The Sticky-NY-Resolutions Club



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member

    I figure as it's the first week, we should start off with something easy so this week our 3 step plan IS <drum roll if you please> :-

    1. Do 2 minutes of bicycle crunches every day...Jillian will be proud!
    2. Drink 8 Glasses of water every day AT LEAST
    3. WEIGH OURSELVES...some of you may have done this already, I have not....eeek!

    Ouchie on the bicycle crunches!! :sad: BUT I am going to try! Ditto the 8 glasses of water a day and the weigh in I already did.. As for who's bod I'd like.......................I think on it!!

    :heart: x
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Thanks for posting the challenge Mimi! I have also updated my ticker and am not happy with it at all. I havent done crunches in a while, so that will be a great start!! As for celebrities, I cant think of one yet! I am trying to find one who has similar measurements of what I used to be and what I want to get back to! My goal is to get back to : 34-24-34I am about 5'6 and a half I think!
    I am usually an hourglass shape, when I get to my goal weight but with all my sitting I now do at work, I feel a bit more like a pear!

    For now I will pick: Kelly Brook! I love the way she looks, and she has curves while being toned!

    I hope everyone finds motivation with their celebrity body goals! I know looking up Kelly Brrok has just motivated me even more! Great idea Mimi!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Painful, I weighed myself down the gym and I am heavier than when I started last time back in August. 92kg now. So it's now 17kg by April 7th 2011

    Big target to hit.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Is it too late to join?? :ohwell:

    I'm in major need of a good butt kickin' and some motivation!

    I weighed in Monday at 128.6 ( :sick: )

    I want a body like MEGAN FOX! :laugh:

    Bicycle crunches? Bring it on! :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Of course it's not too late!!!! Good to have you on board hunny!! ((And glad your still with us))

    How is everyone doing with their bicycle crunches? I've managed so far but have to say was so tired yesterday that I nearly didn't get them in, feeling much better today after a big sleep!! LOADS to do today to catch up, and I will not be running today it's raining so hard outside!! Work tonight for me - no doubt will be tired again soon enough!!!

    Good luck to everyone this week xxxx :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Painful, I weighed myself down the gym and I am heavier than when I started last time back in August. 92kg now. So it's now 17kg by April 7th 2011

    Big target to hit.

    OH NO!!! Still this is the place to be to put that right!!!
    I think we're all feeling rather 'heavy' after christmas and NY, I know I do :sad:
    We can do this!!! Let's get cracking ... no time like the present, Good luck mate :smile:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    hehe thanks Mel. Feeling better already, certainly with the no smoking too. Hopefully be able to push a little more down the gym tonight. First time back is always the hard one, from now on should be better.

    What's everyone's plans for the weekend ?????
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    hehe thanks Mel. Feeling better already, certainly with the no smoking too. Hopefully be able to push a little more down the gym tonight. First time back is always the hard one, from now on should be better.

    What's everyone's plans for the weekend ?????

    Aww Your welcome!! :smile:
    I quit smoking about 2 and a half years ago, was one of the hardest things I have ever done, and it does take ages to feel any real benefit for stopping. But there is no doubt about it I can do so much more now, I'm a much fitter person and feel better over all.
    I just completed my first EVER 45 minute non stop run!!! There is no way I would have ever done that whilst smoking!!

    Good luck to you, and I'm sure you'll do fine in the gym, the first week back is ALWAYS tough, but it's worth the effort xx

    Weekend plans are work and workout!!! :wink:
    Getting back on track has been hard this week but I feel better already.
    I'm starting Turbo Jam tomorrow!!!
    Can't wait, it looks sooo much fun!!

    Have a good one EVERYONE!!! xxx

    Mel :drinker:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Monday Fellow Post It People! (Eupehnism for sticky as sticky people sounds a but like :noway: )

    I hope you all had FABULOUS weekends!

    How did you all get on with the three tasks? Did you weigh yourselves? Did you drink lots of water? Did you do the bicycle crunches?

