Exercising away grief

I recently had a miscarriage. In previous grief situations I would eat and gain weight. I decided this time to use it for something positive - exercise and as soon as I physically could started exercising 5x/week. Anyone else done the same thing? I hope the motivation doesn't wear off as time passes. I'm hoping for some decent results soon so it helps motivate me.

Last month I burned over 5,000 cals. Up from being a virtual couch potato - okay not really, but I'm a busy, working mom so my workouts consisted of stroller walks a few times a week and the very occasional elliptical. I've added in elliptical, core workouts, and strength training. Scale hasn't moved much yet, but stuff fits better. I really want this baby weight to go away, it makes me sad to see!


  • itsscottwilder
    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine...

    2. I hope fitness isn't your only outlet to cope. Do you have a strong family/friend support system?

    3. Is counseling an option?

    Best wishes for your weight loss journey.
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, it must be terrible for you. I'm proud of you for trying to do something positive in the middle of that heartache.

    You are doing great, but remember to be kind to yourself as well, schedule some pampering/meditation/relaxing time, (whatever works for you) in amongst all that exercise. Hopefully you are getting some counselling and/or have supportive friends and family to talk things over.

  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I had been very inactive after I was married. I just didn't care for any type of exercise. Then there was that moment when the world fell apart. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks, I wasn't really trying (I just wasn't eating). I realize that isn't the proper way to lose, but it did jumpstart me. I then started walking and lifting weights and watching what I ate and lost 30 more pounds over the next three months to get to goal.

    Exercise was SO important to me. I'm not sure if there are exercise endorphins, or if it would just clear my head or give me some time to NOT think about anything except moving my feet. It was nice to feel good about myself, to feel in control. That was eight years ago, and I am still utterly addicted to exercise. Unfortunately I never mastered the eating right and the weight has slowly crept back on ... so I'm here on MFP.

    I hope exercise can help you through, AND that you can get some results.
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. I have a few supportive family and friends, but most just avoid the topic b/c it is uncomfortable. It's not even that I want them to bring it up as much as check in and say "are you doing ok?" It's been a month and it seems like everyone "forgot" except me. I know that isn't literally true, but sometimes it feels that way.

    Right now, exercise is pretty much my only outlet. I work full-time and have a toddler so there's not much time leftover for me except after bedtime. It's almost like I'm in robot mode. I was struggling with weight loss long before the miscarriage. ScrapJen, I think the exercise endorphins do help. And like you said it gives me something I can control since I had no control over the situation. Great job keeping up your exercise. I hope I will too. I want to be a healthy and fit, and be a healthy role model for my child.

    Nessalee, the pampering is a great idea. I'll have to add that into my healing plan. Hello, yoga it's been a while! And I think a massage may be in my near future too. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to care! :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I did it too once over a really bad breakup. Got to my goal weight... but I wasn't really dealing with things, so I gained it back eventually.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine...

    Nor I. And I hate that nothing I can do will make it better for you. I like to help. :flowerforyou:
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine...

    Nor I. And I hate that nothing I can do will make it better for you. I like to help. :flowerforyou:

    talking helps, so thanks! I guess I should deal in other ways too so I don't gain it back... not that I'm losing anything yet. If only there were more hours in the day!
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine...

    2. I hope fitness isn't your only outlet to cope. Do you have a strong family/friend support system?

    3. Is counseling an option?

    Best wishes for your weight loss journey.

    Thank you :) Great questions for me to think about.

    Great job on your weight loss!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine...

    Nor I. And I hate that nothing I can do will make it better for you. I like to help. :flowerforyou:

    talking helps, so thanks! I guess I should deal in other ways too so I don't gain it back... not that I'm losing anything yet. If only there were more hours in the day!

    Even if you're bogged down in too much grief to focus on a workout routine, make sure you keep logging. At least you won't gain that way. I did find exercise helpful in not thinking so much about my problems, so hopefully you will also. :flowerforyou: