When I hear laughter....

alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
I always assume they're laughing at me.

When I catch guys looking at me, I assume I have something on my face.

Anyone else feel like this?


  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    sure do :(
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Oh yeah. Totally feel like that all the time.... =/
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I always used to say that when the football team huddled I was sure they were talking about me! LOL

    It's Generalized Anxiety Disorder. If it interferes with your work, daily living or self esteem, see a therapist.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    Yes I use to feel that way but as I get older I really dont care anymore. I cant stand it when you walk by a group of people and they start laughing...yes it does make you feel like they are laughing at you. I also find it very rude when you go into a nail salon and they speak english but once you sit down they start talking in a different language staring at you. It makes me so uncomfortable that I have walked out before and went somewhere else!!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I think we all automatically think that someone is looking at us in a negative way when those things happen....
    But honestly when I clicked on this post the first thing I thought about was how pretty you are. Maybe those guys that are looking at you are thinking the same thing. Smile at them and hold your head high.
    It might just be a guy that thinks you look good and is too shy to come up and talk to you..... :wink:
  • PsycGeek
    PsycGeek Posts: 9
    Constantly! I hate it when I am working out, and I have my ear buds, it only feeds the paranoia. But, at the same time, I feel if they are laughing/talking about me, I just think they think so less of themselves that they have to pick on others to make themselves happy. And with that thought, it makes me a little more comfortable.

    And if they make a point to actually laugh at me, then I have no problem telling them off....but, thats the sassy part of me.

    I am sure they aren't laughing at you, and if you do have something on your face, be greatful they let you know :)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    no, i don't feel like this. i actually have a hard time recognizing when people are laughing at me. half is because i don't care what people think, the other is because i laugh all the time and i know i'm not aiming my laughter at anyone.

    maybe some of these things are better looked inward? why would anyone be laughing at you?and even if they were, why would you care? are you walking around judging other people? (i'll assume no, so why would you think anyone was judging you?)
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    i always do! im always so self conscious about my weight :(
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Don't worry about them... if they are laughing/talking about you, they are leaving someone else alone ! But give them a chance to be nice before you assume this !
  • lizvanb
    lizvanb Posts: 66 Member
    you just described like 85% of my life. it's an awful habit i wish i could break :(
  • jeromy75
    jeromy75 Posts: 112
    I feel that way...but when girls look at me. I check to make sure my fly is zipped or my hair must look stupid. Or it's one more person saying I look like Jack Black.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    One of the many reasons why I know that I love my boyfriend is because when I'm with him, I finally don't care about what other people do, think, or say. Only when I'm with him do I feel safe.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I feel that way...but when girls look at me. I check to make sure my fly is zipped or my hair must look stupid. Or it's one more person saying I look like Jack Black.

    You do look like Jack Black!!
  • lizvanb
    lizvanb Posts: 66 Member
    One of the many reasons why I know that I love my boyfriend is because when I'm with him, I finally don't care about what other people do, think, or say. Only when I'm with him do I feel safe.

    Amen! :love:
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I always used to say that when the football team huddled I was sure they were talking about me! LOL

    It's Generalized Anxiety Disorder. If it interferes with your work, daily living or self esteem, see a therapist.

    It doesn't exactly interfere with my daily living, except that when I go to class or whatever I feel bad about myself. But its not like I don't go to class because of it. It also doesn't help that I am living on a college campus, surrounded by girls my age who all seem to be prettier/ have more confidence than me.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel the same way.
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    It doesn't exactly interfere with my daily living, except that when I go to class or whatever I feel bad about myself. But its not like I don't go to class because of it. It also doesn't help that I am living on a college campus, surrounded by girls my age who all seem to be prettier/ have more confidence than me.

    one day you'll realize that everybody feels the same at that age/space in time. at that age, many girls use their sexuality as a means of validation, and they need external validation to feel okay with themselves, which is such a drag.

    of course not all young women are like that. and you don't sound like you are. but just remember whatever you are feeling, they are feeling, too, maybe not exactly the same, but in a general sense.

    don't ever let anybody's opinion of you shape your opinion of you. it's just foolish.
  • All you have to do is read these posts to realize that 99% of people aren't even aware of anything past their own noses. It took me 40 years to figure it out, but now I just don't care!
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