    I'm sure you all managed just fine because let's face it we're all amazing :love: :drinker: Hehe!

    Our hot body theme inspiration this week is SHAKIRA (of course I had to start with her guys she is my absolute inspiration!) and what does Shakira have that everyone wants (well everything! But in particular?) an AMAZING stomach, no muffin top going on with Shakira so this week our exercises are:-

    1) MINIMISE YOUR MUFFIN TOP with Bicycle I know we did this last week, but they're the BEST and we don't want to undo our hardwork after only one week do we! No, no, no! They work your waist and your love handles. Can't go wrong!

    2) ELIMINATE JELLY BELLY works the lower belly which gets flabby. I love this exercise, it really works and you can really feel it. This exercise is from Absolute Fitness, for a video on how to do it look here it's an amazing exercise!

    3) The Plank...1 minute. Great for core strength and abs of steely lovelieness!

    Exercises 1 & 2 aim for 3 sets of 20 at least 4 times a week, 5 if possible!

    Next week we tackle fat bra strap back, bingo wings and getting a firm bust/chest!

    Good luck everyone, I'll check in with you during the week and let me know how you're getting on

    Lots of love, Mimi xxxxxxxxx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Helllloooooo!!!! My Lovely Mimi!!! :flowerforyou:
    And ALL!!! :drinker:

    Last week was my first week back to a regular and challenging exercise plan, I have had swine flu - I think - it's still lingering and I still feel tired a lot of the time, but I did my best, I weighed myself :cry: - that was upsetting... I shall weigh in again tomorrow although I don't hold out much hope as TOM is around the corner and I know I have gained some water weight. :grumble:
    BUT... I feel so much more toned and solid, especially in my legs, so the running and all the other exercises are working.
    I reached my personal exercise goal last week (( Running - minimum of 75 minutes, 3 turbo jam workouts, 3 shred workouts, daily weights and sit ups, walking as much as possible and one other workout dvd just to mix things up )) even though I had to complete in 6 days rather than 7 so I was pleased with that. :happy:
    I also completed my first ever 45 minute non stop run!!! So I have definitely got back into my running and will be able to carry on with my goals from now on, I shall be setting myself various routes to run.
    I have started Turbo Jam, and it was really good fun, I can't wait to get good enough to keep up with them and have all the moves perfected, I think it'll be such good fun!!
    I also did my first session on Yoga in months - purely because I was sooo tired I couldn't face a cardio workout!!
    Being achey and tired and doing yoga was really good, usually I don't feel anything when I do yoga but this was really nice as it soothed all my muscles and I could feel each pose working!! I MUST do yoga more often, it was a nice change and I feel better for it today.

    I managed to get the bicycle crunches in 4 days out of 6, so nearly completed that, but I also did three level 1 shreds so there are bicycle crunches in there too so I think I pretty much covered that :noway:

    And WATER!!! I have upped my water intake although I still find it hard to drink 8 big glasses a day, I'm only tiney tiny so I reckon that 6 glasses is probably enough for my little bod!!
    I shall continue to work on this and increase as best I can. :huh:

    I have done pretty well with my eating too, tidied up some bad habits and done my best to stick to 3 meals and one snack ONLY!!! I think I will do better this week, the first week back is always the hardest!!!

    Ok, so lets get started on ELIMINATING THOSE JELLY BELLY'S!!! Love this Mimi!! :laugh:

    Good Luck to one and all :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mel :heart:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am in this with you, however, I am recovering from flu, and I know I sound like I am using it as an excuse, but it has completely wiped me out. Gonna have at least this week off exercise, as I just dont have the energy!

    I weighed in this morning, and was a shocking 10.11!!!!!! :cry: :cry: I was bang on 10 in September so my aim is to get this back down asap, I am obviously disapointed, but not too worried as am confident I can loose a good chunk of this addition pretty quickly now I am back in work and back into a routine! I was terrible food wise over Christmas (which goes without saying), then got flu on new years day and surrived on Lucazade and Locets which are both full of sugar, so am hoping the extra 11 lb's will be easy to shift once I start eating healthy food again. Fingers crossed can get back to the gym next week!

