Suggestions on Sleep and Workouts

I am looking for losing weight (close to 20kgs) and need some advice on sleep and workouts:

I wanted to just check these 2 things:

1. How many hours do you sleep every night?
2. How many days a week do you workout?

I will answer this first -

1. I sleep minimum 7 hrs every night. There are nights if I sleep late and my alarm is less than 7 hrs, I generally tend to skip my gym and sleep for 9 hrs but wake up tired, sleepy n gloomy :( This may be more of mental thing.

2. I try to workout 5 days a week. This includes 5 days (these days only 4 days :( ) workout at gym and 1-2 sessions at home or cardio sessions in the evening.

Just wanted to know what routine others follow?

Thank you :)


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I struggle with insomnia and rarely do I get more than 6 hours in a night and never 6 in a row it's always broken into 2-3 chunks of sleep that add up to 5-6 hours in total.

    I run every other day and walk a couple of miles most days too. Often take Mondays off, as that's Trash Day in my neighborhood and I don't enjoy walking or running down streets lined with smelly trash cans.

    that's the routine I follow.
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Sleeping atm around 10h, but you might not wanna do that ^.^ Sleep is defo important and while there's variation in how much an individual needs, the general advice is usually for 8 hours.

    Workout: 3 times a week, 2 of which are gym (strength with warm up and cooldown cardio), and a session of yoga (core strength focus, not the stretch only kind). I don't like exercising everyday, but if you're doing cardio you might be able to pull it off. I personally loathe cardio with every cell. :D
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Thank you :) Bumping for more replies :)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I sleep an average of 6-8 hours a night and workout between 5-6 days a week.
  • paymentm
    paymentm Posts: 105 Member
    I sleep 7-8 hours a night and go for daily 40 min morning jogs (except for Saturdays). I also walk to work (50mins Mon-Fri), and to grocery store/friends houses/restaurants. Unless its more than an hour, I walk basically everywhere.