her off the leash for the next one and hoped she figured out what we were doing. Well, she saw that we were running away from her...and she figured that catching us was the plan. She came up on me from behind and grabbed my left pant leg and tried to run off with it. I'm lucky that it hadn't occurred to her to actually TRY to take me down, cuz I'd have been down. She mostly just thought we were playing "tag" or something. Anyway, by the 5th sprint up the hill, she started to tire so she didn't catch me every time (catching me generally involved her jumping up on my arm or grabbing a pant leg- I guess that's how she decided to tell me that she'd "won"). She eventually laid down between the sprints and didn't get back up and start running until I was halfway up the hill. Then she'd sprint like hell and try to catch me. I was racing The Kid up the hill too. He hurt his ankle at soccer practice yesterday so he was on his scooter and you know what?? I beat him consistently up the hill!! Even with the dog trying to "catch" me, I was still faster than The Kid on his scooter! Until the 10th sprint. The 10th one was our last one and I went "balls out". This freaked my exhausted dog out completely (I don't know if she thought I was trying to ditch her out there in the woods or what) and she came charging up behind me like the devil was after her (she was barking and growling and I was fairly certain that I did NOT want her to catch me). I was beating The Kid by a fairly good margin and then my dog decided that she'd had enough, she lunged for me from behind, grabbed my shirt and pulled me off the road. The Kid came rolling up behind me cackling the whole way about how he "beat me". I tried to finish the last sprint but the dog wouldn't let go of my shirt until I stopped moving completely. When I stopped running, she plopped down on the road and grunted at me. Then we walked home. It was the most fun I've had running in a long time and I burned nearly 500 calories. I can't wait for next week!