How to fit it all in?



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    That's a shame you can't get this to work. Can't your husband help you out any here? He could have the protein and everything ready to go when you got home so you could get a better start on trying to fit this in.
    My husband is always ready to go with my protein, whether it's in the morning before work or later in the evening.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Just relax and plan a strategy. Perhaps pre-plan what you will feed your husband.

    Crock pots are helpful.
  • kfilippi15
    kfilippi15 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Beth,

    My name is Tina and I feel your pain. I work 50+hrs a week at my FT job and my part time job ~10hours aweek. But there is always time for a good intense workout. I use Focus T25. Its a series of at home 25min intense workout that is perfect for busy bee's like us! let me know if you would like to know more :) I love it!!

  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    You could:

    pick a gym with longer hours
    workout on your lunch break
    workout somewhere other than in a gym

  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I try to go right after work at 4pm but some of the classes I am doing now don't start till 5:15, 5:30 or even 6:15pm so I just go home and take my dogs out feed them do some errands around the house and then change clothes and go. I don't have a hubby so I just eat dinner for one and usually eat protein before the gym like left overs of grilled meat or lunch meat.
    Tonight I get off work at 4 run home take feed dogs head to gym for a 5:30-6:30 Dynamic Training run home grab one dog to take to a dog training class that starts at 7pm and takes 20 minutes to drive to. I might be late but I wanted to do this Dynamic Training tonight so I made it a priority.
    Can your hubby cook for himself? Someone also suggested crock pot too. Your gym hours are kinda limited but mine are too 5:30am to 10pm. I was going to a 24hour gym Planet Fitness but it wasn't doing it for me anymore after 6 months so I switched. I worried about this new gym's hours but realized I would never go after 10pm or before 5:30am since I get up at 5:00am the way it is and can't get to the gym before work anyways.
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    Without knowing how your husband participates in your day it's hard to give suggestions.

    Our situation is different in that I'm retired but it sounds like your husband might be able to contribute a little more energy to this?

    I prepare my wife's breakfast and lunch both of which she takes to work. I have dinner on the stove when she get's home. We eat and then go to the gym usually by 6. Usually home by 8 depending upon when we got there.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    1. Get your husband to help out with walking the dog and making dinner, at least on occasion.

    2. Workout AT HOME. There are a lot of exercise programs you can find on youtube and the internet that require little or no equipment (i.e., look for Craig Ballantyne's Home Workout Revolution....or check out and look for the earlier workouts that used less equipment....or look for Insanity on craigslist).

    3. Find a gym with longer hours.

    Me: I'm a single dad. I have my kids every other week...and sometimes more than that. When I have my kids, I spend time with them on homework and fun activities. I do all of my own cooking. I have a demanding job that requires more than 40 hours/week in the office. Yes, it is and was easier (and less healthy) to get food vege on the couch instead of cooking or exercising....BUT, easy doesn't get it done. I did easy long enough.

    Also, I have read many more stories of folks who have had a more challenging schedule than mine....and they work it in. Basically, you have to make time for yourself. If you want to get healthy bad enough, you will make the time. And if your husband is supportive enough (strike that...if your husband loves you enough), he will step up his game.
  • artcwolf
    artcwolf Posts: 20 Member
    I'm up at 4am, aand try to be out the door by 5am so i can go to the gym. My hours rotate from having to be in at 7am, 7:30am or 8am, The hardest days are the 7am days.

    I walk at lunch for half an hour, then sit and eat afterwards. At the end of the work day it's off to pick up the little one from day care. When i get home it's outside with the little one for a run/Really fast paced walk while she rides her bike.

    Like the others suggest take the dogs for a run instead. I remember walking my dog growing up and she loved to run instead of walk. and it looks cooler to jog in place instead of walking in place when they stop:smokin:
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I work 10-11 hours a day away from home and have 3 kids. I still find time. Maybe you need a different gym? Maybe you need a program you can do at home? Maybe your husband can take care of himself?
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    "i don't have time is the adult version of my dog ate my homework". Buy some weights on ebay or craigs list and workout at home if your gym has bad hrs. Go running outside even. I used to work 72hrs a week and still went to the gym. No Excuses!
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I cook like a frenzied beast on Sundays for the coming week's meals, which means I plan food diaries in advance. Meals are also usually prepared in large batches so I can refrigerate portions.

    At the same time, I have a number of meals in a rotation so I won't need to think too hard about what I wanna eat and I don't spend time wandering. It may seem like an OCD chore to others but it's saved me a ton of angst and time in the last 18 months.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
    Life was easy when I was unemployed but I just got a temp job. Great news, but how do all you employed people fit in a gym session into your day? I have to be up for the am dog walk at 530 then off to work until 430. Walk the dogs, feed the husband and it's 730. My gym closes at 8 and opens at 6 am.

    Any suggestions or do I just suck it up since I won't have extra calories from exercise to eat?

  • hbbeth
    hbbeth Posts: 13
    Thanks for the ideas!

    I know this is going to sound like excuses. They probably are, and I need to figure it out!!
    1. I can't run-bad knees
    2. I go to the free gym at my husband's work.
    3. Walking the dogs is our time together!

    Aww, the joys of Lean Cuisine. Learning to love it! :-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks for the ideas!

    I know this is going to sound like excuses. They probably are, and I need to figure it out!!
    1. I can't run-bad knees
    2. I go to the free gym at my husband's work.
    3. Walking the dogs is our time together!

    Aww, the joys of Lean Cuisine. Learning to love it! :-)

    if you don't want to do something- don't do it.

    Clearly working out isn't a big enough priority- which is OKAY. These other things- are more important.

    I work 3 jobs- and I leave around 7 AM- don't come home till around 11-1130 many nights.

    You find a way- or it isn't important- that's really all there is to that.