
Hello all!
I have been on a hiatus for a bit, life, health and etc got in the way of progress. I hate to say that, but it's the truth.
I have recently gotten back on the bandwagon and this time I plan on continuing until I meet my goal. I did some leg excerises today and when doing squats, my knee began to hurt a bit. Is this normal? I have had knee problems in the past, and I did a low number of reps, and it confuses me. Lunges and sicssor stairs(not sure what the "technical" term for it is) and it never bothered me.

Would my form be incorrect? Or should I maybe skip doing squats for a bit until my legs get a little stronger?

Any help, advice, or criticism welcome!


  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    hard to tell about the technique part of it, but its possible. also your knees may need a little more warm up time. mine certainly do. what kind of foot placement you using? wide stance or more olympic?
  • PsycGeek
    PsycGeek Posts: 9
    I just do the hip-width stance. What warm ups would you recommend? And it's only the right knee that acts up, the left one is perfectly fine.
