

  • Add me too please :-) I started off so well but had 2 really bad weeks, last week I put a pound back on and this week isn't looking any better so need all the help I can get!
  • meringues or caramel snack a jacks, both about 50 cals each so you can have a couple
  • I would recommend eating more for your evening meal so you don't feel hungry, could you trim your 3pm snack down to 100cals?
  • No definately not! The sugar in fruit is natural, it's the refined sugar in food that is bad for you.
  • Have you tried reducing your calories a little? I'm not sure if the site will adjust it for you but as you weigh considerably less you might need a slight adjustment.
  • Hi I've never tried WW but did lose 6 stone on rosemary connelly which I think was mainly down to exercising at the classes 3 times a week. Since becoming a single parent with 2 kids and a full time job I've put it all back on and the class times don't fit my lifestyle so giving this a go. I lost 2 pounds my first week but…