PMS/PMDD & Binge Eating

The week before my period not only am I a ranging lunatic but, I absolutely cannot control my cravings for salty, sweet, & cheesy foods. Once I give into the craving I feel like I can't stop eating and that I am completely out of control. This is not reality because, I do stop once I am full and satisfied the craving however, there have been instances where I have consumed nearly 2,000 calories in cookies. My eating habits during PMS (although, I think I may have PMDD) has never lead to substantial weight gain, maybe a pound or two, but, I am afraid... petrified-- that it might and, more often than not this fear drives me to eat more! A vicious cycle.

Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who deals with this on a monthly basis. No pun intended. :)


  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    I def. have stronger cravings during the week prior to my period. I let myself have a little, or if I know a little won't cut it, I cut back on other foods to have more of what I'm craving. I think just knowing WHY I'm craving helps me control myself. I also try to get more activity into my day as that helps with the moodiness and to some extent the cravings. Oddly, it's really the week after, when my cravings are the worst. During ovulation my body screams "give me tasty things full of fat so that I may procreate!" I tell it no.
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    Happens to me every month. And it is getting worse as I get older (I'm 34). I'm pretty sure I have PMDD also. The cravings are terrible and I eat uncontrollably during that time too. I feel like a bottomless pit during PMS week. I crave sweets and my favorite is cream horn pastries. I will buy a package of 4 and I generally eat them all within 2 days or less.

    If you ever figure out how to make it stop, please let me know. lol
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    I have PMDD and sometimes I can't say no to my cravings. I'm not a sweets person, so I'm usually demolishing a bag of chips. It's been a trialand error thing for me, but I've just had to let myself not feel horrible after I slip up and eat something that I shouldn't have. I just tell myself that I'll work out for a little longer the next day and eat a little less, and then I have a cup of tea because that's kind of my nightly thing. You just have to be a little more to kind to yourself and get right back to eating right the next day.

    I wish I had better advice, but I am sympathetic and here if you'd like to talk. I wouldn't wish the hell that is PMDD on my worst enemy.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I just googled PMDD and it is me to a tee!!!

    It's a vicious cycle. You go well for a few weeks, you start to get premenstrual and you let loose and then get more depressed because you have indulged your cravings, and then you eventually start getting on the right track only to have it happen the next month.

    I think the fact that we can recognise this is really good start, but recognising it whilst your mid way through and NEED those cookies will be a lot harder.

    I wish I could figure it out and stop myself, but so far I haven't had much luck. To be honest my only treatment has been to give into the tiredness that also comes with that time of the month, at least when I'm sleeping I'm not eating!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Just say no.

    It's ok to have cravings. It's ok to feel crazy. It's ok to feel starving. But it's not fun to binge.

    Choose exercise instead. A 2 minute workout can really help. Do some pushups, jump rope, sit ups, jumping jacks.

    If you choose to binge instead, then try timing yourself to wait one minute between bites.

    Oh, eta maybe check out some nice herbs to balance your hormones. Vitex is a great one.

    This website helped me:
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    I just googled PMDD and it is me to a tee!!!

    It's a vicious cycle. You go well for a few weeks, you start to get premenstrual and you let loose and then get more depressed because you have indulged your cravings, and then you eventually start getting on the right track only to have it happen the next month.

    I think the fact that we can recognise this is really good start, but recognising it whilst your mid way through and NEED those cookies will be a lot harder.

    I wish I could figure it out and stop myself, but so far I haven't had much luck. To be honest my only treatment has been to give into the tiredness that also comes with that time of the month, at least when I'm sleeping I'm not eating!

    A vicious cycle is exactly right. I do well 3 weeks out of the month eating well but PMS week ruins me. And then I feel like crap for the next couple of weeks for letting it get the best of me. Sucks!
  • WhatAnAwesomeGirl

    Oh, eta maybe check out some nice herbs to balance your hormones. Vitex is a great one.

    This website helped me:

    So, glad I'm not alone in this. Definitely planning on checking out this supplement. Thanks! :)