

  • what is NSV? Sorry, I keep seeing it and can't figure it out
  • O am getting on the eliptical right now after reading your comment! Thanks guys for the motivation!!
  • That's it!! No more everyday weigh-ins! I think waiting until Thursday every week will keep me wondering and make me push harder anyway. When I lose a significant amount of weight a day then mentally I feel like it is OK to cheat that day...NOT GOOD! I am excited to change my strategy and weigh-in on Thursdays. I will keep…
  • Thanks GuyS!!!
  • Vodka and club soda with a lemon and when you get home make a healthy pizza with wheat crust and 2% cheese and tons of veggies. You wont know the difference!
  • I can see yours now
  • thanks. that was an easy fix!
  • I trained for a half marathon and didn't lose any weight. I was disappointed but I think it had to do with me being SOOOO hungry all of the time. I am starting to train for another in a couple of weeks and have decided to exchange those foods with healthy foods to ease my hunger and hopefully I will lose this time.
  • it has fake sugar in it and that sweetener makes you crave sweets and makes you hungry. I heard that drinking regular soda is actually better for you. I am no doctor or scientist but that is purely what I have heard.
  • I have a friend that just got it and is going to burn it for me. I am scared to death but can't wait to try it!!!
  • soda is the devil! I heard that if you were a true soda drinker and if you quit then you will automatically lose 10 pounds. Keep up the good work!!!
  • what in the world is the 17 day diet? Sounds interesting but dangerous. I am sure it is one of those diets where you have to starve yourself like HCG But would love to hear about it though!
  • thanks guys! Mine are not toasted and are pretty much flavorless but I will continue to add them to my food everyday.
  • I would love to know how it is too! Does it kick your butt? Do you sweat throughout the whole thing? Maybe I will have to get that! Good luck and congrats on the weight loss so far.
  • I gained 5 pounds when I started it too. My lower back and calves hurt so bad!!! Stick with it, you WILL see results! Good luck!
  • It is great if you are hosting a party and want a great dip or cheese and its CHEAP!!!!! I love the marinated goat cheese!!! Enjoy!
  • Thanks for the post! I am not currently taking a Vitamin D supplement but will most definatley start soon. I love the natural Vitamin D you get from the sun but I recently quit smoking so I am trying to get rid of the things that make me age. A little every morning makes my day so much better!
  • this may sound weird but I have had the same problem for the last 8 months. I take 1000mg of Vitamin C every day and a multi-vitamin and I was still getting sick every month. I finally went to the doctor last week and she told me that I have developed allergies and to take a Claratin or a Zyrtec everyday and that I would…
  • my motto is "skinny feels better than food tastes!" and I also like "eat to live not live to eat". I have been on and off for years and this year has been my year of motivation. My problem used to be that if I ate one bad thing then I ruined the rest of my day and even week but now you just have to change and go back to…
  • I was thinking more like 400!! Oh man, 200 isn't is only 23 minutes long. I guess 200 isn't that bad.