fitkate80 Member


  • I"m so sorry for your loss... :( I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks at the end of June. This is around the time my baby should be born. We had seen a healthy baby/heartbeat at 8 week u/s and one just the day before my natural m/c. I've never had D&C, so I have no idea about recovery time. As soon as I stopped having symptoms,…
  • I feel your pain!! I have about 20-30 lbs to lose. But I really want a Baby now!!! (I had a miscarrai w/ 2nd preg. 4 mos ago). Even though it is so hard to wait, set a realistic goal for you and try your best! It'll help you to have a healthier pregnancy. I was on bed rest 4.5 wks from high bp. It sounds relaxing but it is…
  • Hahahaha!! Thanks to you both. I'm going to try again maybe do the lower impact version. Hopefully next time will go better headache wiser. :) now if only I had some rhythm :)
  • Yes, I doubt it was dehydration. I walk around with a water bottle all day. I drink at least 72 oz. during the day then drank another during the 1 hr workout. And another after. :-/ I have had a whiplash injury before though which caused headaches so I was thinking maybe it was that? 2 advil this morning cured it.
  • I consider a "binge" when I eat a series of things in a row ... and it continues past when I'm feeling "full." I had a bad binge the other day after some stress - ate 3/4 pint of froyo, unsalted pretzels, animal crackers, chips, salsa... and then felt guilty afterward. I agree with previous posters about having a more well…
  • I do this but I microwave them so they stay soft. Usually about 30 seconds on the defrost setting and then a short "reheat" setting if they aren't warm already.
  • I'm also an emotional eater. But, exercising it out helps too. Just think of how awesome you'll feel being in your best shape. That said - I still have the problem of exercising and then eating so I'm no help ;) I'm sorry to hear about your X. What a jerk, indeed!
  • 5' 5" - 169 sz. 12. I have big thighs and hips that keep me in larger sizes even though my waist could go smaller. So annoying!
  • I read an interesting article recently about Greek yogurt waste, this wasn't it but you get the idea:[url] And an interesting one on DIY. I haven't tried it yet, if anyone does let me know how it turns out!…
  • For those of you who don't have a period (for more than 90 days) you should call Dr. for an RX to induce one. It's not healthy for the lining of your uterus to build up that much. I never heard this until last year! And I've been DX for 15+ years.. crazy.
  • Hi ladies! I've been diagnosed with pcos for 15+ years. My biggest fear was not being able to have kids. There's hope... With clomid and progesterone we have a healthy child. I also had a (very surprising!) natural preg, which ended in miscarriage. I believe it was due to low progesterone and will be taking supplements…
  • yea, that's actually probably it. Good idea, thanks! I didn't even think about time of day and factors of what I ate etc For workouts I've been doing elliptical, ball core workouts, and EA sports active 2. I also walk but I don't consider that my primary workout. There's also been a little treadmill and bike thrown in but…
  • Thanks - you too! that's awesome :) It's so nice when old clothes fit again! I started losing inches before lbs.. which helped motivate me.
  • Yes, yum! Roasted with OO and seasonings. Try parsnips, with OO, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. I could really eat them every day ;)
  • Thank you :) Great questions for me to think about. Great job on your weight loss!
  • talking helps, so thanks! I guess I should deal in other ways too so I don't gain it back... not that I'm losing anything yet. If only there were more hours in the day!
  • Thanks everyone for your support. I have a few supportive family and friends, but most just avoid the topic b/c it is uncomfortable. It's not even that I want them to bring it up as much as check in and say "are you doing ok?" It's been a month and it seems like everyone "forgot" except me. I know that isn't literally…
  • Panic attacks are scary. I had a really bad one once on a crowded train and literally thought I was having a heart attack. I'm sure you've probably already read it but this page seems useful: I might recommend yoga for stress relief. If exercise, stress relief, and…
  • Sounds like fun! :) fitkate80 SW: 175 GW: 159
  • Sorry to hear about your losses. I had a miscarriage last month (also have PCOS but miraculously got pregnant on our own this time after TTC for almost a year). I want to lose about 30 lbs before another pregnancy. I had already gained about 10 lbs with the pregnancy, we lost the baby at 10 weeks. I'm sick of looking in…