mlrtri Member


  • I am 45 and was told I was I pre-diabetic earlier this year. I am down 39.5 lbs and my dr visit last week showed all of my labs not only improved but were firmly in the desired levels. I am so excited and proud. You can turn things around. I focused on losing weight, eating to improve my metabolic health and moving more.…
    in New here Comment by mlrtri December 2023
  • Today is the first time the scale dipped below 160. My mini goal is to be solidly out of the 160s by the new year. That gives me a bit of grace during the holiday season but still making progress.
  • How much my confidence would grow. I never felt like I lacked confidence. But now that I have more I understand some of my past behaviors better. I am not proud. But if I was placed in a new social situation I would scan the room and reassure myself that I wasn’t the biggest person there. And if I was then that definitely…
  • After losing some weight I could feel my jaw when I propped my head in my hand. I thought that was awesome. I noticed today that I can SEE my jawline. Actually see it. Amazing!!!!!
  • I didn’t realize how bad I felt before losing some weight. I had no idea my thin friends felt so much better than I did. I didn’t realize that I would get cold so much easier. I am down from obese but still technically overweight. And I am cold. It is going to be a long winter. I didn’t realize how different my body would…
  • I need to weigh myself every morning and log it. It keeps my goal of losing weight (and eventually of maintaining) in the front of my mind. I lost about 25 lbs more than a year ago. Then I quit weighing myself. Then I slipped back into habits that caused me to gain weight. I no longer get discouraged by small bumps up on…
  • Thank you for your comments. I would love for a moment to see myself through someone else’s eyes because I can’t trust mine. Lol.
  • I have a Garmin as well. I select it and it says it is syncing but never actually connects. Would love some help with Garmin, too.
  • So, because of the above incident I went to buy myself a few tops. I started to pull an XL as usual off the rack but stopped myself. I grabbed the Larges and dreaded trying them on. I was certain they would be tight and I would be coming back for the XL. Guess what?!?! The large fit and I think (I am not real certain of my…
  • You will get a lot of different opinions on this. My opinion on this has changed over the years. I was having some metabolic health issues and knew for me weight loss needed to be more than just reduced calories. I needed to improve my metabolic health. I found Dr Lustig’s books and he says we need to protect our liver and…
  • Great job!!!
    in Progress Comment by mlrtri August 2023
  • I received multiple compliments on my eyes last week. I have the same eyes I have always had. The difference is I have lost fat in my face so you can see them better now. I think this means people are starting to see a difference 😀👀👍🏻
  • I rarely ate lunch before, either. I just didn’t have time at work. So then when I got home I was so hungry things got out of hand. I still don’t have time for a lunch break at work. So I do kind of like a charcuterie box I guess. Today I put in cucumber spears and sliced beets (veggies/fiber), olives and nuts (fat), hard…
  • My parents just hit their 50th wedding anniversary. Our gift to them is an entire family photo shoot with all my siblings and our families. We are going to do it this fall. I don’t have a set goal size by then but I want to look better than I do now and feel confident going into the session. And to be pleased with the…
  • That is what I am finding. You guys are better at wording it than I am. I didn’t realize I was in a negative cycle before. I am really enjoying this more positive cycle. It has improved so many areas of my life. And I have not even met my goal yet.
  • Well said. It is VERY fulfilling to take control (finally) of something that caused such negativity in my life. Thank you for your response. Before, I didn’t realize how the negativity creeped into other areas of my life. I know it is possible to be heavier and still take care of yourself. That wasn’t me. This is my…
  • Way to go!!!!!!!
    in NSV Comment by mlrtri July 2023
  • I love this. I have a long way to go but I am going to remind myself of this again and again. Thank you! And congrats on your accomplishments.
  • Just being aware of what you are consuming is a great start. The future you will be so glad you started and struggled through the frustration. Someone mentioned above to give yourself grace. Remember to do that. We all have off days. We have more going on in our life than just working on losing weight. But by tracking…
  • I put on one of my XL shirts this morning and was pleased with how it fit. It wasn’t tight. I had my picture taken with family this afternoon and I was shocked. The shirt (which I thought looked/fit good) looked like a tent on me. Wow. The picture was horrible but the realization that I had lost that much was great 😀 And…
  • What made me decide to start this time? Seeing pictures of myself and being horrified. I knew I had some weight to lose but surely I wasn’t THAT big, right? It must be the angle 😟. What was helpful when I started? Committing to logging food - the good, the bad, and the ugly - so my data is real. Then using this data to…
  • It is very overwhelming to think about the length of time it will take to get to your goal weight. However, you do start to look and feel better long before you get to the ultimate goal. I am not at my goal but my appearance has improved and I have so much more energy. I try to focus on just improving every month. And…
  • I gave up Diet Coke as well. I know many people still drink it or other Diet drinks and lose weight. I decided to stop and I am happy I did. And now that I look back I think it (Diet Coke) made me more hungry. It could be in my head and I am not saying this is a truth for everyone. But it is my truth. It could also be…
  • Jumping into the deep end and expecting to change your eating and lifestyle overnight is very difficult. That was why I failed SO MANY times. My advice, and what I found the most success with, is to start just by logging your food every day. Get to the point that it is routine then learn from the data. This helped me learn…
  • I agree with the above recommendations of saving calories for an evening snack. Another perk is that it helps me remember not to overindulge at dinner because I like to leave a few calories for a snack. I have to check myself. Am I really hungry for more? Is it worth giving up my evening snack? Usually it is not and I…
    in Snacking Comment by mlrtri July 2023
  • Thanks for sharing. I have been working on greatly reducing added sugar. I have found that in the past if I totally eliminate a food from my diet I always crash and burn. Seems like if I slip up then I just totally give up. Doesn’t make sense but that’s how it works for me. I have found that the less (added) sugar I eat…
  • I am 5 ft 3. Heaviest: 198 June start weight: 187 July start weight: 184.0 Aug start weight: 181.6 UGW: 130/135 Move from Obese to Overweight: 169 ✔️ Move from Overweight to Healthy weight: 140 Sept 1: 171.0 Sept 2: 171.6 Sept 3: 170.0 Sept 4: 169.6 (Made it to Overweight 😀) Sept 5: 169.2 Sept 6: 169.6 Sept 7: 167.8 Sept…
  • I am 5 ft 3. Heaviest: 198 June start weight: 187 July start weight: 184.0 Aug start weight: 181.6 UGW: 130/135 Move from Obese to Overweight: 169 ✔️ Move from Overweight to Healthy weight: 140 Sept 1: 171.0 Sept 2: 171.6 Sept 3: 170.0 Sept 4: 169.6 (Made it to Overweight 😀) Sept 5: 169.2 Sept 6: 169.6 Sept 7: 167.8 Sept…
  • I am 5 ft 3. Heaviest: 198 June start weight: 187 July start weight: 184.0 Aug start weight: 181.6 UGW: 130/135 Move from Obese to Overweight: 169 ✔️ Move from Overweight to Healthy weight: 140 Sept 1: 171.0 Sept 2: 171.6 Sept 3: 170.0 Sept 4: 169.6 (Made it to Overweight 😀) Sept 5: 169.2 Sept 6: 169.6 Sept 7: 167.8 Sept…
  • I am 5 ft 3. Heaviest: 198 June start weight: 187 July start weight: 184.0 Aug start weight: 181.6 UGW: 130/135 Move from Obese to Overweight: 169 ✔️ Move from Overweight to Healthy weight: 140 Sept 1: 171.0 Sept 2: 171.6 Sept 3: 170.0 Sept 4: 169.6 (Made it to Overweight 😀) Sept 5: 169.2 Sept 6: 169.6 Sept 7: 167.8 Sept…