Hanzo44 Member


  • yea, I think your current weight factors into how many calories you burn. That's why as you get lighter its harder to burn cals, that and you have less fat to burn. Congrats on your weight loss as well.
  • aren't the two things separate categories? I mean they are related but one is heart rate the other is cals burnt. On my HRM/cals burnt watch it tells me my cals burnt at the end and while I work out. I only check my hear rate to know if I'm in my correct zone or not...I guess I don't understand the question...
  • Awesome, I think you and I are on the same pace, I just finished my second tour and will be resetting it again for my third tour of P90X...I also found it hard to follow the diet as my life is pretty fast paced. But coupled with MFP, I've gotten better results. But I have plateau out a bit now, so I am researching…
  • sorry if this is a repost, I couldn't read through everyone's post, but how closely did you stick to the diet? Ive gotten pretty good results from using P90X as well and just finishing my second tour. Started at 190 and down to 173, stuck on 173 so Im sure I need to be more strict with my diet plan. For those who are…
  • probably should give it a bit of time. I think it's important to keep your eyes on the prize, and not worry about the bumps in the road. When I cheat I feel it right away, and it does take a few days to feel not so bloated. Might just be in your head. Just keep on track and do right by yourself and I think you will feel…
  • wow, you guys drink soooo much water. I can't even get my 8 glasses. How do you manage to do it?
    in Water! Comment by Hanzo44 March 2011
  • That's a good point too. rely on how your clothes are fitting, as well as hard numbers on a scale. I put on an old shirt that I knew was tight on me and it was loose, but my scale numbers aren't mind blowing. So you have to assume that you are leaning out, and replacing fat with muscle.
  • It's ok, there are more weeks to come, so you can adjust accordingly. As for inaccurate cal burns, I try to look up the work out at more than one source, rather than just relying on my HRM. And I also low ball myself by 20-100 each time I work out so I have a plus minus factor. For me(weight, and HR) it seems the rule of…
  • I try to mix it up, and do things that are active that I enjoy...basketball with friends, snowboarding. Working out doesn't always have to be work. Most times its six days a week just because I want to play ball or ride.
    in Exercise Comment by Hanzo44 March 2011
  • Queen, The fact that you posted this to call us to arms for you means you are not looking to quit. Because if you wanted to quit you would have just done it. Try concentrating on the fact that you are eating better for overall health, losing weight is the by product for being a healthier person.
  • I would turn that energy you have into something positive. Life is too short to worry about what others are doing. To me personally no one deserves anything more than anyone else so you can't really say you/they don't deserve it less than I/him/her do. Just giving it to you straight. You are doing this to become a better…
    in Jealousy Comment by Hanzo44 March 2011
  • You may be plateauing with your work out, try switching it up, there are lots of info about breaking work out plateaus. Plus as everyone says it's easier to lose weight if you are bigger as it's more work to work out with more mass on your body. Worse comes to worse get a new roommate! haha.
  • sports with your friends? It doesn't even feel like working out, but once you are done, you have burnt some major Cals. Walking seems to be popular as its socializing too. Yoga is also very good for you and is spiritual, but expensive. I use to box and that is pretty high on the list of good cal burners. If youa re…
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandpainting#Tibetan_sandpainting Buddhist monks spend days making an awesome sand painting only to sweep it away and start again, the exercise teaches: Impermanence, one of the essential doctrines or three marks of existence in Buddhism. The term expresses the Buddhist notion that all of…
  • haha, actually been on the P90X program for a while too, and I like that. But that elliptical isn't half bad...I went out and got the Mio HR/Kcal burn monitor, and I like it a lot. I just start the timer, and collect my HR now and then, and when I stop the timer it tells me how many cals Ive killed. This would be good to…
  • Hi, First off I'd like to congratulate you on taking control of your life and body. The first step is being honest with yourself about who you are. And just joining this site you have already done so much. Second, I want to mention that it's probably a life changing move that you are trying to make. Don't just be a calorie…
  • only way to really gauge this is to get a Body bug, and zumba wii away to see what cals it may burn. For me personally the Elliptical seems to be the most efficient for cal burns. I got back 800 the other day with one hour of work. It's low impact, kinda boring but seems to really work. Also play sports. I love basketball…
  • I too enjoy the beer too much, but I haven't had any in a while. But one thing I did do is add a section on my food diary for Alcohol, and late night food(post 9pm). No point in hiding your bad habits on this site because at that point you might as well not use the site. So I am trying to document as much as I can. If and…
  • yea I finally got that diet is as important as working out if not more. and you track your workouts so why not your diet too, then to put them together gives you the ability to manage so many aspects of your body. Also the mobile app is awesome! even tho my daily cals are in the back of my mind its nice to have it in your…
  • good for you for taking control of your life. I suggested this site to everyone I know, some were willing, others were not. If you use it to educate yourself, about your habits, its so powerful. I hope you reach your goals and maintain the person you are seeking to be.
  • I work out both, AM to boost energy, PM to burn daily calories...but if you are pressed for time I would do it when you can. For me am work outs get certain work outs out of the way and I feel productive. It sounds as though an AM work out would be insanely early for you. regardless of what you decide just taking that step…
  • When I feel like you do I just turn the negative energy into reps. It's taking lemons and making lemonade. I think keeping an eye on your metal health is probably as important as your physical health. So maybe you should find some time to just chill and relax. It's probably a good thing that you vented, because keeping…