The Sticky-NY-Resolutions Club



  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Im still in! Like Plantpot and Mel, i've been battling the absolute worst virus or whatever it is that I ever had. Its been awful, but I definitely kept up to drinking water. Gatorage, apple juice, soup and water has been my diet this week ugh.

    I tried to go to the gym today, and I knew i wasnt well enough but i was tired of being in bed, and I barely did 20 mins, so I know I need another day or so to recover instead of trying to push myself.

    Love that your having bicycle crunches again. I will definitely get that in.

    I cant wait to get better and then go at this full force!

    Great to see everyones on board!

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Everyone didn't notice this had started up again, so will start everything now.
    I've taken to walking everywhere, I walk to uni and back every day and sometimes I go into the city centre which means 80+ minutes of walking a day.
    Once my exams are over I'm also going to hit the gym.

    I'll take my time to read over the messages everyone has put to catch up.
    Hope you are all enjoying 2011 so far!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Everyone didn't notice this had started up again, so will start everything now.
    I've taken to walking everywhere, I walk to uni and back every day and sometimes I go into the city centre which means 80+ minutes of walking a day.
    Once my exams are over I'm also going to hit the gym.

    I'll take my time to read over the messages everyone has put to catch up.
    Hope you are all enjoying 2011 so far!

    Yay! So glad you're back! Sorry you didn't realise it was back up - I have been putting notes on my profile but I guess they disappear under everyone elses so quickly you have to catch them pretty much right away!

    Good luck with the challenges this week, I know you only have today, tomorrow and Sunday but it's all good!

    Have a great weekend everyone HAPPY FRIDAY!

    Love mimi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi everyone, taken the time to read the posts and it seems like a nice group!
    Weighed myself for the first time after christmas and I'm pack up to 10'10,
    so I'm on a steady pace hopefully of 1lb a week before my boyfriends birthday to weighing 10 stone.

    Started the bicycle crunches, and the other exercises today and it felt good to get some exercise other than walking done!
    Once my January exams are over I'm aiming to hit the university gym 3+ times a week and hope to burn 500+ calories per visit.
    I've also been making some soups, I got a book of 500 different soup recipes for christmas and made a carrot leek and potato one, it's delicious! If anybody wants to make it its really easy too,
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    Too late to join?

    For the first time in my life I feel in control of my body. I am enjoying going to the gym and watching what I eat. I input every morsel of food into MFP. I'm even averaging 84 oz of water a day!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Too late to join?

    For the first time in my life I feel in control of my body. I am enjoying going to the gym and watching what I eat. I input every morsel of food into MFP. I'm even averaging 84 oz of water a day!!!

    Hello !!

    I'm sure Mimi will be delighted to have new comers here!! We are a nice friendly bunch and we are SERIOUS about making some kick *kitten* progress in 2011, join us!!!

    What are your goals? How long have you been with MFP? And where do you hope to be by 2012?
    Mel :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello peps!!!

    How was everyone's weekend?
    Mine was ok, have really got to get a hold of my eating though, this week I'm going to get tough with myself and must stop the treats and cut my portions sizes down.

    I've done well with my exercise this week, I'm really pleased as I usually can stick to things for good if I can make them work for two weeks, and today marks the end of week 2!!!
    I have reached my goal this week :
    This week- completed: Run 75m* Turbo x3 * Shred x3 * Sit ups/Weights daily* Walk 285m *, 1x DVD - Yoga 75m*.
    I actually finished yesterday so I could have a day with just a little bit of exercise today. Which is done and I'm plotting an early night - with a nytol as I've been sleeping really badly and waking during the night for no reason since this flu.
    A decent nights sleep will help me massively and start the week right - when I'm tired I feel I need more bad carbs.

    I hope everyone is recovering quicker than me, I know Sonia is still struggling with the flu, really bad bugs around this winter.
    Plantpot, get your rest in girl, it will stand you in good stead xxx
    Feel better everyone who's still recovering xxx

    I managed to do 5 days out of 7 with the extra planks, airbikes and jelly belly exercise!!! I found that a bit tricky at first but you can feel it works, and 1 minute of plank really does do something, I might make this 1 minute plank a permanent addition to my daily weights and sit ups routine, I really like it!!!

