

  • I just do the hip-width stance. What warm ups would you recommend? And it's only the right knee that acts up, the left one is perfectly fine. Thanks!
    in Squats? Comment by PsycGeek March 2014
  • Thanks guys! And yes, It was just the typical muscle pain, nothing like pulled or torn. I had done squats with 3 lb medicine balls and my legs hurt really really bad! I was getting kind of scared, because they hurt for a good 3-4 days. So, more stretching, more water and good ol' fashion meds! Now, just to get off my hiney…
  • Thank you all so much! I will look into doing all of the suggestions! @jadedone: What did you do for your iron regime? A few months ago I was borderline iron deficient, but I just started taking a multivitamin. Thanks! You guys are awesome, thanks for the well wishes! Kepp up all your good work, and someday I can share my…
  • Constantly! I hate it when I am working out, and I have my ear buds, it only feeds the paranoia. But, at the same time, I feel if they are laughing/talking about me, I just think they think so less of themselves that they have to pick on others to make themselves happy. And with that thought, it makes me a little more…
  • Congrats!! I love the feeling of accomplishment! There are many more of those to come! :)