


  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    i'd say you shouldn't have to deny yourself anything. yes, its not going to be super helpful to your weight loss to keep binge drinking, BUT having a few drinks isnt going to set you back. it's all about moderation. alcohol slows down your metabolism, but its all the extra carbs and sugar from the mixers that sets you back. you could try doing shots and then drinking a water, or only sticking to light beer and things like that. As long as you're hydrating and accounting for it in your food diary its not going to be horrible for you. If you know you're going to splurge that night, treat it like you would any other splurge: work out before hand, cut out excess treats during the day.
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I know how you feel. I just graduated college. Nights I knew I was going to be drinking, I was extra good eating-wise during the day and made sure to get in a really good workout the day of and the day after. I tried to burn 500 calories in my workout and eat around 1200 calories, so that gave me 500 calories for nights out.

    While I understand your not wanting to give up drinking, you can make a choice about the food you eat while drinking and hungover. I kept good food around to keep that part in check. Also, try to choose drinks that are lower in calories. I usually had vodka & lemonade, limoncello (mmm.. my favorite), or something lighter like that. I would recommend staying away from beers if possible (I know that's kinda hard) because they are high in calories and go down more quickly.

    I think its just important to be aware of how many calories you are consuming. You can definitely give yourself a break on the weekend eating-wise, but still be aware of what you are consuming.

    Good luck!
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I don't drink anymore since dieting because 5 strawberry daquiries,3 alabama slammers at a bachlorette party made me gain 2 lbs over a weekend and it took me 5 days to get it back off...
    If you can restrain yourself to one drink you should be ok...
  • frankly by the look of your picture I don't see the need to lose any weight. but that being said...It's a choice as previously stated. I am a red wine lover myself. And if I know I want to enjoy a glass or two..(and I do calorie count them)...I get on the tread mill and burn off what I'm going to consume...
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    Just as others have said, you don't HAVE to drink alcohol when you go out. Offer to be the DD every once in a while. You can still have fun without getting smashed.

    I understand that going out is hard to avoid in college, but that doesn't mean you have to get wasted every time you do. If you do, that is your choice, but I don't think it is conducive to a healthy lifestyle. I also don't think "eating and drinking whatever you want" only on the weekends will help you lose weight and keep it off in the long run. Who knows how many calories you will be consuming. You could easily undo all of your hard work from Mon - Fri in one night of drinking and eating whatever you want. Everything in moderation is KEY.

    With that said, on the nights that you do go out to drink, I"ll echo what others have said about alternating every alcoholic drink with a glass of water. Gin & diet tonic is good and low in calories. Just try to take it slow and go straight home afterward to avoid the drunk munchies.

    And to the poster who said they only eat about 700 calories on the days they plan on drinking, I have to say this is so unhealthy and kind of irresponsible. Not only are you not getting enough nutrients this way, you're increasing your chances of getting sick from drinking too much. Make sure you eat healthy and balanced meals, regardless of whether you're going to go out drinking later that night.
  • Vodka and club soda with a lemon and when you get home make a healthy pizza with wheat crust and 2% cheese and tons of veggies. You wont know the difference!
  • Deev79
    Deev79 Posts: 74 Member
    As one other poster said, vodka has about 80 calories for a 1.5 ounce serving (about a shot). So if you order a vodka and seltzer water, carry some Crystal Light to-go packs in your purse. You can add any flavor to your vodka/water drink and change flavors all night. do have to count those calories in your daily count. It truly is all in the numbers...My husband subscribes to the "eat bad on the weekends, good during the week" theory, and *shocking!*, he has not lost a pound!! Calories count no matter the time of day, the day of the week, or whether you eat them or drink them. It's all about choices!!
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Oh Life is for living!!:heart: just be super good on ur weekdays and workout well and watch the fatty foods on hang over days try to get ur workout n these days 2 a little .
    Now a friend of mine does dilute down her drink with diet 7up or sparkling water it works well for her she even puts it i her bulmers.. She spends less money 2..