    I am going to change my weigh on here now. Am also considering weighing in everyday, I wont change it officially on here until each Friday (my usual weigh day), but think if I post it on my status it may help me stay focused!!

    Did any body watch a program on BBC 1 on Thursday called '10 things you need to know about loosing weigh', it was on fairly late, it was really good and showed you the science behind each fact, i.e. soup keeps you fuller for longer, exercise burns fat for 24 hours, Breakfast should include a good portion of protein. If you didnt see it, its on the BBC iPlayer at ther mo, and would recommend a watch. I have had soup for my lunch and planning to get off the bus a couple of stops early tonight just to get that little bit of exercise in.

    Good luck with the sticky resolutions guys, I am on my 4th glass of water at the mo so I will at least be sticking to one of them.

    Matt - I am also giving up smoking, I only do it when I am out drinking :drinker: :drinker: so mid week isnt a problem and I havent been out yet due to flu so my test will be my next night out!!! Hope you do well. Do you have an iphone? I have got a couple of app's that work out how much dosh you save by not smoking and also sends you daily tips and motivational facts. Could help you stay on track.

    Chat soon guys.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MistahLee31
    Hey guys, can I join the group too? Not been around for a while but one of my resolutions is to get right back into it, go the gym many many times and watch what I eat. I want to be in tip top shape for summer, plus I want to start playing football again.

    Hope you are all okay. :smile: :heart:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks Plantpot, I have Silkquit on my PC which I have running all the time. No motivational messages but shows in plain sight how much I would have smoked, how much money I've saved and how much more life I have left ! Woop !

    7 days in now. I went out to pub on Sunday and didn't even think of smoking once. sweeet !!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    WTG Mat!! That's a fab 1st week of not smoking!!

    @Plantpot I know what you mean - I have the NHS app on my iPhone as I type it's been 210days since I quit smoking and had I saved all the pennies, it would've amounted to *drum roll please* £645.05 :drinker: For a while I did keep it in a it's enough to know that I've stopped.

    Overall, I've lost 1lb this week :drinker: which I'm happy with - slow and steady!. On to the challenges - well, my fitness level isn't up to doing a whole load of bicycle crunches, but I did manage 10 by the end of week 1 so I'm aiming for 20 by the end of this week. Water intake is hit and miss - but I will work on that. No promises othe than I will try when it comes to Jelly Belly and The Plank!

    Okely dokely, that's all for now! TC all x :heart:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hey guys, can I join the group too? Not been around for a while but one of my resolutions is to get right back into it, go the gym many many times and watch what I eat. I want to be in tip top shape for summer, plus I want to start playing football again.

    Hope you are all okay. :smile: :heart:

    Of Course You Can Join LEEEEEE!!! :happy:
    I know Mimi Will love to have you with us xxx

    You'll do great mate xxx :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Thanks Plantpot, I have Silkquit on my PC which I have running all the time. No motivational messages but shows in plain sight how much I would have smoked, how much money I've saved and how much more life I have left ! Woop !

    7 days in now. I went out to pub on Sunday and didn't even think of smoking once. sweeet !!

    Good work - only 7 days and you can visit a pub and not want a cigarette!!! Your doing MUCH better than I did when I stopped, Your a natural!!

    Good luck with Week 2 some say it's harder, I personally found the first few days the hardest.
    I'm sure you'll do great xx
  • MistahLee31
    Hey guys, can I join the group too? Not been around for a while but one of my resolutions is to get right back into it, go the gym many many times and watch what I eat. I want to be in tip top shape for summer, plus I want to start playing football again.

