coffeekat02 Member


  • Congratulations, truly inspiring, was wondering if you could help me as I am in search of one answer truly for myself, but hope that hearing others, it would provide more hope. I have dieted in the past , lost weight gained it back so on and so forth, the same routine in life. How did this time become the time that was the…
  • Steve - I can entirely respect your view just the same. From years of of trying different things and failing miserably, I have come to the realization that differnt things work for different people. CrossFit, might be the answer for me and my family, but respect that you have different views. I think for me people need to…
  • Life changing :) I have recently started documenting my journey with CrossFit, Give it a try, it has given me my life back!
  • ladies, i am not on here much but do love CrossFit, 6 months down with 30lbs lost 50 more to go,: ) I just started a blog, feel free to read up :) Best of luck on your journey!!
  • I know the initial post was done long time ago, but thought I would share a great article with you about CrossFit: I started my journey in January and I have never been phsycially active with sports or any type of athletic…
  • My husband and I, plu sall of our kdis have been going to CrossFit Since January. I have lost 30lbs and have at least another 50lbs to go, It has changed my life. My husband I and are polar opposites and going to the class is our date time :) When are kids go, it has been a family affair. Really brining us all together. I…
  • Did you say wine and chocolate? : ) Gosh you and I could be great friends! May I ask how you altered your workout to help with results? I have been doing amazing on MFP, maintaining all the goals set in every category, that is why I do not understand how this could happen.
  • Thank you for this! I have been doing Crossfit going on 5 weeks, I absolutely love it. I have done things I never felt I would be capable of. I was abel to drag and flip huge tires this past Saturday, I was so proud of myself. It is the greatest feeling as prior to, my hips were riddenw tih Rheumatoid arthritis and walking…
  • The super duper great part is, when you do the fitting it is based on measurements not by lbs lost : ) I am certain if you keep it up you will be pleasantly surprised when you have your fitting. Congratulations on your wedding, I got married a year ago on the 19th and put so much stress on myself to lose weight before the…
  • I am somewhat OCD when it comes to weighing myself, I guess if I am the best thing to do is throw out the scale. As I had my husband hide it and I found it : ) Thanks for the support, you are right, sometimes easier hearing it from strangers.
  • The difference is, today your day didn't go as planned, but tommorrow is a new day, you have a chance to start over each day. Normally you (as I have) had 7 out of 7 days of the week in which I was eating everything and anything. So what you had one day and even if you have 6 days, you are doing better than you were : )…
  • Figured it out - Exercise-induced Rhinitis. : )
  • I bake an Angel Food Cake in a 13 x 9 pan (it is non fat) spread fat free cool whip over, then add fresh sliced strawberries. If you want the strawberries to be a little sweeter then mix with some splenda, let sit in a bowl for 15 minutes then spread on top. Chill in fridge before serving : )
  • I just signed up yesterday on here. However, have been trying to lose weight for a month now. I have lost a total of 7lbs. I am honestly a recovering food addict, junk food, healthy food, fast food, you name it I ate it. I ate large portions I ate because I was happy, I ate because I was sad, I ate for whatever occasion I…