The Sticky-NY-Resolutions Club

Hello everyone!

As is normal for me I did very well all through the year until just before my holiday – when it really mattered – and then I have been off/on since! Now, 5 days before Christmas, when let’s face it the food is not going to be healthy – (but who cares it is Christmas) – I seem to have found my mojo again! Go figure!

Anyway, after seeing Shakira (OMG!!!!) in Manchester on Tuesday I’ve decided my New Year’s Resolution this year is going to be to get the body, fitness and health I’ve been going on and on about since I was about 18 NO EXCUSES, no post-January failings! I know, I know, we probably all say this every year and come mid January we’ve failed. Well I am determined to break the mould and would you to join me!

In other words I want a STICKY NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION…!

Does anyone else want to join me? We can post different workouts, ideas, perhaps all do the same exercises some days, promote healthy food, encourage each other and keep each other accountable? Keep it entertaining with “Jennifer Aniston’s Leg’s Week” etc!

I’d love for some of you to join me! If people would like to join me, I’ll keep a note of all of you and send you all a message on January 1st! I feel GOOOOOOOOOOOOD about 2011!


:heart: Mimi xxx


  • Avalon203
    Yes please! I'll join you Mimi, heres to getting Shakira-esque bodies for 2011:drinker:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    I will definately be joining you mimi
    i can't wait for new year when i go back to leeds & get back on the gym! xxx
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in, I'm in!!!!!

    I am already starting to panic about what I have been eating recently, and its not really started yet!! Got my works to tomorrow which starts with champagne tasting at 11 am, then on to a big Chinese (which is my fave food), I dread to think how many cals will be involved!!! But hey ho, life is for living so I will enjoy it and try to get some exercise in on Thursday to make up for it!!!

    Like the idea of us doing the same work outs!! Great idea Mimi and we can defo encourage each other!!! I have a 10k in April, I have done 2 previously and finished in just over an hour, so my main aim for 2011 so far is to finish the 10k comfortably under an hour!!

    So yep count me in and look forward to hearing more in the new year!!

  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I'm going to join you too!! I'm actually really proud because for the first year ever I stuck to my NY resolution and lost weight! This year my resolution is going to be to get back into the gym or buy more fitness dvds and sculpt my body. I'm also going to give up alcohol, crisps and crunchie bars for all of January :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm in! I did great up until the begining if December, and now I'm already 3lbs up, bring on January and some butt kicking exercise!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    My Marvelous Magical Mimi!!!

    We can do this!!! Of course, as always, you can count me in!!!!
    I feel excited that 2011 will be the year where I do actually reach my goal, last year I made a lot of big changes and put into practice all those rules that are needed to reach my goal, but the goal itself takes sometime to get to and stay at, and to truly change and sculpt a body from ''OK'' to ''perfection'' takes time!!!

    2011 will mean running and a lot of it for me. I have already seen my shape change in pleasing ways but now I want to really tone and reach exactly where I want to be, I am sure that another year of this and I will be living in the best body I've ever had!!!
    I'm also looking forward to trying out some new exercise DVD's at home, with more snow and bad weather we need other ways to keep active and not start slacking off because we can't exercise outside.
    I can't wait for some new challenges and make more progress again in 2011!!!

    This year is not done, we still have to look our best for the Christmas party session and NYE!!! So try your best girlies and do what you can xxxx And when next year rolls around we can all start again, and do better than ever xxxx

    All the best xxxxxx :flowerforyou:

    Mel :heart:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Count me in :)
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    I'm glad I've got you lovelies joining me! I think it'll be brilliant! Here's a too a massively successful 2011 :drinker: ! I CANNOT WAIT TO START THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:

    :heart: Mimi xxxx :heart:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Me neither :')
    i always find losing weight so much easier when I have guys like you helping me
    :D x
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Mimi,

    You always have great inspiring challenges, so count me in! I actually tried super hard this year and only budged off about 15 pounds or so, and here I am at my last 10 and I dont care what, but its coming off of me, and I too, want to be in the best shape ever for 2011!

    Enjoy the holidays, and try to get some exercise in where you can, and then I am actually going to start my butt kicking on Dec 26th!

    All the best!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Count me in!!

    I've not weighed myself for almost a month and have promised myself I'll weigh myself tomorrow. Not looking forward to it I can tell you!!

    I got stuck at the same weight for weeks. But I'm starting over and going to aim to lose at least 2 dress sizes by the summer.

    Good luck all!!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've not weighed myself for almost a month and have promised myself I'll weigh myself tomorrow. Not looking forward to it I can tell you!!

    It was NOT pretty :sad: :sad: :sad: Over half a stone put on since ...well, I don''t know when. So I should really have been prepared, in some way, for how bad it is. But, on the plus side, I do know how bad it is and can start doing something about it!!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Happy new year everybody :)
    Hope everyone had a lovely day ! xx
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Woohoo!! 1st weigh in for the new year and 1st weight loss :noway: :laugh: :noway: :laugh: 3-whole-lbs!!

