jessigoct17 Member


  • Hey everyone! I figure I would post here about updates and sharing tips, giving support etc, If there is somewhere else better for this type of thing let me know (I don’t know much about MyFitnessPal) I would like to make Sunday’s our check in days! I am currently set at 1350-1500 calories a day with 3 days in the gym…
  • Hey everyone! Let’s all be friends on here and keep each other on track and be supportive!
  • Wow amazing beautiful views !
  • My goals for today is to 1. have my tea 2. stick to water for drinks 3. Have potatoes for dinner( been eating a lot of processed foods) 4. Get to bed by 10:30
  • peronally i dont eat my calories back from exercise, the whole point in why i work out is to burn calories and lose fat.. not so that i can eat more in a day
  • im on low sodium diet too... onion powder on everything ! and garlic powder
  • if you're someone who gets no exercise its probably a good thing to do and u will see some results.. . but i think for people who are already in a exercise routine you wont see much difference i know i tried and my butt was a little rounder after a 2 weeks but that was it.. and i used 10 pound weights currently im doing…
  • i cant really think of a food but from me i would always get a bagel with scallion cream cheese & a medium iced caramel latte with whipped cream= 940 calories when i found out it was that much using mfp i almost died i had no idea
  • currently as of today im 5'2.5" 120 pounds. My body fat is around 27% which is normal and healthy/average for a female my age,height,weight but my goal would to be under 25% body fat i'm not sure how many pounds of fat that is but im continuin my weight/resistance training.. currently on week 4.
  • i guess a big reason im against chemo is because it doesnt "cure cancer" it kills all of your cells hoping that the cancer cells get killed to.. we are so advanced that i would think that people with cancer would have a better option then chemotherapy & radiation which is ancient
  • never said eating red meat caused cancer i said i believe the healthiest way to eat is being a vegan and many ppl have survived cancer and having a vegan diet is a big reason for that
  • the cancer, which caused a tumor the size of a grapefruit to grow near her bladder, was a result of a lifetime of being overweight and unhealthy... shes been a vegan for almost 10 years but shes in her 60's and has been unhealthy and on medication and not exercising the majority of her life..
  • the youtube link i posted was an interview of Kris Carr, if you don't like youtube you can go to her website or read her books and read about her own personal journey becoming vegan and survivng her terminal stage 4 cancer idk wat other proof you need for my point honestly i mean this is a woman who shouldve been dead…
  • why would i just "believe" vegan is the healthiest way to live... all the studying, reading, and observing ive done has lead me to this conclusion. and telling me it is not based on science is hysterical to me.. you're talking to a biochemistry major & future ultrasound're telling me i don't know science?…
  • yet again more people are attacking & insulting me when i just said that if you enjoy eating meat and you have a healthy lifestyle thats fine but keep going keep picking sentences out of paragraphs i write and analyzing them and telling me im wrong and im citing crap resources i dont care, all i said is i believe a vegan…
  • again you're making things up... when did is state nutrition was my major? i majored in biochemistry & public health to become a physician's assistant but i switched careers to a different job in the healthy industry... no eating red meat is not healthy, does not mean people who eat it are unhealthy because you can eat…
  • for sour cream i use PLAIN greek yogurt with onion powder(a little goes a long way) tastes the same i know you didnt list it but for mayo, which many people love, you could purchase veganaise its a vegan version of mayo and its really could and could be a sour cream substitute if you want
  • once in a while ill have a cheeseburger and fries and its amazing! cuz its a rare speical thing... of course anyone can die young but the most nutrient rich foods we can eat are plants.. so a person who consumes plants as the majority of their diet will most likely be healthier than some who consumes less plants and more…
  • this is exactly why i never post topics on this website.. instead of being open minded everyone has to attack healthy living... LOL EATING VEGETABLES SINCE WHEN IS THAT HEALTHY THATS PROPAGANDA!!! everyone should maybe do there own research instead of believing what their general practitioner says or what the FDA claims is…
  • i did state plenty of things you could look at which supports my view but ill list it very clearly for everyone 1. Dr.Burzysnki 2. Forks Over Knives documentary 3. China Study 4. US patents about the cure for cancer & HIV 5.Sick Fat and Nearly Dead 6. Hungry for Change if you want any other resources just ask
  • did i ever say i was a vegan? no. i said vegan is the healthiest lifestyle.. i ate lean cuisine once, i rarely eat chips and i only do when i need extra calories.. if you looked at my diary you would see that i rarely eat red meat, and i had cold cuts when i was at my aunts house because there was nothing else to eat…
  • also meat eating has been shown it increases pollution in the air, and if there is any industry selling "myths' to make money and affect peoples lifestyle its the FDA and pharmaceutical companies that try to sell you this idea that animal protein is something you need…
  • wat i stated in my post is not a myth since it has been proven with hundreds of independent studies.. you could watch documentaries, read books, and look at patents doctors have filed in the u.s. about cancer curing products that go against the belief that chemotherapy and radiation are cures. you could research…
  • COFFEE ENEMA!! and also chia seeds!! and aloe vera- natural, the gel straight from the plant i reallly think you should read about "THE GERSON MIRACLE" ppl who used healthy eating and juicing to cure cancer... please get better and eat well and be healhty <33 add me as a friend if u you need support or advice i would love…
  • red meat is not healthy for u. animal protein is difficult for our bodies to break down and it is not meant for human consumption.. protein from plants and grains is what we should be consuming ,not animal sources i suggest you read about the gerson miracle or watch the documentary forks over knives its not some "hippy…
  • u look awesome ! good job :flowerforyou:
  • i love making pizza with my family its a lot of fun.. but for healthy option i just buy tofurkey's vegan pizza at my health food store... only about 220 calories for 5 medium sized slices very delicious
  • yes i log everything that i eat! i even include the glasses of water that i drink... i have about 1400-1450 calories a day ... and its hard to get enough protein on a calorie deficit since i don't really like eating meat or chicken but i am starting to drink soy milk ive also started planking and doing weighted squats(20…
  • make sure you're sweating when you workout so you know you're really exercising your muscles well! and don't rest too much between sets lift heavy weights! i do 3-5 sets of 10... if u can do more than 10 reps its too light
  • id love to join... im deff purchasing a watch that records calories burned