

  • Je ne suis pas français mais j'ai étudié français il y a quatre ans. Ma grammaire est très mal mais je peux parler avec toi (je pense)! Vous pouvex "add" moi qu'une amie si vous voulez :) Je suis américane qui est une étudiante d'université. J'étudie commerce.
  • Also if you don't have one, get a food scale! Makes counting calories a lot more accurate.
  • Well, first of all, take body measurements with a tape measure. Muscle is more dense than fat and if you are really gaining muscle then you will be losing inches. Measure every 3-4 weeks to look for improvements. Also, are you accurately tracking calories? You can easily eat back your exercise if you don't watch what you…
  • My take is that, if you are really starving at that calorie intake limit than set it for 1/2 lb a week. In a month or two, bump it to 1lb / week. I started out at 1.5 lbs/week but I found that was too strict for me and I was always stressing out over food. I reduced it to 1lb/week, and I'm doing a LOT better (and losing…
  • "Rule 12: The correct number of bikes to own is n+1." :laugh: currently in that position right now, thinking about buying a commuter bike this summer after I move. Hoping to find an apartment close work and ride when I can. 58 is cool, but I just have a couple of good bike shops nearby and I love them all. Also love 6....…
  • At 96.18 miles as of today. Runkeeper is having problems for me and seems to lose the GPS signal halfway through my ride and doesn't measure my distance properly :( I have to see if I can fix that. Thankfully my cyclocomputer does keep an accurate distance of my ride.
  • Yogurt is awesome before a workout (doesn't upset my stomach), but usually I just go without. I sometimes bring along a banana or brownie or something just in case I do get hungry or lightheaded while I'm out.
  • I keep a personal, handwritten journal! I have a page per week, and I write down all my exercise (with small comments) and any NSVs or thoughts I have. This is REALLY helpful for me because, every time I binge, I write "why" I think I binged in my dairy. I decided to up my calorie intake based on what I was seeing. I also…
  • I definitely prefer made from scratch, since I think it has better taste. For about two or three summers I would live on prepared frozen meals during my summer job, and I have come to hate them. I find most of them to be bland, and the ones I do like I would eat often enough to come to hate them. Now I've just switched to…
  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. - H. Jackson Brown Jr. Awesome thread! Filled up my journal with two pages of quotes. I need one or two for my phone background now.
  • I'm 5'2" and hoping for 130 - just want to get out of the obese/overweight zone! I might reevaluate when I'm at that size but for now 130 is fine. And I think I'd like some meat on my bones, just not the 70+ extra I have now.
  • Sounds awesome :) I used to just buy them frozen when I had early hours and had to eat during my commute, but if I ever have to make breakfast ahead of time I'm totally doing this. Much better for you, I'm sure! And sooo much less sodium. Any good instructions for reheating? I assume 30-60 seconds in the microwave oughtta…
  • 70.18 miles as of today. Not sure if I can make it to 150 miles by the end of the month (finals + weather have been making it difficult) but I will most definitely try. Weather was pretty warm today so I took full advantage of it.
  • Depends on what I'm hungry for but I usually go for: - Celery, cut and soaked in water (takes the bitterness out and makes it super crunch) - Banana (sometimes with PB if I have the calories leftover) - Raw fruit mixed with unflavored fat free greek yogurt, it's really sweet (once you get used to the taste- that takes…
  • Probably not the person you're looking for (though I am really trying to go in for the long haul - and I know I won't get results quickly) BUT I wanted to say your icon/tracker is awesome. I love Cromartie HS.
  • I have a bike and I LOVE riding! It does burn calories pretty fast, especially if you go at a medium to high pace (12+mph). However, I'm getting a HRM to ensure my calorie counts are accurate, as I'm worried they're too high right now. I have a road bike, which is much more efficient than a mountain bike. I find riding to…
  • I should buy some, that sounds like a good idea- thanks! And a warm shower... I'll definitely keep that in mind. I don't usually shower after my winter bike rides but maybe I should.
  • CONGRATS! Seriously! You had the strength to change your habits, face your weight head on, and lose so much weight for your surgery. And by the looks of it you still want to work towards an even healthier weight. I absolutely wish you the best with your surgery and recovery, but I think with your immense willpower you will…
  • I'm still looking for friends and I have 75+ to lose!
  • Personally I add a ton of vegetables to whatever I'm eating. Most of the dishes I make can be modified that way- and it allows you to eat more without eating more calories (since you're increasing the volume of the dish, not the calories). I also cut up celery and put it in a Tupperware container with water in my fridge,…
  • I pretty much ignore my sugar intake as well - I almost always eat my daily quota of sugar eating grapes in the morning. I'd just make sure you're not eating too much processed sugar all the time (from say chocolate, icecream or baked goods) and roll with it!
  • This looks like an awesome thread and challenge! I'm going to have a goal of 150 miles- I have finals coming up AND the weather isn't really in my favor this time of year. Currently at: 30 miles 35 minutes spinning
  • No worries, I'm also in the same boat: feel free to add me!