    Hope you are all okay. :smile: :heart:

    Of Course You Can Join LEEEEEE!!! :happy:
    I know Mimi Will love to have you with us xxx

    You'll do great mate xxx :drinker:

    Thank you lovely! :happy: Hope you are okay! :heart: :flowerforyou: xxx
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey guys, can I join the group too? Not been around for a while but one of my resolutions is to get right back into it, go the gym many many times and watch what I eat. I want to be in tip top shape for summer, plus I want to start playing football again.

    Hope you are all okay. :smile: :heart:

    Of Course You Can Join LEEEEEE!!! :happy:
    I know Mimi Will love to have you with us xxx

    You'll do great mate xxx :drinker:

    Thank you lovely! :happy: Hope you are okay! :heart: :flowerforyou: xxx

    Lee! Mel is right, I am absolutely overjoyed you're joining us! Yay :o) Apologies in advance for the slightly female orientated challenges, I'll do a boy bit from next week onwards hun!
    Have a great week everyone!

    Kendra - well done on the weight loss, amazing work and also the bicycle crunches, good job!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mel I LOVE YOU!

    Plantpot, I'm so glad you've joined too! xxxxxxxxxx

    Mwah to everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Ps. I enjoyed doing the minimise your muffin top exercises in particular last night! Woop! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • leannemr
    Hi Mimi (and all)

    Only just found you so hope its not too late to join. I really need a good motivational kick up the behind as since doing my ankle ligament injury back in mid September I have been unable to exercise properly and this has also led to my bad eating habits returning! Got on the scales after Xmas and was 10lbs heavier than I was before I did my injury :sad:

    So, the first week in January was my start date to get back to the gym after nearly four months out on the Doctors advice to let the injury heal. My first day was last Tuesday where I did some running (not my usual 30 mins though!!) and only managed 10 minutes in the first burst followed by two shorter 5 minute bursts - and boy did it hurt!! Not only that but my ankle swelled up like an egg about an hour later too which was disappointing. So I gave it 48 hrs rest and went back on Thursday. I stayed away from the treadmill and did some cycling, cross training, rowing and weights and also for the very first time used a handbike which was tough!! The instructor got me to do 5 x 1 minute reps (30 secs forward and 30 secs backwards) and each time I had to beat the previous distance. My arms were in agony the next day! I had a break over the weekend but then last night I went to my first aerobics class in 4 months. I really enjoyed it but again it hurt! I can't believe how out of condition I have become in that time :ohwell: !

    So.....I would love to join in this challenge with you all and try an get myself back to fitness. I particulalry like the muffin top exercises as that's the one place I tend to store my weight first so am going to start these exercise this very evening!!! As soon as I have been on my coastal bike ride! :smile:

    Nice one Mimi - it takes dedication to put something like this together :smile: Hope we can all do you proud! :smokin:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello Leanne!

    Thanks for joining you are SOOOOOOOOOO WELCOME to join, I'm so happy to see you here! The muffin top exercises are brill! Yay!

    I hope you find this weeks exercises great and I'll think of some amazing things for next week! :drinker:

    Coastal bike ride sounds a-maz-ing! Oh my god! Jealous of that I sure am! I'm going to do ab attack at the gym tonight I think! and osme jogging, I totally need to get my fitness back up, 10 mins jog hurts me too! I can push to do 5k mins at 8.5km/h but boy does it nearly kill me! :embarassed:

    I'm totally committed to this thread guys and totally committed to turn my flabby bottom into something Shakira would be proud and your lovely bottoms into whoever you aspire to, so stick with it! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lots of love guys! xxx Mimi
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Im still in! Like Plantpot and Mel, i've been battling the absolute worst virus or whatever it is that I ever had. Its been awful, but I definitely kept up to drinking water. Gatorage, apple juice, soup and water has been my diet this week ugh.

    I tried to go to the gym today, and I knew i wasnt well enough but i was tired of being in bed, and I barely did 20 mins, so I know I need another day or so to recover instead of trying to push myself.

    Love that your having bicycle crunches again. I will definitely get that in.

    I cant wait to get better and then go at this full force!

    Great to see everyones on board!