    Best of luck

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    okay everybody let's be realistic's college! you can't tell someone to stop drinking, or give up their friends because they choose to drink like the majority of college students do. i've lost 35 pounds and i've had plenty of drunken nights. I just try to avoid the endless munching after coming home from the bars. If you eat healthy during the day, you shouldn't have to worry about one or two nights of drinking a week. You look like you're mostly in good shape and possibly are trying to just tone up, so you shouldn't have any problems. I would just do as many shots as you can - less calories - and chase with sips of diet pop? i also do DD sometimes, especially on days where I don't feel too good or knew I ate terribly.
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    It seems you have two choices 1) have only one drink and hang out with your friends or 2) get friends who don't drink (yes it can be done in college)
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    okay everybody let's be realistic's college! i've lost 35 pounds and i've had plenty of drunken nights. I just try to avoid the endless munching after coming home from the bars. If you eat healthy during the day, you shouldn't have to worry about one or two nights of drinking a week. You look like you're mostly in good shape and possibly are trying to just tone up, so you shouldn't have any problems. I would just do as many shots as you can - less calories - and chase with sips of diet pop?

    THAT. :) Seriously - it's the bar food/late night food/hangover food that is really going to get you. I drink a fair bit, but I'm able to budget for it in my calories for the day, and I've sustained steady weight loss since I actually started dieting and exercising. I miss greasy bar food, but I'd miss the drinks more, so I budget for the drinks. Don't be tempted by the pizza run after last call and you're good.
  • I've been at this for 3 months now, i track my alcohol calories and also units of alcohol.

    Ive lost a fair bit of weight and been out 17 times in this period (drinking over 20 units each time). BUT i work harder at the gym on days i know im going drinking, i eat less food and (the hardest part) i dont give into eating "hangover food" the next day.

    So everyone will give you different advice but from personal experience i have managed to drink alcohol and lose weight.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    lol im agreeing with the other person.. you can have a social life and not drink

    the other options...

    get a drink a nurse it.. because getting wasted is costly in calories..


    light beers.


    work out really really hard during the week to make up for the calories your going to waste on the weekends on booze and food.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    and maybe take a break from drinking... instead of drinking two nights in a row take one night off...

    just random ideas
  • StaceyRN07
    StaceyRN07 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm looking at you, trying to figure out where you need to lose this weight from, lol...but all, i can say is,,liquer doesn't bloat you like beer does, I've learned. Also, I hardly drink anymore because Alcohol is a fat and I'm totally devoted to losing right now. Maybe you should just be a non-drinker for a while. Also, that vodka and club soda mix sounds good.
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    This is what I do....May or may not be the healthiest thing..but It works for me :)

    On days when I know I'm gonna be drinking I'll save about 400 cals for alcohol either through eating less or working out more....Drink lots of water before you go out...Drink only liquor mixed with diet drinks ---My favorite is cherry vodka (65 cals/ounce) and diet coke...Tastes like cherry coke....Delicious...or just take shots and drink water or diet drinks in between....Since you've consumed less calories that day, it shouldn't take more than 4-5 drinks to be feeling pretty drunk... Which means you have a couple hundred calories to eat some pretzels or Chez-its before you go to bed...Helps with the hangover so you won't want that hangover food the next day.
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    I can understand the social aspect & not wanting to loose friends if you decide not to go out drinking. But you never know, you may motivate those friends to find other ways to socialize. More importantly, if they are true friends, they will respect your decision.
    But if you absolutely insist on going out, MFP is a great resource for researching before you go out. Try to find low cal options & drink that when you go out. Also like others have said, drink plenty of water & try to eat healthy after drinking instead of the typical junk foods that we're all guilty of eating after a night out at the bar.
  • annesnyder
    annesnyder Posts: 5 Member
    cut calories down during the week & drink water between drinks so you will drink less. good luck
  • workinhrd
    workinhrd Posts: 1 Member
    from your picture, you certainly don't look like you need to lose weight. enjoy all of the drinks you'd like, you only get to experience college once!
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    I drink red wine and water... and count all my calories. I also refuse to give in to the hangover/drunk food urge, but by staying hydrated while drinking I usually avoid the hangover.