

  • Prune Juice!!! Drink the whole litre bottle!
  • Same has happened to me this weekend! I was 3lbs lighter on Sunday than I was on Friday! I didn't eat much though as most of it was drinking and dancing so that's probably why. I am fully expecting it to be back on by the end of the week as I resume normal routine of healthy eating and exercise!
  • 1. Chicken Kiev, Jacket Potato, Cauliflower Cheese and Rataouille. 2. Chicken Curry, Rice, Garlic Naan and a Chutney tray. 3. Ham and Cheese toasted sandwich on whte bread covered in Heinz Beans!! I dread to think how many calories so I won't! ;o)
  • You've done amazingly well - fantastic effort! You look so different in your before and after pictures. It just goes to show that with dedication and hard work like you have been putting in that it can be done. You look amazing now. Massive congratulations!!! x
  • Yeah I already have Avon ta.....
  • You look fab! Keep up the good work!!
  • My friend Jo started at the Penyrheol class last Saturday and loved it!
  • Loved it!!! Two weeks in and going back for my third week starting with the intergrated TRX and Kettlebell session!
  • Well tonight's the night for me!!! They are going to do an hour and a half class tonight. Instead of our usual hour of kettlebells they are going 45 nmins of TRX followed by 45 mins of Kettlebells. I have signed up for the full class - I am going to be aching like a good one tomorrow, and I have to drive to Aberystwyth for…
  • Aww no I'm dreading it lol!!! Actually, it'll be good to shake up my routine as all I am doing is 2 x Kettlebells, 1 Zumba and 1 gym session. As they plan to intergrate TRX with Kettlebells it should be a mega work out. :o) Who was your insturctor in Penyrheol? We get Adam.
  • I am starting it next Monday at Bishopston Activa gym! Did you do it at Activa? The instructors have just been trained and they are going to combine it with Kettlebells as an hour and a half class - its going to be chronic!!!
  • Have you tried the Skinny Cow range? They do a lovely chocolate ice cream lolly thingy which is low fat and cals too. Satisfy my choccy craving every time!! :tongue:
  • I'm from Swansea. I'll add you! :smile: Always on the look out for or happy to support!
    in UK Comment by leannemr June 2011
  • So how is everyone doing today? I failed miserably last night and after having a detox breakfast and lunch ended up having a big bowl of Spag Bol for tea! My hubby had a tooth extraction yesterday and could only eat soft stuff so I cooked him the Spag Bol and suddenly my chicken salad became very unappetising! I am weak! I…
  • Hi All I'm joining in from today just for 3 days. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and although I am only 1lb away from my goal and I am really pleased with the way my outfit looks on I could just do with trying to get the super flat tum that I know this detox can provide if you stick to it properly!! (This is my 4th…
  • I am!!! Swansea!
  • I have Chicken Shashlik. It's chunks of chicken breast marinated and cooked in the tandoor (dry) but its cooked with onions, peppers, pineapple and stuff like that - its lush! Have some Riata dip with it and some plain rice and you'll be fine. Enjoy!!
  • I have just started it and it is fast and can be quite difficult to keep up with. Just make sure you can clearly see the instructor to try and follow it. Don't make the mistake I did and stand behind everyone at the back of the class because you think you are going to look like a plum - you'll end up following the person…
    in ZUMBA Comment by leannemr March 2011
  • Ooh, I am glad you posted this! Just started a kettle bell class at the gym and also bought one for the house but could do with a DVD to kep me going throughout the week as the class is only weekly at the moment. All the good ones seem to be only avalable in America.
  • Hi to all newbies(and oldies) !!! Great to see lots of new UK slimmers on here! I don't listen to Radio 1 much but I assume the influx was because of the advertising of MFP on there?? Anyway, here's hoping everyone reaches their January goals!!! I've just started back on my diet and fitness regime for the first time in 4…
  • Hi Mimi (and all) Only just found you so hope its not too late to join. I really need a good motivational kick up the behind as since doing my ankle ligament injury back in mid September I have been unable to exercise properly and this has also led to my bad eating habits returning! Got on the scales after Xmas and was…
  • Hi guys Happy New Year ! Glad to see Team UK back up and running, I haven't been on the forum since Sep 10! I have finally overcome my ankle ligament injury that I did back in mid September. I wasn't able to exercise at all since doing it on the Dr's advice and managed to pile on 8lbs in the meantime (I had kept it to…
  • Hi Heidi I symapthise. I too have had an ankle injury. Just over two weeks ago I twisted awkwardly in high heels and this has resulted in severely damaged ankle ligaments. My doctor has told me that this is worse than a break as the bone fuses back together in about 6 weeks whereas ligament damage takes several months to…
  • Hi All My plans for 1lb per week was completely blown out of the water at the weekend when I managed to fall over in my 4in heels and damage my ankle ligaments!! The Doctor in A&E also burst my bubble as he could see the pleased look on my face when he told me there were no broken bones i.e no plaster cast and then said…
  • Fabulous! Thought I might be on my own for a moment there ;-) I am in Swansea - please feel free to add me as a friend :o) Leanne.
  • Woo hoo - how exciting??!! How are the plans going?
  • Hi All I didn't post in August due to being manic at work then out of the country for a lovely all inclusive cruise! With that and the Bank Holiday plus a couple of weeks off I managed to put a couple of pounds back on. I have my Rosemary Conley post bank holiday weigh in tonight so am hoping for a maintain so that I can…
  • Hiya, I did this one last week. Try and stick with it if you can - I had fab results. 4lbs off in 4 days plus 1.5 inch off my waist and 1 inch off each thigh!! Have you got a detox buddy? Me and PinkPrincess buddied up for ours - it made it much more fun - lol!! Keep up the good work xx
  • Ooh which one are you doing? I did one last week - great results!! Hope you get the same xx