    Next week I have GOT to get a control of my eating now my exercise goal is well and truly kicked off!!
    I know that this will only get easier with time and as I recover more so I'm leaving this as my weekly aim for now, plus any extra's that Mimi sets for us.
    Starting tomorrow I must cut right back and get my food intake down, I'm eating way too much.
    (Damn TOM)
    I feel HUGE!!!

    I have invested in a new set of more accurate scales - they show 0.2lbs, so this will help as sometimes I see my weight rise 2-3lb in no time at all.
    These should help me see a clearer picture of what is going on.

    I'm also making some big diet changes. I have got to give up wheat, I know it doesn't agree with me so I have given it up since Saturday and will be avoiding all foods with wheat barley and rye - gluten.
    The doctors can't find it but I'm sure I have a gluten intolerance or coeliac disease.
    This will help me in the long run as it means there is a lot of stuff that I can't have - I'm addicted to biscuits and particularly chocolate biscuits so this will help. I'm also giving up chocolate and things with high sugar content.
    I will see how this goes, but feeling well in my stomach is the main concern at the moment so I'll reassess this in a few weeks when cutting the wheat out will show some results.
    I'm going to try to turn this into a positive thing and get some good out of a not prefect situation!!

    Well happy Sunday people!!!

    Mimi - I :heart: you!!!

    Week 3 here we come, I can't wait to hear everyone progress tomorrow xxx

    Mel :flowerforyou:
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    :noway: WTG Mel!!! You've done amazing this week, absolutely fantastic!!

    Me, i've been pretty comatose this week, I'm sooo not doing a woe-is-me routine. Short version I manged to keep my business together and lose 1lb in weight!

    Back on track this week and going to give it a good kickin!!

    :heart: you all!! Good luck with keeping on track x
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    :noway: WTG Mel!!! You've done amazing this week, absolutely fantastic!!

    Me, i've been pretty comatose this week, I'm sooo not doing a woe-is-me routine. Short version I manged to keep my business together and lose 1lb in weight!

    Back on track this week and going to give it a good kickin!!

    :heart: you all!! Good luck with keeping on track x

    Thank you!!!! :smile:
    Good luck with this week, I'm sure you'll do great, the first few weeks back are the hardest.
    Life does tend to get in the way of our goals and we can only do our best and you did lose 1lb!! Whoop :drinker:

    I've just come home from my first run this week, it looked nice and sunny out so I thought today would be a good day but OH NO, it wasn't!!!!
    I have had enough :grumble:
    I decided half way through my run, I am sick of freezing my *kitten* off and getting covered in mud and wandering home like the local trap so I have made an executive decision!!! :huh:
    NO MORE RUNNING!!!! :laugh:

    I'm still recovering from that pesky flu and still aching all over, I'm still not sleeping right and I still have stomach issues, all this means one seriously GRUMPY Mel :angry:
    I actually felt sick while running which has only happened once and was the start of a really horrible two day fever so I didn't want to chance getting ill again. I have got to get myself well, then get back into the running.
    I honestly felt like I was doing myself more harm than good. :sad:

    However I do not quit so easy - I am going to exchange the running for stepper, and DOUBLE it and ADD WEIGHTS!!! My running goal was 15 minutes 5 times a week (75minutes)
    Running is much harder than the stepper so I am going to do a minimum of 30 minutes 5x a week, plus all the other stuff I have done for the last two weeks. I'm still exercising daily and doing my DVD's etc but it means I can stay in the warm and do my exercise until I'm well enough and it's a little warmer and less muddy and disgusting. :noway:

    I hope everyone is doing well this week, keep up the good work and hurry up and report back I want to see how your all doing!!! :tongue:

    Loads of love Mel :love:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Doh, I have missed this!! Just had a quick catch up and it looks like you are all doing well!!!!

