jessiruthica Member


  • I'm running Chicago in October. Not looking forward to all those miles in the Houston summer weather!
  • Just a quick anecdote on measuring using cups vs weight. I make some relatively healthy protein pancakes that include oatmeal instead of flour. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup or 40 grams of oatmeal. I was using 2 x 1/4 cup because that's the measuring cup I had available, probably with a little heap on the top of each for…
  • I agree with all of this. I identify as a runner, even though in my running group I'm the slowest one by quite a lot. The whole "both feet off the ground" thing is right. Personally I don't like the word "jogging". It feels a little pejorative to me. Like if it's only a hobby, you're a jogger, but if you're serious about…
  • Definitely me! My theory is if I feel like I need to hide it from my husband, I probably shouldn't be doing it. That doesn't seem to be accountability enough, though. Good on you for allowing your husband to hold you accountable!
  • We just had a pool put in. I used to float LIKE A BOSS. Now after a 70+ pound loss, I sink like a rock. Can't float at all. That was really unexpected! How is that I could float when I was heavier and can't now that I'm lighter? That seems to defy physics :)
  • Go, Sister, Go! You've done the training, the long miles. Your body knows what it needs to do. It is unfortunate that you've been sick, so maybe set your finish time expectations a little lower than original. What's the time limit on the course? What's your expected pace? As long as you've got wiggle room between those two…
  • When I started C25K, I honestly couldn't run the full first minute. I don't remember my chest hurting necessarily but I did think I was going to die :smile:. The run-slower advice is always good, and it can be difficult to imagine running more slowly than you already are! My advice, after clearing with a doctor, is just to…
  • I don't have a specific workout, and I've just re-started swimming laps after a 25 year break :) The first week, I would swim one length crawl, one length backstroke 2 times each. Then die. Then do that again for 30 minutes. The second week, I could swim 3 lengths crawl then one length backstroke. Then die. Repeat for 30…
  • I'm only about 6 months in to maintenance. It's starting to feel more normal to be this size, but I still feel like I need to justify myself to people who didn't know me at my starting weight. "Oh, well I just lost 70ish pounds", like they care :) I've begun to think of myself as a reformed fat person or a fat person in…
  • I need some scale to decide if 410 cal is worth it. It looks big, and my mouth is watering, so please let that photo be of a HUGE plate :)
  • Frankly, I'm always more concerned about needing to poo. I could confidently pee in the wooded areas around my running path, but not so much on the poo. My running group calls it a PRP - pre-run poop. A necessity and something I plan my runs around.
  • I started a C25K program back in August 2014 at about 230lbs and 44 years old having never run farther than a 9th grade gym teacher made me run. The first 60 seconds were seemingly impossible. I don't remember feeling sore necessarily but realized how far I had to go if I was going to keep this running thing up. The best…
  • I started C25K in August 2014 weighing 230lbs and having never run AT ALL before then. I was 44 at the time. For extra benefit, I also had my ACL replaced in 2008 at which time the ortho told me I had some arthritis in my knee. Now, a year and half later, I'm down to 160 and finished my first half marathon at the beginning…
  • I've been making these chocolate mini muffins with black beans and avocado (plus, of course, cacao, etc). You really cannot tell it's made with avocado instead of oil. I'm a fan!
  • I'm in pseudo maintenance right now, in that I've got MFP set to lightly active and to lose .5 pounds per week, but I'm not being very strict in my logging. I log intentional exercise but not daily regular activities like walking to and from work to the bus stop. I'm averaging 1800-1900 calories per day at the minute,…
  • I think if I were bulk prepping, I'd probably make a recipe for ALL the ingredients with their total weights (including raw meat, etc) then set the recipe to be 4 or 5 (or whatever is appropriate) servings. Each day may not be quite the same because of the way things are cut or divided, but it will average out over the…
  • I find myself telling them that I recently lost weight, like they care :) I do wonder what the statute of limitations is on "recently". I reached my current weight last fall. If in 5 years I'm still saying that I recently lost weight, that might not be quite right! But I imagine it will still feel recent to me!
  • I've just switched to black coffee from heavily creamed coffee so I can keep drinking it. It has saved me about 150 calories per day, which really adds up!
  • I like you very much.
  • When I started about a year and a half ago, weighing in at 235, I bought a FitBit and synced it with MFP. I set MFP activity level to sedentary and let FitBit calculate "extra" calories over the MFP setting. I logged specific exercise that the FitBit didn't record but let it manage anything step-related (walking, running,…
  • Your consistency and determination are outstanding! Many people don't get past the first two weeks and you've gone for two YEARS! Thanks for the motivation!
  • According to my running watch, I broke two new records yesterday! Fastest 10K and farthest run! I'm training for a half marathon in March, so now every long run will beat the farthest run record. I cannot believe that just over a year ago, when I started the C25K, that I couldn't run 60 seconds and yesterday I ran for an…
  • Resurrecting this thread in case anyone is interested :smile: As the OP, I'm now down 75 pounds. I can happily report that I have in fact lost some fat around my calves to the point that I can zip up most "regular" boots, even over jeans! My calves are still big compared to my ankles, as they will always be, but I'll just…
  • Our company Christmas party is coming up. In the past (when I was 230lbs and wearing a US18/20), I had to wear mumsy dresses because that's all that would fit and cover up the parts I didn't want people to see (pretty much everything). Yesterday I went shopping for a dress for the event. First of all, there were TONS of…
  • I'm interested! Will probably join the Elves. TBH, the last challenge I joined was WAY too much commitment. Hoping this one is a bit more flex :)
  • I ran hills with my running coach this morning. Thought it was going to be a NIGHTMARE of death and destruction but it actually went really well. There were times I even wanted to go faster. Yay!
  • Everything started on the same day: signed up for MFP, started counting calories, and started the C25K. I didn't know all the benefits of exercise at that point, but I knew it meant I could eat more and still lose (because I could maintain a deficit at a higher calorie count), and that worked for me. Now I exercise more…
  • I'm at 159 and actually pretty happy. There are still wobbly bits, and my original goal was closer to 150, but I'm taking a break for maintenance because it's taken me just over a year to get this far. I may pick up in the new year for a push to get rid of those last 10 pounds. I'm over the moon to have come from a size…
  • I'm training for my first half marathon in March after starting a run/walk program in August 2014. Before that I didn't run ANYWHERE! Now my brain is trying to trick me into signing up for a full marathon. Looking forward to hearing your results!
  • Here's a recipe I found on Pinterest (of course) and it's really good: 1/2 Old Fashioned oats 2 Eggs 4oz Cottage Cheese teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips Blend everything except the chocolate chips (I use a Magic Bullet). Add the chocolate chips (or whatever else you want to add in) and cook like…