

  • Honestly, enjoy your rest days. I would run my C25K in the morning and the evening perform more cardio (run 3 miles or bike 16miles). By the end of the day I am exhausted and am thankful all the next day for having time to recover because then the next morning, Im ready and energized to run again! Rest is just as important!
  • Chances are that your weight gain is mostly water weight from extra sodium intake in your diet over vacation. Drink lots of water this week, maintain your exercise/diet and you'll be right back to where you want to be!
  • Awesome! Im glad to have you guys on my street Team!
  • Friendly is a east coast thing. Its like a denny's or perkins in the plains, but more oriented to family
  • More like causes the runs....ugh
  • Tiger is a perfect example of societal problems. Do you think hes the only one in the world that's doing this? News, Movies, and TV portray sex as a casual fun thing and makes no point to direct it towards faithfulness in marriage. Granted, Tigers 12+ women are extreme, but I think this is due to his existing power/fame,…
  • I myself am doing P90X, but only count the workouts as 400 calories compared to what the book says you might burn(600 calories) I have found that using a Heart Rate Monitor that I am closer to 400 (after i subtract 100 burned naturally). Make sure you are eating all these excercise calories back. If I were you do this.…
  • If your body is in a calorie deficit, you have to lose weight. That fact is scientifically proven. Also, while on a calorie deficit, it is almost impossible to gain muscle. Some people think that their muscles are bigger, when in fact they are, but this is due to inflamed muscles(water retention) postworkout. If you could…
  • REMEMBER, your weightloss is better measured over time, rather than a short period. If your eating within your range, stick with it. Initial weightloss can be drastic, but take your weightloss over 3-5 months and your numbers should be close to your target range. Also, try not to weight yourself everyday, just do it…
  • drink water! or eat some veggies (carrots or brocolli)
  • To clarify, don't look at the week to week numbers. Look at the overall picture. Some weeks I lost nothing, some I lost 1, 2 or 3lbs. Overall however, over the course of 5 months, I've lost 50. That figure is all tht matters in the long run!
  • In my opinion, my definition of a plateau is when I dont see the expected results during two weeks. I was stuck at 246 for 2 weeks and that was my plateau. People say that you keep sticking with what you're doing and you'll break out of it eventually. This may be the case, but I wasnt willing to wait 4 months! The idea of…
  • Protein shakes are great for building muscle and losing the fat, but if possible, eat meat...You will stay motivated for a lot longer!
  • No, women should slightly weight less than men at the same height. A healthy build for a man would include more muscle than a healthy build for a women, making a man weigh more!
  • I would suggest setting your daily activity to active and only logging your excercise. If you log every little thing and where a HRM all day, you will become overly obsessed! Just log your intentional excercise and you will be more sane and succesful!
  • When on a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, not gain(over a time period), no mater what. If its your goal to lose weight AND gain muscle, you have it all wrong. Professional bodybuilders(those that do not dope) know the secret and thats to bulk up(eating excess calories, mostly protein) while lifting HEAVY…
  • Based on this I would tell you to change it up this way. I calculated your "One Rep Max" to be around 155 pounds. This means you could lift 155lbs on the bench one time. For me the best method is this: Set 1 - Warm up set ~60% ORM(One Rep Max) Your weight = 90lbs (10-12 reps, just to get the blood pumping) Set 2 - 80% ORM…
  • Possibly. There could be any number of reasons for this but let me share what I've experienced. When I first lift, I got sore, just as you have. After while I would become less sore, which I believe is normal because I'm training my muscles to become used. However, at this point I changed how I did things. If you want to…
  • Im glad to have helped. I might suggest a pistacios brand at Walmart I found to be excellent. It is called a brand called "Wonderful" and the pistachios are already shelled and perfectly salted. Its about $3 in our area for a bag(6 oz), but you don't have to shell them, which is nice. I eat a handful a day and it last over…
  • Stroutman is very correct in this thread. Women can lift weights and not gain a huge amount of muscle mass. They lack the testosterone levels to do so, plus while on a calorie deficit. It is impossible to get bulky from muscle because on a calorie deficit, your body is losing weight because of fat/muscle loss. When you…
  • Have some peanuts, pistachios, almonds for some very healthy fats that will add to your calories quickly (get low salt variety). Also, I suggest easting a cup of cottage cheese, especially towards bedtime. This is a slow digesting protein, called casein. If you eat it just before bed, your body will continue to digest that…
  • On something like that, I don't count it as deliberate exercise. I only log exercise that was deliberate because I know my heart rate was increased for a consistent amount of time. Look at it this way, if by chance you managed to burn 200 calories out of moving furniture, not eating them won't hurt you any. In fact its a…
  • Its a bunch of phooey...Lose weight by being responsible with your diet and exercise...If everyone could trick their mind like hypnotism supposedly does, America wouldn't have an obesity problem, would it? It would be the wonder drug on all the infomercials. People would set up hypnotism shops instead of weightloss clinics…
  • nerdy me...I saw WOW and I thought it was a thread on "World of Warcraft"....sigh
    in WOW Comment by freedMan March 2010
  • Might be a kidney stone from all your past soda consumption. Time will tell, or your doctor on the 19th. If I were you, I'd make a walkin appointment at your local clinic. The 19th is ridiculous.
  • To run, start by picking up your right foot, bending slightly at the knee, then while leaning forward stretch that foot toward the front of you, making sure to straighten out the leg as you land. Then do the same for the left leg. Repeat this again and again! A tip: Some people find it useful to swing their arms while they…
  • I'm still going strong wit my weight loss. Another 3lbs from the last update, or 5lbs lost since i hit this plateau. What I've been doing? Last weekend I had a decent cheat meal and ended 700 calories or more over my calorie goal, then the following day I was 100 calories over. I figurded this might help boost my…
  • Im at 40lns lost right now with my goal weight loss just under 80lbs. I would say its successful, but requires discipline and hard work. Its easy when you can't eat more food and harder when its you making the choice, not your stomach size. It's a cheaper alternative as well with longer lasting benefits because its a…
  • Alrigth antijared, I am amazed at your progress, but seriously...ALL YOUR POSTS ARE SPAM... You are not participating in any discussion, you simply post your web address...
  • 2lbs down this week! I drank 120+oz of water a day and alternated eating my excercise calories. I also changed up my routine in the gym. I know it must have helped because the gym was really tough this week! I just hope to keep losing and not hit a plateau again before I lose another 10 lbs!