Stuck at 11lbs! Help!

Hello all,

I've been dieting since mid January and have been losing around 2lbs a week, totalling 11lbs, but since 24th February I have been stuck at 11lbs! I really want to get to that 1st stone as I think it will really motivate me but just can't seem to get over 11lbs! I eat no more than 1450 calorie's a day (usually less!) and I exercise (Swimming, Netball and Walking) but I just can't seem to shift it! Any help/tips would be fantastic!

Thank you! :)


  • jackie8506
    Have you tried reducing your calories a little?
    I'm not sure if the site will adjust it for you but as you weigh considerably less you might need a slight adjustment.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Try INCREASING your calories! If you're eating 1450 a day, but exercising, it's likely that your "net calories" are pretty low and your body is trying to hang onto all it can. (It almost seems backwards, I know!). I'm also at 11lbs lost! :smile:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Patience and vary the calorie intake. Your body adjusts to its new weight from time to time. It will fluctuate and stall every now and again. Guaranteed. Just wait it out and it will lose again when it wants to. In the meantime, enjoy the ride. As for your workouts, you can introduce HIIT routines into them if you haven't already, or include an entirely new activity, like strength training, to add to your current ones. There are a variety of ways to break out of a plateau, but patience is the number one thing I would ever suggest. The more you stress, the less results you will see. Seriously.
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!
  • SlimGem80
    SlimGem80 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi beechi1992,
    I'm in exactly the same position. I just got weighed in this morning and was very disappointed when I was still at just 10lbs loss. Especially since this last week I have stuck rigidly to my 1200 calories per day and have exercised everyday (Jillian Michael's 30 Shred DVD) I'm hoping that next week my good work will catch up with me and i'll get closer to/hit that 1 stone marker. It's very frustrating though. I'm going to try to cut down (not cut out) the amount of Carbs I eat this week. I think that doing everything I did last week the same but with less Carbs, then I may hit my first target.
    I'd be interested to see what advice others give you though. I'll try to remember to let you know next Monday how I get on. Good luck for this next week, you are so so close to the 1st marker please don't give up. It's only another 7 little days until your next weigh in. Persevere until then, make some adjustments and you will probably be pleasantly surprised.x
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!

    Just so you know, running burns muscle (not fat). So the weight loss you're seeing is muscle loss for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I'm an AVID RUNNER! It's one of my favourite hobbies, but you need to do 3x strength training to maintain your form. (Remember: it's muscle that burns fat!). :flowerforyou:
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    You're doing good, this is a longer-term approach and everybody gets a plateau here and there. Looking at what you say you do there's no doubt you'll be at a stone soon - don't worry! And as for people telling you eat more to lose weight, google it! I did yesterday and it is a myth - if anyone believes the scaremongering about starvation mode google that too - not quite the version seen on here, though I agree starvation diets are NOT the way to lose weight and keep it off...

    Don't fret, carry on, and be careful of some 'advice' on here...

    regards, David
  • beechi1992
    beechi1992 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all :)
    I think I will try eating a little more healthy stuff as I think I've been limiting myself too much to just snacks and not proper meals, putting my body into 'starvation mode' so that anything I do eat it automatically stores! Thanks everyone :D
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    And as for people telling you eat more to lose weight, google it! I did yesterday and it is a myth - if anyone believes the scaremongering about starvation mode google that too - not quite the version seen on here, though I agree starvation diets are NOT the way to lose weight and keep it off...

    Actually, it depends on the exercise she's doing. I recommend her eating (a little!) more because I know that when I exercise, I often burn around 500 calories. I eat 1300, which would put me at 800 daily calories - too little to be healthy. She may be in the same boat. That's all I meant :smile:
  • ColeyCannoli
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!

    Just so you know, running burns muscle (not fat). So the weight loss you're seeing is muscle loss for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I'm an AVID RUNNER! It's one of my favourite hobbies, but you need to do 3x strength training to maintain your form. (Remember: it's muscle that burns fat!). :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, but this is just plain wrong. Running doesn't "burn muscle" it definitely burns fat. Your body isn't completely stupid. You won't burn muscle unless all of that excess fat (which is stored energy) is used up. Don't know where you got this. You won't see definition or toning from cardio like you will with strength training but you are not going to lose any muscles you do have if you run. What she might have lost was just water weight, but it's hard to tell from here.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!

    Just so you know, running burns muscle (not fat). So the weight loss you're seeing is muscle loss for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I'm an AVID RUNNER! It's one of my favourite hobbies, but you need to do 3x strength training to maintain your form. (Remember: it's muscle that burns fat!). :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, but this is just plain wrong. Running doesn't "burn muscle" it definitely burns fat. Your body isn't completely stupid. You won't burn muscle unless all of that excess fat (which is stored energy) is used up. Don't know where you got this. You won't see definition or toning from cardio like you will with strength training but you are not going to lose any muscles you do have if you run. What she might have lost was just water weight, but it's hard to tell from here.
    from what i've read
    muscle is a LOT easier to break down and make energy from. so actually when you lose weight its a mix of muscle and fat, because you cannot properly maintain muscle when you're eating at a calorie deficit.
    so yes, it burns fat but it also burns muscle.
  • ColeyCannoli
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!

    Just so you know, running burns muscle (not fat). So the weight loss you're seeing is muscle loss for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I'm an AVID RUNNER! It's one of my favourite hobbies, but you need to do 3x strength training to maintain your form. (Remember: it's muscle that burns fat!). :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, but this is just plain wrong. Running doesn't "burn muscle" it definitely burns fat. Your body isn't completely stupid. You won't burn muscle unless all of that excess fat (which is stored energy) is used up. Don't know where you got this. You won't see definition or toning from cardio like you will with strength training but you are not going to lose any muscles you do have if you run. What she might have lost was just water weight, but it's hard to tell from here.
    from what i've read
    muscle is a LOT easier to break down and make energy from. so actually when you lose weight its a mix of muscle and fat, because you cannot properly maintain muscle when you're eating at a calorie deficit.
    so yes, it burns fat but it also burns muscle.

    Yep, you are right. Sorry about that. >_< I guess I was thinking she meant ONLY muscle and no fat. Strength training is always important anyway to keep your metabolism up and burn fat while you are not exercising.
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    And as for people telling you eat more to lose weight, google it! I did yesterday and it is a myth - if anyone believes the scaremongering about starvation mode google that too - not quite the version seen on here, though I agree starvation diets are NOT the way to lose weight and keep it off...

    Actually, it depends on the exercise she's doing. I recommend her eating (a little!) more because I know that when I exercise, I often burn around 500 calories. I eat 1300, which would put me at 800 daily calories - too little to be healthy. She may be in the same boat. That's all I meant :smile:

    I agree with this too, BUT did she say how many calories she is burning with exercise? Maybe she is only walking or swimming for a half hour total and burning less than 200. If that's the case, she doesn't want to up her calories in my opinion.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I was stuck too for a few weeks, I too only need to loose 11lbs. I didn't want to up my calories (that's what many posts seem to recommend) and with seeing a lot of people starting or doing c25k I found out exactly what that was and decided I'd do this. Not sure if this has helped me as I've only done a couple of runs but this morning when I got weighed the scales had moved.Yay!!

    Just so you know, running burns muscle (not fat). So the weight loss you're seeing is muscle loss for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I'm an AVID RUNNER! It's one of my favourite hobbies, but you need to do 3x strength training to maintain your form. (Remember: it's muscle that burns fat!). :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, but this is just plain wrong. Running doesn't "burn muscle" it definitely burns fat. Your body isn't completely stupid. You won't burn muscle unless all of that excess fat (which is stored energy) is used up. Don't know where you got this. You won't see definition or toning from cardio like you will with strength training but you are not going to lose any muscles you do have if you run. What she might have lost was just water weight, but it's hard to tell from here.

    There's no need to be snippy, this is not "plain wrong". :noway: If she's running with an elevated heartrate, then YES the majority of energy is coming from muscle and NOT fat. It is easier to pull energy from muscle than it is from fat. There is always some burn from both sources (as well as food currently being digested). My sources? I'm a runner. I work closely with a personal trainer. I've spoken to my doctor. I've gotten advice from athletes. Oh and... you can google it. It's a fact, not "plain wrong". Ever heard the term "skinny fat" ? It comes from cardio-freaks who think they're getting fit.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Before you try to take me down for my vocab, by "elevated heartrate" I meant above the 60-65% fat burn zone, which is where she'd be if she's running any real distance/speed. Running = a need for quick energy. Which means it's coming from glycogen, which comes from your muscles. Please, try to word your responses a bit more politely. To be honest, I was offended by your tone and "I don't know where you got that".

    Your statement of "You won't burn muscle unless all of that excess fat (which is stored energy) is used up." Is incorrect though.

    Just one simple source from a recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology:
    "The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP) is the predominant catabolic pathway for muscle tissue breakdown. UPP responses were analyzed in 6 experienced resistance trained men and compared to marathon runners. Subjects had muscle biopsies before, immediately after, and 24 hours post-exercise. The running protocol induced a greater number of genes associated with muscle catabolism compared with the resistance exercise bout. In general, the mRNA expression of the UPP is suggestive of a greater induction of muscle breakdown following endurance exercise. The study concluded that following endurance exercise, the induction of muscle breakdown genes was greater than following resistance exercise. The study provides insight to the muscle adaptive response at the molecular level that leads to a decreased muscle fiber size with endurance training. "