    Thankfully I am feeling a lot better after that bloody flu!!! :happy: Was back at the gym tonight, and although I cant say I enjoyed it, not been since before xmas and first time back is never easy!!! I did enjoy a yummy tea of pasta and chicken bake to eat my exercise cals!!!

    I need to step up the crunches ect as I do tend to focus on cardio, so I wil get onto those!!!

    Good luck for the week ahead guys, and I will try to remember to check in more often!!!

    Mimi - I was thinking of you while at the gym, the Shakira video was on the big screen, not sure what song it was, had dizzy rascal in too..... my word, think she is my 'Thinspiration', talk about snake hips and those abs are ridiculas :sad: :sad: Jealous!!!!! Ha ha!!!!

    Mel - Well done on all the exercise, you are doing really well!! I dont know where you get the energy!! Hope you are fully recovered from flu soon though hun, its a bluming nightmare!!!! I need to get out road running soon, signed up for a 10k in May and promised my hubby I will finish it in under an hour :noway: , I have done two 10k runs previously, think the first I finished 1 hour 10 mins, and second was 1 hour 5 mins, so this is my goal to train for over the next few months!!!

    Kendra - Great news on the loss, thats half a bag of sugar!!!!

    Will love you and leave you, Jo :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am back after my week of the horrible flu!

    Plantpot and Mel, I can definitely relate to the starting over again and trying to get the energy back!

    Mimi, I saw Shakira's music video at the gym too and I completely thought of you! She does have an AMAZING body!

    I just read a blog about trying to get my motivation back! I know what I need to do to get to my goals, but its just like I dont have the energy in me to do it! My goal for this week is to find my motivation and then kick *kitten* like I know I need to!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sorry for the late post <slapping own hands> I was actually busy at work yesterdy (a rare thing indeed...haha!) and didn't get around to posting!

    Welcome to Week 3 of the Sticky NY Resolutions Club! Week 3, we’re already doing better than we would flying solo…well I am speaking for myself there! I know I’ve let some of my many New Year’s Resolutions go after week 2 of January…ahem! But not this one! Oh no, no, no!

    How did you all do with the ab exercises? I absolutely love the jelly belly exercise! Did everyone find doing these OK? If you didn’t do these last week, here’s some HOMEWORK from Miss Mimi…add them on to this week! They really work!

    This week we are focusing on Michelle Obama style guns, Cameron Diaz’s toned non existent bingo wings and Shakira gorgeous back (if you don’t have back fat this is just a great way to keep a toned back!) Please fee free to insert your own hot armed celebs above, Michelle and Cameron are just who spring to my mind! Lee and Mat…think Brad Pitt in Troy…! <OK focus Mikhaila!>

    If you don't have weights you can use tins of baked beans, or two bottles of water in each hand!

    1) Banish Back Fat – holding two weights in each hand, hold your arms out in front of you and pull back to your armpit. See here!

    2) Blitz Bingo Wings –

    Now there are two exercises for this.

    (i) Hold a weight in each hand (girls between 3-5kg I should think) with your knews slightly bent and your hands pulled into you. Then extend your arms behind you. Do 3 sets of between 12 - 20 reps. You'll feel it burning on your bingo wing muscle! I seriously apologise for my lack ability at describing an excerise! See this link if you want to see how to do it really! Technically called tricep kickbacks!

    (ii) The crab - this is soo good! Yes a pattern is emerging here...I love these Absolute Fitness videos! Watch this clip on how to do this exercise!

    3) Get Michelle Obama’s toned arms - bicep curls! Again 3 sets of between 12 - 30 reps!

    Ok peoples! Here's to fabulous arms! Boys there actually is a Brad Pitt in Troy workout...omg! boys can do the same as above but with some heavier weights!

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! You're all stars and thanks for sticking with us!

    Lots of love Mimi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :flowerforyou:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Doh, I have missed this!! Just had a quick catch up and it looks like you are all doing well!!!!

    Thankfully I am feeling a lot better after that bloody flu!!! :happy: Was back at the gym tonight, and although I cant say I enjoyed it, not been since before xmas and first time back is never easy!!! I did enjoy a yummy tea of pasta and chicken bake to eat my exercise cals!!!

    I need to step up the crunches ect as I do tend to focus on cardio, so I wil get onto those!!!

    Good luck for the week ahead guys, and I will try to remember to check in more often!!!

    Mimi - I was thinking of you while at the gym, the Shakira video was on the big screen, not sure what song it was, had dizzy rascal in too..... my word, think she is my 'Thinspiration', talk about snake hips and those abs are ridiculas :sad: :sad: Jealous!!!!! Ha ha!!!!

    Mel - Well done on all the exercise, you are doing really well!! I dont know where you get the energy!! Hope you are fully recovered from flu soon though hun, its a bluming nightmare!!!! I need to get out road running soon, signed up for a 10k in May and promised my hubby I will finish it in under an hour :noway: , I have done two 10k runs previously, think the first I finished 1 hour 10 mins, and second was 1 hour 5 mins, so this is my goal to train for over the next few months!!!

    Kendra - Great news on the loss, thats half a bag of sugar!!!!

    Will love you and leave you, Jo :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Jo

    Nice to see you :o) good luck with ab work, they're such good exercises - they're what I intend to make part of my daily routine as well as they really do make a big difference! If you're on with the cardio and you incorporate these excercises I think the results come soo much quicker!

    Good luck with week 3!

    Mimi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am back after my week of the horrible flu!

    Plantpot and Mel, I can definitely relate to the starting over again and trying to get the energy back!

    Mimi, I saw Shakira's music video at the gym too and I completely thought of you! She does have an AMAZING body!

    I just read a blog about trying to get my motivation back! I know what I need to do to get to my goals, but its just like I dont have the energy in me to do it! My goal for this week is to find my motivation and then kick *kitten* like I know I need to!

    Sonia and JO!

    OMG I'm so glad you are seeing Shakira's amazingness! This is from my YouTube account from when I saw her in concert...Ok you can't really see how amazing her figure is in this but she's still amazing in it!

    At the concert she came out wearing this huge pink dress singing a lovely slow song then she basically jumped on stage and ripped it off and all I can say is...lycra...leggings...and gold crop top. This is when I saw how truly amazing her figure is and that's why she really is my thinspiration!

    Ok rant over! I don't love her honestly I just appreciate her figure! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:;feature=mfu_in_order&amp;list=UL
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello Everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a horrible time last week. My car broke down and is totally unusable :cry:
    I work about 90 miles away from home so am absolutely lost without it, and I live in a quiet little village and feel totally cut off.
    Really stressful as I've had quite a lot of work done on it lately and really have no money to throw at it.
    I have arranged to have it repaired later this week by a friend of a friend who's not only a specialist in those engines but also is doing it at half the labour costs I paid last time!!! So I'm really pleased I've found someone great to do my car.
    I've had to rearrange a lot of payments and work out how to do it but I have the money to get it fixed and don't have to borrow anything, although british gas will be complaining I've paid late!!

    With all of this stress and not sleeping and having to get trains all over the place and borrow car to get to work etc etc I really have not thought about food or about exercise.
    I've lost weight through basically not eating as much.
    No detox yet.
    Still I'm chuffed I've lost a bit and am planning on eating a lot less in general, I had got into a bad way of eating more than I need to and I felt awful for it.
    I'm still off the wheat, gluten, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, peanuts and various other things that cause me trouble and eating more fruit and healthier in general, and much smaller portions too so I think all in all I'm back on track with my food.

