You can always incorporate some watery meals in your diet, like soups and such. It's pretty much a myth that ONLY water counts for hydration levels. You can also drink things like tea (depends on your caffeine intake levels), or add some flavoring to the water (like a bit of lemon juice, for example). That way you can…
It really depends of what your goal is, but for general 'toned look' you will want to make sure you're exercising all your muscle groups. I personally think that getting a session with a personal trainer is well worth the money (over here it's not expensive either). You can get a personal plan and someone to make sure…
To be honest, the best way you can go about it (I think) is just to keep logging. You might overeat some days, but just keep doing it. If you stop, it's going to be much easier to fall back into bad eating habits. But I personally find that the act of logging itself (especially if I pre-log my food) stops me from…
It's not really a plateau if it has only been a week, but did your doc recommend having such a low calorie diet? It's not good for everyone. Eating late doesn't prevent weight loss either, but it might cause sleep problems, which in turn may lead to slower loss than you expect.
Sleeping atm around 10h, but you might not wanna do that ^.^ Sleep is defo important and while there's variation in how much an individual needs, the general advice is usually for 8 hours. Workout: 3 times a week, 2 of which are gym (strength with warm up and cooldown cardio), and a session of yoga (core strength focus,…
It won't hurt to try unless there are medical concerns you might have, but I prefer 14h (what I've been doing).
I have to say when I weighted 40 pounds more the cellulite was very noticeable and I felt awful about it. Right now I can't see any at all and it had nothing to do with the weight loss, I started seeing the difference when I was getting right amounts of water. I guess it does depends on the stage of you cellulite, so I…
This happens when I was eating carbs. Porridge for breakfast -> hungry in two hours. More protein and fat -> not hungry until dinner. Might be something you could try.
You can't really target specific areas of fat, so it won't make any difference. For me, my belly fat is pretty much the last one to go (lower part as well). It will go away if you're losing fat with time though. For different people the 'problematic' areas are different, but belly is the most stubborn one for quite a lot.
I included cheat Sundays when I eat (mostly drink, actually) about 600-1000 more calories than during the rest of the days, without lowering the weekday allowance. And to my surprise, I've actually started losing more weight than when I was trying to stick to the same amount through the week.
Definitely wait a little more before trying to do anything drastic, and stay well hydrated. If that doesn't work, consider doing some different exercise or change your diet to something you're not usually used to. When I get 'plateaus' I switch to maintenance calories for a week and then back, helped a lot.
Can't say my embarrassing moments were ever very funny. Signed up for a fitness class, making damn sure it was for absolute beginners. Couldn't keep up even with a warm-up at that point. Think embarrassment was the only reason I stayed for the whole thing. Didn't go to that class again (about 2 years ago). But the worst…
Thanks guys! Listen to some advice and decided to just do light workout during my daily 1.5 hour walk with the dog. Just a few squats and lunges, nothing intense. Have to say I was feeling pretty bad on the way back, but now I actually feel hungry enough to eat, which rarely happens during my toms.
Personally when I started losing weight I just had no idea how it works and got confused by all the extreme diets you're talking about. Also it was very hard for me to shake off that deep ingrained idea that dieting and losing weight IS, in fact, that extreme. Like not eating anything nice really. It was quite a shocker to…
There's so much truth in this! I'm ashamed to admit I'm still addicted to weighting myself, but at least now I don't see it as discouragement of any kind. But if you can still log your food and NOT weight yourself all the time, that's just totally great!
Can help, as long as it doesn't push you the wrong way. Downsides would be you trying to lose too fast (not healthy), not getting enough protein because of that (and thus weight loss will also be muscle loss). Also a possibility that if you don't meet the time limit goal, you can get discouraged. Personally, I think time…
There's nothing wron with either of the approaches. Give yourself a break (but don't overeat), recharge and then go back to losing weight. I did that everytime I stopped losing weight for whatever reasons, and it worked like a charm. When I went to eating less again, weight dropped like it ain't no thing. Worst thing that…
Oil in general should be logged but you might also keep in mind that not all of it will make into the final meal. Same for marinade. You can totally skip spices (not dressings), unless you want to keep it as a recipe reference, of course.
Sodium is measured in milligrams. If you eat that many grams you'll... I don't know if you'll die, but it's definitely not gonna be good.
Do NOT cut out the protein. You need it to repair your muscles and to keep yourself from losing muscle mass. If you're doing long cardio, you will need some carbs as well. Keep hydrated, and see how much salt you're eating. Don't cut out good fats either, you kinda need to eat fats to lose fats. If you're exercising, but…
In terms of weight loss it doesn't matter. I wasn't eating breakfasts (or lunches) at all until last few weeks. Now I just have a smoothie (500ml, fresh fruit/veg, anywhere from 200 to 300 cals) for breakfast. Well, considering I wake up pretty late, I guess that's lunch. Either way, eat whichever way is more comfortable…
If you want the most accurate measurement, use a scale to measure how much fat you've drained. Also, you might not want to drain too much, you still need fats for your body to function!
Callipers are cheap and accurate enough, but they do seem to underestimate the amount of fat you actually have (personal experience). Measurements and scales usually end up way off. The electrical method is usually way off as well as the amount of water currently in the body will make it shift. The most accurate way is…
I'd say it's partly your overreaction, partly her insensitivity, and partly lack of communication. One possible scenario could be that she was just worried about you and wanted to make sure you're not damaging yourself by going on diet pills or doing other horrible things. But even if that was the thought, maybe she just…
Trust me, you're not the only one. I've had anxiety since high school as well (around 15-16 as well). I still got out when I really had to (like buy food :( ), but yeah, sitting at the pc all day, surfing or playing games was most I did. No idea how I ever managed to complete my uni degree. My first time at the gym was…
If you restrict yourself too much, you will cheat. Make sure you're getting enough fats and protein, it helps control my cravings.
Don't be depressed by it. You're only human so it's bound to happen. Just because you had one bad day doesn't mean you failed all of your diet. I do have days like that too. You might be surprised, but it might actually work out in your favour. As your body gets used to what amount of food you're feeding it, it becomes…
Oh yeah, I guess it makes sense. I don't really mix things outside of the food processor, so it didn't even occur to me :D
Second that. I tried the small meals thing, it was TERRIBLE. So hungry and miserable all the time. Eat whichever way you find comfortable and watch your intake, and you'll be fine. If you LIKE eating small meals, then sure, why not. If you hate it, don't do it.
Lost weight without exercising as well, but I'm pre-e-e-etty sure you're much better off with exercise :) As for temptations, have you tried packing lunch with you so you don't need to tempt yourself with other stuff? Does your work allow you to access your diary to log after (even better-before) your meals?