drmastermind Member


  • metal is the only thing to work out to. Can't imagine hittin a heavy bag on hammering up a hill on my bike listening to Pharrel. The Ozzy song Scream is great for motivation and Dragonfoce is wonderful for a running beat.
  • it gets easier the more you do and you came to the right place to start.
  • used to hate cardio but I found that hitting a heavy bag (boxing) burns just as many calories, jacks my heart rate up, uses quite a few muscles if you do it right (abs, arms, chest and legs) and is a lot more fun. I hate running with a passion but I did find that doing sprint training didn't bother me in the least,…
  • I found this which may help Will a heart rate monitor accurately estimate how many calories I burn during strength training? http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/ask_the_experts.asp?q=75 one other thing with the calorie calculations. On an HRM they are doing speed, distance and HR they don't take into account elevation…
  • while I'm defiantly not a a doctor here's how I understand it from what an old personal trainer told me 1) I have a polar rs300 that I use for tracking while running, a sigma that I use for cycling and a timex that I just upgraded from. They are all ECG accurate (I've checked while getting an ECG). My usual resting heart…
  • MFP is low for me as well. What it gives for a daily is well under what any other site has given me for a number. I used to go by the bodymedia numbers and the other sites and I did have success with them but I seem to be more consistent using the numbers given by MFP. I used to use lose-it and the bodymedia and both gave…
  • I would concur.. the word fat doesn't spring to mind looking at your profile picture. You look ravishing, I'd say stick with what you've been doing, it appears to be working quite well.
  • personally I see nothing wrong with any of the girls from 3 on but think the most physically attractive are the one's from 3-17. The one's who are the most appealing in those pictures would have to be 5,6,7,15 and 16 mainly because they look like they're enjoying themselves. IMO it's not so much the girls body that's…
  • make kimchi.. good for you and tastes great too.
  • The best one is whichever you'll do. For calorie burn the higher intensity the better, but if you don't enjoy it the it becomes a chore. It's much better to find something you enjoy and stick to it.
  • no.. 852 cal per day would be insane. At a certain point you should only be aiming for a pound per week weight loss, I think if your calories drop below 1200 or so it wouldn't be terribly good for you.
  • wow.. according to that calculator I'd need to eat roughly twice what I currently do. That number is a maintenance number, the calories you would have to eat to maintain your weight. I went from 320 down to 260's using a plan similar to that: take the maintenance number for my current weight and subtract 1000 from it to…
  • I personally use the Muscle Milk that Costco sells. From what I understand you want protein to help build more muscle and help your muscles repair so after a workout would probably be the best time (that's generally when I use mine) or as a replacement for snacks during the day. Protein does do a good job of keeping you…
  • I just change up what I do for a workout. During the colder months I do a lot of stair climbing, running and boxing but when it warms up I switch to cycling, kayaking and swimming. That way I don't get bored with a workout but I still get the exercise. As a bonus cycling and kayaking can be done with the kids to get them…
  • I wouldn't think that you wouldn't be able to ride. I would defiantly go to a bike shop and have them help you get a bike that's the right fit for you though. When I started riding I was in the 290ish range and I found that a lot of bikes were just downright uncomfortable.