    This week I will do some shreds, yoga and maybe turbo jam but with walking jack to and from school I will be doing plenty of exercise as it's about a mile each way - 4 miles a day minimum!!
    I'm still doing my daily weights and sit ups and plank too.
    If I get time I'll do my stepper as well but I have loads of thing to get done this week and need to get cracking!!
    I have to start selling some stuff on ebay as I know it's going to be very soon that I need the other 2 injectors replacing as they will go soon too, and when the next one goes I need to get the last 2 done then it should be ok.
    Bloody cars :sad:

    I hope everyone is doing well and recovering from all the nasty bugs out there.
    My son has had a virus or something now too, but he's almost better now :smile:

    Good luck this week everyone :flowerforyou:
  • MistahLee31
    I had a naughty weekend this weekend (not in that sense!!! lol) but more food related, so clamping right down. I think we're definately going on holiday in May so putting a lot of pressure on myself to lose weight for it as otherwise I'll be sunbathing and swimming with a t-shirt on which I don't want to. :-(

    Anyway, I'll be giving the exercises a go, watching my calorie intake and making sure I'm eating healthily. I have a new job now but don't start till the beginning of March, it's a 5 minute drive away, however it is very accessible via walking (about 40mins) or cycling (about 15-20 mins) so rather than spending 20-25 in the car in my current job, I can start doing more and more cardio commuting to and from my new job! Can't wait to start it!

    Good luck everyone!
  • MistahLee31
    Hello Everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a horrible time last week. My car broke down and is totally unusable :cry:
    I work about 90 miles away from home so am absolutely lost without it, and I live in a quiet little village and feel totally cut off.
    Really stressful as I've had quite a lot of work done on it lately and really have no money to throw at it.
    I have arranged to have it repaired later this week by a friend of a friend who's not only a specialist in those engines but also is doing it at half the labour costs I paid last time!!! So I'm really pleased I've found someone great to do my car.
    I've had to rearrange a lot of payments and work out how to do it but I have the money to get it fixed and don't have to borrow anything, although british gas will be complaining I've paid late!!

    With all of this stress and not sleeping and having to get trains all over the place and borrow car to get to work etc etc I really have not thought about food or about exercise.
    I've lost weight through basically not eating as much.
    No detox yet.
    Still I'm chuffed I've lost a bit and am planning on eating a lot less in general, I had got into a bad way of eating more than I need to and I felt awful for it.
    I'm still off the wheat, gluten, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, peanuts and various other things that cause me trouble and eating more fruit and healthier in general, and much smaller portions too so I think all in all I'm back on track with my food.

    This week I will do some shreds, yoga and maybe turbo jam but with walking jack to and from school I will be doing plenty of exercise as it's about a mile each way - 4 miles a day minimum!!
    I'm still doing my daily weights and sit ups and plank too.
    If I get time I'll do my stepper as well but I have loads of thing to get done this week and need to get cracking!!
    I have to start selling some stuff on ebay as I know it's going to be very soon that I need the other 2 injectors replacing as they will go soon too, and when the next one goes I need to get the last 2 done then it should be ok.
    Bloody cars :sad:

    I hope everyone is doing well and recovering from all the nasty bugs out there.
    My son has had a virus or something now too, but he's almost better now :smile:

    Good luck this week everyone :flowerforyou:

    Cars are rubbish hun, lol! Glad to hear you've found someone who can do it for less cost, always great when that happens! Hope that you get everything sorted out and that Jack gets better soon! :-)
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello Everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a horrible time last week. My car broke down and is totally unusable :cry:
    I work about 90 miles away from home so am absolutely lost without it, and I live in a quiet little village and feel totally cut off.
    Really stressful as I've had quite a lot of work done on it lately and really have no money to throw at it.
    I have arranged to have it repaired later this week by a friend of a friend who's not only a specialist in those engines but also is doing it at half the labour costs I paid last time!!! So I'm really pleased I've found someone great to do my car.
    I've had to rearrange a lot of payments and work out how to do it but I have the money to get it fixed and don't have to borrow anything, although british gas will be complaining I've paid late!!

    With all of this stress and not sleeping and having to get trains all over the place and borrow car to get to work etc etc I really have not thought about food or about exercise.
    I've lost weight through basically not eating as much.
    No detox yet.
    Still I'm chuffed I've lost a bit and am planning on eating a lot less in general, I had got into a bad way of eating more than I need to and I felt awful for it.
    I'm still off the wheat, gluten, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, peanuts and various other things that cause me trouble and eating more fruit and healthier in general, and much smaller portions too so I think all in all I'm back on track with my food.