    I've been easing myself into eating properly again - that is no over-doing the booze, chocolate and high-calorie-but-oh-so-yummy-food but not denying myself anything either. I had also planned on doing some exercise this week, but that didn't quite happen...:blushing:

    Anyhoo, just wanted to check in with you all. Take care :smile:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello Everyone! :bigsmile:

    Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Ok so, after 2 weeks of what feels like continuous eating and drinking :embarassed: let's get ready to rock those New Year Resolutions!

    I figure as it's the first week, we should start off with something easy so this week our 3 step plan IS <drum roll if you please> :-

    1. Do 2 minutes of bicycle crunches every day...Jillian will be proud!
    2. Drink 8 Glasses of water every day AT LEAST
    3. WEIGH OURSELVES...some of you may have done this already, I have not....eeek!

    Then next week we'll get started with the step by step guide to getting a body like... ________ <insert your dream body idol here...Mine is Shakira!>

    Ok folks GOOD LUCK! Let's keep each other updated on how we're doing either by this thread or on our walls :flowerforyou:

    Lots of love! :heart: Mimi xxx
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Count me in :)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im in mimi - No chocolate or biscuits until easter!!!

    I did it for 11weeks leading up to xmas.. im sure i can do it again... ive been clean 3 days! woop :drinker:

    Much love :heart:

    Katherine xx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello Baby Cakes!! ((Mimi)) xxx
    AND ALL xxx :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and New Year!?!?!
    I had a really good one, NYE was great had such a good time, even though was working, it was a great night and I got lots of lovely compliments from people, Awww :happy:

    So it's 2011, and time to get back on track, even though I did a pre NYE detox I didn't do very well at sticking to it perfectly and did not lose very much, just too many damn treats around to tempt me :sad:

    I weighed in this morning and reset my ticker today, 7 stone 13lbs :cry: I'm up a good few lbs after NYE and all the Christmas treats but I guess that is to be expected and NOW is the time to get that moving down again...
    I have written myself a new eating plan to banish all those treats and naughty things that ruin my efforts elsewhere, I've also set a rather high goal with my exercise targets, running 5 times a week, 3 shreds a week, 3 turbo jams a week, walking as much as possible (I :heart: walking), weights and sit ups daily and then other additional workout DVD's and activities each week as much as I can fit in time wise.
    Even if I don't reach this goal weekly I will be doing plenty of exercise and exercising daily, so that is my main aim.

    So I shall be swapping some of my regular sit ups for air bike crunches this week!!! And still do 2 minutes of regular sit ups - daily, thanks Mimi for the challenge, I need to do these daily of they don't get done enough.
    I'll get drinking the water - this is an area where I do need to improve, I tend to drink about 5-6 glasses a day on average so a few extra might help me shift these lbs quicker.

    I have no idea whose body I will be aiming for, I'll think on this, there must be someone petite and totally toned out there?!?!
    Suggestions welcome!!!

    I can't wait to hear how everyone does xxxx Good luck all xxxx

    Mel :drinker:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello Baby Cakes!! ((Mimi)) xxx
    AND ALL xxx :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and New Year!?!?!
    I had a really good one, NYE was great had such a good time, even though was working, it was a great night and I got lots of lovely compliments from people, Awww :happy:

    So it's 2011, and time to get back on track, even though I did a pre NYE detox I didn't do very well at sticking to it perfectly and did not lose very much, just too many damn treats around to tempt me :sad:

    I weighed in this morning and reset my ticker today, 7 stone 13lbs :cry: I'm up a good few lbs after NYE and all the Christmas treats but I guess that is to be expected and NOW is the time to get that moving down again...
    I have written myself a new eating plan to banish all those treats and naughty things that ruin my efforts elsewhere, I've also set a rather high goal with my exercise targets, running 5 times a week, 3 shreds a week, 3 turbo jams a week, walking as much as possible (I :heart: walking), weights and sit ups daily and then other additional workout DVD's and activities each week as much as I can fit in time wise.
    Even if I don't reach this goal weekly I will be doing plenty of exercise and exercising daily, so that is my main aim.

    So I shall be swapping some of my regular sit ups for air bike crunches this week!!! And still do 2 minutes of regular sit ups - daily, thanks Mimi for the challenge, I need to do these daily of they don't get done enough.
    I'll get drinking the water - this is an area where I do need to improve, I tend to drink about 5-6 glasses a day on average so a few extra might help me shift these lbs quicker.

    I have no idea whose body I will be aiming for, I'll think on this, there must be someone petite and totally toned out there?!?!
    Suggestions welcome!!!

    I can't wait to hear how everyone does xxxx Good luck all xxxx

    Mel :drinker:

    Mel! Shakira is only 5'2" or something dinky...otherwise let me think...Penelope Cruz is teeny tiny! There must be lots of people! I can't wait to hear who you've chosen! Good luck sweetie you'll do great 2011 and I bet you looked fabulous on NYE!
    Lots of love Mel my lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    KP so glad you're in! Yay :o) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mwah! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No choccies til Easter, I like that! I'm in!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    Is it too late to join?? :ohwell:

    I'm in major need of a good butt kickin' and some motivation!

    I weighed in Monday at 128.6 ( :sick: )

    I want a body like MEGAN FOX! :laugh:

    Bicycle crunches? Bring it on! :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: