amanstewa3 Member


  • Thank you, guys. Low carb seems to be the only way I can lose weight. And I didn't realize how many carbs I was eating until I started logging everything in my diary on here.
  • No advice here. I deal with the same thing with my husband and know how frustrating it is. So sorry.
  • I have no advice but just wanted to say I can totally relate to this. Describes me almost exactly. I will be watching for everyone's input. Good luck!
  • Geez, you guys have some goodlooking food!!!
  • How did I miss the recipe tab????? I will definitely use that from now on! Thanks for the suggestions.
  • I totally understand the frustration. I have been there too. I have exercised on and off over the past several years but back last summer I started working out with a trainer. A 20 minute warm-up on the elliptical or treadmill would nearly kill me. But after a couple weeks, I had way more endurance. It's something you just…
  • I can totally relate to dealing with depression. I think mine is from the cold, snowy winter and lack of a social life. However, just getting out today with my son's girlfriend and going shopping has helped. Do you have anybody (a neighbor, co-worker, etc.) who you can buddy up with to help with dieting and exercising?
  • A vicious cycle is exactly right. I do well 3 weeks out of the month eating well but PMS week ruins me. And then I feel like crap for the next couple of weeks for letting it get the best of me. Sucks!
  • Happens to me every month. And it is getting worse as I get older (I'm 34). I'm pretty sure I have PMDD also. The cravings are terrible and I eat uncontrollably during that time too. I feel like a bottomless pit during PMS week. I crave sweets and my favorite is cream horn pastries. I will buy a package of 4 and I…
  • I totally agree with getting up and getting on the elliptical first thing. You guys are right. If I don't do it right off the bat, I will think of excuses as the day goes on.
  • Uhhh, if your clothes were looser and your body looked firmer, why did it matter what the scale says? Looks to me like you were doing perfectly well before you sabotaged yourself for no reason. Fun fact: You can lose body fat and increase muscle mass at the same time, resulting is no weight loss but overall fat loss.…
  • Thank you guys for the replies and support. I appreciate it all. I am making it my goal to start off with 30 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week. I always feel better after I exercise, I just have to force myself to make that first step on it. I think a combination of PCOS, a cold, dark snow winter, and not…
  • I love cottage cheese with peaches or pears. I have recently started putting it on my salads. Love it!
  • How does Metformin make you feel? The endocrinologist prescribed it for me and I could not take it. It made my heart pound out of my chest and made me overwhelmingly sleepy. I even tried cutting the dose in half and taking it with food but it was still the same effect. I have heard it works well for a lot of people though.…
  • I have no advice really. I just wanted to let you know I feel your pain. I have PCOS too and am having a very hard time losing any weight. But I'm going to keep trying. I plan to cut my carbs again as that seems to be the only thing that really helps me. But when PMS time comes around, I get a major sweets craving. What a…
  • I totally understand how you feel. I have been working with a trainer and eating well the past 6 weeks and have yet to lose a pound. Damn PCOS. Just keep it up and have faith that eventually your hard work will pay off.
  • Pizza is a terrible trigger-food for me. I'm surprised I only ate 3 slices. lol
  • Okay, I'm so glad it's not just me who deals with the PMS cravings. I discovered Mini-Moonpies yesterday. They are only 110 calories, I think it was, and satisfied the craving. Now if I can just keep from eating the entire box.....
  • Congratulations on your amazing weight loss and tummy tuck! I had a tummy tuck myself about 5 years ago and it is no easy surgery but well worth the pain and cost.
  • I had a tummy-tuck about 5 years ago. It was the best thing I ever done for myself. I was overweight when I had the procedure done but it has made exercise so much easier, along with a breast reduction I had a year after the tummy-tuck. The only drawback I see for myself is that I am in the process of losing weight (30 to…