    This week I will do some shreds, yoga and maybe turbo jam but with walking jack to and from school I will be doing plenty of exercise as it's about a mile each way - 4 miles a day minimum!!
    I'm still doing my daily weights and sit ups and plank too.
    If I get time I'll do my stepper as well but I have loads of thing to get done this week and need to get cracking!!
    I have to start selling some stuff on ebay as I know it's going to be very soon that I need the other 2 injectors replacing as they will go soon too, and when the next one goes I need to get the last 2 done then it should be ok.
    Bloody cars :sad:

    I hope everyone is doing well and recovering from all the nasty bugs out there.
    My son has had a virus or something now too, but he's almost better now :smile:

    Good luck this week everyone :flowerforyou:

    :heart: xxx Hi Mel xxx :heart:

    So sorry about your car! It's the last thing you needed I know! Always happens doesn't it...:grumble: I'm glad you've got the work done for cheaper but by the sounds of it it's still too much than you'd like! Being January and just after Christmas I know I couldn't afford a thing! I hope everything works out for you my lovely and British Gas can stuff their grumbling where the sun don't shine because with their prices changing all the time they're lucky to still have you as a customer! :laugh:

    I hope Jack feels better soon! These silly bugs going around all the time!

    I'll be posting Week 4 today...I might send everyone a message to remind them about it :laugh: I know what it's like...starting something on one of these posts and it's easy to lose interest in it. I want everyone to stay interested! Come back people! Come back! :drinker:

    LEE............ooh My God a holiday in May! Where to!? You can totally get speedo ready for then, I know you can! Your new job will help also if you can cardio your way to it! :happy: We should start a weekend pact because I fall off every weekend :noway:

    Week 4 coming soon!

    :heart: Mimi x
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Awww Mimi, we are always interested! I love your challenges! : )

    I have been doing planks this week, and some arm weights (with my husbands help!) because I can never get the proper form!

    I am planning on starting my Turbofire 20 week program this Sunday and then keep at it for the next 20 weeks and see that kind of results I get from it. Its exciting, but the workouts are tough! I am just going through some of the workouts now and getting familiar with them.

    How is everyone else doing? I lost the few pounds I gained over the holidays BUT only from being sick! So, it wasnt the best way to drop that weight, but I am glad that its gone and has stayed off. I am now at 132-133 and my official goal is 120! I must lose this last 10-12 pounds! Its been about 4- 5 months of me being at the same weight but my weight fluctuates, so I started at 141 to 137 then then next month its 140 to 136 and so on, its super slow weight loss, so I need to increase my workouts and clean up my diet!

    We can do it!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Awww Mimi, we are always interested! I love your challenges! : )

    I have been doing planks this week, and some arm weights (with my husbands help!) because I can never get the proper form!

    I am planning on starting my Turbofire 20 week program this Sunday and then keep at it for the next 20 weeks and see that kind of results I get from it. Its exciting, but the workouts are tough! I am just going through some of the workouts now and getting familiar with them.

    How is everyone else doing? I lost the few pounds I gained over the holidays BUT only from being sick! So, it wasnt the best way to drop that weight, but I am glad that its gone and has stayed off. I am now at 132-133 and my official goal is 120! I must lose this last 10-12 pounds! Its been about 4- 5 months of me being at the same weight but my weight fluctuates, so I started at 141 to 137 then then next month its 140 to 136 and so on, its super slow weight loss, so I need to increase my workouts and clean up my diet!

    We can do it!

    Hi Sonia :flowerforyou:

    You can totally do it! I lost lots of weight this time last year and pretty much since June 2010 I've stayed the same or gone up a few pounds and back down to the same. It's very frustrating. I need to lose a stone. A STONE only 14 lbs I can so do it and you can too!!!!!!!! Let's make 2011 the year of achievements :happy:

    Ok so I was really busy yesterday but I am posting Week 4 right now! In the next message!

    How's everyone getting on? Happy Hump Day!

    Mimi :heart: