momma2azoo Member


  • I have 5 kiddos and I've nursed all of them into their toddler years (youngest will be 3 in Oct and is still nursing). First, congrats in nursing! It's an awesome thing to do for your baby. After reading what I'm about to write PLEASE don't consider early weaning. Keep nursing. There are many future years to get to your…
  • Couch to 5k is great. It is much easier if you have a good walking base and you are also much less likely to hurt yourself. If you can't already, work your way up to being able to easily walk a 5k. Then start the C25k program. Running is intense. Your cardio will adapt easily but bones, tendons, ligaments and muscle are…
  • Tip- weight loss is highly individual. There are no absolutes and tips shouldn't be offered as such. If you're stuck, you might want to evaluate your tips. -- Personally, I believe in moderation and flexibility. I have low cal days so I can have high cal days. I don't have any forbidden foods. I had a huge cheeseburger,…
  • I just started reading the book. I haven't gotten to the actual workout yet. I'm hoping I'll like it. I'm not really 100% behind his nutritional advice or diet plan so far. He pushes protein powder waaaaay too much.
  • It's pretty standard practice to go up 1/2 to 1 full shoes size in running shoes. It gives your foot room to expand as it swells when running. If you haven't had this suggested to you, you've been buying shoes at the wrong place. As has been mentioned, some shoes have a bigger toe box. Even that may not be enough though if…
  • Why are you trying to loose weight at 5'5" and 130 lbs? You are already at a good weight. It is more likely you need to exercise and increase fitness and muscle. To do either you're going to need to eat. It doesn't sound like you've been cutting calories for long. You can function at an unhealthy deficit for a while but…
  • No, it is not accurate. The chest strap HRMs are the most accurate we have as home users and even they have their limits and margins of error. The wrist/ finger cheapy HRMs are renounced for being very inaccurate. I would return yours and go with online calorie burned averages from calculator sites. Remember, all calorie…
  • No. I don't. Are you trying to loose weight? Have you always cleaned house? If so, cleaning house isn't enough exercise to have helped with your weight. It's a daily activity. It is active, but it is not exercise. You can count what ever you want, but if your goal is to get in shape and loose weight then you need to count…
  • Thanks for the heads up! I missed this part of the update. Just went and changes my stride length. Woohoo!!! Gotta give Garmin props for fixing issues.
  • I've had my Vivofit for a few months now. It has its limitations, but those are mostly user oriented. In my case, I've come to realize I am way to active in too many activities for a mere pedometer. I need something with more capabilities. That's not the Vivo's fault though. When I first got mine the HRM was DOA. I called…
  • Why cut back? Why not just balance the exercise with food intake? I doubt the OP is pushing too hard. I doubt most folks here are trying to go from weekend bike rides to 120+ mile training weeks. There's a lot of middle ground. I have goals I'm waiting to train towards until I'm in maintenance. It is very, very important…
  • I'm another that does not do well with lots of little meals. I'd rather have a few good sized balanced meals and a couple snacks. Eating odd little half meals all day would drive me nuts. I like to feel comfortably full after a meal. An example, my go to breakfast (and this is after running or cycling, I workout 6 days a…
  • Yep, if it has calories I log it. I don't watch the sugar macro. If I eat too much junk food with sugar it blows my calories for the day too easily, so I don't do it. If I eat a bunch of healthy fruits and my calories are where they should be then I don't think the sugar count matters. Fruits have fiber and beneficial…
  • Nope, you are ancient and over the hill and completely beyond hope!! :) Me, I'm only 37. You should see the awesome muscle I'm building from biking up hills on hard pack gravel roads and running. I'm just a wee spring chicken muscle building machine!! Seriously though, you can build muscle till the day you die. As you age…
  • Nope. Mine is due to start in a couple days and I'm down a little over 1.5 lbs on this weeks weigh in. Diet has a much bigger impact on my weight that my hormones. Not diet as in healthy diet for overall weight loss, but diet as in avoiding all the munchies I get when the hormone cravings kick in. If I indulge in the salty…
  • So many beautiful Momma's in this thread! I've had 5 kiddos, my smallest was 9lbs 13oz and my biggest was 11lbs 6oz. I've had one c/s (and not even for the heaviest baby!). My most recent kiddo is 2 1/2 (VBAC). My kids are all 3+ years apart. What has always killed me is that my body fights weight loss when I'm nursing,…
  • If you are at or above a C cup, I would ditch the compression bra and switch to an encapsulation bra. You will be much more comfortable and get much better support. I have tried Enell, Glamorize and Panache. I found Panache bras fit me oddly, even with a pro fitting the support wasn't what it should be. Glamorize makes…
  • Vivofit's do not link to MFP. Go look up DC Rainmakers Vivo review if you didn't before buying one. He has the best product review out there. I don't know if Garmin will get around to making their software talk to MFP. Lots of debate about it, but most of what I've read seems to indicate that Garmin isn't real motivated to…
  • Hasn't been an issue for me either and I have hundreds of miles on my BOB. I live in a small down with old, uneven roads. I'd never be able to run if I were forced to constantly lift and wrestle a fixed front wheel stroller to maneuver the roads. My runs are a serpentine back and forth to the more level spots on the road…
  • The calories displayed is based on a 24 hour burn and represents your TDEE, BMR + calories burned from your steps. I'm looking forward to using my Vivo with a HRM. The one I received when I placed my order was DOA right out of the box. Grrr. Hoping Garmin quality isn't that shoddy overall and I just got the rare dud.
  • In the first trimester ab exercises on your back should be fine. After the first trimester you will need to avoid exercises that place you on your back. On your back, the weight of the growing uterus will put pressure on major blood vessels and reduce blood flow to you and your baby. There's no reason during a healthy…
  • Ahhh, but both people will burn the same calories (respectively) for the mile regardless of whether they walk or run. My brain likes to point out the unfairness of that during the first mile of my runs when my muscles are warming up and protesting the abuse.
  • [/quote] "A fitter person can burn the same as an overweight person in the same amount of time - it's about the amount of effort and getting the heartrate up - A heavier person even though they may only be walking 3 mph might burn the same as a fitter person say running 5.5 mph for the same amount of time - it's about the…
  • Foam roller! Or in the case of feet, try a firm rubber ball. I've been running (getting back to it after a long lay off) for 6 weeks. At about 3 weeks in my feet were really sore and the peroneal tendons in my left leg were killing me ( 1 year old ankle fracture causing issues). I first got a ball and rolled my feet. No…
  • I did w6d3 today. This is the 2nd time I've done C25K. It's a great program. I was running 4+ miles a few days a week before an accident. I'm finally working my way back to that. Take your rest days. It's silly not to. When you pick up a new activity it takes time fore your muscles, bones and connective tissue to adjust.…
    in C25k Comment by momma2azoo March 2014
  • I don't walk or jog on a treadmill, so my numbers are just guesses based on how long it takes to finish a known distance route. I can easily walk at 3.5, 4 is a very brisk walk for me. Jogging is a toss up. I suspect I'm mostly jogging at 4.2 - 4.5 mph. I just started week 6 of C25K, so just starting back into running.…
  • Wow, did a quick read on Ménière's disease and it sounds pretty awful. Sorry you're having to deal with it, and sorry for the loss of your Mother. It appears that diet can worsen your symptoms. Have you found that to be true for you? I would think that if you've made major changes/restrictions to your diet it could have a…
  • What are you eating? Your stomach being 'too small' doesn't make sense. Stomachs stretch. They are not a static size. A great example is gastric bypass patients. Not only does their new stomach 'pouch' stretch over time, but if they don't watch their diets they can regain weight eating the wrong foods even with a new…
  • Running on roads is stupid if you have an alternative. I run on roads because I don't have an alternative (my town is tiny, established over 100 years ago then went bust in the 30s with not much further sidewalks). Prior to living in small town boonies I lived way, way out in the country. Part of my…
  • What do you mean 'cut off'? There is no cut off. The WHO recommends no solids before six months and breastfeeding for a minimum of a year. Solids before a year should be just for fun, not nutrition. Breastmilk is the most nutritionally perfect food for babies through a year and beyond. After a year, solids can be…