

  • Thank you so much! I will definitely pick up some body glide! And as an added bonus, my 4 year old husband is now officially grossed out!
  • So glad someone else brought this up! When I hike, it's usually for several hours and I've had to wear my husbands chonies after because I got so rubbed up. (Very embarrassing) Will body glide and baby powder work for long hikes? My concern is being in an area that is wide open and needing to reapply. Beth
  • Thanks for the ideas! I know this is going to sound like excuses. They probably are, and I need to figure it out!! 1. I can't run-bad knees 2. I go to the free gym at my husband's work. 3. Walking the dogs is our time together! Aww, the joys of Lean Cuisine. Learning to love it! :-)
  • I tend to be afraid to eat because my husband and I cook and no matter how healthy, dinner seems to kill me in calories. So I barely eat (300-500 calories) during the day. As a result, I'm really tired and lethargic most of the time. I'm going to follow this thread because I need help with balancing calories as well! Good…
  • I tend to just quit on vacations. I hope you enjoyed yourself! Just know that you've lost it before, get back on track and remember how awesome your trip was. Beth
  • I'm a bored eater and totally understand where you're coming from. I've recently been told that your body can tell you it's hungry when it's actually thirsty so I'm trying to drink more water. (I don't know if I believe this because water doesn't satisfy me.) Also, apparently Tootsie Roll pops are great because it takes a…
  • I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, but osteoporosis runs in my family and I've just been told I have osteopenia (just a step up from osteoporosis) so I've cut it out. Instead I drink a lot of Perrier. The bubbles are my thing so Perrier works well for me. Beth
    in DIET SODA! Comment by hbbeth July 2013
  • I need to learn to eat. I've always over portioned, for instance this am, I had plain Greek yogurt, probably 1.5 servings, a handfull of dried blueberries and a handful of almonds (ok, maybe 2 handfulls). So my calories are half gone first thing in the am. I'm so glad I'm getting a lot of exercise calories so I can get a…
  • I'm sorry for laughing but this is to Me not to laugh. Duh, cutting out alcohol will help tremendously. It has calories plus, if you're like me, it's super easy to cheat after one or two. But lets be real!! I don't even count my alcohol. I mean, wine is grapes and Weight Watchers doesn't count fruits or veggies.....
  • Thank you all. It's not as easy as it was at 23. Sigh. I'll try to get out of the house and away from the fridge after meals. :wink: