

  • I love Nike tops (try to get them at the outlet) but the pants never fit me quite right. For pants, I love the FILA capris from Kohls, they are pretty cheap and they stay up on my gut. I can't deal with pants that roll down my tummy.
  • I think as long as you go slow and work up to it, you will be okay. I have always been about 40 lbs overweight and I've been running for 2 years now. I haven't actually lost any (wtf?!?) but I suspect that has more to do with my thyroid issues than anything. My only "injuries" have been an obnoxious plantar fasciitis that…
  • I am only 5'3" with short, squatty legs and I can assure you that anything over 5.2mph or so is running for me, and god help me when I get up to 6mph+ because it's all I can do to not go flying off the treadmill.
  • I get it on my chest certain times of the year and I just use regular rubbing alchohol on a cotton ball right after I shower and before I go to bed.
  • Do I know you? ;0
    in Hi! Comment by melandcurt June 2011
  • I like the road much better, but I'm a lot slower and I feel it more the next day. But with it being a BAZILLION degrees outside right now, the treadmill will have to do unless we have a night where it cools down considerably.
  • I eat them every weekday at work. I buy the frozen kind from Trader Joe's and mix it with a teeny amounts of butter, walnuts and frozen berries. It's awesome. I've been eating it for months and I never get sick of it. It also lowered my cholesterol about 30 points, but probably not good for people watching carbs!
  • My dentist calls it "geographic tongue" and I've always had it. Definitely a citric acid thing. Ketchup does it to me too.
  • Going to get a refill on my water right now! Great post!
  • How much does your husband weigh? I think you should lose just about that much.
  • My favorite breakfast is either two egg whites and an english muffin with butter, or the Trader Joe's frozen steel cut oats mixed with frozen raspberries/blackberry/blueberries, brown sugar, and walnuts. Both end up being just under 300 calories for me.
  • Go to a running store and have them fit you, they are all very different and it depends on what type of support you need based on whether you overpronate/supinate, etc. Asics don't fit me, I have wide feet but narrow heels and I am a major overpronator so I need very supportive shoes like Nike Structure Triax or Brooks…
  • I have the same exact problem here, I do think I'm toning and maybe that's what's causing the gain but I have been running consistently 3-4x a week since January, been on here for over 40 days with almost no days of going over the calories (most of the time, pretty far under because of exercise) and I'm actually heavier…
  • I'm having the same issue, but obviously I have a lot more to lose than you. I would think in your case it would be just because you exercise so much that you are building muscle and I don't think I would let the numbers bother me at all. You are smokin', lady!
  • Well, the elliptical always tells me that I burn more calories than the treadmill, but I don't really believe it. I barely break a sweat on an elliptical (plus my feet go kind of numb after about 20 minutes). When I run on the treadmill, I am sweating bullets and I KNOW that I've worked hard, kwim? On the elliptical, it…
  • I am very fortunate that my new office building has a free gym, so I take a late lunch and run on the treadmills in the afternoon about 3x a week. A couple of nights I'll do a video at home, but it's usually not until 9:30 or so, so I am whipped! I walk with a neighbor on Saturdays or will run by myself while my husband…